

2022-04-26 来源:爱go旅游网


摘要:本文通过比较分析当代著名翻译家许渊冲和汪榕培先生对《诗经》中的几首诗歌的不同英译,以此为例探讨两位翻译家的不同翻译风格。 关键词:《诗经》;许渊冲;汪榕培


许渊冲(1921-)认为诗歌翻译应该再现原诗的意美、音美和形美,在对原诗意义的理解和阐释上,许渊冲对传统的儒家注释进行了大胆地取舍,取其精华弃其糟粕,不仅能够深切的体会原作的道德阐释,而且更加重视再现《诗经》作为诗歌总集的诗性的美(张亚辉 2013:144)。

汪榕培(1942-)在古诗英译方面提出了“传神达意”的原则,他认为:“首先,‘达意’是翻译的出发点。其次,单纯的‘达意’还不够,必须是‘传神地达意’,因为‘传神’是翻译文学作品,尤其是翻译诗歌的精髓。” (文军、郝淑杰 2011:95) 二:译本比较

(1)《君子于役》译本分析 许渊冲版:

My Man Is Away

My man’s away to serve the states I can’t anticipate

how long there he will stay,

Or when he’ll be on homeward way. The fowls are roosting in their nest; The sun is setting in the west;

The sheep and cattle come to rest. To serve the state my man’s away.

How can I not think of him night and day? 汪榕培版: Serving the King

My husband serves the king, No word to me to bring

When he’ll be home coming. The sun’s set in the west; The hens are in their nest; Te cattle come home to rest. My husband serves the king; My heart to him so clings.

My husband serves the king, No hope for his home coming To have a cozy living. The sun’s set in the west; The hens stay in their nest; The cattle are home to rest. My husband serves the king; Hunger’s no rare thing.

许渊冲版将整首诗译为一整个小节,汪榕培版则将其译为两小节,并增加了一些自己的再创作。如:在“不知其期”前加入“No word to me to bring”;在“君子于役”后重复“不知其期,曷至哉?”以加强语气。音律上,许渊冲版韵脚是:ABAB CCDD;汪榕培版韵脚是AAA

BBBCC.后者节奏感要相对更强一些。意义上,两者还原了原诗女子对丈夫的思念。题目上,许渊冲版“My Man Is Away”倾向于描写女子对丈夫的情意;而汪榕培版“Serving the King”更强调为国服役这一事件。

(3)《月出》译本分析 许渊冲版: The Moon Rise

The moon shines bright; My love’s snow-white. She looks so cute. Can I be mute?

The bright moon gleams; My dear love beams. Her face so fair, Can I not care?

The bright moon turns; With love she burns. Her hands so fine, Can I not pine? 汪榕培版: The moonrise

How fair the moon shines in the sky! How lovely is the lady passing by! The sight of her tender grace Sets my troubled heart apace.

How clear the moon shines in the sky! How lovely is the lady passing by! The sight of her gentle grace Sets my agitated heart apace.

How bright the moon shines in the sky! How elegant is the lady passing by! The sight of her delicate grace Sets my miserable heart apace.

在形式上,两个版本都将其分为三个小节,每小节四句。不同的是许渊冲版每小节均为四词一句,较为简洁;汪榕培版则是6-8词为一句。两者韵脚均为:AABB CCDD EEFF 使诗读起来富有一定的节奏感。意义上许渊冲版的译本更偏向于意译,汪榕培版则更加贴近于原文。如《月出》中用“僚”“懰”“燎”形容女子的妩媚娇柔的词语,许渊冲将其分别译作“My love’s snow-white、My dear love beams、With love she burns.”以突出的是女子在爱情中所绽放的光芒。而汪榕培则译为“How lovely is the lady passing by!”、“How lovely is the lady passing by!”“ How elegant is the lady passing by!”更贴近于表现月下女子优雅娇美。

此外, “舒窈纠兮!”“舒懮受兮!”“舒夭绍兮!”中“舒”指从容娴雅;“窈纠”“ 懮受”“ 夭绍”均是形容女子行走时体态的风姿绰约。许渊冲版译本将其分别意译为“She looks so cute、 Her face so fair, Her hands so fine”未突出对女子体态的描绘。而汪榕培将其译为“her tender

grace”“ gentle grace”“ her delicate grace”与前句中的“the lady passing by”相呼应,表现出女子的曲线美。

《月出》中每小节最后一句分别为“劳心悄兮!”“劳心慅兮!”“劳心惨兮!”中“悄”“慅”“惨”均描写了诗人因爱慕月下女子而慅然心动,不能自宁的感觉。许渊冲将其意译化为“Can I be mute?”“Can I not care?”“Can I not pine?”虽押韵,但并未再现诗人爱慕月下女子,求之不得而忧愁不安之意。汪榕培则将其译为“Sets my troubled heart apace”“Sets my agitated heart apace.”“Sets my miserable heart apace.”再现了原文之意,更为妥帖。


总体来说,许渊冲版在韵律上富有歌咏性,节奏感强,并在充分理解原诗的基础上进行了再创作。汪榕培版则亦步亦趋地进行直译,个别地方采取意译,以达到保持原诗风貌、再现原诗意象的效果。 参考文献

[1]许渊冲.汉英对照中国古诗精品三百首[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2004. [2]汪榕培, 潘智丹. 英译. 诗经• 国风[M].上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2008.


