
Pcr Process And Arrangement For Dna Amplification

2020-10-21 来源:爱go旅游网

专利名称:Pcr Process And Arrangement For Dna

Amplification Using Dry Reagents

发明人:Walter Gumbrecht,Peter Paulicka,Manfred





摘要:A PCR process for DNA amplification with thermocyclisation of thecorresponding reagents is disclosed, in which total integration of all substances and

process steps is achieved in a closed, single-use unit (so-called cartridge) in which thereagents are stored in a storage-stable form at room temperature. According to theprocess, the water-soluble reagents are covered by a water-insoluble medium, then theDNA to be amplified is supplied and the water-insoluble medium is eliminated, so thatthe water-soluble reagents are dissolved and PCR can start. In the correspondingarrangement, a test unit designed as a single-use produce (a so-called cartridge) has atleast one micro-channel or micro-cavity for receiving a PCR reagent. The PCR reagents inthe form of a mixture which can be dried at a negligible vapour pressure and forms astorage-stable substance substance at room temperature adhere to the walls of themicro-channel or micro-cavity and form a thin film covered by an insoluble medium.

申请人:Walter Gumbrecht,Peter Paulicka,Manfred Stanzel

地址:Herzogenaurach DE,Erlangen DE,Erlangen DE


