专利名称:Capacity Control For Refrigerant System
With Multiple Compressors
发明人:Steven James Holden,Erric Layne Heitmann申请号:US11908977申请日:20050603
摘要:A refrigerant system operates with tandem compressors (). A control () for therefrigerant system is operable to change the capacities of each of the compressorsdependent upon a load on the system. The control determines the percentage of
maximum load capacity currently being utilized by each of the compressors. Acompressor with the highest percentage is decreased in capacity should the controldetermine that excess capacity is being provided. Conversely, the control will increase thecapacity of a compressor having a lower percentage, if insufficient capacity is beingprovided to meet a load on the system.
申请人:Steven James Holden,Erric Layne Heitmann
地址:Manlius NY US,Liverpool NY US