

2021-02-11 来源:爱go旅游网

(北京香山, 10月12-17日)

会 议 日 程

会议将于2002年10月13-17日在香山饭店举行,October 13, Sunday

8:00-8:50 am Keynote Lecture Joseph Ecker (The Salk Institute):

Whole-genome functional analysis in Arabidopsis

9:00-12:30 Session I. Genomcis I Bin Han (National Center for Genomics, CAS):

Analysis of large-sized DNA molecules

Huanmin Yang (Hua-Da Genomics Center, CAS):


Genomic sequencing of rice subspecies indica

Shoshi Kikuchi (National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan):

Collection and functional annotation of the full-length cDNA of rice - recent progress on the rice full-length cDNA project in Japan

Qingxi Shen (University of Nevada):

Genome wide analysis of the rice WRKY gene superfamily in abscisic acid and gibberellin signaling.

Jing Cheng (Tsinghua University):

Microchip technology for life sciences

Yongbiao Xue (Institute of Genetics and Dev. Biology, CAS):

Is a protein degradation pathway involved in self-incompatible reaction in


13:30-14:20 Keynote Lecture:

Nina Fedoroff (The Pennsylvania State University):

Stress signaling and response in Arabidopsis

14:30-18:00 Session II. Pathogen/stress response I Xinnian Dong (Duke University):

Regulation of systemic acquired resistance.

Yi Li (Peking University):

Virus induced gene silencing and plant functional genomics

Jiayang Li (Institute of Genetics and Dev. Biology, CAS):

Molecular evidence that couples auxin IAA metabolism and stress response in Arabidopsis

Shouyi Chen (Institute of Genetics and Dev. Biology, CAS):

Ethylene receptors are involved in abiotic stress response

Zhen Zhu (Institute of Genetics and Dev. Biology, CAS):

Development of highly insect-resistant transgenic rice and their field test

Xue-Chen Wang (China Agricultural University):

Cloning and functional analysis of Arabidopsis genes encoding inositol 1,3,4 trisphosphate 5/6 kinase-proteins in response to stresses

20:00-22:00 Session III. Genomics and Gene Function Ji-Zeng Jia (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences):

Wheat genomics in China

Yuxian Zhu (Peking University):

Large-scale cloning of fiber-specific genes from a fuzzless-lintless cotton mutant

Weihua Wu (China Agricultural University):

Cloning and functional characterization of Arabidopsis genes involved in high-efficiency utilization of potassium and phosphorus

Zhen-Ming Pei (Duke University)

Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor in Arabidopsis

October 15, Tuesday

8:00-8:50 Keynote Lecture: Tony Cashmore (University of Pennsylvania):

The mode of action of Arabidopsis cryptochrome, a blue light photoreceptor

9:00-12:30 Session IV. Signaling Chentao Lin (UC Los Angeles):

Light regulation of plant development

Haiyang Wang (Boyce Tompson Institute, Cornell):

Light signaling mechanism: from photoreceptors to the COPs

Jianming Li (University of Michigan):

BRI1/BAK1, a receptor kinase pair mediating brassinosteroid signaling

Zhi-Yong Wang (Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford):

Downstream components of the Brassinosteroid signal transduction pathway

Hong-Wei Xue (Shanghai Institute Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS):

Studies on functional mechanisms of plant hormones

Jianru Zuo (Institute of Genetics and Dev. Biology, CAS):

The Arabidopsis AtIPT8/PGA22 gene encodes an isopentenyl transferase that is involved in de novo cytokinin biosynthesis

13:30-14:30 Session IV Signaling (continued) Zhenbiao Yang (UC Riverside):

Arabidopsis small G proteins

Chun-Min Liu (Plant Research International, Wageningen):

Small signal proteins in plant development

15:00-18:00 Session V. Vegetative and fiber development Hai Huang (Shanghai Institute Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS):

The role of the Arabidopsis AS1 and AS2 genes in the establishment of leaf polarity

Li-jia Qu (Peking University):

Analysis of an Arabidopsis albino mutant

Yuke He (Shanghai Institute Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS):

The BcpLH gene encoding a dsDNA-binding protein has function leaf shape and folding

Kang Chong (Institute of Botany, CAS):

Functional analysis of OsRAA1, a novel root architecture gene in rice

Xiaoya Chen (Shanghai Inst. Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS):

Molecular investigation of cotton fiber development and gossypol biosynthesis

Guixian Xia (Institute of Microbiology, CAS):

Cytoskeleton and cotton fiber development

20:00-22:00 Session VI. Stress response and signaling II Jiankang Zhu (University of Arizona):

Cell signaling under salt, drought and cold stress in Arabidopsis

Ray Bressan (Purdue University):

Insertion tagging mutagenesis in Arabidopsis: Osmotic and cold tolerance mutants

Jose M. Pardo (Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia, Spain)

Differential expression of Arabidopsis thaliana NHX Na+/H+ antiporters in the salt stress response

Qi Xie (National University of Singapore)

Control of auxin signal transduction by ubiquitination pathway and beyond

October 16, Wednesday

8:00-9:00 Session VII Agrobiotechnology Zhangliang Chen (Peking University and China Agricultural University)

Biosafety of Agrobiotechnology in China

Qi-Fa Zhang (Hua-Zhong Agricultural University)

Rice Biotechnology and breeding

9:00-12:30 Session VIII. Flowering and Flower development Yintang Lu (Wuhan University):

Regulation of flowering by a Ca++/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase via the GA pathway

Zhongchi Liu (University of Maryland):

A putative transcription co-repressor complex regulates floral organ identity

Xuemei Chen (Waksman Institute, Rutgers University):

Post-transcriptional regulation in flower development

Da Luo (Shanghai Inst. Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS):

Molecular mechanism controlling floral symmetry in Leguminosae

Lihuang Zhu (Institute of Genetics and Dev. Biology, CAS):

Genetic and molecular analyses of rice genes controlling flower development

Zhen Meng (Institute of Botany, CAS):

Molecular evolutionary studies of floral regulatory genes

13:30-17:30 Session IX. Reproduction Shunong Bai (Peking University):

Analysis of molecular mechanisms controlling sex differentiation in cucumber

Weicai Yang (Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, Singapore):

Cell polarity and cell fate during female gametophyte development

Hong Ma (The Pennsylvania State University):

Molecular analysis of Arabidopsis meiosis and male fertility

Yaoguang Liu (South China Agricultural University):

Isolation and functional study of the fertility restorer genes for CMS in rice

Tai Wang (Institute of Botany, CAS):

Molecular analysis of rice male reproductive development

Da-ye Sun (Hebei Normal University):

Plant polypeptide signaling and its role in developmental regulation

Aimin Zhang (Institute of Genetics and Dev. Biology, CAS):

Genetic analysis of a photoperiod and temperature sensitive male sterility gene

6:40 Remarks

Zhi-Hong Xu, President, Peking University; Vice President, CAS
