
Theoretical proof of equation E

Theoretical proof of equation E = mc2


The mass energy equation E=mc2, e represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the speed of light (constant, c = 300000 km / s). Proposed by Albert Einstein, it is a famous

formula in Einstein's theory of relativity. The formula reflects the equivalent relationship between the energy and the quantity of mass change before and after the combination or Split transformation of matter particles.

It is the basic theory of nuclear explosion and the cornerstone of atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb. Its energy is huge, it's an astronomical number. According to this theory, the Americans invented the atomic bomb, and carried out two explosions in Japan, which was powerful, causing numerous civilian casualties and heavy losses. These two nuclear explosions indirectly proved the correctness of its theory.

There is no doubt that Einstein's famous equation is one of the most brilliant scientific

discoveries, but it is also one of the most disturbing formulas. The force explained in the formula is mainly c2, which is the square of the speed of light (300000 kilometers per second). With this multiplier of 9000000000, you don't need much material (a tiny amount of plutonium) to generate energy to destroy a city. It can be seen how powerful a nuclear explosion is. This formula was put forward by Einstein in 1905. Einstein first proposed to test the mass energy relationship with radioactive materials.

Although Einstein's equation has been invented for more than 100 years, there is no good experimental physics method to prove its correctness. Because the energy produced by a nuclear explosion is difficult to measure completely. The nuclear explosion can only prove its correctness qualitatively.

Is there a simple way to prove the correctness of the equation? In this paper, I use

dimensional algorithm to prove the equation, and prove that the equation is correct. See the following: (Note: only dimensional operation is performed here, and no numerical operation is performed).


Verification: E = mc dimension is Joule (m here is mass)

Proof: the unit of known energy is Joule, and the unit of mass is kilogram (kg), Joule = Newton•meter (i.e. N•M, where M is meter)

According to Newton's second mechanics theorem (F = ma, where m is mass), the dimensions are:

Newton = kg•M /s (where M is the meter), substituting in, we can get:


Joule = kg•M /s•M = kg•M/s (M here is meter)

According to Einstein's mass energy formula, the dimensions are as follows:


E = mc (where m is mass)

= kg•(M/s) = kg•M/s (where M is meter)

=Joules (Note: dimensions are equal, no number is taken into account) The proof is complete.

It can be seen from the above proof that the dimension (i.e. unit) of energy (E) is Joule,


indicating that the result data obtained after the formula calculation of E = mc is the energy value. There is no doubt about that.





Now suppose E = mc (i.e. n power), when n ≠ 2 (i.e. not equal to 2), no matter what the dimension is, it can not be equal to Joule, which can also prove that the formula is correct from the opposite side. That is to say, only when n = 2 is the energy calculation formula, the others are


not. So E = mc is exactly right.

It is considered to extend Einstein's mass energy equation to general mass energy equation as follows:


E = kmc, where k is a scalar coefficient, and the dimensions of E are all joules. This is a general (generalized) mass energy equation proposed by myself.

And Einstein's mass energy formula is only a special case of k = 1, so will K be equal to other values? Theoretically, it is possible. Is there any? I also don't know, this must pass the test of

experimental physics to get the final result. I predict that there is such a constant in theory, which needs further research and discussion by professional physicists. I just put forward a theoretical prediction model.

I guess: k should be between 0 and 1. Because the speed of light is the fastest in the world, and there is no other speed that can exceed the speed of light, that is to say, the energy value calculated by Einstein's equation is the maximum value, and the energy cannot be negative at the same time, so the value of k is between 0 and 1.

Value range of energy: Emax = mc, Emin = 0.

Conclusion: in this paper, the dimension rule is used to prove the formula theoretically, which has certain scientific significance and theoretical value. If the dimension is correct, the equation is correct, which is the basic requirement of the formula. If the dimension is not correct, the formula is not valid, and it will not spread. It's meaningful to add a coefficient k in the paper, so it's also correct to extend the intelligent equation to the general situation, not only in the nuclear explosion, which may have epoch-making significance, or different material k values.

(Author's unit: Wuhan University, Wuchang Shouyi University)


