
Transmission belt tensioning device

2021-05-01 来源:爱go旅游网

专利名称:Transmission belt tensioning device发明人:BONKOWSKI, DIPL.-ING.,NESSEL, DIPL.-ING.




摘要:A device for tensioning transmission belts or drive chains has a tensioning springfor pressing a tensioning lever, mounted in a fixed housing so as to be rotatable about anaxis of rotation, against the transmission belt. The device also has a damping

arrangement which comes into effect during pivoting movements of the tensioning lever,the tensioning lever rotating a first friction element which is arranged on the same axis ofrotation and is pressed against a second friction element, which is secured againstrotation. In order to achieve a tensioning device with sufficiently high and constantdamping for the suppression of oscillations of the tensioning lever in all operatingranges, the first friction element (28) is arranged in such a way as to be axially

displaceable relative to the tensioning lever (15). The first friction element (28) is pressedaxially against the housing (10) forming the second friction element by the tensioningspring (13), which is inserted under preload. The tensioning lever (15) has a hub-shapedbearing part (23) which is arranged in a manner such that it is supported rotatably on theaxis of rotation (19). The bearing part (23) has at least one driver (26), which is connectedfirmly in terms of rotation and which projects with positive engagement into a recess (27)in the first friction element (28). Arranged between the end of the tensioning spring (13)and the first friction element (28) is an axially displaceable mating friction ring (31) whichis secured against rotation relative to the housing (10).


地址:Vahrenwalder Strasse 9 D-30165 Hannover DE


