• 南京师范大学 泰州学院 外语系英语专业三年级 •
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Two groups of English romantic poets:
• 1. the older generation / passive romantic poets 老一代 / 消极浪漫主义诗人:
Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey 华兹华斯、柯勒律治和骚塞( the Lake Poets ―湖畔诗人‖) ;
• 2. the younger generation / active romantic poets 年轻一代 / 积极浪漫主义诗人:
Byron, Shelley and Keats 拜伦、雪莱和济慈.
• John Keats ( 1795—1821) 约翰·济慈: Life & Writing
(1) Life:
a. from a poor family;
b. Cockney伦敦东区(贫民)的 School;
c. as a surgeon‗s apprentice 跟一外科医生学徒 d. gave up medicine for literature 弃医从文 • e. friend with Hunt亨特 and Shelley雪莱;
f. attacked by the conservatives保守派; • g. died of consumption肺痨 in Italy.
(2) Works (on another page) (3) Characteristics of his poems
a. loves beauty;
b. seeks for refuge in an idealistic world of illusions and dreams理想主
• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Some of John Keats‘s Poems 济慈诗选
Bright star! would I were as steadfast as thou art 灿烂的星 Endymion 安狄米恩
The Eve of St. Agnes 圣亚尼节前夜 Hyperion 许佩里恩
La Belle Dame sans Merci 无情的美女
Lamia 莱米娅 Isabella 伊莎贝拉
Ode on Melancholy 忧郁颂
Ode on a Grecian Urn 希腊古瓮颂
10. Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂
11. To Autumn 秋颂 12. O Solitude 哦,孤独
13. When I have fears that I may cease to be 每当我害怕
14. On First Looking into Chapman‘s Homer 初读恰普曼译荷马有感 •
Keats – a singer of beauty 济慈—美的歌手 ( 惟美主义的先驱 )
Keats sings praise of / eulogizes 赞美 beauty in everything:
1. beauty in nature: On the Grasshopper and Cricket, To Autumn, etc. 2. beauty in art & literature: Ode on a Grecian Urn,
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer, etc.
3. human beauty: La Belle Dame sans Merci, Lamia, etc.
4. beauty in love: The Eve of St. Agnes, Isabella, etc.
• The Headstone of Keats‘s Tomb in Rome
Keats's short life was plagued with tragedy. His father died when he was eight and his mother died when he was fourteen. In 1818, his younger brother Tom also died. Then, just as he fell in love with Fanny Brawne, he developed the first signs of tuberculosis 肺结核. Shelley wrote a long elegy 挽诗for Keats entitled Adonais.
• 约 翰 · 济 慈 生 平 与 创 作
济慈创作的第一首诗是《仿斯宾塞》,接着又写了许多优秀的十四行诗,他的这些早期诗作收集在1817年出版的第一本《诗集》中。1818年,他根据古希腊神话写成的《安狄米恩》问世,全诗想象丰富,色彩绚丽,洋溢着对自由的渴望,表现了反古典主义的倾向。此后4年是济慈诗歌创作的鼎盛时期,他先后完成了《伊莎贝拉》、《圣亚尼节前夜》、《许佩里恩》等著名长诗,最脍炙人口的《夜莺颂》、《希腊古瓮颂》、《秋颂》等颂诗也是在这一时期内写成的。 济慈诗才横溢,与雪莱、拜伦齐名。他仅活到25岁就病故了,可是他遗下的诗篇一直誉满人间,被认为完美地体现了西方浪漫主义诗歌的特色,并被推崇为欧洲浪漫主义运动的杰出代表。
• Questions on Poem 1
1. What kind of sonnet is this poem, the Shakespearean /English or Petrarchan / Italian?
(See its rhyme scheme, please )
2. Which season季节 and which insect 昆虫are talked about in each of the two parts? 3. What is the theme of the poem?
4. Why of all creatures are the Grasshopper & the Cricket singled out 挑选出来?
• More Notes on the Grasshopper and Cricket
L.1: the poetry of earth: the music of nature L.2: faint: listless 没精打采的
L.4: hedge: 灌木树篱; about: around; new-mown: newly-cut
L.5: the Grasshopper's: the Grasshopper's voice L.7: when tired out with fun: 玩累了/耍够了 L.9: is ceasing never: is never ceasing L.10: the frost: the iciness 严寒
L.11: wrought: made; shrills: sings in a high pitch 尖声响起 L.12: in warmth increasing ever: in ever increasing warmth
L.13: 整行: And (the Cricket's song) seems, to one who is half-asleep
蝈 蝈 和 蛐 蛐(飞白译) 大地的诗啊永远不会死: 当骄阳炎炎使百鸟昏晕,. 躲进了树阴,却有个声音 在草地边、树丛间飘荡不止; 那是蝈蝈在领唱,在奢华的夏日 它的欢乐永远消耗不尽, 因为如果它唱得疲倦过分, 就在草寸下享受片刻的闲适。
大地的诗啊永远不会停: 在寂寞的冬夜里,当霜雪 织出一片静寂,炉边的蛐蛐 尖声吟唱,歌声随着温度上升, 使人在睡意朦胧中恍惚听得, 绿草如茵的山坡上蝈蝈的歌曲。
• Questions & Answers
1. What kind of sonnet is this poem, the Shakespearean or Petrarchan? (See its rhyme
scheme, please )
2. Which season and which insect are talked about in each of the two parts? Answer: the Octave part: summer & the Grasshopper ; the Sestet part: winter & the Cricket
3. What do you think is the theme of the poem?
The music (poetry) of Nature (earth) lasts forever.
4. Why of all creatures are the Grasshopper & the Cricket singled out to represent the poetry of earth?
They are most unimportant / insignificant /ordinary insects; summer & winter are not as beautiful and full of music as spring & autumn. If even they can reveal the beauty and music of Nature; then other creatures (e.g. the cuckoo bird, nightingale) & seasons--spring & autumn will demonstrate even more beauty & music. So nature is ever beautiful.