专利名称:Eyepiece lens and optical instrument
comprising same
发明人:Oshita, Koichi, c/o Nikon Corporation申请号:EP07254220.2申请日:20071024公开号:EP1916555A2公开日:20080430
摘要:A diopter-adjustable eyepiece lens EL, comprising first through third lenses L1through L3, satisfies the condition -0.9 < S1 < -0.3, wherein first lens L1 shape factor S1denotes a shape factor of the first lens L1, Re1 denotes the radius of curvature of a
concave surface of the first lens L1 on an eyepoint EP side and Rsl denotes the radius ofcurvature of a concave surface of the first lens L1 on the object side. The diopteradjustment satisfies also the condition 0.4 < d2/Σd < 0.6 wherein d2 denotes an air gapalong the optical axis between the first lens L1 and the second lens L2 when diopteradjustment is carried out so that diopter becomes maximum on the negative side, and Σddenotes an air gap along the optical axis between a concave surface of the first lens L1 onthe eyepoint side and a concave surface of the third lens L3 on the object side whendiopter adjustment is carried out so that diopter becomes maximum on the negative side.
申请人:Nikon Corporation
地址:2-3, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8331 JP
代理机构:Whitlock, Holly Elizabeth Ann