专利名称:Automatic packaging machine发明人:HOFFMANN WOLFGANG,FOLLOWS
摘要:989,950. Making bags; seaming non-metallic sheet material; cutting webs.GRISWOLD CORPORATION (1961) Ltd. Aug. 14, 1962 [June 13, 1961], No. 21281/61.Headings B5D and B5K. [Also in Divisions B6 and B8] A machine for making, filling andsealing bags forms a tube from a web, seals the tube transversely and severs it toprovide the bags, feeds the bags into grippers which carry them to opening means andbeneath a filling head and finally seals and discharges the packages. The bags may begusseted. The web W, which may be a laminate of aluminium foil and sulphite paper, is fedfrom a braked roll 21 by rollers 29, 31 operating in response to the rise of a dancer roller43 which contacts a switch to set them in motion. The dancer roller is raised by theintermittent tube feed described below. The web is reversed and passes round stationaryshaping plates 93 to former means 65, 81, Fig. 10. It is drawn intermittently through thecylinder 81 and over the element 65 by gripper means comprising fingers 115, 115a on apiston rod 102 and gripper pads 117, 119. In forming the tube, the web margins arebrought face to face and the upstanding fin then laid flat by a slot 83 and resilient finger84 in the cylinder 81, a normally lowered heat sealing element 163 sealing the overlap,Figs. 10, 15. The gripper pads 117, 119 are reciprocated in unison with the fingers 115,
115a by a piston rod 107a, and pneumatic means 129 presses them on the web tubeagainst the fingers during the forward (e.g. to the right as in Figs. 1, 10) stroke. Plates151, spread the tube and rails 114 projecting into slots 79 and between the plates fromside gussets. The machine is arranged to stop when the pad 163 is manually raised. Thecompleted tube passes through sealing and severing means E comprising transverselydivided upper and lower jaws 213, 215 and 217 respectively, Fig. 19. The lower jaw isresiliently mounted relative to a member 179 and a cutter 181 mounted on the memberis projected through the jaw by pneumatic means 191. The part 213 of the upper jawforms a heat seal and the part 215 merely grips the tube. The upper jaw is lowered bypneumatic means through a yoke 188 and rod 193. The bags are finally filled and sealed(see Division B 8).