
Method of optimising the capacity of a mobile tele

2024-07-21 来源:爱go旅游网

专利名称:Method of optimising the capacity of a

mobile telephony network for the creationof services with a predominantly downlinkflow

发明人:Francois Vincent申请号:US11752445申请日:20070523公开号:US07970407B2公开日:20110628


摘要:This invention relates to a method of optimising the capacity of at least one

WCDMA type mobile telephony network (RT) to create at least one additional service(MBMS) for which the data flow is predominantly in the downlink direction, the methodbeing characterized in that it includes the following steps: creation of at least oneplanned traffic map (CT) representing the forecast coverage of the network (RT) and thepower necessary to use services, for at least one planned deployment date (DD) for thenetwork (RT); calculation of the power available in each cell (CR) in the network (RT) in theabsence of emission diversity and then a step of calculation of the power available in eachcell (CR) in the network (RT) in the presence of emission diversity; creation of at least onelist of cells for which emission diversity has to be installed as a function of at least anumber (N) of transmission channels required for the service (MBMS) for which the flow ispredominantly in the downlink direction.

申请人:Francois Vincent

地址:Clamart FR


代理机构:Perman & Green, LLP

