专利名称:Inter-vehicle control apparatus and distance
measurement apparatus
发明人:Yoshie Samukawa,Toyohito Nozawa,Hiroshi
Ohkata,Keiji Matsuoka,Yoshiaki
Hoashi,Tsutomu Natsuma,Eiji Teramura
摘要:In an object recognition apparatus for a vehicle which uses intensities of
reflected waves from reflecting objects to make a recognition on whether a reflectingobject is a vehicle or a non-vehicle, a plurality of transmission waves are emitted toreceive a plurality of reflected waves from the reflecting objects, and a decision is madeas to whether or not the reflecting object producing the plurality of reflected waves is aunitary reflecting object. If the decision shows a unitary reflecting object, the highestintensity of intensities of the reflected waves from the unitary reflecting object is
compared with a reference intensity to makes a decision on whether the reflecting objectis a vehicle or a non-vehicle. This enables univocally making a decision for each unitaryreflecting object as to whether the reflecting object is more likely to be a vehicle or to bea non-vehicle, thus improving the recognition accuracy.
申请人:Yoshie Samukawa,Toyohito Nozawa,Hiroshi Ohkata,Keiji Matsuoka,YoshiakiHoashi,Tsutomu Natsuma,Eiji Teramura
地址:Kariya-city JP,Kariya-city JP,Kariya-city JP,Kariya-city JP,Kariya-city JP,NagoyaJP,Okazaki-city JP