


Cold water supply

Under the Water Supply Regulations 1999: every dwelling is required to have a wholesome water supply system, and this should be provided in sufficient quantities for the needs of the user, and at a temperature below 20℃. The most important place to provide drinking water in dwellings is at the kitchen sink. However ,because there is a likelihood that all taps in dwelling will be used for drinking, they should all be connected in such a way that the water remains in potable condition. This means that all draw-off taps in dwellings should either be connected direct from the mains supply, or from a storage cistern that is protected. If no such location exists, drinking water should be provided near but not in toilet. However . drinking water fountains may be installed on toilet area, provided they are sited well away from WCs and urinals and comply with the requirements of BS 6465: Part 1 .


In such cases any drinking water must be supplied from a „protected‟ drinking water cistern or from a drinking water header.

Where a water softener of the base exchange type is installed, it is recommended that connections for drinking water are made upstream of the softener so they do not receive softened water. The Department of Health recommends that unsoftened drinking water should be available for infant feed preparation and to assist recommendation to reduce sodium intake in the general population.


Water may be supplied to cold taps either directly from the mains via the supply pipe or indirectly from a protected cold water storage cistern. In some cases a combination of both methods of supply may be the best arrangement.


A supply „direct‟ from the mains is preferred because water quality from storage cannot be guaranteed. However , pressure reliability of the mains supply should be considered especially where connections are made near to the ends of distributing mains. Where constant supply pressure may be a problem , storage should be considered.



Factors to consider when designing a cold water system should be taken into the available pressure and reliability of supply, particularly where any draw-off point is at the extreme end of a supply pipe or situated near the limit of main pressure. In the case of buildings, the water consumption is likely to be similar to that of a dwelling. For larger buildings, such as office blocks, hostels and factories it will usually be preferable for all water, except drinking water, to be supplied indirectlyfrom cold water storage cisterns. Drinking water should be taken directly from the water supplier‟s main wherever practicable.


Pipeline system should conform to national or European standard as appropriate. The system should be designed to ensure that the quality of potable water in system does not deteriorate. Precautions should be taken to prevent risk of contamination through backflow , stagnation, cross connection or any other cause. System outside buildings should generally be designed for a life of at least of 50 years although replacement or renovation of components such as pumps, meters and controls may need earlier attention.


Service pipe diameter should be determined by hydraulic calculation after consultation with the consumer and the water supplier. This is particularly important in the case of nondomestic users where design requirements may create greater demands on the available supply. Calculation should also take into account any future supply needs that might be expected. In premises where water for firefighting purposes is required, the local fire service should be consulted and relevant regulations complied with.


Pipelines should be designed to accommodate thermal movement. Particular attention should be given to the difference in temperature during installation compared to the expected temperature when filled and in use. Considerable stress can occur in pipelines where insufficient expansion joints are inserted. This can be a particular problem when plastics pipes are pulled through the ground by ,mole plough when stresses caused by „stretching‟ are combined with those of contraction through cooling.



The design layout for below ground water systems will depend on local circumstances, but in all cases consideration should be given to the following:


1. Adoption of shortest practical rout to allow reasonable access for maintenance;

2. Minimum depth of cover for frost penetration and the maximum depth of cover for ease of repair;

3. Location of other services, buildings and structures. Minimum distances should be maintained between water, other services and buildings;

4. Provision and location of valves, air valves, washouts and hydrants where appropriate;

5. Pipe materials and corrosion protection systems in aggressive or

contaminated soils;

6. Adverse ground conditions and difficult terrain, earth loads and traffic loads;

7. Risk of damage to and from trees and tree roots;

8. Risk of damage to and from other utilities, works and apparatus.


Where the height of the building lies above statutory level or when the available pressure is insufficient to supply the whole of a building and the water supplier is unable to increase the supply pressure in the supplier‟s mains, consideration should be given to the provision of a pump. Where the pump delivers 0.12 l/s the water undertake must be notified and written consent obtained before the pump is fitted. It is important that the water supplier is consulted and written consent received before fitting any pump. The water supplier will wish to ensure that Water Regulation are complied with respect of backflow risk, and that any pump will not have adverse effects on the mains and other users.

建筑的高度所在高于法定水平或者当可用压力不足以供应整个建筑和水供应商无法增加供应商的供应压力”电源,应该考虑提供一个泵。在泵送0.12 l / s水进行之前必须获得通知和书面同意泵安装。水是很重要的,供应商咨询并书面同意之前收到配件任何泵。水供应商将希望确保法规遵从尊重回流的风险,任何泵不会影响电源和其他用户。
