

2022-11-11 来源:爱go旅游网




主 编: 支永碧 王永祥





主 编: 支永碧 王永祥 副主编: 李葆春 丁后银 王秀凤






本书第一部分为英语语言学核心理论和概念,主要包括:本章主要考点,课文理解与重点内容分析;第二部分为英语语言学概论的十三章单元配套练习,和原教材中的练习稍有不同的是,在本部分,我们选编了部分自学考试真题和各个高校历年考研真题,以便考生更好地了解本章重点。这样,学生可以更有针对性地进行各章节的学习和复习。虽然该部分略有难度,但对考研和自考的学生都很有帮助;第三部分为英语语言学综合模拟试卷, 内容紧扣《英语语言学概论》, 针对性很强,适用于英语专业各类考生;第四部分为江苏省自学考试英语语言学概论部分考试样题及参考答案。本书的习题主要包括以下七种类型:问答题、选择题、填空题、名词解释、是非判断题、汉英术语互译题、操作题。另外,为便于学习者了解考试重点,本书附加了江苏省英语专业(本科段)《英语语言学概论》自学考试新大纲2007版;另外,为便于自学者查询深涩难懂的语言学词汇,我们按照汉语字母顺序编写了常见的英语语言学术语汉英对照表,以补充原教材的些许缺失。







前言 ……………………………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 第一部分ﻩ核心理论与概念 ……………………………………………………………… Chapter 1: Language ………………………………………………………………………ﻩ

本章主要考点 ………………………………………………………………………………… 课文理解与重点内容分析 ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ Chapter 2: Linguistics ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ 本章主要考点 ………………………………………………………………………………… 课文理解与重点内容分析 …………………………………………………………………… Chapter 3:ﻩPhonetics ………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 本章主要考点 ………………………………………………………………………………… 课文理解与重点内容分析 ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ Chapter 4: Phonology ………………………………………………………………………

本章主要考点 …………………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 课文理解与重点内容分析 …………………………………………………………………… Chapter 5: Morphology ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ

本章主要考点 ………………………………………………………………………………… 课文理解与重点内容 ………………………………………………………………………… Chapter 6: Syntax …………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 本章主要考点 …………………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 课文理解与重点内容分析 …………………………………………………………………… Chapter 7: ﻩSemantics ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ 本章主要考点 …………………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 课文理解与重点内容分析 ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ Chapter 8: ﻩPragmatics ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ 本章主要考点 ………………………………………………………………………………… 课文理解与重点 析 …………………………………………………………………………ﻩ Chpater 9: ﻩDiscourse Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………

本章主要考点 …………………………………………………………………………………

课文理解与重点内容分析 ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ Chapter 10: ﻩSociolinguistics ………………………………………………………………

本章主要考点 ………………………………………………………………………………… 课文理解与重点内容分析 ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ Chapter 11: Psycholi



nguistics ………………………………………………………………

本章主要考点 ………………………………………………………………………………… 课文理解与重点内容分析 ……………………………………………………………………ﻩ Chapter 12: Linguistic Theories and FLT …………………………………………………

本章主要考点 …………………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 课文理解与重点内容分析 …………………………………………………………………… Chapter 13: Schools of Modern Linguistics ………………………………………………ﻩ

本章主要考点 …………………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 课文理解与重点内容分析 …………………………………………………………………… 第二部分 英语语言学概论单元配套练习与参考答案 ……………………………………ﻩ 第三部分 英语语言学概论综合模拟试题与参考答案 …………………………………… 第四部分 江苏省自学考试(本科段)《英语语言学概论》样题 …………………………ﻩ 参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………………………ﻩ 附录I 英语语言学理论专业术语汉英对照表 ……………………ﻩ………………………… 附录II 江苏省自学考试(本科段)《英语语言学概论》考试大纲(2007年11月)……







第一章 语言(Language)

●本章主要考点 1. 语言的定义(What is language?) 2. 人类语言的识别性特征(What are the design features of human language?) 3. 语言的功能(The functions of language) ●课文理解与重点内容分析:

本章介绍语言的基本知识,包括语言的定义、语言的识别性特征和语言的功能。 1.ﻩ语言的定义

语言是用于人类交际的任意性的发音的符号系统。该定义有五个要点,即系统、任意性的、发音/声的、系统、用于人类交际。 2.ﻩ语言的识别性特征






5)文化传递性:语言不是靠遗传,而是通过教与学,由人们接触的文化代代传递的。 6)结构二重性:二重性指底层有限的语音结构是上层词、句和语篇结构的组成成分,每层都有自身的组合规则,使语言拥有强大的能产性。

7)互换性:互换性指人可以是信息的发出者,也可以是信息的接收者。 3. 语言的功能

按照韩礼德的表述,幼儿语言有如下七个功能: 1)工具功能:说话人可以使用语言做事情。 2)调节功能:语言可用来控制事件。









国内著名学者胡壮麟等人在其《语言学教程》中,用如下词语来表达语言的七大功能: 1)信息功能:被认为是语言最主要的功能。

2)人际功能:语言最重要的社会功能。人们通过它建立和维持在社会中的身份和地位。 3)施为功能:主要改变人物的社会地位,使用的语言非常正式,有时甚至成为一种礼节。 4)感情功能:用以改变听者的感情。它又可当成表达功能,但表达功能还包括自言自语。 5)客气/寒暄功能:指有助于说明、维持人际关系的表达。 6)娱乐功能:如婴儿的咿呀学语、歌者的吟唱、对歌等。 7)元语言功能:指可以用语言来讨论语言本身。



第二章 语言学(Linguisitics)

 本章主要考点 1. 语言学的定义和语言学的研究范畴(The definition of linguistics and scope of linguistics) 2. 语言学的科学性(Linguistics: the science) 3. 语言学的主要分支学科(Sub-branches of linguistics) 4. 语言学中几组重要的区别性概念(Some distinctions in linguistics)  课文理解与重点内容分析: 1.ﻩ语言学的定义



普通语言学和描写语言学(General linguistics and descriptive linguistics) 共时语言学和历时语言学(Synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics)

理论语言学和应用语言学(Theoretical and applied linguistics) 微观语言学和宏观语言学(Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics) 1.2


具体语言学和普通语言学(Specific linguistics and general linguistics)

描写语言学和历史语言学(Descriptive linguistics and historical linguistics)

历史比较语言学和对比语言学(Comparative historical linguistics and contrastive linguistics)

微观语言学和宏观语言学(Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics)ﻩ

理论语言学和应用语言学(Theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics)







(5)”理论语言学”研究语言的一般理论,是普通语言学的雅称。”应用语言学”有广义和狭义之分。广义的应用语言学包括把语言应用于解决交际问题的诸方面。狭义的应用语言学专指外语教学(和教学法)的研究。 2. 语言学的科学性

一般说来,语言学研究的科学程序包括以下几个步骤(文秋芳1995:9): 1)收集语言数据


3)通过更多的数据验证初步规则,并作出必要的修正 4)最后提出一个能够解释或说明有关数据的规则或理论

与此类似,梅德明(2003:2)就语言研究的科学步骤总结如下: 1)观察语言事实 2)概括语言事实

3)提出假设解释语言事实 4)通过更多的观察检验假设 5)建构某一个语言理论

语言学成为一门科学有下列下列要素:穷尽性、一致性、简洁性和客观性。语言学是关于语言的科学,自然应该建立在对语言素材和资料的系统研究上,因为这一研究的宗旨是发现语言的本质特征,挖掘语言的潜在系统。一个语言学家往往是怀着某种语言假设去从事研究的,在研究中不断地检验、证明或推翻自己既有的假设。为了使其分析具有科学性,语言学家的工作遵循上述四条准则。”穷尽性”指语言学家应收集并分析所有既得资料或数据,并给予充分的解释,不能丢三落四。”一致性”指在分析过程中前后观点要一致,至少不能前后矛盾。”简洁性”指字进行复杂的分析或证明当中应力求语言的简洁,不拖泥带水,不冗长乏味。”客观性”指实事求是,一是一,二是二,不凭主观臆断妄加取舍,乱下结论。 3.ﻩ语言学的主要分支学科

语言学的主要分支学科有:语音学、音位学、形态学、句法学、语义学、语用学等等。 4. 语言学中的重要区别

(1)共时和历时(synchronic and diachronic)研究


(2)语言和言语(langue and parole)




(3)语言能力和语言运用(competence and performance)

根据Chomsky的解释,语言能力(competence)是一个理想的语言使用者对其母语的种种规则的了解和掌握,”语言运用”(performance)则是这些知识在实际话语行为中的实现。 “语言能力”使人说出也能听懂无穷多的句子,并且能够识别语病和歧义。”语言能力”是相对稳定的,而”语言运用”常常受制于心理和社会因素。因此,一个说话者的”语言运用”并非总是与其”语言能力”相等,有时它们之间有较大的差距。

(4)口头语和书面语(speech and writing)

关于语言(口头语言、言语、语言的语音形式)是第一性的,而文字是第二性的这一条语言大原则,语言学界几乎达成了共识。从历史角度看,语言产生的时间比文字产生的时间要早得多。少儿习得母语过程中几乎无一例外地先学说在学写。其次,文字符号只不过是以这种方式或那种方式代表或记录口头语言 的语音。与口头语言形式相反,文字知识一些书面符号或代码而已。它的重要性当然不可低估。首先可以越过广阔的空间,所以人们相互传递信件。其次,信息可以跨过漫长的时间,所以今天的人们可以读孔孟之道,可以读《史记》。再其次,因为口信经常失真,歪曲,导致间接口头交际的曲解和误解,因此,书信或书面信息更显它的优势。文字材料允许人们反复重视地阅读,而且百读不改其意。大多数现代语言学家都很重视口头语言形式。这一点与上世纪以及那以前的语法学家们把文字材料当作唯一的研究对象的做法是不相同的。

(5)语言行为潜势和实际语言行为(linguistic behaviour potential and actual linguistic behaviour)


(6)横组合和纵聚合关系(syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relation) 横组合关系是一种线性关系,指一个单位和同一序列中的其他单位之间的关系,或共现的所有成分间的关系。处于组合关系的词必须满足一些句法和语义条件。纵聚合关系一种垂直关系或选择关系,指在结构的某个特殊位置上彼此可以相互替换的成分之间的关系,或者是共现的成分与非共现的成分之间的关系。同一聚合关系中的词语只受句法限制,语义因素不在考虑范围之内。处于聚合关系中的词语有共同的句法特征,但是在语义上不能互相替换。组合与聚合关系就像坐标的两根轴,一起决定语言符号的身份。组合关系也叫水平关系或链状关系;聚合关系也叫联想关系或替换关系。

(7)言语交际和非言语交际(verbal communication and nonverbal communication)


(8)描写式和规范式(descriptive and prescriptive),即现代语言学和传统语法之区别





Chapter Three Phonetics

 本章主要考点: 1. 语音学的定义、分支(Phonetics and its sub-branches) 2. 发音器官(Speech organs) 3. 辅音的分类(Classifications of consonants) 4. 元音的分类(Classifications of vowels) 5. 协同发音(Coarticulation) 6. 国际音标(International Phonetic Alphabet) 7. 语音特征(Phonetic features)  课文理解与重点内容分析 1.ﻩ语音学


首先,它从说话者的角度来研究语音,即说话者是怎样用他的发音器官来发音的。其次,它从听者的角度来研究语音,即声音是怎样被听者辨识的。最后,它还通过研究声波从而研究语音是怎样传播的,声波是语音在空气中从一个人传播到另一个人的物理手段。 2.ﻩ发音器官

发音器官指人体参与制造言语的部分,包括肺、气管、喉、鼻、口。人的发音器官位于三个区域或声腔:咽腔一咽喉,口腔一嘴,鼻腔一鼻子。从肺部呼出的气流在这几个声腔以不同的方式发生变化,也可以在到达这几个部位前在喉部变化。这些变化来自于对气流运动的种种干扰。具体地说,这些变化来自以种种方式完全阻断气流或对其进行部分干扰。 3.ﻩ辅音的分类

英语的辅音可从四个方面进行分类:  软腭位置:口腔辅音和鼻腔辅音  声带的振动与否:清辅音和浊辅音

 发音部位:双唇音、唇齿音、舌齿音、齿龈音、齿龈后音、齿龈硬腭音、硬腭音、




 发音方式:爆破音、鼻腔音、摩擦音、破擦音、流音、滑音 详见下表: 发音方式 闭止音 爆破音 VL 双唇音 唇齿音 舌齿音 齿龈音 p t t VD b d 鼻腔音 VVD L m m n n 摩擦音 VL f s z 破擦音 流音 VL VD l r 滑音 VL VD w VD VL VD v 发音部位齿龈后音 齿龈硬腭音s 硬腭音 软腭音 声门音 tr dr d t

4. 元音的分类


 软腭状态:口腔元音和鼻腔元音,鼻腔元音以”~”表示。  舌位:前元音、央元音、后元音、高元音、中元音、低元音


前 ﻩﻩ央ﻩﻩ 后

● i: u: ●

● i ﻩu ●


e● ● ●

ﻩ● ● ﻩ●

● ●

高元音:[i:, i, u:, u] 中元音:[e,

c k ? g g h j --


低元音:[, æ, , , 前元音:[i:, i, e, 央元音:[后元音:[u:, u,

] , ,

] ,

] , æ]

 开口度:开元音、半开元音、半闭元音、闭元音 闭元音:[i:],[i],[u:]and [u] 半闭元音:[e] and [半开元音:[] and [

] ]


开元音:[æ], [],[] and [ 唇形:圆唇元音和不圆唇元音

[u:], [u], [:] and []是圆唇元音,其余为不圆唇元音。

 长短:长元音和短元音 长元音以”:”表示,如:[u:]。

 咽部肌肉紧张状态:紧元音和松元音


除了以上为单元音(monophthongs、pure vowels、simple vowels)以外,英语中还有8个双元音(diphthongs),其中3个集中双元音(centering diphthongs)([i,

, u]),5个合口双元音(closing diphthongs)([ei], [ai], [i], [u] and


5. 协同发音(Coarticulation)

协同发音:指在实际话语过程中语音持续受邻近音影响,发生同时或重合发音的过程,分 逆化协同发音和重复性协同发音。

6.ﻩ国际音标(International Phonetic Alphabet)

“国际音标”(简称IPA)是1888年由国际语音协会以当时的偶中音标表编造出来的标音系统。它的各种符号来自各种语言。除此之外,还有一些附加符号或变音符(Diacritics)用来表示音位变体以及音长、重音和音调的差异。 7. ﻩ语音特征(Phonetic features)

除了传统的描述语音的方法之外,我们也通过语音特征来区分和描述辅音或者元音。在区分语音时,我们常用+或–值来表示。描述辅音常用的语音特征如下表所示: 辅音 元音 鼻音 浊音 p b m w – – – f + – – – v + – – + + – – – + – – + t d s z n l tr dr r + + + + – – – – – + + + + – – – – – + – – – + + + + + + – – – + + – + – – – – – + + – + + + + + + --


连续音 前部音 舌面音 送气音 辅音 元音 鼻音 浊音 连续音 前部音 舌面音 送气音 + – – – + – + – + – – + + – + – + – – – – – + – + – – + – – + – + – – – – – + – c + – – + – – + – j k ? h ph th kh – + – – – + – – – + – – + + + + + + – – – – – – + + + – + + – – + – – + + – + + + – + – + – – + – – – + – + – + – + + + + + + + + – – – ch – + – – – – + – + – – – + – – – + – – + – – – – + + + – – – + – – + – – – – + – – – – – – – – – + – – – – + – + + – – – – + + + + – – – – – – + + – – – – – + + 元音的语音特征如下: i: i e : u: u : 高 低 前 后 圆唇 紧

+ – + – – + + – + – – – – – + – – + – + + – – – – + + – – – – + + – – – – – – – – + – – – – – – + – – + + + + – – + + – – – – + + + – – – + + – – + – + – + 第四章 音位学(Phonology)



 本章主要考点 1. 语音学和音位学的区分(Difference between phonetics and phonology) 2. 音位、音子和音位变体(Phonemes, phones, and allophones) 3. 最小对立体(Minimal pairs) 4. 三种类型的分布(Three types of distribution) 5. 识别音位的四个原则( Principles of identifying phonemes) 6. 区别性特征(Distinctive features) 7. 音位规则(Rules of phonology) 8. 超切分特征(Suprasegmental features) 9. 严式和宽式标音(Narrow and broad transcriptions)  课文理解与重点内容分析 1.语音学和音位学的定义以及二者的区别


通过从两个角度审视英语中出现的一些语音,我们可以说明语音学特征和音系学特征的传统差别。我们可以审视一下从语音学角度来看有明显不同的两个语音,它们从音系学角度来看却是同一基本实体的两个变体。两个英语单词leap和peel中所包含的发音是不一样的,第一个单词中所包含的我们叫做清晰音[1],而第二个单词中所包含的叫模糊音[ ]。发清晰音[1]时,舌头升起的部分相当接近上腭的前部,但发模糊音[ ]时,舌头升起接近上腭的部分却相当靠后。语音学家们已经辨识了英语中的两个区别相当大的[l]音:


如果我们从音系学的角度来看这两个语音,我们会说,它们基本上是相同的,因为尽管它们发音不同,但在交际中及在区别单词和意义方面却起着同样的作用。如果一个外语学习者误把peel中的模糊音[ ]发成清晰音[1],以英语为母语的人并不会因此而误解他,仍能理解其所要表达的意思,只不过觉得发音有点怪。音系学家们发现,[1]音并不是随意地出现在英语单词中的,它们的分布遵循一个精细的互补模式:清晰音[1]通常出现在一个元音之前,音系学是用来研究一种特定语言的语音系统的,所以,我们得出的有关一种语言的语音体系的结论不能被推广用于另一种语言之中。 2.音子、音位、音位变体 (1)音子(phone)

音子就是一个语音单位或片段。交际过程中可能发出的和听到的语音皆为音子(或因素的组合)。当我们听到pit, tip, spit 这三个词的时候,我们听到一些音子,其中[p]这个因素有不同的发音方式,如:送气不送气,爆破力的强弱,在元音前面或后面,在长元音或短元音的前面或后面,前面有没有[s],处于重读或轻读音节等等。这些不同的[p]如果要一一标明和区分,就有必要引用严式标音法的种种”变音符”,如在[p]的右上角加上一个小小的[h],应该注意的是,音子可能与辨义的功能,也许没有。 (2)音位(phoneme)



音位是音位学的一个单位,它具有辨义的价值。作为一个抽象的语言单位,它不是指具体的某一个音子或语音,它在一定的语音情景中或环境中由一定的音子来表现或实现。例如,[p]这个音位在[pit]、[tip]和[spit] 这三个词中是由三个不同的音子代表的:第一个[p]送气,爆破力强;第二个[p]送气和爆破力都很微弱;第三个[p]不送气,或者说送气不足。


代表一个音位的音子也可称为”音位变体”,或称为一个音位的不同成员(即语音上有一定的差异,但这些差异又不至于大到使一个词几乎成为另一个词或使之产生出新的语义的程度)。上述例词中的不同的[p]是/p/这个音位的音位变体。至于一个音位如何由一个音子来表现,或者说,应该使用哪个音位变体,这决定于它的语音情景或环境。不过,音位的选择并非是任意性的,在一般情况下,它是有规律可循的。音位学家的任务就是探寻这些规律。 3.最小对立体(minimal pair)

所谓”最小对立体”指的是两个语音形式(或词)除了一个语音片段之外其余部分完全相同的状态,如pill 和bill、pill 和dill、dill和 kill等。以上这些语音形式(或词)形成了一个最小对立集。英语和汉语都有不少最小对立体。他们的存在使得学习者容易辨别哪些是英语音位,哪些是汉语音位。一个音位学家在研究一种陌生的语言的语音或音位系统时必须着意寻找其最小对立体。






塞音”和”双唇音”。一个重要的语言学问题是去看这些语音在分布上是如何相互联系的。首先,我们会发现,[ph]和[b]在词首位置上的互相对立,如在pin和bill中。我们还发现,它们在词首位置也互相对立,如在rope和robe中。所以我们得出结论,/p/和/b/能出现在相同的语音环境中并且意义不同,因此,它们之间的关系是音位对立即对比分布(contrastive distribution)。

另一方面,[p]和[ph]从来不对立,它们是同一音位/p/的音位变体,只出现在不同的语音环境中;当说英语发音以/p/为首的音时,他们选择了送气的音位变体[ph]:如果/p/出现在/s/音后,他们就会选择不送气音位变体[P]。同一个音位的两个音位变体之间的关系是互补分布。简单地说,所谓”互补分布”(complementary distributiuon指在同一语音环境中出现的两个音并不形成对照或对比,或者说,如果将其中一个代替另一个并为产生新词或新义,那么我们说这两个音处于”自由变异”的地位。众所周知,英语的爆破音有时可以失去爆破(如处于爆破音或鼻音之间时)。到底爆破还是不爆破,并不产生新词或新义。它们的区别可以用严式标音法标示出来,如果有此必要。这些爆破音与他们的未爆破的饿变体就是一种自由变异的关系。处于自由变异的两个音应该被当作同一个音位看待。例如,在英语中,单词 direct 可以有两种发音方式: /di`rekt/ and /dai`rekt/, 这两个不同的语音 /i/ and /ai/ 处于”自由变异”。 同样的单词有economics, either, dance等。

5. 识别音位的原则






(3)如果语音上相似的两个音处于|”互补分布”,则它们是同一个音位的音位变体。 (4)如果两个音处于”互补分布”,但没有语音相似性,他们肯定是两个不同的音位。



7. 音位规则





此外,如果三个辅音同时出现在单词的词首,语音的组合必须遵从下列规则: 1)第一音位必须是/s/。

2)第二个音位必须是/p/或/t/或/k/。 3)第三个音位必须是/1/或/r/或/w/。

这就是为什么英语中所有以三个辅音组合为首的单词是像spring [spri],strict [strikt],square [skwa],splendid [splendid],scream[skri:m]这样的单词。








同化规则也解释了齿龈鼻音[n]在一些语音组合中的发音变化。这个规则是,在一个单词中,鼻音[n]所处的发音部位和紧随其后的辅音的发音部位变得一样。我们知道,在英语中,前缀in-可以加在形容词前使其词义变得与原义相反,如:discreet — indiscreet,correct — incorrect。但前缀in- 中的[n]音并不总是发成齿龈鼻音。它在单词indiscreet中发成齿龈鼻音,因为紧随其后的辅音[d]音是一个齿龈塞音,但[n]音在单词incorrect中事实上发成软腭鼻音,即[],这是因为紧随其后的辅音[k]是一个软腭塞音。因而我们可以看出,当发[n]音时.我们”模仿”了紧随其后的辅音的一个特征。



另一个音位规则是省略规则。它告诉我们什么时候一个语音尽管在拼写中存在,但在发音时却可以省略。我们已经注意到,在单词sign,design,paradigm中,尽管其拼写中有字母g,发音时却没有[g]音。但在其相应形式signature,desigrmtiorl,paradigmatic中,字母g所代表的[g]音却发音了。这个规则可以这样描述:当[gl音出现在位于词尾的一个鼻辅音前时要省略。鉴于这个规则,在sign — signature,resign — resignation,phlegm — phlegmatic,paradigm — paradigmatic这些词中,词根的音位表达将包含音位/g/.但其后如果没有加后缀,根据通常的规则,发音时此音位将被省略。




根据重音所存在的语境,重音分为两种:单词重音和语句重音。 当我们说一个词的某一个音节重读时,我们的意思是,发这个音节的音时所用的力气比发其他音节的音时所用的力气要大。因此.重音是个相对的概念:只有两个音节以上的词才有单词重音,不能说单音节词,即只有一个音节的词,有单词重音。


类似的重音变化也出现在复合名词和由相同成分组成的词组中。如前所述,英语复合词的音系特征是,单词重音常在第一个成分上,第二个成分是次重音。例如,复合词blackbird由两部分——black和bird构成,发这个词的音时,我们重读第一个成分black;如果我们用降调来发这个词的音,语调下降出现在第一个重读音节上:blackbird。blackbird指的是一种特别的乌,并不一定是黑色的鸟,它和名词短语blackbird不同,此短语指黑色的鸟。名词短语和复合词的重音是不同的,因为名词词组以bird为主要名词,而black只是一个修饰语,bird读得最重,当我们用降调发这个词组的音时,语调在此处下降:black bird。类似的由重音模式不同而导致的意义不同可以从greenhouse和greenhouse,hot



dog和hotdog这两对词和词组上体现出来a `green house — 一个有玻璃屋顶和四壁且有供热系统的房子,用来种植需要光和热并且怕风的植物;a green `house — 一座绿色的房子:a `hotdog — 一种由面包卷和香肠做成的快餐;a hot `dog — 一只感到热的狗。

单词重音区别意义的作用也可以表现在-ing形式加名词的组合中。在英语中,-ing形式后加一个名词是常见的,如:dining-room,reading glasses,sewing machine,sleeping baby,swimming fish。尽管形式上是一样的,但是所有这些一ing形式+名词的组合有两种类型。一种-ing形式起修饰名词的作用,如:dining-room是一间人们能在此用餐的屋子,reading glasses是人们读书时戴的眼镜,sew-ing machine是用来缝纫的机器。这些实际上都是复合名词。两部分是写成一个单词,还是加连字符,或是写成两个独立的词,这是个习惯问题。

但一般来说,”-ing形式+名词”这类组合形式的音和发其他复合名词一样,单词重音总是在第一个成分上第二个成分上是次重音`dining-room,`reading glasses,`sewing machine。

对另一种-ing形式+名词的组合来说,名词实际上是-ing形式所指称的动作的发出者。例如,sleepingbaby意思是一个正在睡觉的小孩,而swimming fish 思是正在游水的鱼。这些不是复合名词,而是带有-ing分词修饰语的名词词组。因此,对这些组合来说,宅要重音并T不是在第一个成分上,即-mg形式上,而是在名词上。-ing形式上是次重音:,sleeping’baby,,swimming’fish。比较swimming ‘baby(正在睡觉的小孩)和’sleepingcar(卧铺车),还有swiming’fish(正在游水的鱼)和’swimming—pool(游泳池)。

语句重音指发句子中某些单词的音时较为用力。一些单词比另一些重要,重要的词发音时用的力较大,以使其显得突出。英语中较为重要的词有名词、动词、形容词、副词和指示代词;另一类词,像冠词、人称代词、助动词、介词、连词通常不重读。例如,在He is driving my car.这一句子中,通常重读在主要动词driving和名词car上,其会的词不重读:但为了强调”他开的车不是自己的,也不是你的,而是我的”这样的事实,说话者可以重读物主代词my,虽然物主代词一般情况下是不重读的。


声调指音高变化,这些变化由声带振动频率的不同引起。正如音位一样,音高变化可以区别意义;因此,声调是一个超切分特征。声调区别意义的功能在声调语言中特别重要。英语不是声调语言。我们的母语汉语是典型的声调语言,它有四个声调:阴平,阳平,上声和去声。声调的作用可以通过发同一语音组合ma的四个不同声调得到很好的说明:mā (mother), má (hemp), mǎ (horse) and mà (scold).





I scream ﻩ /ai + skri:m/ﻩ ice cream ﻩ/ais + kri:m/ it sprays /it + spreiz/ ﻩit’s praiseﻩﻩ/its + preiz/

a name ﻩ

+ neim/

ﻩan aim

/n + eim/



grey tape ﻩ/grei + teip/ﻩﻩgreat apeﻩﻩ/greit + eip/ see the meatﻩ/si: +

+ mi:t/ﻩsee them eatﻩ/si: +

+ i:t/


第五章 形态学(Morphology)  本章主要考点

1. 形态学的范围(The scope of morphology) 2. 语素的定义(Definition of morpheme) 3. 词根、词缀、自由语素和粘着语素的关系(Interrelations between roots, affixes, free morphemes and bound morphemes) 4. 前缀、后缀和中缀(Prefixes, suffixes and infixes) 5. 屈折和派生词缀(Inflectional and derivational affixes) 6. 词根、词干和词基(Root, stem and base) 7. 语素、语子和语素变体(morphemes, morphs and allomorphs) 8. 空语子和零语子(Empty morph and zero morph) 9. 直接成分分析(IC Analysis) 10. 构词法(Word-formation processes)  课文理解与重点内容分析 1. 形态学的研究范围

形态学是研究词的内部结构和构词规则。词的构成并不是随意的,而是遵从特定的规则的。形态学就是去发现这些规则。形态学可分为两个分支学种屈折形态学和词汇或派生形态学。前者研究词的屈折变化,后者研究词的构成。 2. 语素的定义


3. 词根、词缀、自由语素和粘着语素的相互关系


helper  help-er table  table roommate  room-mate quicken  quick-en frightening  fright-en-ing ﻩdisabled  dis-able-d warmer  warm-er biology  bio-logy soliloquy  Sali-loquy ﻩassistant  assist-ant

carelessly  care-less-ly symphony  sym-phony






“audi-”—”listening”:auditor ,audience, auditorium “gene-”—”life”:generate,genetic,genital (生殖的) “semi-”—”half”:semiconductor, semifinal

“aqu-”—”water”:aquarium(水族馆),aquatic(水的;水生的) “-loqu-”—”speech”:eloquent,loquacious(饶舌的),soliloquy

“-ium”—”hall”:stadium(露天运动场), gymnasium,auditorium,aquarium “-path-”—”emotion”:sympathy,empathy(移情作用) “toler-”一”endure”:tolerate, tolerable


“manu-”—”hand”:manuscript(手稿),manual(手册),manufacture 词根、词缀、自由语素和粘着语素的关系,可以用下图来形象直观地说明:

R B R F ﻩ A


F = free morphemes (自由语素) B = bound morphemes(粘着语素) R = roots (词根)ﻩ ﻩﻩ A = affixes(词缀) B R = bound roots

图表5.1: 词根、词缀、自由语素和粘着语素的相互关系


4. 前缀、后缀、中缀

词缀是粘着在其他词素(如自由词素)身上的构词成分或因素的统称,可以细分为三类:前缀、后缀和中缀。英语有许多前缀和后缀,但是中缀为数不多。Foot 变成feet, 其中-ee-就是中缀,但它实质上只不过是内屈折罢了。我们说英语有许多前缀和后缀,但是与几乎是无限多的自由词素和词汇相比,词缀的数目也是十分有限的。一本词汇学或词典不能包容全部词汇,却能囊括全部词缀。还要说明的是不少学者认为英语是不存在中缀的,只有前



缀和后缀,但是有些语种存在中缀却是个事实,因此我们在这里述及了中缀。 5. 屈折词缀和派生词缀




-(e)s,标示现在时的第三人称单数 -(e)d,标示过去时 -ing,标示进行体

-er,标示形容词和副词的比较级 -est,标示形容词和副词的最高级 -s,标示名词的所有格


tolerate 语根”toler-”+词缀”-ate” quickly 自由语素”quick”+词缀”-ly”

carelessness 自由语素”care”+词缀”-less”派生词”careless”+词缀”ness”


英语中有很多常见的前缀,以下是一些例子 dis-:dislike,discontinue,disagree

un-:uneasy,unconscious,unfavorable,unlock in-:incorrect,indirect

mis-:misinform,mistake,misplace de-:devaluate(贬值),decentralize,deoxidize(除氧) over-:overdo,overheat,overpopulate uni-:unify,unilateral(单方面,单边的),unicorn(独角兽)




-ician:electrician,mathematician, physician -bility:possibility,solubility, capability -hood:childhood,manhood

-age:orphanage,anchorage(停泊/抛锚地点),vicarage(牧师住处) -ary:elementary,secondary

-ful:beautiful,delightful, sorrowful -en:weaken。darken|deepen



-ize:modernize, nationalizem, mechanize -ly:slowly,highly,dimly,joyfully -ward:forward,eastward,upward


English inflectional affixes

Affixes -s -s -ed -ed / -en -ing -’s -er -est Grammatical functions Examples Third person singular present tense Tom talks. marker Plural number marker Past tense marker The chairs are his. Tom talked. Past participle markers / perfect Tom has talked; it aspect was stolen. Present participle marker / progressive aspect Possessive case marker Comparative degree marker Superlative degree marker Tom is talking. John’s friend came here. He is thinner than Tom. Tom is the tallest in his class. English derivational affixes Bases agree happy danger use teach luck Derivational affixes dis ly en ful er y New words disagree happily endanger useful teacher lucky 6. 词根、词基和词干

首先要说明的是不少教材并没有严格区分词基、词干这两个概念,也有的教材将词干、词根、词基混为一谈。尽管他们有些时候可以是同一个词。但我们以为从词缀的角度来区分词干和词基似乎更有利于大家区分二者。在本书我们这样来界定词干和词基,即,如果打算在一个单词后面加派生词缀,则原来这个单词形式是词基,如果我们打算在一个单词后面添加了屈折词缀,则原单词为词干。换句话说,去掉派生词缀得到的词是词基,去掉屈折词缀得到的词为词干。如果去掉词缀后的单词在不改变身份和词义的情况下不能再去任何词缀,则这个词是个词根。在这个意义上,词根可以是个词干或词基,但词干并不一定是词根,词基也不一定是词根。如: derivational 去掉-al,是derivation,这个词相对于derivational 来说,是个词基,却决不是词根。去掉名词性词缀-tion后,我们得到derive,此时,这个derive 既是个词根也是个词基。我们再举derives为例,去掉屈折词缀-s后的单词derive既是个词根也可以称为词干。具体请参见《英语语言学概论》(王永祥、支永碧,2007:62)。

7. 语素、语子和语素变体的关系



语素(morpheme)是一个抽象概念,是语言的语法系统里最小的有意义的单位(i.e. minimal meaningful uints in the grammatical syetem of language),而语子(morph),是语素在语言中的具体体现,即语言中用来实现语素的具体形式(morphs are the realizations of morphemes in general or the actual forms used to realize morphrmres)。语素变体(allomorph)是某一具体的语素的体现形式,语素比它们的语素变体抽象得多(allomorphs are realizations of a particular morpheme, and morphemes are more abstract than their allomorphs)。还要说明的是,我们通常将语子和语素变体放在/ /里,而语素(morpheme)却被放在{}中。 8. 空语子和零语子

所谓空语子即有形式但无意义的语子,如r 在children中是个空语子,children 可以分析为 child + r + en。所谓零语子则是有意义无形式的语子,我们用符号/¢/来代表零语子,如work 在they work in Nanjing中,可以分析为work + /ø/ 。 9. 直接成分分析

直接成分分析(Immediate constituent Analysis,namely, IC Analysis)是一种分析法,用于分析一个语素的层级结构或层级顺序(hierarchical order )通过直接成分分析法,我们可以把一个语素分为两个部分(two groups),然后在把每一个部分分为两个次部分(two sub-groups),一直到不能在分为止。如, 我们可以把单词 replacements, disapproval等分析如下:

replacements ﻩﻩ disapproval

replacementﻩ ﻩsﻩ disapprove al

ﻩ replace ment ﻩﻩﻩﻩdisﻩ approve

reﻩ ﻩplace 上面的图表我们称为树型图(tree-branch diagrams),最底端的语素成为最终成分(Ultimate Constituentes, namely, the irreducible constituents), 最上面语素的每一次二分得到的语素都是直接成分(immediate Constituents),当然,最终成分本身相对于直接坐标语素来说也是个直接成分,如place 对于replace这个坐标语素来说是个直接成分,但对于replacements 来说则是个最终成分。 10. 构词法:构词过程

在《英语语言学概论》中,除了新词铸造法(coinage 或coining)borrowing(借用法)之外,我们还探讨了其它7种常见的构词法,即,派生法(derivation)、复合法(compounding)、转化法(conversion)、混合构词法(blending)、剪切法(clipping)、逆构词法(backformation)和首字母缩略法(acronymy)。下面我们首先对coining 和borrowing进行界定和说明:

19. 新词铸造法(coinage/ coining/ invention)

通常认为,在人类的最早发展阶段,一种语言的基本词汇是通过新词铸造法。 如最早的产品商标名以及早期的aspirin, nylon等和较近的Xeror, Kodax, Clone等词语都属于新词铸造法。

20. 借用法(borrowing) 借用法(borrowing) 在英语语言里,尤其在古代英语(Old English)和中古英语(Middle English)是个主要而常见的新词来源。借用法一般分为四种类型:





译借词(Translation-loans): 借义词(Semantic borrowings):

现在我们来分析7种主要的构词法或构词过程(word-formation processes) (1)派生法(derivation)


Table 5.4 affixation

Affixation en- Prefixation dis- il- mis- re- -ly -ism Suffixation -ness -less -en Bases able obey literate fortune write friend international useful use strength New words enable disobey illiterate misfortune rewrite friendly internationalism usefulness useless strengthen

(2)复合法(compounding) 复合法(compounding)就是把两个或两个以上的自由语素组合起来产生一个新词汇的过程,如forget-me-not, waterbed,sleepwalk等。复合法是个多产的构词法,产生的新词我们称为复合词。一般有三种类型的复合词: (横线连接复合词)hyphenated compounds,如father-in-law,baby-faced等;(固体复合词)solid compounds,如,fingerprint, sunburn和doorknob等; 开放性复合词(open compound),如,April Fool”s Day, Boston terrier等等。 (3)转化法(conversion)

转化法(conversion)也称为功能转换法(functional shift)或零派生法( zero derivation)。在产生新词过程中没有在原单词上增加任何词缀,即词型不便但词性已变。在现代英语里这种构词法经常被使用。具体的转换形式详见下表:

Table 5.5:英语语言里常见的转化构词法( Major categories of conversion

in English)

Conversion verb noun Examples  He answered my question at once.  He gave me the answer at once. noun  The bottle is full of water.  The soft drinks are bottlverb ed. adj.  At that time, my family was very rich.  The poor man ha--


noun adj.  verb tes the rich very much. He wears the dirty clothes.  He dirtied the water unintentionally. adv.  He ordered the soldier to come up.  They up the verb prices intentionally. adv. verb He put down his bag on the floor.  He downed a few beers and left the room. noun  The model is standing there drinking gracefully.  The boy adj. likes the model plane very much 有时一种形式通过转化可以用于多种功能。如:last 可以用于及物动词,非及物动词,名词,副词,形容词。

(1) The food can only last us three days.(vt.) (2) The film lasted two hours (vi.) (3) He is the last to leave the room. (n.) (4) Who laughs last laughs best. (adv.) (5) Who was the last one to leave the room? (adj.) (4)拼缀法(blending) 混合构词法(blending)j就是把原来两个单词的部分去掉,把剩余的饿部分组合起来构成一个新的单词的过程。通常有四类混合构词法,见下表:

Table 5.9: Main categories of blending in English

Type No. Categories of blending the 1t part of the 1st word + the 1st part of the 2nd word sExamples teleprinter + exchange = telex modulator + demodulator = modem international + police = Interpol communication + satellite = comsat helicopter + airport = heliport breakfast + lunch = brunch smoke + fog = smog motor + hotel = motel news + broadcast = newscast transfer + resistor = transistor glass + asphalt = glasphalt smoke + murk = smurk channel + tunnel = Chunnel smoke + maze = smaze television + broadcast = telecast Spanish + English = Spanglish simultaneous + broadcast = simulcast medical + care = medicare documentary + drama = docudrama 1 2 the 1st part of the 1st word + nnthe 2d part of the 2d word 3 the 1st part of the 1st word --


+ the whole form of the 2nd word the whole form of the s1t word + ndthe 2nd part of the 2 word parachute + troops = paratroops Motor + town = Motown (nickname for Detroit) Europe + Asia = Eurasia talk + marathon = talkathon travel + catalogue = travelogue walk + marathon = walkathon air + hotel = airtel 4 (5)剪切法(clipping)

在讨论剪切法(clipping)和首字母缩略法(acronymy)之前,我们首先看看缩略法(abbreviation),在词典里,我们经常看到abbre.字样,其实就是abbreviation。有时所略法等同于剪切法(clipping),如, prof.(来自 professor),telly(来自television)等。这些是典型的缩略法(abbreviation)例子。 剪切法(clipping)是这样一种构词过程,它通过删除原词的一个或更多音节来缩短原词(通常是名词)以产生新词,但不改变原词语的意义或词性。但要注意的是剪切法 往往导致词语的文体变化,从正式变为非正式。通常,有四种类型的剪切法,如:

Table 5.10: Examples of 4 cases of clipping Categories of clipping Examples Definitions original forms advertisement photograph automobile back clipping the process of word-formation in which a word is shortened by deleting the end of the word amplifier champion microphone gymnasium facsimile condominium the process of word-formation in which a word is shortened by removing the beginning of the word telephone airplane omnibus parachute earthquake 3 front and back clipping influenza the process of word-formation in which a word is shortenerefrigerator d by discarding both the clipped forms ad photo auto amp champ mike gym fax condo phone plane bus chute quake flu fridge Type No. 1 2 front clipping --


beginning and the end of the word detective zoological garden tec zoo pop pub perm 4 the process of word-formation in wphrase hich a phrase is shortened popular music clippinby dropping the end of the 1public house g stn word and the whole of the 2d permanent waves (6)逆序造词法/逆生法(backformation)


baby-sit from ﻩﻩﻩbabysitter begﻩ ﻩ from ﻩ beggar burgleﻩ ﻩfrom ﻩ ﻩburglar concord from ﻩ concordance diagnoseﻩ ﻩfrom ﻩ diagnosis difficultﻩﻩ from ﻩ difficulty donate ﻩfrom ﻩdonation eavesdropﻩﻩfrom ﻩ eavesdropping edit ﻩfrom ﻩﻩﻩeditor



(1) Acronyms

AIDS ﻩ fromﻩ ﻩﻩacquired immune deficiency syndrome NASA ﻩﻩfrom ﻩ National Aeronautics and Space Administration NATO ﻩfromﻩﻩﻩ the North Atlantic Treaty Organization OPECﻩ ﻩfrom ﻩﻩOrganization of Petroleum Countries PIN ﻩﻩ from ﻩﻩﻩPersonal Identification Number Radar ﻩ from ﻩRadio Detecting and Ranging SARS fromﻩ severe acute respiratory syndrome TEFLﻩ ﻩfrom ﻩ ﻩteaching English as a foreign language TESLﻩﻩ from ﻩﻩﻩteaching English as a second language TESOL ﻩ from ﻩteaching English to speakers of other languages (2) Initialisms

A.D.ﻩﻩ ﻩfromﻩ ﻩ Anno Domini ATMﻩﻩﻩfromﻩﻩ ﻩAutomatic Teller Machine B.C. ﻩﻩ fromﻩ ﻩﻩBefore Christ C.O.D.ﻩ from ﻩﻩﻩcash on delivery EECﻩ ﻩﻩfromﻩﻩﻩ European Economic Community



UFA ﻩ fromﻩﻩ ﻩunidentified flying object UNﻩ ﻩ fromﻩﻩﻩﻩthe United Nations VOAﻩﻩ formﻩﻩ ﻩVoice of America WTOﻩ from World Trade Organization 前面我们讨论了几种常见的构词法,但这里要提醒的是有时一个新单词的产生往往涉及不止一种构词法,如,hard-liner.就有两种构词法参与。即复合法和派生法。



第六章 句法学(Syntax)

●本章主要考点 1. 句法的定义(Definition of syntax) 2. 语法、形态学和句法学的关系(Relation between grammar, morphology and syntax) 3. 三种句法关系:纵聚合、横组合和等级关系(Three syntactic relations: syntagmatic, paradigmatic and hierarchical relations) 4. 直接成分分析、带标记的直接成分分析、话语标记法和括弧法(IC Analysis, labeled IC Analysis, phrase markers, and labeled bracketing) 5. 成分语法关系和依存语法关系(Constituency and dependency) 6. 表层结构和深层结构(Surface structures and deep structures) 7. 短语结构规则(Phrase structure rules) 8. 转换规则(Transformational rules) 9. 结构歧义( Structural ambiguity) ●课文理解与重点内容分析: 1. 句法学的定义(Definition of syntax)


2. 语法、形态学和句法学的关系(Relation between grammar, morphology and syntax)

Bussmann (2000: 194)认为,语法是关于自然语言形态规则和句法规则的知识和研究。形态学是语法的一部分,是研究词语的内部结构和构词过程的语言学分支学科。句法学也是语法的一个部分,研究词、词组、短语之间的关系及其组成句子的规则、规律和方式,它研究句子中各种成分之间的关系,是语言学的一个分支学科。

3. 三种句法关系:横组合、纵聚合和等级关系(Three syntactic relations: syntagmatic, paradigmatic and hierarchical relations)

横组合关系指一个单位和同一序列中的其他单位之间的关系,或共现的所有成分间的关系。处于组合关系的词必须满足一 些句法和语义条件。


不同于组合和聚合关系,句子也按照层级顺序来组织,因为句子由小句组成,小句由短语组成,而短语由单词组成。因此,句子内部的层次构成等级结构。句子的等级结构可以通过直接成分分析法,带标记的直接成分分析法、短语标记法和带标记的括弧法来进行分析。 4. 直接成分分析、带标记的直接成分分析、短语标记语、带标记括弧法(IC Analysis, la

beled IC Analysis, phrase markers, and labeled bracketing) 句子是一个层级结构。句子里的词首先构成词组。句子与构成要素之间的关系叫做结构体和成分之间的关系。分析这种关系的一个重要方法是直接成分分析法,简称IC分析法。直接成分分析法先把句子分析为直接成分一一词组(或短语),再把这些直接成分依次切分到各自的直接成分,层层切分,直到最终成分为止。实际操作中,为了方便,通常切分到词为止。直



接成分分析法可以用括弧或树形图表示。 切分直接成分的标准是替换性:看一个词语的序列; 是否可以被一个单词替换而结构保持不变。IC分析法可以清晰地呈现句子的内在结构,揭示可能的歧义。

由于直接成分分析法不能揭示具有相似或相同结构的句子之间的差异,语言学们尝试给每一个相应成分加上标记以改进直接成分分析,弥补其不足。这种修改后的直接成分分析法被称为带标记的直接成分分析。如图6.1所示: (1)

His brother stayed at home. / S

ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ

ﻩHis brother / NP

ﻩstayed at home / VP

His / Det brother / Nﻩstayed / Vﻩat home / PP ﻩﻩ

at / P ﻩﻩhome / N 图6.1带标记的直接成分分析


(2) S

NP ﻩ ﻩVP

ﻩDet ﻩNﻩﻩV ﻩAP

ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩADVP Adj


These apples ﻩare very ﻩsweet 图6.2 短语标记法


(3) [S[NP[Det the] [N apples]] [VP[V are] [AP[ADVP[Adv very]] [Adj sweet]]]]

5. ﻩ成分关系、依存关系( Constituency and dependency)

直接成分分析, 带标记括弧法等都是句子的成分结构语法分析法。成分结构分析是一种等级结构句法分析, 依据语言形式的分布来揭示不同结构层面的不同成分之间的关系。

还有一种句法分析法叫依存关系句法分析法。它根据语言符号的功能,通过句子结构的各要素之间的依存关系来解释语法关系。依存语法主要关注句子依存结构的描述,,也就是, 描述句子各要素之间的依存关系结构。在依存语法看来,在句子的每两个要素或成分之间,一个是支配要素/成分,另一个则是依存要素/成分。如果一个支配成分依存于另一个支配成分,则形成了一个复杂的等级依存顺序。每一个句子当中,绝对的支配者是动词。如图6.3所示:




ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩNﻩ


The ﻩboy ﻩ ﻩlikes ﻩthe ﻩ book very ﻩmuch

图6.3 依存关系句法分析法

6. ﻩ表层结构和深层结构( Surface structures and deep structures)

句法移位对语法研究的启示是,一个句子结构可以有两个层次的句法表现,一个存在于移位发生前,一个存在于移位发生后。在正规的语言学研究中,这两种句法表现一般被称为深层结构(D—structure或the deep structure)和表层结构(S--structure意思大致是the surface structure)。短语结构规则通过插入词汇在深层结构上生成句子,而应用句法移位规则又把句子从深层结构转化到表层结构。沿着这一转换生成分析方向我可以用下面的图示来概括语法中句法成分的组合:


Phrase Structure Rules+the Lexicon (短语结构规则) (词汇)


Movement Rules (移位规则)


必须要指出的是当我们说一个句子有两个层次的句法表现——深层结构与表层结构时,我们并不是说,一个句子在不同的句法层次上看起来必须是不同的。由于并非所有句子都能发生句法移位,因而一些句子的深层结构和表层结构在不同的表现层次上是完全相同的。 在《英语语言学概论》(王永祥、支永碧,2007:84)里,我们也探讨了句子的动态研究涉及的两个层面,即,句子的深层结构和表层结构。深层结构通过短语结构规则来生成,而表层结构由深层结构通过转换规则转换而来。整个动态分析过程如下图所示:

PS rules

Deep structures

T-rules Surface structures

7. 短语结构规则(Phrase structure rules)




让我们把这种组合模式用一个线性算式重写,并把它称为短语结构规则或重写规则:S—NP VP


NP至少有七种可供选择的短语结构规则,这就是:N,Det N,Det Adj N,A dj N,Det N s,Det Adj N PP,Det Adj N PP s。NP必须包含一个名词(N),其他是可随意选择的。





AP—A(PP)(S)(curious/curious of the restJlts/curious that no one was there)

PP—P NP(after the English class)

短语结构规则的循环性:由于这些规则的循环性,运用它们可以造出无数句子、这些甸子叉可以是无限长的。”一个句子所包含的动词词组可以包含另一个句子;一个动词词组可以包含一个句子,而这个句子中又可以包含另一个动词词组一个介词词组可以包含一个名词词组,这个名词词组后又可以跟另一个介词词组一个名词词组可以包含一个介词词组,而这个介词词组又可以包含一个名词词组(或)一个句子”!这些规则虽只是语法规则的一部分,却足以解释为什么语言具有创造性,为什么说话人的记忆力是有限的,却能表达并理解无限的句子。这就是说,循环性体现了语言中的句子能够有更多的成分,并且使说话者能够在同一句子中重复一些句法成分。下面是一些常见的短语结构规则(Phrase Structure rules):

S  NP AUX VP NP  (Det) (AP) N ﻩ (AP) AP  ﻩﻩ Adj ﻩﻩ(ADVP)

ADVP  (ADVP) Adv ﻩ (NP) (PP) (S) VP  Vﻩﻩ(AP) ﻩ(ADVP) PP  P NP

AUX  Tense (Modal) (Perf) (Prog) ﻩﻩﻩPresentﻩ Tense  ﻩ ﻩPastﻩﻩ

Modal  can, may, must, will, shall, etc. Perf  have-EN



Prog  be-ING

8. 转换规则(Transformational rules)

转换规则(Transformational rules)是一些用来将深层结构转换成表层结构的规则,它一般由两个部分组成:1)结构描述(the structural description,namely, SD),2)结构变化(the structural change, SC)。常见的转换规则大概有9种:

(1) T-Affix(词缀转换规则) (2) T-Passive(被动转换规则)

(3) T-agent deletion(删除施事者转换规则) (4) T-negation(否定转换规则)

(5) T-Do insertion(助动词do插入转换规则)

(6) T-Yes or No question(一般疑问句转换规则) (7) T-Wh-word insertion(疑问词插入转换规则) (8) T-Reflexive(反身代词转换规则) (9) T-Imperative(祁使句转换规则) 在这些转换规则当中,T-affix是必要的转换规则,任何表层结构的产生都必须有T-affix hopping的参与。所有其它的转换规则都是选择性的。


1)ﻩT-Reflexive must be applied before T-Imperative. 2)ﻩT-Passive must be applied before T-Reflexive.

3) T-Passive must be applied before T-Negation.

4)ﻩT-Passive must be applied before T-Yes or No question. 5)ﻩT-Affix is always finally applied. 6) T-Agent-deletion is always applied immediately after T-Passiv


7) T-Do-insertion is always applied immediately after T-Negation. 8)ﻩT-Do-insertion is always applied immediately after T-Yes

or No question.

9)ﻩThe basic order of transformations for Wh-word questions:

T-Wh-word insertion  T-Yes or No question ( T-Do insertion)  T-Wh-word switching  T-Affix hopping Wh-word insertion rule

9结构歧义(Structural ambiguity)


(1) John is eager to please.

歧义存在于John和to please的逻辑关系上,John 可以是to please的逻辑主语,John is eager to please others,也可以是to please 的逻辑宾语John is eager to be pleased.

(2)ﻩThey decided on the train. 介词on可以和decide 搭配使用,意思是,they chose to take the traiin, on 也可以和the train 搭配使用,做句子状语,意思为,They made a decision on the train他们在火车上做出决定。



(3) They are cooking apples.

由于 cooking可以是谓语动词的一部分,带宾语apple, 也可以是表语的一部分,充当apple的定语,所以这个句子有两个含义:

第一种含义为Those people are preparing food by heating apples ,第二种含义为:Those are apples for cooking.

(4)ﻩMary hit a man with an umbrella.

这个句子的歧义是由于with an umbrella既可以做整个句子的状语,也可以做宾语的定语。Mary用雨伞打了一个男人,也可以说,Mary打了一个拿雨伞的男人。

(5) I like Eve as well as Gloria. 这是由于as well as引起的结构歧义。

含义 1: I like Eve as well as I do Gloria.我喜欢 Eve 就像我喜欢Gloria.那样

含义 2: I like Eve as well as Gloria does her.我像Gloria那样喜欢Eve 含义 3: I like both Eve and Gloria.我喜欢 Gloria也喜欢Eve




第七章 语义学(Semantics)


1. 语义学的定义(Definition of semantics) 2. 语义学的分支(Sub-branches of semantics) 3. 意义理论(Theories of meaning) 4. 指称/参照、外延、内涵、指称对象、意义、延申、意图、概念、意涵、字义(Reference, denotation, connotation, referent, sense, extension, intension, concept, implicature, signification) 5. 意义类型(Types of meaning) 6. 意义要素(Elements of meaning) 7. 成分分析(Componential analysis) 8. 语义场(Semantic field) 9. 词汇关系( Lexical relations) 10. 决定句义的要素(Essential factors for determining sentence meaning) 11. 句间意义关系(Sense relations between sentences) 12. 述谓分析、谓词、题元和命题(predication analysis, Predicate, argument, proposition) 13. 语义三角理论(The theory of Semantic Triangle) ●课文理解与重点内容分析

1. 语义学的定义(Definition of semantics)

“语义学”就是研究”意义”的学科,即研究语言的意义及其交际功能。哲学家、心理学家和语言学家都语义学感兴趣。哲学家想了解语言形式与它们所指的客观世界的种种现象的关系(如”真假值”问题)。心理学家想通过语言来了解人脑或心理活动。语言学家研究它,是因为人们运用语言形式时大多要表达一定的意义。 2. ﻩ语义学的分支(Sub-branches of semantics)


根据它是否属于语言学范畴,John Lyons (2000:11) 将语义学分为语言语义学、非语言语义学(如哲学语义学、心理语义学和逻辑语义学等)。

根据它在语言中的不同表达层面,文秋芳(1995:210)将语义学分为:词汇语义学(lexical semantics)和句子语义学(sentence semantics or sentential semantics)。




构语义学、生成语义学等很有影响。5)自20世纪70年代,现代语义学开始发展,当时典型的流派包括蒙太古语义学、逻辑语义学、认知语义学等。 3. ﻩ意义理论(Theories of meaning)

John Lyons(2000:40)述及了六个可以区分的、具有哲学性的意义理论: (1) 指称理论(referential theory or denotational theory) (2) 意念理论(ideational or mentalistic theory) (3) 行为主义理论(behaviorist theory)

(4) 意义即使用理论( meaning-is-use theory) (5) 验证性主义理论(verificationist theory)

(6) 真值-条件理论(truth-conditional theory)


4. 指称/参照、外延、内涵、指称对象、意思或词义、延申、意图、概念、意涵、字义(Reference, denotation, connotation, referent, sense, extension, intension, concept, implicature, signification)

指称(Reference):语言表达(命名、词语符号)与其所表示的客观事物或现象之间的关系(the relation between the linguistic expression and the object in extra-linguistic reality to which it refers to),它表现于一定的上下文。



Table 7.1: Three types of connotation Positive connotation stout investigator decease slim strong-minded public servant Neutral fat detective die thin firm government employee (cited from Wen Qiufang, 1995: 211)

指称对象(referent):也就是我们所谈论的事物,即语言符号所指的客观事物或现象。 意义或词义(sense):John Lyons 所说的”意义”(sense)或”词义”是指这个词在与其它语言词汇中其它词所构成的关系中所占的位置。这纯粹是一种只限于语言词汇系统中词与词之间的语义关系,与客观世界中的事物不发生直接联系。”意义”、”词义”(sense) 或词义除了词汇意义外还常常带有感情色彩,即情感义。而外延(denotation)只有词汇意义(lexical mwaning.)。


Negative connotation corpulent spy pegged out skinny pig-headed bureaucrat --



延申(extension):即用语言符号所正确表示的实体类别(the class of entities to which a linguistic expression is correctly applied)

意图(intention):决定语言符号可用性的一套识别性特征(the set of defining properties which determines the applicability of a linguistic expression)。

特别需要说明的是extension 和intention 是”外延(”denotation)的两个方面,,在意义上相互补充。

概念(concept或notion):是客观事物在人们头脑中的印象。换言之,它是在客观事物或现象的基础上概括而成的。它说于思维范畴。概念是意义(meaning )、词义(sense)的基础,而后者是前者在语言中的表现形式,双方相互依存。”概念”是个抽象的东西,靠词来表达,而词语(linguistic expression)通过”概念”来(concept or notion)反映客观世界(referent, the object we refer to )。参见本章要点13的语义三角理论及其图解说明。

字义(signification)是指一个词的”词典意义”以及相关联的其它意义,与”价值”(value)相对应。H.H. Windowson 用这两个词说明一些句子只有字义而没有交际价值。如,某老师为了教授进行时指着自己的鼻子说:”我正指着鼻子。”这句话有字义,却没有价值。 5. ﻩ意义的类型(Types of meaning)


ﻩ grammatical


ﻩ ﻩ ﻩ

meaning ﻩ ﻩ conceptual meaning ( also called denotative meaning)

ﻩﻩ lexical ﻩﻩ ﻩ

meaning ﻩ ﻩ ﻩﻩconnotative meaning

stylistic meaning affective meaning collocative meaning

associative meaning

Figure 7.2: Classification of meaning 6. 意义要素(Elements of meaning)


概念 符号 物体 -- --

Figure 7.4: 意义的五个要素

7. 成分分析(Componential analysis)

成分分析——分析词汇的一种方法。成分分析(Componential analysis)即语义特征分析。词义并非是不可分析的整体,它可以看作是不同语义特征的复合体,有比词义更小的语单位,即所谓的语义特征(semantic features)。由结构语义学家们提出:一个单词的意义可以分析为被称作语义特征的意义成分。这一方法和把一个音位分析为更小的叫做区别性特征的成分的方法类似。用加减号来表示某一语义特征在一个词义中是存在或者省缺,这些特征符号通常用大写字母来写。例如,单词man被分析为包含下列特征:

+HUMAN,+ANIMATE,+MALE 成分分析的一个好处是.通过列出某些单词的语义特征,就可能显示这些单词在意义上有什么联系。例如,man和woman这两个单词有+HUMAN,+ADULT和+ANIMATE这些共同的特征,但在MALE这一特征上不同:而”男人”和”男孩”有+HUMAN,+ANIMATE和+MALE这些共同特征,但在ADULT这一特征上不相同。


(1)ﻩman ﻩ[﹢human] [﹢adult] [﹢male] (2)ﻩwomanﻩ[﹢human] [﹢adult] [﹣male] (3) boy ﻩ[﹢human] [﹣adult] [﹢male] (4) girl [﹢human] [﹣adult] [﹣male] (5)ﻩchildﻩﻩ[﹢human] [﹣adult] (6) personﻩ[﹢human] 8. 语义场(Semantic field)

词语不会孤立地存在。它们总是以某一种方式相互联系着,从而形成语义场( semantic field)。语义场理论是德国结构主义流派20世纪30年代所发展起来的。根据这个理论,”一种语言的词汇并非仅仅是一个独立词条的列举,而是组织成一个领域,一个场,在这个场里,词语之间相互联系,并以各种不同的方式互相界定”(Cristal,1985:274)。


(1) vegetable: tomato, pepper, onion, cabbage, spinach, cucumber, etc.

(2) fruit: apple, pear, peach, orange, lemon, mango, pineapple, etc. (3) color: red, orange, green, yellow, black, blue, white, pink, purple, etc.

(4)ﻩget: acquire, receive, obtain, gain, buy, steal, etc. (5)ﻩsmell: stink, aroma, perfume, fragrance, scent


使用者 语境 --




(1))红蛋(red eggs ─ eggs dyed red to celebrate the birth of a child, and

distributed among friends and relatives)

(2)红白喜事(red and white affairs ─ weddings and funerals)

(3)红媒(matchmaker; go-between)


(4)ﻩ开门红(get off to a flying start)

(5) 红道(path of ascent in official hierarchy; career as an official)

(6)ﻩ红角(popular actor / actress) (7)ﻩ红人(favorite (with sb in power); fair-haired boy)

(8)ﻩ红得发紫((of a person) be extremely popular; be all the rage; (of an

official) be at the height of one’s power and influence)

(9) 红极一时(enjoy great popularity for a time; be all the rage)

(10)ﻩ红粉知己(beautiful woman who is a bosom friend) (11)ﻩ红颜薄命(beautiful women suffer ill fates / are ill-fated)

(12) 看着有些人富起来,他就红眼。(He is green with envy at seeing some people get rich.)

9. 词汇关系(Lexical relations)

在《英语语言学概论》里,我们分析了Saeed(2003)关于词汇关系(lexical relation)的三个分类,即形式关系(form relation)、意义关系(sense relation)和实体关系(object relation)。下面这个能表格清楚地说明问题:

Classification of lexical relations

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lexical relations Homonymy Polysemy Synonymy Opposite (antonymy) Hyponymy Meronymy Member-collection Portion-mass Object relations Sense relations Broad categories Form relation 这个表格说明,标记为1、6、7和8的词汇关系不是”意义关系”(sense relaton)。我们可以通过三个范畴来阐述词汇关系。下面我们分别来看”形式关系”(form relation)、意义关系(sense relation)和实体关系(object relation)。



(1)形式关系(form relation)

需要强调的是不把同音异义或同形异义关系(homonymy)归结为意义关系不太合适。它实际上是一着重意义关系,属于词汇关系的第一个范畴。也就是说,同音异义或同形异义现象中涉及的相关词汇其意义之间没有什么关系。他们之间的关系只是通过形体建立起来的。同形(或同音)异义是指意义不同的词有着相同的语言形式的现象.即不同的词发音上或拼写上,或者两个方面都相同。同音(或同形)异义关系(homonymy)是一种词汇歧义,涉及两个或两个以上不同词语。当两个或更多的词语具有相同的形体但意义不同时,他们就是同形异义关系。他们具有不同的词源背景。这些词语可以分为三类 :完全同音同形异义(absolute /perfect/complete homonyms)、同形异义(homograghs)、同音异义(homophones)。因此,同音(或同形)异义关系(homonymy)可以分为三类关系:完全同音同形异义关系(absolute /perfect/complete homonymy)、同形异义关系(homograghy)、同音异义关系(homophony)。两个单词在发音上相同时,叫同音异义词;两个词在拼写上相同时,叫同形异义词。注意这两个词homophone(同音异义词)和homograph(同形异义词)的构成。词根homo的意思是”一样”,phone~,graph的意思分别是”声音”和”形式”。

有关完全同音同形异义(absolute homonyms)的例子有:

ball (球spherical object or mass) and ball (舞会formal social gather

ing for dancing)

bank (河岸sloping ground on each side of river) and bank (银行establishment, usually a public company, where money is deposited, withdrawn, and borrowed)

bear (承担、运载carry) and bear (熊heavy thick-furred mammal) date (日期day of month) and date (枣子oval stone fruit)

ear (耳朵organ of hearing, esp. external part) and ear (谷穗seed-bearing head of cereal plant)

fair (公平just, equitable) and fair (交易会periodic market)

found (动词find的过去时或过去分词past &past participle of FIND), found (成立establish, originate) and found (melt and mould metal, fuse materials for glass)

ground (地面、操场surface of earth) and ground (动词grind的过

去时或过去分词past & past participle of GRIND)

rose (玫瑰prickly shrub bearing fragrant red, pink, yellow, or whi

te flowers) and rose (动词”上升”rise过去时past of RISE)

sound (声音sensation produced in ear when surrounding air etc.

vibrates) and sound (健全的、正确的healthy, correct)


bass (/bs/ common perch) and bass (/beis/ lowest adult male


bow (/bau/ incline head or body, esp. in greeting or acknowled

gement) and bow (/bu/ weapon for shooting arrows)

sow (/su/ scatter seed on or in earth) and sow (/sau/ adult female pig)

wind (/wind/ air in natural motion) and wind (/waind/ go in spiral, c

rooked, or curved course)




ad (colloquial word for advertisement) and add (join as increa

se or supplement)

blue (colored like clear sky) and blew (past of BLOW)

dear (beloved) and deer (4-hoofed grazing animal, male usual

ly with antlers)

eye (organ or faculty of sight) and I (the pronoun used by spea

ker or writer to refer to himself or herself as subject of the verb)

flower (part of plant from which seed or fruit develops) and flour

(meal or powder from ground wheat etc.)

meat (animal flesh as food) and meet (encounter or (of two o

r more people) come together)

pair (set of two people or things), pear (fleshy fruit tapering t

owards stalk) and pare (trim or reduce by cutting away edge or surface of)

piece (distinct portion forming part of or broken off from larger object)

and peace (freedom from or cessation of war)

right (correct, true), rite (religious or solemn ceremony or observance)

and write (mark paper or other surface with symbols, letters, or words)

rode (past of RIDE) and rowed (past of ROW)

sea (expanse of salt water covering most of earth) and see (perceive

with the eyes)

son (male in relation to his parents) and sun (the star round which the

earth travels and from which it receives light and warmth)

tail (hindmost part of animal, esp. extending beyond body) and tale

(narrative or story, esp. fictitious)

threw (past of THROW) and through (from end to end or side to side of) to (in direction of), two (one more than one) and too (to a greater extent

than is desirable)

weak (lacking in strength, power, vigor, resolution, or number) and

week (7-day period reckoned usually from Saturday midnight)

(2) 意义关系(sense relation)

在八个词汇关系中,意义关系有四种,即,一词多义关系(polysemy)、同义关系(synonymy)、反义关系(antonymy)、上下义关系(hyponymy)。 1. 一词多义关系(polysemy)


(1)一张桌子 (2)一桌人


(4)石板、金属板、木板等 (5)项目表、表格等



(6)(机器的)放料盘 (7)台地、高原


2. 同义关系,同义现象指的是语义的相同或相近。词叉相近的词叫同义词。



英国英语(B E) 美国英语(A E) autlunn ﻩfall lift elevator luggage ﻩbaggage lorry ﻩﻩtruck

petrol gasoline flat ﻩﻩ apartment

windscreen wimdshield torch ﻩflashlight



old nlatl,daddy,dad,father,male parent start, begin, commence kid,child,offsp ring


kick the bucket.pop off,die.pass away,decease room,chamber



he has been a very thrifty person all his life(他一生节俭。) Don’t you expect a loan from such a miserly man. (不要期望从这么吝啬的人





He is a nice man and all the pupils like him.(他为人和气,所有的学生都喜欢他。)

The pop singer is especially worshipped by teenagers.(流行歌手尤其受年轻人的崇拜。)


tomatoes,addled eggs,rancid bacon or butter,sour milk。 (5)语义上不同的同义词:amaze和astound两个词和surprise一词的意义非常接近,但却有细微差别,amaze暗示困惑和迷惑.astound则暗示难以置信:escape和flee均有逃走之意,不同的是,前者意味逃离不愉快或者危险的事,而后者意味匆匆离开。 3. 反义关系(antonymy)







在意义上显示出逆向关系的一对词语叫关系反叉词。例如,如果A是B的丈夫,那么B就是A的妻子。所以”妻子”和”丈夫”是一组关系反义词。’’父亲’’和”儿子”,”老师”和”学生”,”医生”和”病人”,买’’和’’卖”,’’让”和”租”,”上面”和”下面”等也是美系反义词。 4. 上下义关系(hyponymy)



下义词:rose( 玫瑰),tulip(郁金香),carnation(康乃馨),lily(百合花),morning glory(牵牛花)


下义词:dog,cat,tiger,lion,wolf,elephant,fox,bear 上义词:furniture

下义词:bed,table,desk,dresser(梳妆台),wardrobe(衣柜),settee(有靠背的长椅) 上下义关系是一种包含关系,从意义上来说,上义词包含其所有下义词。如:




pinkﻩorangeﻩpurple ﻩgrey

redﻩ blueﻩﻩwhiteﻩblack greenﻩyellow



carnation rose plum blossom morning glory chrysanthemum tulipﻩlilyﻩorchid …

(2) ﻩ


wolf elephant

dog ﻩcat ﻩpig arﻩ…


ﻩtigerﻩﻩlionﻩ monkey fox be


table ﻩwardrobeﻩ

bed desk ench…

(4) ﻩ

chair dresser cupboardﻩﻩbookcase b


appleﻩpapaya ﻩ

orangeﻩﻩpeach bananaﻩﻩcherry ﻩgrapeﻩplum

汽酒ﻩ黄酒 ﻩ料酒ﻩ米酒…

葡萄酒 ﻩ香摈酒ﻩ白酒ﻩﻩ啤酒ﻩ

(5)ﻩﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩ


beerﻩ e tea …


orange juiceﻩtomato juiceﻩ coconut milk


(3)实体关系(object relation)

实体关系(object relation)包含三种词汇关系,即,组成部分和整体的关系(meronymy)、成员-集体关系(member-collection)、部分-整体关系(portion-collection)。

组成部分和整体的关系(meronymy):如,一辆汽车由许多部件组成,包括发动机, 轮胎,车轮, 方向盘,把手, 车灯,车刹,座位等等.(A car is made up of many parts,such as an engine, tyres, wheels, a stering wheel, a handle-bar, li



ghts, a brake, seats,etc.)车灯和汽车的关系就是部分与整体的关系。

成员-集体关系(member-collection):成员和集体关系涉及的全部是可书名词,如: 在Lynne is a girl student of Class 2句子中, Lynne 是个成员概念,而Class 2 诗歌集体概念. Lynne和Class 2构成了一个成员-集体关系, 即 一个女生和一个班级学生的关系.

部分-整体关系(portion-mass):与成员-集体关系不同,它主要涉及不可数名词。也就是说,这个集体由不可数名词组成。如,go out and breathe some fresh air在这里fresh air 作为一个部分(portion),区别于集体(mass) ,即, the air sorrounding the earth

10. 决定句义的要素(Essential factors for determining sentence meaning)

决定句子意义的要素有六点:1)构成一句话的单个词的意义;2)句子的语法功能;3)句子中语言形式之间的线性顺序;4)音位特征;5)等级顺序;6)名词的语义功能。 11. 句子间的意义关系(Sense relations between sentences)

句子问和同一句子的各组成部分间也有一定的关系。 (1) X和Y是同义关系

例如: X:He was a bachelor(单身汉)all his life.

Y:He never married all his life.

从是否真实的角度看,如果x是真的,Y就是真的,如果X是假的,Y也是假的。 (2)X和Y是前后矛盾关系

例如: X:John is married.

Y:John is a bachelor.

从是否真实的角度看,如果x是真的,Y就是假的,如果x是假的,Y就是真的。 (3)X蕴涵Y(Y是X的蕴涵) .

例如: X:Iohn married a blond heiress(女继承人).

Y:John married a blond.

蕴涵是一种包含关系。如果X蕴涵Y,X的意义就为Y所包含。 (4) X预示Y(Y是X的先决条件)

例如: X:John’S bike needs repairing.

Y:John has a bike.


当句子X本身自相矛盾时.它永远是假的。例如:Myunmarried sister is married tobachelor.(我的未结婚的姐姐嫁给了一个单身汉。)


例如:The table has bad intentions.(桌子有不好的意图。) 当X在语义上反常时,它就是荒唐的,因为预示了一个矛盾。上面的句子预示了:”一张桌子能有意图”,这是荒唐的,因为抽象概念”意图”不能跟在无生命主语”桌子”后面。,

12. 述谓结构分析、谓词、题元、命题( Predicate, argument, proposition)、



The dog bit the man. The man bit the dog.






The dog are chasing the cat. He gave the book me.

We will went to Beijing tomorrow. 以上每个句子都违背了一个语法规则。


Green clouds are sleeping furiously(猛烈地). Sincerity(诚挚)shook hands with the black apple.


语言学家们提出了不同的分析句子意叉的方法。他们的分析基准体系可能有所不同,但他们的目标都是使句子意义抽象化,我们现在妥简要介绍的是英国语言学家G里奇提出的述谓结构分析法(predication analysis)。对句子进行语法分析时,句子被视为基本单位,它被分析为诸如主谓语和定语这样的语法成分。对句子进行意义分析时句子的基本单位被称为述谓,这是对句子意义的抽象化。这一方法适用于所有句式.包括陈述句、祈使句和疑问句。一个述谓由一个或数个题元和一个谓词组成。一个题元(argument)是一个述谓的一个逻辑参与者,与一个句子中的一个或数个名词性成分大体一致。一个谓词(predicate)是关于题元的陈述,或者说明一个句子的题元间的逻辑关系。比如,Tom smokes.这一句子的陈述可以说由题元TOM和谓词SMOKE构成,这一述谓可以写作TOM(SMOKE)。因为句子的语法形式不影响其语义述谓,下列所有句子可以说具有同样的述谓:

Tom smokes. Tom is smoking.

Tom has been smoking Tom.smoke!

Does Tom smoke?

这是同一语义述谓TOM(SMOKE)在语法上的多种体现。而一些句子包括的题元(或论元)不止一个。例如,Kids like apples这一句子有kids和apples两个名词性成分,因而它的述谓结构可以写作KID,APPLE(LIKE)。还有一些句子一个题元(或论元)也没有,包含非人称代词it的英语句子,如It is hot,即是如此。该句中的it不能当作一个题元,(BE HOT)是该句述谓的谓词。


根据一个述谓中所包含的论元的数目,我们把述谓结构分为两位述谓结构(包含两个题元或论元)、单位述谓结构(包含一个题元或论元)、零位述谓结构(没有题元或论元)。 13. 语义三角(semantic /semiotic triangle)

语义三角理论是1923年由Ogden 和 Richard的一种经典语义理论。语义三角的





请编辑在此处沿三角形的左腰 倾斜打印三行英文(与腰平行), 而且相对于左腰居中排版: correct symbolizes (a causal relation) Thought or reference 请编辑在此处沿三角形的右腰倾斜打印三行英文(与腰平行),而且相对于右腰居中排版: adequate refers to (other causal relations)

------------------------------- SYM BOL stands for REFERENT (an imputed relation)

图 7.1: ﻩ语义三角

(引自 Ogden and Richards, 1923: 11; cited from Bussmann, 2000: 425)

第八章 语用学(Pragmatics)



●本章主要考点 1. 语用学:界定与阐述(Pragmatics: definition and illustration) 2. 指示语及其类型(Deixis and its types) 3. 奥斯丁和塞尔的言语行为理论(Austin’s and Searle’s speech act theories) 4. 合作原则及其准则(The cooperative principle and its maxims) 5. 会话含义(Conversational implicature) 6. 礼貌原则及其准则(The politeness principle and its maxims) 7. 后格莱斯时期的发展(The Post-Gricean developments) 8. 语用预设(Pragmatic presupposition) ●课文理解与重点内容分析: 1. 语用学

1) 定义


2) 语用学与语义学




3) 语境


表 8.1: 语境的要素

语言语境 语境 非语言语境 背景知识 我们所使用语言的有关知识 关于语言(使用)环境的知识 常识 社会文化习俗 言语习惯 --


共有知识 即交际双方的共享知识 交际的时间和空间 情景语境 交际对象和主体 交际的正式程度 交际参与者的关系 4) 句子意义与话语意义

句子是句法概念,句子的意义通常被看作是句子本身所具有的抽象的、内在的属性,对这种意义通常是从述谓结构的角度来研究的。假如我们把一个句子看成是人们在交际过程中实际所说的话,该句子就变成了一个话语,考虑该句子就应该考虑到它实际上被说出(或被使用)时的环境。因而要断定The dog is barking是一个句子还是一个话语是不可能的。两种情况都有可能,这完全取决于我们怎样去看待它,怎样去分析它。假如我们把它当作一个语法单位,不它看成是一个孤立的、独立自主的单位,那么我们是把它当成一个句子来对待的。假如我们把它看作说话者在一个特定的环境中带着一个特定的目的所说出的一句话,那么我们是把它当作一个话语来对待的。

句子的意义是抽象的,是非语境化的,而话语的意义是具体的, 是受语境制约的。话语意义基于句子意义:它是一个句子的抽象意义在特定语境中的具体体现,或简言之,在一个语境中的具体化。

大多数话语是以句子形式出现的,换言之,大多数话语从句法上看是完整的句子,但有些话语则不然,有一些话语甚至不能被复原成完整的句子。例如,Good morning(早上好!),Hi!(咳!)和Ouch! (呀呀!)都是话语,在交际中都有意义。如果说Good morning!尚可被复原成1 wish you a good morning的话.我们却不知道Hi!和Ouch!是来自什么样的完整句子。 2. 指示语







3. 言语行为理论






I do.(我愿意。)

I name this ship Elizabeth.(我把这艘船命名为”伊莉莎白”号。)

I give and bequeath my watch to my brother.(我把我的手表遗赠给我的弟弟。)

I bet yotl six pence it will rain tomorrow.(明天若下雨我给你六便士。) “I do”用来回答牧师在主持婚礼的过程中所提出的问题:Do vou take this man/woman to be your lawful wedded hsband/wife?(你愿意接受这个男子/女子以作为你的合法丈夫/妻子吗?)回答者一说”I do”,他或她就算结婚了。奥斯汀因而得出结论说,话语”I do”是用来完成结婚行勾的。当被授权为一艘船命名的人在一艘尚未命名的船的船尾摔碎一瓶香槟一如习俗所要求的那样, 并说I name this ship Elizabettl时.该船的名号就确定了、因而I name this ship…是用来完成命名行为的。与此相似.话语I give and bequeath mv watch to mv brother出现在一份遗嘱中,用来完成遗赠行为的。当一个人说I bet you…时,他是在打赌。因此,说话者说出这些句子时.他们不是在报告或说明一些事情,而是在做一些事情,换言之,是在完成特定的行为。奥斯汀所举的四个例子都是套式话语。但说活时说话人同时在做某种事情这一观点的适用范围无疑可以被扩大。以包括非规约性行为,如陈述、承诺、请求和建议。因而,这一理论开始被称作言语行为理论.依此理论,我们说话的同时是在实施某种行为。



You have left the door wide open.(你让门敞开着。)

说话者所实施的发话行为是,他说出了所有的词you.have, door, open等,表达了这些词的字面意思。说话者所实施的言外行为是.通过讲这句话,他表达了其意图,即请某人把门关上。







1)阐述类:陈述或描述说话者认为是真实的情况。 2)指令类:试图使听话者做某些事情。

3)承诺类:说话者自己承诺未来要有一些行为。 4)表达类:表达对某一现状的感情和态度。 5)宣告类:通过说话引起骤变。 4. 合作原则及其准则

合作原则,人们在谈话中会有意无意地遵循这样的合作原则:”使你所说的话,在其所发生的阶段,符合你所参与的交谈的公认目标或方向”,具体表现为四条准则:数量准则、质量准则、关系准则、方式准则。 5. 会话含义




会话含义的特征可包括; 推导性、可取消性、不可分离性、非规约性。 6. 礼貌原则及其准则

合作原则有助于说明语句的意义和语句的力量的关系,但它本身并不能解释人们为什么经常间接地表达意思,礼貌原则是对合作原则的必要补充和补救,可以更好地解释人们为什么在言语交际中要故意违反合作原则。格赖斯理论能够较好地解释话语的言外之意,或特殊会话含义。然而,也还存在某些不足之处,因为在交际中,人们最先考虑的是礼貌问题,它成了一切交际的首要前提,因此,礼貌原则实际上具有更大的约束力。利奇效仿格赖斯把礼貌原则划分为六个准则:策略准则(tactmxaim)、宽宏准则(geneorsitymaxim)、赞扬准则(apporbationmaxim)、谦虚准则(modesty axim)、一致准则(ageementmaxim)、同情准则(sympathy maxim)。 7. 后格莱斯主义 7.1关联理论

每一个明师交际行动,都传递一种假定:该行动本身具备最家关联性。 列文森的数量、信息和方式原则 数量原则包括:(A)说话人准则:不要让你的陈述在信息上弱于你所知道的程度,除非较强的陈述与信息量原则相抵触,和(B)听话人推论:相信说话人的陈述已经是就他所知所作的最强陈述。


方式原则包括:(A)说话人准则:不无故使用冗长、隐晦或有标记的表达形式,和(B)听话人推论:如果说话人使用了冗长或有标记的表达形式M,他的意思就与他本来可以用无标记的表达形式U所表达的意义不一样,即说话人是在设法避免U 带来的常规性的联想和信息量含义。 8.语用预设






(2)特征 1)共知性










第九章 话语分析(Discourse Analysis)


1. 语篇、语篇性、话语和语境(Text, texture, discourse and context) 2. 话语分析/会话分析(Discourse analysis / Conversation analysis) 3. 批评话语分析/积极话语分析(Critical discourse analysis / Positive discourse analysis) 4. 衔接与连贯(Cohesion and coherence) 5. 话轮/话轮转换(turn/ Turn-taking) 6. 前置语列(Pre-sequence) 7. 相邻语对和优先应答(Adjacency pairs / Preferred second parts) 8. 照应/替换/省略/连接/重复/搭配(Reference / substitution / ellipsis / conjunction / reiteration / collocation) ●课文理解与重点内容分析



Halliday和Hasan认为,“text” 一词在语言学里指任何口头或书面的、长短不限的、构成一个统一整体的段落(passage)。 Text是使用中的语言单位,不是像小句或句子一样的语法单位,不能用长度来确定它。Text可以是一个词、一个句子,也可以是一个长篇巨著,是不受句子语法约束的,在一定语境下表达完整语义的自然语言。Text不是由句子组成的,而是由句子体现的,也就是说text与句子的关系是体现关系,句子是用于体现text的。Halliday和Hasan指出: “一个text最好是看作一个语义单位,即不是形式单位,而是意义单位。”

Quirk等人认为:“text是在实际运用中具有恰当连贯性的一段语言。这就是说,该text在语义和语用上与现实世界中的实际语境‘相一致’,而且它在内部或语言上也具有连贯性。” Hoey给text的定义是:“text可清晰地表示一个或多个作者和一个或多个读者之间相当独立的、有目的的互动,其中作者控制着互动并生产大部分或所有的语言。”Brown和Yule则认为“text 是交际行为的文字记录”。Beaugrande和Dressler(1981)在其专著Introduction to Text Linguistics中,把text定义为“满足语篇性七个标准的交际性产物”。他们同时认为,如果这七个标准中的任何一个被认为是没有得到满足,该text就不具备交际性;不具备交际性的text则视为“非语篇”。这七个标准是:衔接性(cohesion)、连贯(coherence)、目的性(intentionality)、可接受性(acceptability)、信息性(informativity)\\情景性(situationality)和篇际性(intertextuality)。总之,语篇(text)是言语作品,是语言实际交际过程中的产物。无论以何种形式出现,语篇都应该合乎语法、语义连贯,包括与外界在语义和语用上的连贯,也包括语篇内在语言上的连贯。……语篇是有效交际的基本单位。(胡曙中,2005:4-6) Beaugrande和Dressler(1981)认为,语篇语言学至少应该与三个方面有着密切的联系(:1)语篇;(2)参与者;(3)广义的情境。正是这三个方面决定了语篇应该满足上文所说的七个标准,这七个标准就是语篇性(texture)。




向于使用“话语”(discourse),与之对应的是“话语分析”,欧洲学者习惯用篇章说法,与之对应的是“篇章语言学”,实际上指的是同一个内容。但在语言学文献的描述中,话语和语篇的侧重点有所不同。首先,我们经常区分书面语篇(written text)和口头话语(spoken discourse)。换句话说,话语是交际话语(interactive discourse),而书面语篇指的是非交际独白(non-interactive monologue)。比如提到学术论文,我们指的是对观众所作的报告或发表的成品(Goffman,1981)。另一个区别是话语通常较长,而语篇可能很短,如Halliday和Hasan(1976)提到的“NO smoking!”也可构成语篇。Van Dijk(1977) 认为语篇是一个抽象的理论构体,话语是它的具体体现,二者的关系就如同句子(sentence)与话语(utterance)的关系一样。Brown和Yule(1983)认为,话语(discourse)是一个过程(process),是说话者或作者在某个语境中用来表达自己的意思或实现自己的意图的词、短语和句子,而语篇(text)是成品(product), 可以是书面的,也可以是口头的。Widdowson(1979:50)则把话语定义为句子组合的使用( “the use of sentences in combination”);系统语言学家Steiner和Veltmen(1988)把话语解释为“作为过程的语言”,强调其动态的性质; Caire Krashen(1998) 从社会语言学的角度把话语定义为讲话方式、阅读方式和写作方式,同时也是某一 话语社区的行为方式、交际方式、思维方式和价值观念。正如李悦娥、范宏雅(2002:4-5)所说,上述这些观点从不同侧面反映出话语的本质,同时也表明话语分析的定义也因为语言学家不同的着眼点而不尽相同。ﻫ 语境是语言的语用研究中不可缺少的概念。它一般被理解为说话者和听话者双方所共有的知识;双方在他们所使用的语言方面的知识;双方对世界的认识,包括对世界的总的认识和对正在进行的语言交际所处的环境的具体认识,没有这样的认识,语言交际是难以顺利进行的,不考虑这样的知识,语言交际就不可能从语用角度得到满意解释。关于语境的要素,请参阅本书第八章表8.1. 2.话语分析/会话分析

话语分析(discourse analysis)这一术语是由美国结构主义语言学家哈里斯(Z.S.Harris)在他发表于1952年美国《语言》(Language)杂志第29卷的一篇题为“话语分析”的文章中首次使用的。从此,它作为现代语言学的专门术语被广泛使用。现在人们普遍认为,话语分析是从20世纪60年代中期开始成为一个独立的研究领域的。它的出现是人类对语言认识不断发展的必然,体现了语言研究从形式到功能、从静态到动态、从词语、句分析到话语、语篇分析、从语言内部到语言外部、从单一领域到跨学科领域的过渡。(李悦娥、范宏雅,2002:1)



也有一些语言学家从社会语言学的角度定义话语分析。如Van Dijk(1980)和Halliday(1978)指出话语分析是一种社会分析方法,解释人类如何理解彼此的话语。美国社会语言学家Labov(1969:54)指出话语分析就是制定规则“把所做与所说或所说与所做联系起来”,强调话语规则的先决条件,指出必须满足一定条件话语才能被看作是某种特定的交际行为。 由此可见,话语结构形式、话语规则、话语模式等都是话语分析研究的不同侧面。话语分析的定义无外乎两个层次:话语分析是对超句单位结构的静态描写;话语分析是对交际过程






那么何为会话分析(conversation analysis)呢?会话分析是语用学的重要领域,甚至可以说是最重要的领域(姜望琪,2003:208)。会话分析的主要内容包括会话结构、话轮换转、前置语列、相邻语对和优先应答等等。会话分析和话语分析有很多共同的研究内容和研究任务,但也有一些不同的研究对象和研究方法。国内学者黄国文和徐珺(大连外国语学院学报2006年第10期)对话语分析(discourse analysis)和会话分析(conversational analysis)进行了较为全面而系统的研究,有兴趣的读者可查阅此文。 3. 批评话语分析/积极话语分析

批评语言学的语篇分析方法是Fowler,Hodge, Kress 和Trew 等在1979年出版的《语言与控制》(Language and Control)一书中首次提出的,旨在通过对公众语篇的分析来揭示意识形态对语篇的影响和语篇对意识形态的反作用。(辛斌,2005;戴炜华等,2002)辛斌教授(2005)在其专著的前言中分析指出,批评语言学也叫批评话语分析,是20世纪80年代初首先在英国兴起的有关语篇分析方法的学科。它的方法论主要建立在以韩礼德为代表的系统功能语言学上,同时兼容其它语言理论中有关的概念和方法。它在分析中特别强调对语篇生成、传播和接受的生活语境和社会历史背景的考察,并把注意力主要放在发现和分析语篇中那些人们习以为常因此往往被忽视的思想观念上,以便人们对它们进行重新审视。批评语言学一出现便迅速得到西方语言学界的重视。在过去的二十几年里,研究语言、权力和意识形态关系的队伍不断壮大。目前它在英国、美国、荷兰、奥地利和澳大利亚等国方兴未艾,形成语篇分析的研究热潮。这些研究从不同角度,运用不同方法,通过分析语篇的语言特点和它们生成的社会历史背景来考察语言结构背后的意识形态意义,并进而揭示语言、权力和意识形态之间复杂的关系。批评语言学认为语篇是说话者在形式结构和意识形态意义两方面进行选择的结果。批评语言学是在当代西方人文科学领域中普遍存在的反唯科学主义和反唯理主义的背景下产生的。实证主义把科学或科学知识视为纯粹客观的东西,实证主义科学只限于所谓的“客观”描写和呈现“事实”,它忽视了这样一个简单的事实,即科学是由科学家进行的,而科学家跟任何其他人一样具有自己的观点、兴趣和意识形态。今天,语言对社会过程具有重要的干预作用这一思想在人文科学中已为人们所普遍接受(辛斌,2004)。批评式语篇分析是建立在语言学理论基础上的语篇分析模式。它通过描述、阐释、说明三个分析步骤,对语篇进行分析,揭示语篇中所隐含的意识形态领域的控制和统治关系。近年来批评语言学引起了我国语言学界的重视,出现了不少研究成果。目前批评话语分析新动态主要体现为:新的研究思路初见端倪,新的理论逐渐引入CDA研究;研究方法不断得到丰富,研究内容、研究对象逐渐趋向多样化;英、汉语篇的批评性分析对比研究日益得到重视;在重视英语语料的同时,汉语语料的本土化研究初步得到加强;国内CDA和 PDA的对比研究已经起步,正在努力与国际接轨(支永碧,2007)。 积极话语分析(positive discourse analysis)是马丁为代表的韩礼德学派所倡导。他们认为,功能语法的理论如评价理论等不仅可以用来批判也可以用于建设,即进行他们所谓的积极话语分析。2005年7月在悉尼召开的第29届国际系统功能语言学大会的主旨是“希望的话语:和平、和解、学习和改变”,目的是使批判性思考更多地朝着积极的话语分析方向进行,即更着力研究如何十2我们的世界变得更美好,以及系统功能语言学者如何为此



作出贡献。我们可以看出,在这个主旨中,马丁等学者对于评价理论的应用既抱存和批评话语分析相同的社会关怀,又更多地着眼于建设性的改变(胡壮麟等,2005:332)。 4. 衔接与连贯(Cohesion and coherence)

“衔接”笼统地被定义为“所有连接语言单位和模式的方法”。衔接的主要手段有词汇法和韵律。衔接指的是表层语篇的语言成分即人们听到或看到的实在语词,在一个序列中、在语言的语法规则基础上有意义地相互连接的方式(Beaugrande& Dressler,1981:3)。Halliday和Hasan在《英语的衔接》(Cohesion in English)(1976)里对衔接进行了界定,他们认为,“当话语中的某个成分的解释取决于话语中另一个成分的解释时,就出现了衔接。” (ibid:4)衔接决不仅仅提供叙述的连续性,它还由此构成语篇的语义整体。实质上,“衔接”是个语义概念,体现语篇的语言成分之间的语义关系。根据Halliday和Hasan(1976,1985)的划分,衔接手段大致可分为语法衔接和词汇衔接两种。前者包括照应(reference)、省略(ellipsis)、替代(substitution)和连接(conjunction),后者则包括词汇重述(reiteration)、同义(synonymy)、下义(hyponymy)和搭配(collocation)等。这里,值得注意的是隐性衔接语篇的衔接常可以借助语篇的显性表述来实现,如,照应、替代、省略、连接词和词汇连接等。有时,语篇的衔接也可以借助语篇的隐含意义,即蕴涵在语篇显性表述之内的含意来实现。前者我们称之为显性衔接,后者称之为隐性衔接。显性衔接的语篇,形式标记明显,句与句之间的语义关系脉络分明,承转清晰。隐性衔接的语篇,无形式标记,句与句之间的语义关系含而不露,隐晦曲折。在语篇营造过程中,显性衔接是主要的语篇接应手段,但隐性衔接也是建构连贯语篇不可缺少的方式。这主要是语言的节俭原则和合作原则使然。显性衔接是实现语篇连贯的主要手段,隐性衔接是实现语篇连贯不可缺少的方式。二者相间使用,相互补足,促成整个语篇连贯性的建立(牛保义,1998)。另外,我们需要注意汉英语篇含意衔接,含意性是指在任何一段话语里,都可以从中感知到一些潜存于词语里的语义之外的隐性表述。这些隐性表述同话语中由语言单位的概念意义传递的显性表述有补足、延伸、限定、阐发、待释等关系,二者共同实现话语的相对完备表达。含意性是一种构架谋篇手段,即借助含意实现语篇衔接,达到语言的“简约性”,增强语言的“审美性”。 语篇建构中,一般含意衔接是指用句子语词的隐含意义或语句的逻辑事理关系连接句子和语篇。特殊含意衔接是指通过对特定的语境知识的阐释和发挥实现句子或语篇的衔接。语篇含意衔接主要借助语篇显性表述所隐含的常规关系或者是结合特定的语境信息对常规关系的阐释发挥实现的。因此,实质上,语篇含意衔接的作用是将常规关系的具体内容嫁接句子中的语义空缺部分。含意做为一种衔接手段,也就是用语句字面的词义和寓意,用对语句内藏事理和语词内涵外延的领悟去衔接语句和构筑语篇。研究语篇的衔接,也就是探究作者如何利用语词的词义和寓意、语句的逻辑事理和语词的内涵外延发展语篇的,也就是从更深的层次去解读语篇(牛保义,1999)。 “连贯”指的是语篇世界的组成成分互相影响和互相关联的方式(Beaugrande& Dressler,1981:4)在Beaugrande和 Dressler看来,连贯甚至比衔接更为重要。连贯不仅仅是语篇的一个重要特征,更是语篇使用者之间认知过程的结果。信息组织的起承转合,与衔接有关,而将不同概念有机地组合起来,形成一个语义整体,并在情景语境中行使恰当的功能,靠的是连贯。“连贯这一概念已经描绘出把语篇当作人类活动这一门学科的实质。一个语篇本身并没有什么意义,而是要依靠语篇所描述的知识与人们头脑中存储的世界知识的相互作用才有意义。”(Beaugrande& Dressler,1981:6) 其实,篇章的连贯性是一个相当复杂的问题,受多种因素的影响。除了结构的衔接之外;语义、语用和认知原则及篇章的主题与类别都是影响篇章连贯性的重要因素。因此,在分析一个篇章的连贯性时,必须全面考虑这些因素的影响(武果,1987)。 主题连贯性实质上就是根基于英语话语的这种自然信息结构。发话人在组织话语时,尽量将表示已知信息的语言单位放在句子前部,让表示未知信



息的成分尽可能出现在句子较后的位置上,从而每句话里的新信息都成为接下来要传达的新信息的出发点或背景知识,如此循环交替,不断把意义向前铺展,直到把话说完(辛斌,1989:24-29) 。 话题对衔接具有宏观上的限制作用,衔接手段能够有效加强语篇的连贯性,但前提是语篇中话题的发展必须具有一定程度的统一性和逻辑性(辛斌,1998:6)。连贯反映了人类的认知规律,它的产生条件是关联、连接、一致、顺序和层级,其中顺序与层级是充分必要条件。现有连贯理论和阐释模式的描写力大于解释力,根源在于未能充分考虑连贯的顺序与层级性问题。语篇连贯可分为形式连贯和功能连贯。形式连贯主要通过词汇语法衔接手段在语篇的表层来实现,其手段是显性的。功能连贯则没有表层衔接语符,其连贯的实现建立在逻辑-语言和社会符号层面上。隐含连贯需要语言内外部的语境、世界知识、言语行为、合作原则、共有知识和想象等手段来实现。语篇连贯是一个语义概念;语篇衔接机制的范围应该扩大到所有语义联系机制,包括结构性衔接、话语语义结构、外指性衔接机制和隐性信息衔接等,它不仅表示语篇成分和部分之间的语义联系,还要最终形成一个语义整体;语域使语篇与语境相联系,使语篇的衔接与连贯联系;连贯是语篇的衔接机制和情景语境相互作用产生的总体效应。它还有层级性、连接性、整体性和功能性等突出特点。此外,我们还需关注“人际意义连贯”,它主要体现为语篇内人际意义的衔接性和语篇外语域在话语基调和话语方式上的一致性。把体现衔接关系的衔接机制与体现人际意义的语言项目结合起来,可以获得相邻对、语气并列、主语链、态度词汇衔接、极性/情态/语态重复、语调模式等人际衔接机制。而语篇外人际连贯则主要由社会角色、交流角色、语言角色与语篇的一致性来实现的。由此,可以构建一个由情景语境、语义和词汇语法、语音三个层面组成的人际连贯分析框架,并就一语篇进行人际连贯的实例分析(杨才英,2005)。 5. 话轮/话轮转换(Turn-taking)

话轮(turn)是Sacks等人提出的理论概念,是人们日常会话的基本结构单位。话轮是指在会话过程中,说话者在任意时间内连续说的话,其结尾以说话者和听话者的虐色互换或各方的沉默等放弃话轮信号为标志(李悦娥、范宏雅,2002:22)。Sacks等人(1974:696-701)认为话轮转换系统对一切会话来说都存在,并且是一个基本的言语转换机制。话轮转换系统包括话轮构造部分,话轮分配部分,以及话轮转换规则。 6. 前置语列/预言示语列(Presequence)

前置语列或预示语列(Presequence)是指为了探明某些具体言行行为能否实施而采用的语列。下面就是一个前置语列或预示语列: (1)甲:你周末打算做什么?

乙: 没有什么特别的事。有事吗? 甲:那干嘛不跟我们 一起出去郊游?

这里,乙已经明白了前置语列的用意,于是便问甲“有事吗”,知道甲还有下文。 7. 相邻语对和优先应答(Adjacency pairs / Preferred second parts) “相邻语对”指一类话语常常配之以某一特定类型的答话这一语用想象,如在一个会话结构中或话轮转换过程中,问题后面往往跟着回答,提议后面往往跟着采纳或拒绝,劝告后面往往跟着认可,抱怨后面往往跟着道歉或辩解。这种两两相对的语句被称为“相邻语对”(adjacency pair)。“相邻语对”的其中一个问题是可能出现的第二部分的范围可能很大。对一个问题,可以作出许多反应,都不是对问题的回答,但都可以充当第二部分。所谓“优先应答”指的是一句问话之后的、第二部分全部的话语总库中的较正常的、较一般的、不太特别的选择项。如:

(2) 甲; 考及格了吗/

乙: 及格了(没有及格、六十差一分、倒数第三等等)。 乙的答话中前两项为优先应答,后面两项较特殊,较具体,是“相邻语对”中的非优先应答。



8. 照应/替换/省略/连接/重复/搭配


(3)The dictionary is very expensive. I bought it yesterday. 此例中,It与the diactionary构成照应关系


(4) Tom bought some potatoes. Mary some sweet peas.

此例中Mary some sweet peas在结构上不完整,省略了谓语动词成分,因为bought在上下文中出现过,采用省略的表达方式就可以避免不必要的重复。

连接(conjunction)是指在一个结构里将两个分句连在一起,如; (5)I love Mary and Mary loves me

需要注意的是,英语连接性词语中,除了but,so, and 之类的连接词之外,其余均可以纳入连接性修饰状语(conjunctive adjuncts)的语法范畴。为了便于分析研究,Halliday和Hasan(1976)将连接成分划分为四种类型,即“加合”(additive)、“转折”(adversative)、“因果”(causal)、“时间”(temporal)。但后来他们(1985)进一步发展和完善了语篇中连接成分的分类方法,采用了以逻辑语义为切入点的更为合理、更为科学的三分法,弥补了早些时候无法将某些连接成分归类的缺陷。这三类连接词是:详述(elaboration)、延伸(extension)和增加(enhancement)。


(6)My axe is too blunt. I must bought a sharper one. 此例中,one ax替代了axe,避免了重复。 重复(repetition)指的是语篇中某一个或某几个词再次或多次出现。但Halliday和Hasan(1976)所说的重述(reiteration)是一个含义比较宽泛的概念,既包括重复(repetition)即某一个或某几个词项在同一个语篇或语段中量词或多次出现,也包括同义词的使用,条件是指代对象不变。参照的标准不同,对重复的分类也就不同。朱永生等(2001)从重复语言单位之间的距离,重复涉及的语言单位等级(rank),以及讲话者的人数这三点将重复进行了划分。有兴趣的读者可参阅朱永生等(2001:105-109)。




第十章 社会语言学(Sociolinguistics)


1. 语言和社会的关系(Relationships between language and society) 2. 社会语言学和语言社会学的区别(Differences between sociolinguistics and sociology of language) 3. 言语社团(Speech community) 4. 言语变体(Variety) 5. 口音和方言(Accent and dialect) 6. 地域方言(Regional dialects) 7. 社会方言( Social dialects) 8. 个人方言(Idiolect) 9. 语言与性别(Language and gender) 10. 语域(Register) 11. 正式级别和说话风格(Scales of formality and styles of speaking) 12. 语码转换和混合语码(Code-switching and code-mixing) 13. 双言和双语现象( Diglossia and bilinguilism) 14. 通用语/交际语Lingua Franca 15. 禁忌语和委婉语(Taboo and euphemism) ●课文理解与重点内容分析:





3.言语社区/团 社会语言学研究中,说话者被当作是社会群体的成员。分离出来用于任何特定研究的社会群体称作言语社区。因而,言语社区就被定义为一个社区(人数小到一个家庭,大到一个国家)使用同样的语言或语言的某种变体的一群人。言语社区的重要特点是,这个群体的成员必须以某种适当的方式与其他社区成员进行语言交流。这些成员不仅可能对语言规范持相同态度,而且可能使用紧密联系的语言变体。































通用语是一种语言变体,它在有多种语言背景的人群的交际中起媒介作用。正因为如此,通用语必定是一种为了各种目的而进行社会接触的人所使用、约定的”共同语”。通用语(1ingua franca)这一术语起源于一种混杂语(hybrid language),这种混杂语由意大利语、西班牙语、希腊语、阿拉伯语和土耳其语混合而成,为中世纪时地中海东部地区的商人所使用。



(2)洋泾浜语 洋泾浜语(pidgins)是一种语言变体,它通常被使用其他语言的本族者作为一种交际媒介来使用。





另外,系动词to be的各种形式在洋泾浜语中通常不存在,介词通常也只限少数几种,但它们可以起多种作用。




克里奥耳语是充分发展的语言.在各个方面都和其他语言一样善.与洋泾浜语相比,它有更多的词;有范围更广泛的语法特性当一种洋泾浜语成为克里奥耳语,并超越其作为商贸语言的作用时.它的词汇和语法相当大地扩展,并开始具有在本质上和复杂性方面都 与其他人类自然语言的规则相对等的规则。尽管洋泾浜语和克里奥耳语都来源于一些独特的受高度制约的本地话,但在某种情况下,克里奥耳语获得标准语这样的显赫地位。例如,美拉尼西亚洋泾浜语现在成为新几内亚的官方标准语。



两种不同的地区方言或民族方言时,被称为双言现象或双语现象的社会语言情景就出现了。 (1) 双言现象





















在许多文化中,人们避免使用与死亡有关的直截了当的词语,因为这是人人都恐惧并且不愿意提到的话题。这就产生了很多与死亡主题有关的委婉语。例如,在讲英语的社会中,人们不是die而是pass away,或者只是kick the bucket。一个从事葬礼服务的undertaker获得了一个更委婉的称呼funeraldirector。有些人甚至不想提到身体上的疾病,对于他们来说,他们从不sick(生病),而只是感觉indisposed(不舒服)。



通常,当讲英语的人不得不询问bathroom(厕所)的位置时。他们用一种兜圈子的方式表达的,并不是他们对某个房间的确切位置感兴趣,也不是一定想洗个澡,而是想去”方便”,去”do their dailyduties”,或”perform their bodily function”。许多有关排泄的表达语同样被视为禁忌语而避免使用。因此,shit用poop代替,piss成了pee,而fart则被break wind代替。在普通英语谈话中,委婉语的使用使”文雅的”说话者能够避免使用较粗陋的口语话词项,这些人喜欢用limb 代替leg,用rooster代替cock,用bosom代替breast,用make love代替have sexual intercourse这儿只列举了其中的一小部分。尽管使用委婉语有消除贬义暗示的作用,然而遗憾的是,像这样的分离作用不会维持太久。

通常,当人们意识到一个词的委婉语形式中的受面含义时,那么不得不找寻一个新的委婉语。经历了这种连续被取代的过程的英语词项的一个例子是concubine(情妇)这个词,它后来变成mistress,然后是unmarried wife,接着又变成common-law wife。




第十一章 心理语言学(Psycholinguistics)


1. 心理语言学(psycholinguistics) 2. 语言理解和语言产生(Language comprehension and language production) 3. 语言习得理论(Language acquisition theories ) 4. 第一语言习得(First language acquisition) 5. 第二语言习得问题Issues in second language acquisition 6. 关键期假设The critical period hypothesis 7. 萨皮尔-沃尔夫假说(Sapir-Whorfian hypothesis) 8. 影响二语习得的个人因素(The individual learner factors affecting SLA) ●课文理解与重点内容分析 1.心理语言学

心理语言学研究语言和心脑的关系。 2.语言理解与语言产生





语言学家们已达成了这样的其识,习得第一语言的能力是全人类都具备的一个基本遗传特性,即人们在习得第一语言的能力方面无高低之分。 (1)语言习得的生物基础




儿童只要能习得某种人类语言.他就能本能而轻松地习得任何人类语言,认识到这一点有着重大的语言学和社会政治意义:语言不存在优势之分;所有生理和心理健全的人都具有相同的语言习得能力。说一种语言优于另一种语言是没有任何生物学根据的。我们的语言天 赋使我们能够习得我们所接受的任何语言,这种天赋使耳聋的儿童也能学会手语。 (2)语言习得即语法规则的习得


语言习得主要是语言的语法规则的习得,但并不意味着必须习得一种语言的语法体系的所有规则。儿童习得的是一些一般的原则,这些原则使口头语能合乎语法的基础。 (3)语言输入与交流的作用




这并不是说,从儿童咿呀学语到能流畅地说话这一语言发展过程中,语言教学全然无效。父母及其他人对儿童进行的有意识的教导其中有一部分对其语言有一定的影响。有意识地教儿童正确的语言形式对他们所起的作用不大。 ﻩ(5)纠错与强化的作用

研究人员已经发现,纠错与强化并不像人们以前所认为的那样是儿童语言发展的主要因素。例如,许多父母纠正儿童语病的笑话似乎都说明了纠错的无效性。即使人们试图对儿童的语病加以纠正,并用较为含蓄的方式重复正确的语言形式,儿童仍继续使用他们自己造出的语言形式。据发现,强化通常出现在儿童的发音与转述事实方面,而不是句子的语法方面。 (6)模仿的作用

全盘否定模仿在人们习得母语中的作用是错误的。许多儿童很少重复他们所听到的话语,一些年轻的语言学习者却的确对模仿加以选择性的运用,例如,在学习一些词汇时,他们模仿已知的结构中的新词,或模仿包含有熟悉的单词的新结构。这种选择性模仿说明,儿童不是鹦鹉学舌般地模仿成人语言,而是对之加以有限的利用提高其自身的语言技能。结论是,模仿与刻意的语言教学一样,在儿童的语言学习中所起的作用大。 4.第一语言习得









当婴儿十个月或十一个月大开始站立时,他们能开始运用发音功能以表达情感或加强语气,从而试着开始语言习得这一重要过程。这就是第一语言发展阶段的开始。 (2)独词句阶段


儿童发出的一个词也可以被称为独词句,因为它们能够表达概念或论断,起到成人语言中一句话的作用。因此,儿童可能通过说dada(爸爸)来表达I saw daddy’s hat,说more来表达give me more candy(糖果),说up来表达I want up。 独词句有时表现出语义扩展过度或扩展不足的情况。非常典型的是,儿童会用相同的词来描述外貌相似的事物。 ﻩ (3)双词句阶段



儿童的双词句能通过词序表达许多不同的语法关系。例如,在Baby chair,Daddy hat,Me going,Doggie bark中,所有者出现在被持有者之前,主语出现在谓语前。同时,儿童还使用双词句表明特定的概念关系。

除此之外,这一阶段的语言开始反映句型的区别,如否定句、祈使句和疑问句。这是结构语言的开始。很明显,儿童已经开始掌握其母语语法的更多特征。 (4)多词句阶段


Cathy build house. Cat stand up table. Daddy like this. He plav little tune. 儿童早期的多词句有一个典型的特点,即缺少屈折词素和大多数的功能词,如不定式标志to、冠词the、助动词can、系动词be的不同形式等等。存在于多词句中的通常只是一些传达主要信息的实词。由于这些言语与电报中的电文风格相似,所以这个习得阶段的言语经常被称为电报式言语。





随着这类电报式言语的增多,儿童言语中开始出现一些语法性词素。他们开始使用屈折词素来表示语法功能,如加上词素-s表示第三人称动词或名词复数,加-ed表示过去式。儿童言语中开始出现一些简单的介词,尤其是那些表示位置的in,on和up。 5.第二语言习得





















(4) 第二语言习得是一个创造性构建过程











另一方面,我们应当注意,正规教学有着强烈的滞后性:即使从中获得的第二语言知识不能立即应用于自然随意的交谈,学习者以后经常进行口头交际.将会发现它的有用性。 (7)学习者的个人因素


1) 第二语言习得的最佳年龄

第一语言习得的最佳时期是青春期前的最初几年,但第二语言习得的最佳年龄却并非总是遵循”年龄越小越好”这一准则。已有证据显示,青少年在学习第二语言时比儿童更快、效果更好。第二语言习得的最佳年龄是在青少年时期前期这一论断是有道理的,因为在这一年龄段,学习者的认知技巧发展很快,同时他们的语言习得官能还保持有一定的灵活性,这些条件有利于掌握一门新语言的特点。 2) 学习动机



3) 语言文化移入





4) 学习者的个性


而研究结果只证实了这一假说的部分内容。健谈与精通第二语言之间没有任何举足轻重的联系。但人们已认识到,通过经常接触目的语,并用之进行交流,外向型学习者的确可能比非外向的学刁者的口语更为流畅。 6.关键期假设




第二,我们知道,儿童易于学好第二语言,而他们的父母学一门新语言往往是努力了数年也无法完全掌握。这一点常被用来证实下面的观点:语言习得和侧化过程大致同时开始,而且就语言要点而言,到侧化过程终结的时候,语言习得通常也完成了。还有一点事实也可 以说明这个观点:在侧化完成的年龄之后,习得语言变得越来越难。

因此,如果一个孩子出于任何一种原因,比如没有语言环境,而没有在关键期习得语言,那么,以后他或她不可能成功地学会一种语言。然而,除非是有了实证,这样的观点都只是假设。要为关键期假设做一个理想的实验,很可能必须要在完全无法接触语言的环境中养大一个孩子,然后观察他这时才接触语言是否还会正常学习。这样的实验肯定会被社会认为是不道德的,因而不可能做。 7.萨皮尔-沃尔夫假说


沃尔夫首先提出,所有高层次的思维都依赖于语言。说的更明白一些,就是语言决定思维,这就是语言决定论这一强假设。由于语言在很多方面都有不同,沃尔夫还以为,使用不同语言的人对世界的感受和体验也不同,也就是说与他们的语言背景有关,这就是语言相对 论。简而言之,萨丕尔一沃尔夫假设这种强假设提出,我们所说的语言决定了我们感知世界的方式和思维的本质。沃尔夫部分地是以他所观察到的多种美洲印第安人语言之间的许多不同为基础来阐述他的观点的.







这里我们必须说明一下人们对萨丕尔~沃尔夫假设的批判 沃尔夫所举的那些作为他的假设的基础的例子表明,他太注重各种语言的表层结构。实际上,所有语言,包括语言中的词汇语义和句法部分,从根本上说都体现人的共性。所有正常人生来都具有同样的语言天赋和一般的认知能力。鉴于语言被看做是一个用于交际的任意 体系,某种语言的词汇符号和句法规则不会使说该种语言的人感受世界的方式和说另一语言的人有根本不同。 (1)词与意义

词的符号和意义之间的关系具有相当大的任意性。怎样称呼一种自然现象或物体,如雪,对于一个概念体系来说并不是最重要的。对雪有很多种称呼并不意味着其概念上的任何重大不同。英语中只有一个单词指称雪并不意味着说英语的人不能感知不同类型的雪。例如, 有经验的滑雪者对不同类型的雪就很敏感。对某一领域非常精通的任何人都必然会有大的词汇量来描述这一领域里的事物。 人们普遍接受了这一点:语言中的词汇只是一些无意义的标签,语言使用者用它们来引起情绪上的或行为上的反应,传递信息或引导听者的注意力。词和短语的意义在很大程度上依赖于语境。词句的语境变了,它们的要旨和意义也随之而变。 (2)语法结构

沃尔夫不仅过分依赖于词的字面意义用法,而且还过分依赖语法结构。语言的句法系统与使用该语言的人的感知系统之间并没有萨丕尔一沃尔夫假设所声称的那种互相依赖的关系。语言的很多语法特征都纯粹是语言结构的表层现象。 (3)翻译


用英语来解释如霍皮语这样的语言的概念上的独特性,这一事实可以证实翻译批判的论点。沃尔夫认为,霍皮语的概念体系是无法用英语的概念体系来理解的,而他却用英语描述了霍皮语的概念体系。具有讽刺意义的是,他用一般说英语的人都能理解的语言对其作了描述, 而且,他通过用英语准确而又成功地描述霍皮语的概念,实际上证明霍皮语和英语是可以用同一标准来衡量的。



对萨丕尔一沃尔夫假设的另一种批判来自第二语言习得(SLA)的著述。与翻译批判观点相似,第二语言习得的批判观点也是不仅在逻辑上有道理,而且有事实证明。这也就是说,如果不同语言有不同的概念体系,那么说某种语言的人就会因为没有所需要的概念体系而无 法学会另一种语言。然而,由于人们可以学会完全不同的语言,因而这些语言不应该有不同






语言体系并不一定能影响一个人对世界的看法。一方面,说同一语言的人对世界可能有不同的看法,包括政治观点、社会观点、宗教观点、科学观点和哲学观点都可能有所不同。另一方面,说不同语言的人也可能有相似的政治观点、社会观点、宗教观点、科学观点和哲 学观点。另外,一种语言也可以描述对世界的多种不同的看法,这一点、在成功的翻译作品中可以看得很清楚。

第十二章 语言学理论与外语教学(Linguistic Theories

and FLT)


1. 语言对外语教学的贡献(the contributions of linguistic theories to foreign language teaching) 2. 不同的语言观对外语教学的意义(Various linguistic views and their significance in foreign language teaching) 3. 外语教学法(Approaches to Foreign language teaching) ●课文理解与重点内容分析





(4)功能语言学把语言看作社交中实施各种功能的工具,学习语言是用一整套与句子形式有直接关系的语言功能来表达意思。成人语言有三种元功能:概念功能、人际功能、语篇功能。语言教学中,发展了以意念功能为基础的教学大纲。 (5)交际能力理论认为语言学习应培养言语行为能力,有效地参与交际活动,强调话语发生的语境。这种理论带动了以意念功能为基础的教学大纲的发展,尤其是交际教学大纲的发展。





第十三章 现代语言学流派(Schools of Modern Linguistics)


1. 索绪尔与结构主义语言学(Saussure and Structuralism) 2. 布拉格学派(The Prague School) 3. 哥本哈根学派(The Copenhagen School) 4. 美国结构主义(The American Structuralism) 5. 乔姆斯基和转换生成语法(Chomsky and TG grammar) 6. 伦敦学派和系统功能语法(The London School and Systemic-Functional Grammar) ●课文理解与重点内容分析 1.索绪尔与结构主义语言学

索绪尔认为,语言是用声音表达或交流思想的符号系统。符号是形式和意义的联合,是表示者和被表示者的结合。符号是语言事实的核心,研究语言必须从符号本身的特性人手。他区分了几组重要的概念:能指与所指、语言与言语、共时研究和历时研究,连锁关系与选择关系,把研究引向语言的本质,确立了语言学作为一门科学所要研究的对象。(参见刘润清,2002:83)索绪尔是结构主义的创始人,他的学说标志着现代语言学的开端,在不同程度上影响了20世纪各个语言学流派。 2.布拉格学派

布拉格学派实践了共时语言学研究,最重要的贡献是从”功能”角度看待语言,音位学说以及对语音学和音位学的区分。最重要的三个观点:①强调共时语言研究,但并为有将其与历时语言研究分离;②强调语言的系统性,认为要想正确评价语言中的任何成分,就必须明确该成分与其他成分之间的关系;③把语言视作一种”功能”,是用来完成一系列基本职责和任务的工具。 3.哥本哈根学派




本哈根学派人数不多,主要代表人物是叶尔姆斯列夫(Hjelmslev,1899-1965)。 哥本哈根学派继承了素绪尔关于语言是一个符号系统,语言是形式而不是实体等观点,并进一步加以发展,从而形成了一个与布拉格学派极不相同的结构主义学派,有人称之为语符学(glossematics)。语符学强调语言学理论的本质和现状以及语言与描述之间的关系。同时也区分了系统和过程,即对任何一个过程来说,都有一个相应的系统,在这个系统里,过程可以得到描述。语符学的主要特征之一是强调研究关系而不是物质对象。物质对象可以被看作功能性的。

哥本哈根学派的特点是偏重纯理论研究,具体语言分析方面的著述很少。 4.美国结构主义


后布龙菲尔德时期语言学以直接的观察为中心,系严格彻底的经验主义,发明设计了一套”显形发现程序”,用计算机处理原始的语言数据,藉此形成一套完整的语法。 5.转换生成语法

乔姆斯基1957年出版的《句法结构》标志着转换生成语法形成。使用被称作”评价过程”的”假设-演绎”的方法,与布龙菲尔德的发现程序相对。已历经五个发展阶段:古典理论、标准理论、扩展的标准理论、修正的扩展的标准理论、最简方案。生成语法一词简明地表示”一套用来给句子进行结构描写、定义明确严格的规则系统”,认为任何一种语言的说话者都掌握并内化了一种有生成能力的语法,帮助表达他的语言知识。生成语法力图揭示个别语法与普遍语法的统一性,探索语言的普遍规律,以期揭示人类的认知体系和人的本质。其”天赋假设”认为语言是某种天赋,儿童天生具有学习语言的能力——”语言习得机制”。儿童生来就有基本的语法关系和语法范畴的知识,这种知识是一种通用的、普遍性的知识。 6.伦敦学派







Chapter Eight Pragmatics

1. Define the following terms:

1) constative vs performative 2) cooperative principle

3) illocutionary act vs perlocutionary act 4) Conversational implicature 5) speech act theory

2.ﻩTranslatte the following terms:

1) commissive:

2) illocutionary act 3) performative 4) discourse markers 5) relevant theory



6) 取效行为 7) 描述句 8) 话语意义 9) 预设触发语 10) 合适条件

11) adjacency pair

12) preferred second parts 13) deixis

14) Indirect speech act

15) extralinguistic context 3.ﻩMultiple choice questions:

1) According to Searle, those illocutionary acts whose point is

to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called_________.

A. commissives ﻩ B. dircctives C. expressives ﻩD. declaratives 2) An illocutionary act is identical with . A. sentence meaning ﻩB. the speaker’s intention C. language understanding ﻩﻩD. the speaker’s competence

3) The Indirect Speech Act was developed by . A. John Austin B. Levinson C. John Lyons ﻩD. John Searle

4) ____________ is a branch of linguistics which is the study

of meaning in the context of use.

A. Morphology ﻩ B. Syntax C. Pragmatics ﻩD. Semantics

5) Tautologies like boys are boys and war is war are extreme exa

mples in which the maxim of . A. quality ﻩ ﻩﻩ B. quantity C. relevance ﻩ ﻩﻩD. manner

6) __________ is the study of how speakers of a language use sen

tences to effect successful communication. A. Semantics B. Pragmatics

C. Sociolinguistics ﻩD. Psycholinguistics

7) __________ found that natural language had its own logic and

conclude cooperative principle. A. John Austin B. John Firth C. Paul Grice ﻩD. William Jones

8) The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences t

he way speakers interpret sentences is called __________. A. semantics B. pragmatics

C. sociolinguistics D. psycholinguistics

9) __________ proposed that speech act can fall into five gen

eral categories.



A. Austin B. Searle C. Sapir D. Chomsky

Promising, undertaking, vowing are the most typical of the_________.

A. declarations ﻩB. directives C. commissives D. expressives

The illocutionary point of the_________ is to express the psychological state specified in the utterance. A. declarations B. expressives C. commissives ﻩD. directives

Y’s utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of_________.

X: Who was that you were with last night?

Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks? A. quality ﻩ B. quantity C. relation ﻩD. manner

The violation of one or more of the conversational __________ (of the CP) can, when the listener fully understands the speaker, create conversational implieaan’e, and humor sometimes. A. standards B. principles C. levels D. maxim

Most of the violations of the maxims of the CP give rise to _________.

A. breakdown of conversation B. confusion of one’s intention

C. Chostility between speakers and the listeners D. conversational implicatures

Speech Act Theory was proposed by_________ in 1962. A. Sanssure ﻩB. Austin C. Chomsky ﻩD. Grimm

The maxim of quantity requires: __________.

A. make your contribution as informative as required.

B. do not make contribution more informative than is requi


C. do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. D. Both A and B.

Once the notion of __________ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled into pragmatics. A. meaning ﻩﻩﻩB. Context C. form ﻩ D. content

If a sentence is regarded as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes ________. A. a sentence ﻩ B. an act












C. a unit ﻩﻩD. an utterance

19) A __________ analysis of an utterance will reveal what the

speaker intends to do with it. A. semantic B. syntactic C. pragmatic D. grammatical

20) __________ act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic

study of language. A. Speaking ﻩ B. Speech C. Sound ﻩ D. Spoken

21) __________ act is the act performed by or resulting from

saying something.

A. A Locutionary ﻩ B. An illocutionary C. A perlocutionary ﻩD. A speech

22) One of the contributions Searle has made is his classifi

cation of __________ acts. A. locutionary B. illocutionary C. perlocutionary ﻩD. speech

23) The illocutionary point of __________ is to express the psycholo

gical state specified in the utterance. A. directives ﻩ B. commissives

C. expressives D.declarations

24) Linguistics found that it would be impossible to give an

adequate description of meaning if the __________ of language use was left uncon sidered.

A. brevity ﻩ ﻩB. context C. accuracy D. none of the above

25) Of the three speech acts, linguistics are most interested in the


A. locutionary act B. perlocutionary act C. illocutionary act ﻩ D. none of the above

4.ﻩTrue or false questions:

1) “He didn’t stop smoking” presupposes that he had been smokin


2) A loeutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker! s


3) When performing an illoeutionary act of representative, the speak

er is making a statement or giving a description which he himself believes to be tree.

4) The utterance meaning of the sentence varies with the context in

which it is uttered.

5) While conversation participants nearly always observe the

CP, they do not always observe these maxims strictly.

6) Inviting, suggesting, warning, ordering are instances of c




7) Only when a maxim under. Coopomtive Principle is blatantly v

iolated and the hearer knows that it is being violated do conversational implicatures arise.

8) Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the ill

ocotionary act because this kind of speech is identical with the speaker’ s intention.

9) Of the views concerning the study of semantics, the contextual

view, which places the study of meaning in the context in which language is used, is often considered as the initial effort to study meaningin a pragmatic sense.

10) Stylistics covers the study of language use in relation to context,

and in particular the study of linguistic communication.

11) As the process of communication is essentially a process of

conveying meaning in a certain context, pragnmtics can also be considered as a kind of meaning study.

12) Utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization

of the Abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply in a context.

13) A sentence is a gramtical unit and an utterance is a pragmati

c notion.

14) “John has been to Asia” entails “John has been to Japan.”

15) Without the shared knowledge both by the speaker and the hea

rer, linguistic communication would not be possible, and without consi dering such knowledge, linguistic communication cannot be satisfac torily accounted for in a semantic sense. 16) The contextual view is often considered as the initial effort to studv

meaning in a pragmatic sense.

17) Pragmatics is related to and also different from seman


18) The notion of context is not impoffant to the pragmatic study of


19) AIl ufferances take the farm of sentences.

20) Speech act theory was proposed by the British philosopher John

Austin in the late 1950s.

21) Grice made a distinction between what he called”constatives”and p


22) A Iocutionary act is the act of conveying literal meaning by

means of syntax,Iexicon,and phonology.

23) In their study of language communication. 1inguists are only interest

ed in how a speaker expresses his intention and pay no affention to how his intention is recognized by the hearen

24) Directives a re attempts by the speaker to geflhe hea rer

to do some— thing.

25) The Coope rative principle was proposed by John Searle.



There a re fou r maxims under the Cooperative Principle. The violations of the maxims make our language indirect. AII the utterances take the farm of sentences.

Austin thought that stating was also a kind of acf,and that we can perform with language.

30) According fo the speech act theory,when we are speaking a lan

guage, we a re doing something,or in other words performing acts;and the Drocess of linguistic communication consists of a sequence of acts.

31) All the acts that belong to the same category of illocutionary act sha

re the same pu rpose or the same illocutiona ry act,and they are the same in their strength or force.

32) AIl the utterances that can be made to serve the same purpose ma

y vary in the syntactic form.

33) Conversation participants nearly always observe the CP and the m

axims of the CR.

34) A sentence is a grammatical concept, and the meaning of a se

ntence, is often studied as the abstract intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication.

35) Utterance is based on sentence meaning, it is the realization of the

abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply in a context.

36) Performatives, on the other hand, were sentences that stated a

fact or described a state, and were verifiable.

37) As the process of communication is essentially a process of

conveying meaning in a certain context, pragmatics can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study.

38) Gradually linguists found that it would be impossible to give

an ad equate description of meaning if the context of language use was left considered.

39) What essentially dishnguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether

in the study of meaning the context of use is considered. 40) “His wife was a worker” presupposes that “He has been marrie


5.ﻩShort anser questions:

1) Which of the Conversational Maxims is being violated in the

following dialogue?

A: Is Mr. Smith a good teacher? B: He is a very handsome man.

2) What are the five general types ofillocutionary speech acts

John Searle has specified? Give one example to each of them. 3) Illustrate the difference between constative and performative


4) Explain the relationship between co-operative prindple and c

26) 27) 28) 29)



onversational implicature.

5) How to explain the following example with the co-operative pr


Key to Chapter Eight

1. Define the following terms

1)ﻩconstative vs performative

Constatives are statements that either state or describe, asserting something that is either true or false and are thus verifiable, bearing the tmth value. Performatives are sentences thatdo not state a fact or describe a tate and are not verifiable, in other words, performatives are utterances that perform an act — “do things”.

2) cooperative principle

The cooperative principle is proposed by the philosopher and logician Herbert Paul Grice to explain the course of natural conversation; in which implicated messages are frequently involved.

His idea is that in making a conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate; otherwise, it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk. This general principle is called the Cooperative Principle, abbreviated as CP. It goes as f



ollows: Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. To be more specific, there are four maxims under this general principle.

The maxim of quantity:

1) Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purpose of the exchange).

2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.

The maxim of quality:

1) Do not say what you believe to be false.

2) Do not say that for which you ~lack adequate evidence The maxim of relation: Be relevant. The maxim of manner:

1) Avoid obscurity of expression. 2) Avoid ambiguity.

3) Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity). 4) Be orderly.

3) illocutionary act vs perlocutionary act

J. L. Austin suggests three basic senses in which in saying something one is doing something. They are locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker’ s intention; it is the act performed in saying something. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance; it is the act performed by saying something. Take the sentence “You have left the door wide open”, for example. The illocutionary act performed by the speaker is that by making such an utterance he has expressed his intention of speaking, i.e. asking someone to close the door, or making a complaint, depending on the context. The perlocutionary act refers to the effect of the utterance. If the hearer gets the speaker’ s message and sees that the speaker means to tell him to close the door, the speaker has successfully brought about the change in the real world he has intended to; then the perlocutionary act is successfully performed.

4) Conversational implicature

Conversational implicature is a type of implicated meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conversational meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims. Implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning. The two theories differ only in the mechanisms they offer for explaining the generation of contextual meaning.



5) speech act theory

According to Austin, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking. A locutionary act is the uttering of words, phrases and clauses, which conveys mean-ing by giving out meaningful sounds. An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker’ s intention; it is the act performed in saying something. A peri0cutionary act is the effect of the utterance. Linguists are most interested in the illocutionary act because it is identical with the speaker’s intention. So the speech act theory is in fact the illocutionary act theory. 2. Translatte the following terms

1) commissive: 承诺类

2) illocutionary act 行事行为 3) performative 施为句

4) discourse markers:话语标记语 5) relevant theory; 关联理论

6) 取效行为: perlocutionary act 7) 描述句: constative

8) 话语意义: utterance meaning

9) 预设触发语: presupposition trigger 10) 合适条件: felicity condition 11) adjacency pair:比邻对

12) preferred second parts: 优先应答 13) deixis: 指示语

14) Indirect speech act: 间接言语行为 15) extralinguistic Context 语言外语境 3.ﻩMultiple choice questions:

1) – 5): ABDCA ﻩ 6) – 10): BCBBC ﻩ 11) – 15): BCDDB 16) – 20): DBDCB ﻩ 21) – 25): CBCBC 4.ﻩTrue or false questions:

1) – 5): TFTTT ﻩ 6) – 10): FTTTFﻩ 11) – 15): TTTFF 16) – 20): TTFFT 21ﻩﻩﻩ) – 25): FTFTF 26) – 30): TTFTT 31) - 35): FTFTT ﻩ ﻩ36) - 40): FTFTT 5. Short anser questions:

1)ﻩWhich of the Conversational Maxims is being violated in the following dialogue?

A: Is Mr. Smith a good teacher? B: He is a very handsome man.

Key: In the above exchange, B violates the maxim of relation because his answer is irrelevant to A’ s question. By doing so, B is likely to derive the implicature that” he is not a good teacher”. 2)ﻩWhat are the five general types ofillocutionary speech acts John Searle has specified? Give one example to each of them.



Key:The five general types of illocutionary speech acts are

(1) assertives: sentences that commit the speaker to the truth of something. Typical cases are” I think the film is moving” and” I’ m certain that he had got it”;

(2) directives: sentences by which the speaker tries to get the hearer to do something.” I beg you to give me some advice”, for example, is an attempt to get something done by the hearer;

(3) commissives: sentences that commit the speaker to some future action. Promises, offers, and warnings are characteristic of this group, e.g., “If you do that again I’11 beat you to death”;

(4) expressives: sentences that express the speaker’ s psychological state about something, e.g.,” Thanks a lot”;

(5) declarations: sentences that bring about immediate change in the existing state of affairs. As soon as an employer says to an employee “You are fired”, the employee loses h!s job.

3)ﻩIllustrate the difference between constative and performative utterance.

Key: The distinction between constative and performative utterance is made by J. L. Austin. Constati’ves refer to statements that either state or describe, and are verifiable; performatives, on the other hand, are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a situation, and are not verifiable. When a persofi who is authorized to name a ship smashes a bottle of champagne against the stem of an unnamed ship, he is required by the convention, and says” I name this ship Elizabeth”, this ship is named. So this sentence, which is used to perform the act of naming, is a performative utterance. In contrast, the utterance” I pour some liquid into the tube” said by a chemistry teacher in a demonstration of an experiment is not a performative. It is a description of what the speaker is doing at the time of speaking. The speaker cannot pour any liquid into a tube by simply uttering these words. He must accompany his words with the actual pouring. Otherwise one can accuse him of making a false statement. Sentences of this type are constatives. 4) Explain the relationship between co-operative prindple and conversational implicature.

Key: In daily conversations people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them. The word “implicature” is used to refer to the extra meaning that is not explicitly expressed in the utterance.

(1) In making a conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate; otherwise, it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk. This general principle is called the Cooperative Principle. Make your conversational contribution such as



is required, as the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged”. To be more specific, there are four maxims under this general principle: the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relation, and the maxim of manner.

(2) While conversation participants nearly always observe the CP, butthey do not always observe these maxims. These maxims can be violated for various reasons, but when they are” flouted”, to use C-rice’ s term, does” conversational implicature” occur. Flouting a maxim means violating it blatantly, i.e., both the speaker and the hearer are aware of the violation. When a speaker flouts a maxim, his language becomes indirect.

5)ﻩHow to explain the following example with the co-operative principle?

A: Can you answer the telephone? B: I’ min the bathroom.

Key: In reply to A’s request, B violates the maxim of relation since his/her response seems irrelevant to the point. But A would assume that B is cooperative iii the conversation, and would try to explore the link between the seemingly irrelevant response to something relevant. Thus, A would interpret B’ s utterance as a refusal to complywith the request and as a request of A to answer the phone instead. This seemingly unconnected conversation is very coherent on a speech act level, and that in saying things people are in fact” doing” things.



Chapter Nine Discourse Analysis

1. Define the following terms:

1) discourse analysis 2) texture 3) coherence 4) cohesion

5) critical discourse analysis 6) positive discourse analysis 7) presequence 8) turn-taking

2. Glossary translation:

1) presequence 2) turn-taking 3) text

4) reiteration

5) preferred second parts 6) collocation

7) dispreferred second parts 8) reference 9) 批评话语分析 10) 积极话语分析

3. ﻩTrue or false questions:

1) A text is best regarded as a semantic unit, a unit not of form

but of meaning.

2) Cohesion and coherence is identical with each other in essence. 3) If a text has no cohesive words, we say the text is not cohe


4) Coherence is a logical, orderly and aesthetical relationship



between parts, in speech, writing, or argument.

5) Coherence is an important principle we should abide by in aca

demeic writing.

6) Discourse marking is also one of the cohesive devices in a


4. Short answer questions:

1) What is the difference between cohesion and coherence? 2) What do you know about critical discourse analysis ? 3) What is positive discourse analysis?

Key to Chapter Nine

1. Define the following terms:

1) discourse analysis

It is generally recognized that the term Discourse Analysis was first used by Z. Harris in the essay “Discourse Analysis”. It may deal with how the choices of the articles, pronouns and cases affect the structure of discourse; or deals with the relationship between utterances or sentences in discourse, and the linguistic, social, cultural or the psychological links; or deals with the moves made by the speaker to introduce a new topic, or change the topic to assert a higher role relationship to the other participants. Thus, discourse analysis is mainly concerned with the study of relationship between language and context in which language is used. 2) texture

The concept “texture” is appropriate to express the property of being a text. A discourse has texture, which distinguishes it from anything that is not a text. It derives this texture from the fact that it functions as a unity with respect to its background. If a passage of English containing more than one sentence is perceived as a text, there will be certain linguistic features presented in that passage that can be identified as contributing to its total unity and giving it texture, such as cohesion, coherence, linearization in structure and so on. 3)ﻩcoherence

Coherence generally means natural or reasonable connection.



In language communication, it refers to a logical, orderly and aesthetical relationship between parts, in speech, writing, or argument. Coherence is an important principle which we should abide by in academic writing.

4) cohesion

Cohesion is a term from the work on textual structure by Halliday and Hasan (see Halliday and Hasan, 1976), given to the logical linkage between textual units, as indicated by overt formal markers of the relations between texts. 5) critical discourse analysis

Critical Discourse Analysis was generally considered to be first illustrated by Fowler, Hodge, Kress and Trew in “Language and Control” (1979). The purpose of CDA is to disclose the ideology hidden in any public discourse and its influence on discourse as well as the counteractive influence the discourse exerts on ideology.

6) positive discourse analysis

Positive Discourse Analysis is a term or a subbranch which newly appears in discourse analysis. It is said to be first advanced by linguists of functional school who are represented by Martin, J. R. Lingists of this school claim that some theories of functional grammar such as the evaluative theory cannot only be used for critical discourse analysis (CDA) but also be used for positive discourse analys


is. In the July of 2005, in Sydney, they held the 29 International Functional Linguistic Congress with the aim to advocate more hopeful discourses: peace, reconciliation, learning and alteration, the purport of which is to make the critical thinking develop more in the direction of positive discourse analysis. That is, the initiators hope that linguistic researchers will exert themselves to study how they will avail themselves of the corresponding researches to make our world more beautiful and how scholars of functional school linguistics can make some contributions to this project. 7) presequence

Presequence refers to the kind of sequences that are used to set up some specific potential actions.

8) turn-taking

According to Harvey Sacks, the founder of the conversation analytic method, the basic unit of the conversation is the “turn’, that is, a shift in the direction of the speaking ‘flow’ which is characteristic of normal conversation. Furthermore, according to Mey (1993 / 2001: 139), in normal civilized, Western-type conversation, conversationalists do not speak all at the same time, they wait for their ‘turn’, also in this sense of the word. Yielding the right to speak, or the “f



loor”,to the next speaker constitutes a turn. But how do people go about allocating turns to each other or themselves? This is where the so-called ‘turn-taking mechanism’ come into the picture.

2.ﻩGlossary translation:

1) presequence:前置序列 2) turn-taking: 话轮转换 3) text: 文本或语篇 4) reiteration: 复现

5) preferred second parts 优先应答 6) collocation: 搭配

7) dispreferred second parts 次要应答 8) reference: 照应

9) 批评话语分析: critical discourse analysis 10)积极话语分析: positive discourse analysis 3. True or false questions:

1) – 6): TFFTTT

4. ﻩShort answer questions:

1)ﻩWhat is the difference between cohesion and coherence?

Cohesion and coherence may seem almost interchangeable. But there is an important difference between them. Cohesion refers to the li~tguistic devices by which the speaker can signal the experiential and interpersonal coherence of the text, and is thus a textual phenomenon: we can point to features of the text which serve a cohesive function. Coherence,.on the other hand,is in the mind of the writer and reader: it is a mental phenomenon and cannot be identified or quantified in the same way as cohesion. The two are in most cases, linked,.in that a text which exploits the cohesive resources of the language effectively’ should normally be perceived as coherent. However, all language users are generally predisposed to construct coherence even from language with few recognizable cohesive signals, if they have reason to believe that it is intended to be coherent. The following pair of sentenCes,has only one cohesive link (Hugo = He), but they make sense together, that is, they are coherent (although you might like to consider what cultural knowledge the reader needs in order to reconstruct the coherence): Hugo spent all of his legacy laying down wine. He was ensuring a happy middle age. Nevertheless, cohesion is a crucial linguistic resource in the expression of coherent meanings; and the analyst may gain equally important insights into how it works from cases where a lack of cohesive devices in a text does not lead to the interactants perceiving it as incoherent.

2) What do you know about critical discourse analysis?

Critical Discourse Analysis was generally considered to be first il



lustrated by Fowler, Hodge, Kress and Trew in “Language and Control” (1979). The purpose of CDA is to disclose the ideology hidden in any public discourse and its influence on discourse as well as the counteractive influence the discourse exerts on ideology.

Ruth Wodak, writing in Language, Power and Ideology, defines her field, which she calls “critical linguistics,” as “an interdisciplinary approach to language study with a critical point of view” for the purpose of studying “language behavior in natural speech situations of social relevance.” Wodak also stresses the importance of “diverse theoretical and methodological concepts” and suggests that these can also be used for “analyzing issues of social relevance,” while attempting to expose “inequality and injustice.” Wodak underscores and encourages “the use of multiple methods” in language research while emphasizing the importance of recognizing the “historical and social aspects.” 3) What is positive discourse analysis?

Positive Discourse Analysis was first advanced by linguists of functional school who are represented by Martin, J. R. They claim that some theories of functional grammar such as the evaluative theory cannot only be used for critical discourse analysis (CDA) but also be used for positive discourse analysis. In the July of 2005, in Sydney,


they held the 29 International Functional Linguistic Congress with the aim to advocate more hopeful discourses: peace, reconciliation, learning and alteration, the purport of which is to make the critical thinking develop more in the direction of positive discourse analysis. That is, the initiators hope that linguistic researchers will exert themselves to study how they will avail themselves of the corresponding researches to make our world more beautiful and how scholars of functional school linguistics can make some contributions to this project.



Chapter Ten Sociolinguistics

1. Define the following terms:

1) diglossia 2) ideolect 3) bilingualism 4) Registerﻩ 5) Pidgin 6) Slang ﻩ ﻩ

7) Communicative competence 8) Lingua franca 9) 9 Sociolect 10) Sociolinguistics 11) Speech community 12) Speech variety 2.ﻩWord completion:

1) A speech ________ is a group of people who share the same langua

ge or a particular variety of language.

2) The ________ language is a superposed, socially prestigious

dialect of language.

3) A ________ language is originally a pidgin that has become establis

hed as a native language in some speech community.

4) A linguistic ________ refers to a word or expression that is prohibi

ted by the “polite” society from general use.

5) Taboo and ________ are two faces of the same communicati

on coin.

6) Whorf proposed that all higher levels of thinking are depen

dent on

7) Language itself is not sexist, but its use may reflect the _____

___ attitude connoted in the language that is sexist.

8) An ethnic dialect is spoken mainly by a less privileged p

opulation that has experienced some sort of social isolation, such as ________ discrimination.

9) In terms of sociolinguistics, _________ is sometimes used to

refer to the whole of a person’s language.

10) ________ may take place in a conversation when one speaker u

ses one language and the other speaker answers in a different language.

11) ________ refers to a linguistic situation in which two st

andard languages are used either by an individual or by a gr



oup of speakers.

3. Choose the best answer:

1) Speech variety may be used instead of __________.

A. vernacular language, dialect, pidgin, creole B. standard language C. both A and B D. none of the above

2) In sociolinguistics, ________ refers to a group of institutionalized s

ocial situations typically constrained by a common set of behavioral niles. A. domainﻩ ﻩ B. situation C. society ﻩﻩﻩﻩ D. community

3) _______ is defined as any regionally or socially definable human g

raup identified by shared linguistic system. A. A speech community B. A race C. A societyﻩﻩ ﻩﻩD. A countiy

4) ________ variation of language is thern most discernible and defina

ble in speech variation. A. Regional ﻩ ﻩB. Social C. StylisticﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩD. Idiolectal

5)ﻩ________ is not a typical example of official bilingualism.

A. Canadaﻩ ﻩﻩB. Finland C. Belgium D. Germany

6)ﻩ________ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and

straight forward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication.

A. Lingua francaﻩ B. Creole C. Pidgin ﻩﻩ D. Standard language

7) The most recognizable differences between American English a

nd British English are in _______ and vocabulary. A. diglossiaﻩ ﻩﻩB. bilingualism C. pidginization ﻩﻩ D. blending

8) ________ is a causal use of language that consists of exp

ressive but nonstandard vocabulary, typically of arbitrary, flashy and often ephemeral coinages and figures of speech. A. Language taboo ﻩﻩﻩB. Slang C. Address terms ﻩﻩD. Register variety

9)ﻩ_______ variety refers to speech variation according to the partic

ular area where a speaker comes fram. A. Regjonal ﻩﻩﻩB. Social C. Stylisticﻩ ﻩ D. Icliolectal

10)ﻩIn a speech community people have something in common ___

____— a language or a particular variety of language and rules for using it.



A. sociallyﻩﻩ ﻩB. linguistically C. culturallyﻩ ﻩﻩD. Pragmatically 11)ﻩThe situation in which two or more languages are used side by s

ide is referred to as ________.

A. diglossia ﻩB. bilingualism C. pidginization ﻩ D. blending

12) When a pidgin comes to be adopted by a population as its

primary language, and children learn it as their first language, then the pidgin language is called a ________. A. creole ﻩﻩB. pidgin C. lingua franca D. standard language

13) A ________ is a variety of language that serves as a medium

of communication among groups of people for diverse linguistic backgrounds.

A. pidgin ﻩ B. lingua franca

C. creole ﻩﻩD. national language 14) Linguistic taboo reflects __________.

A. social taboo ﻩB. social convention C. habit ﻩ ﻩD. law

15)ﻩA __________ is a mild, indirect or less offensive word or

expression substituted when a speaker or Writer fears more direct wording might be harsh, unpleasantly direct, or offensive. A. linguistic taboo B. euphemism C. address term D. pidgin

16)ﻩThe use of sexist language reflects a attitude.

A. social ﻩ B. linguistic C. traditional ﻩﻩD. all of the above

17) Black English has a number of distinctive features in its pho

nological, morphological and syntactic systems which are ________. A. rule-governed ﻩB. systematic

C. arbitrary D. both A and B

18)ﻩIt is __________ for individuals to be a perfect user of tw

o languages in a full range of situations. A. common ﻩﻩ B. rare

C. impossible ﻩ D. none of the above

19)ﻩ________ in a person’s speech, or writing, usually ranges on

a continuum from casual to formal according to the type of communicative situation.

A. Stylistic variation ﻩﻩB. Idiolectal variation C. Social variation ﻩ D. Regional variation

20) ________ are language varieties appropriate for use in particular speech situations.

A. Slang ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩB. Address terms C. Registers ﻩ ﻩ D. Education varieties



Key to Chapter Ten

1. Define the following terms:

1) diglossia

When two languages or language varieties exist side by side in a community and each one is used for different purposes, this is called diglossia. Usually, one is a more standard variety called the High variety or H-variety, which is used in goverrunent, the media, education, and for religious services The other one is usually a non-prestige variety called the Lxw-variety or L-variety, which is used in the family, with friends, when shopping, etc. 2)ﻩidiolect

Idiolect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines aspects of all the elements regarding regional, social, and stylistic variation, in one form or another. 3) bilingualism

Bilingualism refers to a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers. 4) Register

It is a speech variety used by a particular group of people, usually sharing the same occupation (e. g. doctors, lawyers) or the same interests (e.g. stamp collectors, baseball fans).

A particular register often distinguishes itself from other registers by having a number of distinctive words, by using words or phrases in a particular way (e. g. in tennis: deuce, love, tramlines), and sometimes by special grammatical constructions( e. g. l



egal language) 5) Pidgin

It is a language which develops as a contact language when groups of people who speak different languages try to communicate with one another on a regular basis. For example, this might occur where foreign traders have to communicate with the local population or groups of workers from different language backgrounds on plantations or in factories. A pidginusually has a limited vocabulary and a reduced grammatical structure which may expand when a pidgin is used over a long period and for many purposes. 6)ﻩslang

It refers to casual, very informal speech, using expressive but informal words and expressions.

For some people, slang is equivalent to colloquial speech but for others, it means “undesirable speech”. Usually, “colloquial speech” refers to a speech variety used in informal situations with colleagues, friends or relatives, and “slang” is used for a very informal speech variety which often serves as an “in-gwup” language for a particular set of people such as teenagers, anny recruits, pop-gmups etc. Most slang is rather unstable as its words and expressions can change quite rapidly, for example, “Beat it!”, “Scram! “, and “Rack off!” for “leave”

7)ﻩCommunicative competence

It is the ability not only to apply the grammatical niles of a language in order to fonn grammatically correct sentences but also to know when and where to use these sentences and to whom. 8)ﻩLingua franca

When two languages or language varieties exist side by side in a community and each one is used for different purposes, this is called diglossia. Usually, one is a more standard variety called the High variety or H-variety, which is used in goverrunent, the media, education, and for religious services The other one is usually a non-prestige variety called the Lxw-variety or L-variety, which is used in the family, with friends, when shopping, etc. 9)ﻩSociolect

Social dialect, or sociolect, is a variety of a language (a dialect) used by people belonging to a particular social class. The speakers of a sociolect usually share a similar socioeconomic and/or educational backgmund. Sociolects may be classed as high (in status) or low (in status).

The study of social dialects concerns a variety of social parameters such as education, age and gender. It also examines register or style variety, forms of address, choice of slang, taboo, and euphemism.




It is the field that studies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live. 11) Speech community

It is a greup of people who fonn a community, e.g. a village, a region, a nation, and who have at least one speech variety in common as well as similar linguistic norms.

In bilingual and multilingual communities, people would usually have more than one speech variety in common. 12) ﻩSpeech variety

It is a term sometimes used instead of language, dialect, sociolect, pidgin, creole, etc. because it is considered more neutral thansuch teniis. It may also be used for different varieties of one language, e.g. American English, Australian English, Indian English. 2.ﻩWord completion:

1) community 2ﻩ) standard 3) creole ﻩ4) taboo 5) euphemism 6) language 7) social ﻩ8) racial 9) idiolect 10) code switching 11) bilingualism 3. ﻩChoose the best answer:

1) – 5): CAAAD ﻩ 6) – 10): CCBAB ﻩ 11) – 15): BABBB 2 –) 16ﻩﻩﻩ0): ADBAC

Chapter Eleven Psycholinguistics

1.ﻩDefine the following terms:

1) psycholinguistics 2) sapir-whorf hypothesis 3) interlanguage

4) Language acquisition 5) Error analysis

2. True or false questions:



1) Although the age at which children will pass through a given s

tage can vary signfficantly from child to child, the particular sequence of stages seems to be the same for all children acquiring a given language.

2) It’s normally assumed that, by the age of five, with an operating vo

cabulary of more the 2,000 words, children have completed the greater part of the language acquisition process.

3) It has been recognized that in ideal acquisition situations, many a

dults can reach native-like proficiency in all aspects of a second language.

4) If language learners are provided with sufficient and the

right kind of language exposure and opportunities to interact with language input, they wilt acquire the native-like competence in the target language.

5) The optimum age for SLA always accords with the maxim of “t

he younger the better”.

6) In general,language acquisition refers to children。s development of

their first language,that is,the native language of the communitv in which a child has been brought up.

7) Children first acquire the sounds found in alI languages of the

worId, no matter what language they are exposed fo and in Jater staaes ac. quire the Hmore”difficult sounds.

8) Language acquisition is in accordance with language Jearnina。n the

assumption that there are different processes.

9) SLA is primarily the study of how learners acauire。r Iean

an additionaI language after they acquired their first language. 10) A weak version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that the prese

nce of linguistic categories influences the ease with which various cognitive operations are performed.

11) Although it is found that formaI instruction hardly affects

the natural route of SLA, it does enable the classroom learner to perform a wider range of linguistic tasks than the naturalistic learner and thereby accelerates the rate of acquisition.

12) Children acquiring a language simply as internalizing individual

expressions of language.

13) Children acquiring their first language beyond the critical ag

e are hardly successful, such as the case of “Genie.”

14) At the multiword stage, simple prepositions, especially tho

se that indicate positions such as “in”, “on” and “up”, begin to turn up in children’ s speech.

15) Like one-word expression, two-word expressions are absent of

sy tactic or morphological markers.

16) There is a three-word sentence stage in first language acquisitio




17) Utterances at the multiword stage are often referred to as telegraph

ic speech.

18) The emergence of articulatory skills begins around the age

when children start to produce babbling sounds.

19) When children’s language develops towards the early multiwor

d stage, negative words occur between the subject and the predicate.

20) Overgeneralization only occur in children’s acquisition of

syntax and morphology.

3. Multiple choice

1) ______ deals with how language is acquired, understood and produced.

A. Sociolinguistics B. Psycholinguistics C. Pragmatics ﻩﻩ ﻩD. Morphology

2) At the age of four, children ________.

A. can master the essentials of their mother tongue B. can only babble several sounds C. can name the things around them only

D. can write out the grammatical rules of their language

3)ﻩ________ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of a

bility in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. A. Learning ﻩﻩﻩﻩ B. Competence C. Performance ﻩﻩﻩﻩD. Acquisition 4) Wholf believed that speakers of different languages pem

eive and experience the world differently, that is relative to their linguistic background, hence the notion of _________. A. linguistic determinism ﻩﻩB. linguistic relativism C. linguistic nativism ﻩﻩﻩD. linguistic behaviorism

5) In first language acquistion children usually ________ gra

mmatical rules from the linguistic information they hear. A. use ﻩB. accept

C. generalize D. reconstruct

6) By the time children are going beyond the ________ stage, the

y begin to incorporate some of the inflectional morphemes. A. telegraphic B. multiword C. two-word ﻩD. one-word

7)ﻩ________ is defined as a conscious process of accumulating k

nowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings.

A. Acquisition ﻩB. Learning

C. Studying D. Acquirement

8) ________ transfer is a process that is more commonly known as interference.



A. Intentional ﻩB. Positive

C. Negative ﻩﻩD. Interrogative

9)ﻩIn general, the two-word stage begins roughly in the ~ half of the child’s second year.

A. early B. late

C. first ﻩD. second

10) By the age of ________, children have completed the greater

part of the language acquisition process. A. three B. four

C. five ﻩD. six

11)ﻩAt the ________ stage negation is simply expressed by single words with negative ﻩmeaning.

A. prelinguistic ﻩB. multiword C. two-word D. one-word

12) The optimum age for SLA is ________. A. childhood ﻩB. early teens

C. teens ﻩD. adulthood

13) ﻩWhich of the following isn’t a factor that may influence SLA?

A. Age. ﻩB. Motivation.

C. Personality. D. Sex. 14) In general, language acquisition refers to children’s

development of their language of the community in which a child has been brought up.

A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

15) Children follow a similar________ schedule of predictable stag

es along the route of language development across cultures. A. learning ﻩﻩB. studying

C. acquisition D. acquiring

16)ﻩThe development of linguistic skills involves the acquisition of

_________ rules rather than the mere memorization of words and sentences.

A. morphological B. grammatical

C. linguistic ﻩD. syntactic 17) By the age of, children’s vocabulary increases by about twenty words each day.

A. two and a half years ﻩ B. three C. five D. six

18) ﻩ________ are a crucial period for first language acquisition) A. The pre-school years B. School years

C. Teenage period ﻩﻩD. Adulthood

19) ________ was believed to be the major source of difficu

lties experienced and errors made by L2 learners.



A. Transfer ﻩB. Positive transfer

C. Negative transfer ﻩ D. Overgeneralization

20)ﻩ________ approach shows that there are striking similarities i

n the ways in which different L2 learners acquire a new language. A. Transfer ﻩB. Interference C. Contrastive Analysis ﻩD. Error Analysis

21) ﻩDuring the process of SLA, a learner constructs a series of in

ternal representations that comprises the learner’s interim knowledge of the target language, this is ________. A. interlanguage ﻩ B. first language C. second language ﻩD. foreign language 22)ﻩAt the age of four, children ________.

A. can master the essentials of their mother tongue B. can only babble several sounds C. can name the things around them only

D. can write out all the grammatical rules of their mother tongue

23)ﻩWhich stage does the child belong to according to the stage o

f first language acquisition when we heard his saying like “Baby chair”, “Mummy sock” or “Me going”, etc.

A. babbling stage ﻩB. one-word stage

C. two-word stage. D. multi-word stage.

24) Which stage does the child belong to according to the developm

ent of the grammatical system when when heard his saying like “No heavy”, “No eat”, “He no bite you”, etc.? A. The development of phonology. B. The development of syntax.

C. The development of morphology.

D. The development of vocabulary and semantics. 25) Language acquisition is primarily the acquisition of the __ system of language.

A. phonological ﻩ B. semantic C. grammatical D. communicative

26) ﻩWhich of the following terms doesn’t belong to the same category?

A. caretaker speech ﻩB. babytalk C. mother tongue ﻩD. motherese 27) Which of the stages doesn’t belong to the recognizable stage of language?

A. The prelinguistic stage. B. The one-word stage.

C. The two-word stage. D. The multiword stage. 28) In general, the two-word stage begins roughly ________.

A. in the late part of the first year

B. in the early part of the second year



C. during the second year D. between two and three years old

29) Children’s language begins to reflect the distinction between sentence-t

ypes at ________ stage.

A. the prelinguistic stage ﻩﻩB. the one-word stage C. the two-word stage ﻩ D. the multiword stage

30) What’s the salient feature of the utterances at the multiword stage?

A. The number of words. ﻩB. The sequence of words. C. The intonation. ﻩD. The gender of words.

4. Fill in the blanks:

1) In learning a second language,’ a learner will subcon

sciously use his L1 knowledge. This process is called language .

2) The development of a first or native language is called fir

st language a___

3) Within the framework of ____ Analysis, second language learning

was believed to be a matter of overcoming the differences between L1 and L2 systems.

4) For the vast majority of children, language development occurs sp

ontane ously and requires little conscious ____ on the part of adults.

5) The pre-school years are a __ period for first language acqui


5.ﻩShort answer questions:

1) What are the two parts of the Whorf hypothesis? And can y

ou distinguish between the strong and weak versions of the linguistic determinism view?

2) What are the major individual factors for SLA?

3) What is language acquisition and what is L2 acquisition? What

is learner language and what is target language?



Key to Chapter Eleven

1. Define the following terms:


It is the study of language in relation to the mind, with focus on the processes of language comprehension, production and acquisition. It takes upon itself the job of exploring the biological basis of human language, critical periods for child language acquisition, and the relationship between the language and thought.

2)ﻩsapir-whorf hypothesis

It is a theory put forward by the American anthrepological linguist Sapir and his student Whorf (and also a belief held by some scholars) which states that the way people view the world is determined wholly or partly by the structure of their native language. Their theory has two thrusts: linguistic determinism and linguistic relat





Interlanguage is a term coined by Selinker to refer to the systematic knowledge of an L2 that is independent of both the target language and the learner’ s L1. 4) Language acquisition

Language acquisition: It is a general term used to refer to the development of a person’s first, second, or foreign language. 5)ﻩError analysis

It is an approach to the study and analysis of the errors made by second language learners, which suggests that many learner errors are not due to the learner’ s mother tongue interference but reflect universal learning strategies such as overgeneralization and simplification of roles.

2.ﻩTrue or false questions:

1) – 5): TTFFF 6ﻩﻩ) – 10): TTFTT ﻩ 11 – 15): TFTTF ﻩ16 – 20): FFTFF

3.ﻩMultiple choice:

1) – 5): BADBC 6) – 10): ABCDC 1ﻩﻩ1 – 15): DBDACﻩ 16 – 20): BCADD

21 – 25): AACBC ﻩ26 – 30): CACCB 4. Fill in the blanks:

1) transfer 2) acquisition 3) contrastive 4) instruction 5) crucial 5.ﻩShort answer questions:

1) What are the two parts of the Whorf hypothesis? And can

you distinguish between the strong and weak versions of the linguistic determinism view? Key: The Whorf hypothesis consists of two parts, linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. Linguistic determinism refers to the notion that a language determines certain nonlinguistic cognitive processes. That is, learning a language changes the way a person thinks. Linguistic relativity refers to the ciaim that the cognitive processes that are determined are different for different languages. Thus, speakers of different languages are said to think- in different ways.

The linguistic determinism hypothesis can be interpreted in at least two different ways. The strong version states that language determines cognition: the presence of linguistic categories creates cognitive categories. Alternatively, a weak version of the hypothesis states that the presence of linguistic categories influences the ease with which various cognitive operations are performed. 2)ﻩWhat are the major individual factors for SLA?

Key: The acquisition of a second language is dependent on a



combination of factors. The rate and ultimate success in SLA are also affected by individual learner factors. Though there is no uniform way in which learners acquire the knowledge of a second language, there are a hUm,. ofactors pertaining to the learner that potentially influence the way in which a second language is acquired:

1) The optimum age occurs during the early years of one’s life before puberty.

2) They inust have strong motivation, instrumental or integrative.

3) ﻩThe extent to which learners differ in the process of ada

pting to the new culture of the L2 community, that is. acculturation.

4) Learners’ personality.

3) What is language acquisition and what is L2 acquisition? What is

learner language and what is target language?

Key: Language acquisition is a general teim used to refer to the development of a person’ s first, second, or foreign language. 1.2 acquisition refers to the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside a classmom.

Learner language refers to the language that learners pmduce in speech and writing during the course of language acquisition. Target language refers to the language that learner is trying to learn.



Chapter Tweleve Linguistic Theories and FLT

1. Explain the following terms briefly:

1) language acqusition vs language learning 2) Interlanguage 3) error analysis

4) negative transfer 5) applied linguitics 2. True or false questions:

Directions: Tell whether the following statements are true or false? Then correct it if false.

1) Wife and husband are converse opposites while cold and hot are

complementary opposites.

2) Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies the ways

in which words are combined to form sentences in a language. 3) The word threatened has two morphemes while description co

ntains two morphemes

4) “Tom hit Mary and Mary hit Tom” is an exocentric

construction while “men and women” is endocentric construction. 5) The sound [d] can be described as a voiced alveolar affricate

in phonetics.

6) All roots are free morphemes while not all free morpheme a

re roots.

3. Answer the following question:

What contribution has linguistics made to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language?



Key to Chapter Twelve

1. Explain the following terms briefly:

1)ﻩlanguage acqusition vs language learning

Language acquisition contrasted with language learning in the assumption that these are different processes. According to Stephen Krashen, the American SLS scholar, acquisition refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first.!anguage by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. Learning, however, !s defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually Obtained in school settings. It is recognized that children acquire their native language without explicit learning. A second language is more commonly learned but to some degree may also be acquired, depending on the environmental setting and the input receiv, ed by the L2 learner. A rule can be learned before it is acquired, but having learned a rule does not necessarily preclude having to acquire it later.

2) interlanguage

The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as interlanguage. As the name signals, interlanguage is a language system between the target language and the learner’s native language.It is imperfect compared with the target language, but it is not mere translation from the learner’s native language.

3) error analysis

Error analysis is the study and analysis of error and is confined to the language learner. Here,”error” refers generally to the learner’s misuse or misunderstanding of the target language, may it be grammatical or pragmatic 4) negative transfer

In learning a second language learners will subconsciously use their mother tongue knowledge. This is known as language trans



fer. When the structures of the two languages are different, negative transfer or interference occurs and results in errors. 5) applied linguitics

Applied linguistics is the study of language and linguistics in relation to language-related problems, such as lexicography, translation, etc. Applied linguistics uses information from linguistics in order to develop its own theoretical model of areas, such as syllabus design, speech therapy, language planning, stylistics, etc. Its narrow sense, here, applied linguistics refers to the study of second and foreign language learning and teaching, i.e. the study of language and linguistics in relation to language teaching and learning. 2.ﻩTrue or false questions:

1)ﻩWife and husband are converse opposites while cold and hot ar

e complementary opposites. False

Wife and husband are converse opposites while cold and hot are gradable opposites.

2)ﻩMorphology is the branch of linguistics that studies the ways in

which words are combined to form sentences in a language. False

Syntax is the branch of linguistics that studies the ways in which words are combined to form sentences in a language.

3)ﻩThe word threatened has two morphemes while description contains two morphemes.


The word threatened has two morphemes while description contains three morphemes.

4) “Tom hit Mary and Mary hit Tom” is an exocentric constru

ction while “men and women” is endocentric construction. False

“Tom hit Mary and Mary hit Tom” is an endocentric construction and “men and women” is also an endocentric construction.

5)ﻩThe sound [d] can be described as voiced alveolar affricate in phonetics. False

The sound [d] can be described as voiced alveolar plosive in phonetics. 6) All roots are free morphemes while not all free morpheme are roots.


Some bound morphemes are roots.

3. ﻩAnswer the following question:

What contribution has linguistics made to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language?




Language is viewed as a system of forms in linguistics, but it is regarded as a set of skills in the field of language teaching. Linguistic research is concerned with the establishment of theories which explains the phenomena of language, whereas language teaching aims at the learner’s mastery of language. To bridge the gap between the theories of linguistics and the practice of foreign language teaching, applied linguistics serves as a mediating area which interprets the results of linguistic theories and makes them user-friendly to the language teacher and learner.

Applied linguistics is the study of language and linguistics in relation to language-related problems, such as lexicography, translation, etc. Applied linguistics uses information from linguistics in order to develop its own theoretical model of areas, such as syllabus design, speech therapy, language planning, stylistics, etc. Its narrow sense, here, applied linguistics refers to the study of second and foreign language learning and teaching, i.e. the study of language and linguistics in relation to language teaching and learning.

To bridge the gap between the theories of linguistics and the practice of foreign language teaching, applied linguistics serves as a mediating area which interprets the results of linguistic theories and makes them user-friendly to the language teacher and learner. Applied linguistics is conducive to foreign language teaching in two major aspects (Hu Zhuanglin, 2001: 352 – 3):

Firstly, applied linguistics extends theoretical linguistics in the direction of language learning and teaching, so that the teacher is enabled to make better decisions on the goal and content of the teaching. When faced with the task of designing a syllabus, the teacher has a number of choices. Should he set out to teach the language used in literary works, or that used in daily communication? Should he teach the general system of the language, or a part of this system? What are the principles of compiling or choosing textbooks? What kind of exercises is the most suitable? To answer these questions, the teacher is consciously or unconsciously using his understanding of the nature of language learning. Applied linguistics provides the teacher with a formal knowledge of the nature of language and language system, and thus increases his understanding of the nature of language learning. As a result, the teacher can make more informed decisions on what approach to take, hence what to teach.

Secondly, applied linguistics states the insights and implications that linguistic theories have on the language teaching methodology. Once the goal and content of the teaching are settled, the teacher has to consider questions of how to teach. S



hould the teaching-learning process be teacher-centered, textbook-centered, or learner-centered? How should the learners’ errors be treated? What techniques should be adopted in the classroom? Since applied linguistics defines the nature of language learning in connection with various linguistic theories, it helps the teacher to choose teaching methods and techniques

Chapter Thirteen Schools 1. Define the following terms:

1) structural linguistcs

2) ideational function



of --

3) 4) 5) 6) 2.



the Prague school the London School American structuralism

TransformationaI-Generative (TG) Grammar

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

The Prague School practiced a speeial style of _______ Linguistics.

The Prague Seheol is best known and remembered for its contribution to phonology and the distinction between _______ and phonology.

The man who turned linguistics proper into a recognized distinct academic subject in Britain was_______.

Halliday’s Systemic Grammar contains a functional component, and the theory behind his Functional Grammar is ______.

Systemic-Functional Grammar is a(n) _______ oriented functional linguistic approach.

Stmetumlism is based on the assumption that grammatical categories should be defined not in terms of meaning but in terms of_______.

In the history of American linguistics, the period between 1933 and 1950 is also known as the _______ Age.

_______ in language theories is characteristic of America. The starting point of Chomsky’ s TG Grammar is his_______ hypothesis.

Chomsky argues that LAD probably consists of three elements, that is a __________, linguistic universal, and an evaluation procedure.

Systemic-Functional Grammar takes the actual uses of language as the object of study, while Chomsky’s TG Gmnanar takes the ideal speaker’s linguistic _______ as the object of study.

The specific method of Relational Grammar in describing language structure is the multi-level analysis of ______ relations.

For Bloomfield, linguistics is a branch of psychology, and specifically of the positivistic brand of psychology known as_______.

The Prague School can be traced back to its first meeting under the leadership of _______.

The distinction between the ideal language user’s knowledge of the rules of the language, which is called , and the actual realization of this knowledge in utterance, which is called _______, is made by American linguist Noam Chomsky.

The context of situation of a text has been theorized by Halliday (Halliday and Hasan,1985) in terms of the contextual v

3) 4) 5) 6)

7) 8) 9) 10)


12) 13)

14) 15)




ariables of _______, _______ and _______.

17) According to Halliday, language and social context are comple

mentary and he interprets context as including two communication planes: _______ (context of situation) and _______ (context of culture).

18) The London School can be classified into two stages of develop

ment; (1) the establishment and development period represented by ________ and _______; (2) the prime period represented by________.

3.ﻩChoose the best answer:

1)ﻩDiscovering procedures are practiced by ____.

A. descriptive grammar ﻩ B. TGgrammar

C. traditionalgrammar ﻩﻩﻩD. functional grammar

2) In which of the following did Chomsky add the semantic component to

his TG Grammar for the first time?

A. The Classic Theory ﻩ B. The Standard Theory

C. The Extended Standard Theory ﻩD. The Minimalist Program

3)ﻩAccording to Halliday, the three general functions of language are _____.

A. ideational, interpersonal and textual B. ideational, informative and textual

C. metalinguistic, interpersonal and textual D. ideational, interpersonal and referential

4) ﻩThe person who is often described as “father of modem ‘linguistics” is______.

A. Firth ﻩﻩB. Saussure C. Halliday D. Chomsky

5) The most important contribution of the Prague School to lin

guistics is that it sees language in terms of ____. A. function ﻩB. meaning C. signs ﻩ D. system

6)ﻩThe principal representative of American descriptive linguistics is___.

A. Boas ﻩﻩB. Sapir C. Bloomfield D. Harris

7)ﻩThe theory of ____ considers that all sentences are generated from a semantic structure.

A. Case Grarmnar ﻩB. Stratificational Grammar

C. Relational Grammar ﻩD. Generative Semantics

8) ___ Grammar is the most widespread and the best understood

method of discussing Indo-European languages. A. Traditional B. Structural



C. Functional ﻩD. Generative

9) ﻩHjelmslev is a Danish linguist and the central figure of the ___.

A. Prague School B. Copenhagen School C. London School ﻩﻩﻩ D. Generative Semantics

10) In Halliday’s view, the _____ function is the function t

hat the child uses to know about his smmundings.

A. personal ﻩ B. heuristic C. imaginative D. informative 11) The theme in the sentence “On it stood Jane” is ___.

A. On it ﻩﻩﻩB. stood C. On it stood ﻩﻩD. Jane

12) Chomsky follows_______ in philosophy and mentalism in psychology.

A. empiricism ﻩﻩB. behaviourism C. rationalism ﻩﻩD. mentalism

13) TG Gmnanar has seen _______ stages of development.

A. three ﻩB. four C. five D. six

4. ﻩDecide whether the following statements are true[ T] or false[ F].

1) In the Classical theory, Chomsky’s aim is to make lingui

stics a science. This theory is characterized by three features: (1) emphasis on prescription of language, (2) introduction of transormational rules, and (3) grammatical description regardless of language formation.

2) Generative grammar is a system of rules that in some explicit

and well-defined way assigns structural descriptions to sentences. 3) Following Saussure’ s distinction between langue and parol

e, Trubetzkoy argued that phonetics belonged to langue whereas phonology belonged to parole.

4) The subject-predicate distinction is the same as the theme and n

heme ontrast.

5) London Sohool is also known as systemic linguistics and fun

etional linguistics.

6) According to Firth, a system is la set of mutually exc

lusive options that come into play at some point in a linguisfie structure.

7) American Structuralism is a branch of diaehronie linguistics that

emerged independently in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century.

8) The Standard Theory focuses discussion on language universal

s and universal grammar.

9) American descriptive linguistics is empirieist and focuses on

diversities of languages.

10) Chomsky’ s concept of linguistic performance is similar to



Saussure’ s concept of parole, while his use of linguistic eompetenee is somewhat different from Saussure’ s langue.

11) If two sentences have exactly the same ideational and

interpersonal functions, they would be the same in terms of textual coherenee.

12) The stmcmmlists follow behaviorism in philosophy and empiricism in


5.ﻩShort Answer questions:

1) When is the beginning of modem linguistics?

2) Why is Saussure thought of as the father of modern linguistics? 3) How many stages of development has Americau structuralism u


4) What is behaviourism? What is the relationship between linguistics

and behaviorism according to Bloomfield?

5) How many stages of development has Chomsky’ s TG grammar undergo


6) What is transformational grannnar? What is generative graminar? 7) What is characteristic of TG grammar?

8) What is Functional Sentence Perspective?

9) Can you make a brief introduction to the Copenhagen School? 10) How many stages of development has London School undergone? 11) What did Firth inherit from Malinowski’ s and Saussure’ s


12) Can you state briefly about Halliday’ s seven functions in children’s

model of language?

13) Can you state briefly about Halliday’ s three metafunctions in

adults’ language?

Key to Chapter Thirteen

1.ﻩDefine the following terms:

1) structral linguistcs

Stmcturalist linguistics is a principally American phenomenon of the mid-20th century, typified by the work of Leonard Bloomfield, who drew on ideas of the behaviorist school of psychology. The structuralists are primarily concerned with phonology, morphology, and syntax. They focus on the physical features of utterances with little regard for meaning or lexicon. Stmcturalist linguistics describes linguistic features in terms of structures and systems. Dissatisfied with traditional grammar, structura!ist grammar sets out to describe the current spoken language which people use in communication. For the first time, structu



ralist grammar provides description of phonological systems which aids the systematic teaching of pronunciation. However, like traditional grammar, the focus of stmcturalist grammar is still on the grammatical structures of a language. 2) ideational function

The ideational function is to convey new information, to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer, Present in all language uses, the ideational function is a potential, because whatever specific use one is making of language he has to refer tO ~ategories of his experience of the world. The ideational function mainly consists of “transitivity” and “voice”. The whole of the transitivity system is part of the ideational component, this function, therefore, not only specifies the available options in meaning but’ also determines the nature of their structural realizations. 3) the Prague school

The Prague School practices a special style of synchronic linguistics, and its most important contribution to linguistics is that it sees language in terms of function and its contribution to phonology and the distinction between phonetics and phonology. Three most important points of its ideas are the emphasis on (1) the synchronic study of language (2) the systemic character of language and (3) the function of language. 4) the London School

The London School refers to the kind of linguistic scholar- ship in England. J.R. Firth turned linguistics proper into a recog- nized distinct academic subject in Britain. Firth, under the influ- ence of the anthropologist B. Malinowski, influenced his student, M.A.K. Halliday. They all stressed the importance of context of situation and the system aspect of language. Thus, London School is also known as systemic linguistics and functional linguistics. Halliday! s Systemic-Functional Grammar has two insepa-rable components: Systemic Grammar and Functional Grammar. There are six major characteristics of Systemic Grammar. (1)It attaches great importance ~o the sociological aspects oflanguage. (2) It views language as a form of doing rather than aform of knowing. It distinguishes linguistic behavior potential from actual linguistic behavior. (3) It gives a relatively high pri-ority to description of the characteristics of particular languages and particular varieties of languages. (4) It explains a number of aspects of language in terms of clines. (5) It seeks verification of its hypotheses by means of observation from texts and of sta- tistical techniques. (6) It has as its central category the category of the system. The Functional Grammar puts forward three metafunctions: the ideational, interpersonal and textual function.



5)ﻩAmerican structuralism

The school includes Boas and Sapir’s theory in the begin-ning and Bloomfield’ s theory latter. From the behaviorists’ point of view, it holds that children learn language through a chain of stimulus-response reinforcement”, and the adult’ s use of language is also a process of stimulus-response. Its famous formula is S----﹥ r ...... s-----﹥R. Here S stands for practical stimulus, r stands for the substitute reaction of speech, s stands for the substitute stimulus, and R stands for external practical reaction. Post-Bloomfieldian linguistics focused on direct observa-tion, is characterized by a strict empiricism. Its goal is to devise explicit discovery procedures to enable the computer to process raw data about any language and form a complete grammar without intervention by the human linguists.

6)ﻩTransformationaI-Generative (TG) Grammar

The publication of Chomsky’ sSyntacticStructuresin1957 marked the beginning of the TG Grammar. Contrary to Bloomfield’ s data-oriented discovery procedure, Chomsky in-sists on the hypothesis-deduction method and his research is called evaluation process. TG Grammar has seen five stages of development: the classical theory, the standard theory, the extended standard theory, the revised extended standard theory and the minimalist program. Generative Grammar means” a system of rules that in some explicit and well-defined way assigns structural descriptions to sentences.” Chomsky believes that very speaker of a language has mastered and internalised a generative grammar that expresses his knowledge of his lan-guage. TG Grammar tries to reveal the unity of particular grammars and universal grammars, to explore the universal rules with the hope of revealing-the human cognitive system and the essentia! nature of human beings. The Innate Hypothesis states that linguistic ability is innate and that children are born with an innate faculty for language in general -- LAD. Children are born With some basic knowledge on grammar, which is general and universal. 2. ﻩFill in the blanks with appropriate words:

1) synchronic ﻩ2) phonetics 3) J. R. Firth 4) systemic 5) sociologically 6ﻩ) distribution 7) Bloomfieldian 8) Deseriptivism 9) innateness ﻩ10) hypothesis-maker 11) competence 1ﻩ2) grammatical

13) behaviorism 14ﻩ) Vilem Mathesius

15) linguistic competence, performance 16) field, tenor, mode 17) register, genre 18) Malinowski, Firth; Hallidaay



3. Choose the best answer:

1) – 5): ABABA ﻩ 6) – 10): CDABB 11) – 13): DCC

4. ﻩDecide whether the following statements are true [ T] or false[ F].

1) – 5): FTFFT ﻩ ﻩ6) – 10): TFFTT ﻩ 11) – 12): FF 5.ﻩShort Answer questions:

1) ﻩWhen is the beginning of modem linguistics?

We date modem linguistics from the early twentieth century when scholars worked out detailed scientific methods for ‘establishing relationships among languages. This is marked by the publication of Ferdinand de Saussure’s book Course in General linguistics (1916).

During the years from 1907 to 1911, Saussure (1857 ~ 1913) lectured on general linguistics in the University of Geneva. After he died in 1913, his colleagues and students thought that his ideas concerning linguistic questions were original and insightful and should be preserved.

Two of his students, C. Bally and A. Sechehaye, collected lecture notes from students and put them together to produce the great work, Course in General linguistics, in 1916. This book became the most important source of Saussure’ s ideas and of his influence upon succeeding generations of linguists.

2. ﻩWhy is Saussure thought of as the father of modern linguistics?

Saussure occupies such an important place in the history of linguistics that he is often described as “father of modem linguistics”:

(1) The book Course in General Linguistics (1916), which is the most important source of Saussure’ s ideas, marked the beginning of modem linguistics.

(2) Saussure was the first to notice the complexities of language. He believed that language is a ,system of signs, called conventions. He held that the sign is the union of the signifier and the signified.

(3) By providing answers to questions concerning many aspects oflanguage, Saussure made clear the object of study for .linguistics as a science. His ideas on the arbitrary nature of sign, on the relational nature of linguistic units, on the distinction of langne and parole and of synchronic and diachronic linguistics, etc. pushed linguistics into a brand new stage.

3. How many stages of development has Americau structuralism undergone?

The development of American structuralism can be roughly classified into three stages:

(1) Boas and Sapir Period (1911 ~ 1932);



(2) Bloomfieldian Period ( 1933 ~ 1950);

(3) Post-Bloomfleldian Period (1952- 1956).

Debates in a true sense started only in the 1950s, when structuralism was opposed by Chomsky’ s Transformational-Generative grammar.

4. What is behaviourism? What is the relationship between

linguistics and behaviorism according to Bloomfield?

Behaviourism isa principle of scientific method, based on the belief that human beings cannot know anything they have not experienced. Behaviourism in linguistics holds that children learn language through a chain of ‘“stimulus-response reinforcement”, and the adult’ s use of language is also a process of “stimulus-response”.

For Bloomfield, linguistics is a branch of the positivistic brand of psychology known as “behaviourism”. When the behaviourist methodology entered linguistics via Bloomfield’ s writings, the popular practice in linguistic studies was to accept what a native speaker says in his language and to disearcl what he says about it. This is because of the belief that a linguistic description was reliable when based on observation of unstudied utterances by speakers; it was unreliable ff the analyst had resorted to asking speakers questions suchas “Can you say ... in your language?”

5. ﻩHow many stages of development has Chomsky’ s TG grammar undergone?

From its birth to the present day, TG grammar has seen five stages of development:

(1)The Classical Theory (1955 ~ 1965 ). It aims to make linguistics a science.

(2)The Standard Theory (1965 ~ 1970). It deals with how semantics should be studied in a linguistic theory.

(3)The Extended Standard Theory (1970 ~ 1980). It focuses discussion on language universals and universal grammar.

(4) The Revised Extended Standard Theory (1980 ~ 1992). It focuses discussion on government and binding, land :is: also called Government and Binding :( GB) Theory.

(5) The M’mimalist-Program (starting from t992). It. is .a further revision ofthe previous theory.

6. ﻩWhat is transformational grannnar? What is generafive graminar?

Transformational grammar is a theory of language structure initiated by the US linguist Noam Chomsky, which .proposes that below the actual phrases and sentences of a language (its surface structure) there lies a more basic layer (its deep structure), whi



ch is processed by various mmsformational rules when we speak and write.

Genemtive grammar is a general term for the system of language analysis originated by Noam Chomsky in the 1950s to bring scientific rigor to the field of linguisties. It is a linguistie theory that attempts to describe a native speaker’s tacit grammatical knowledge hya system of roles that in an explicit and well-defined way specify all of the well-formed, or grammatical sentences of a language while excluding all ungrammatical, or impossible sentences.

7. ﻩWhat is characteristic of TG grammar?

Chomsky’s TG grammar has the following features. First, Chomsky defines language as a set of rules or principles. Secondly, Chomsky believes that the aim of linguistics is to produce a generative grammar which eaptures the tacit knowledge of the native speaker of his language. This eoneerns the question of learning theory and the question of linguistie universals. Thirdly, Chomsky and his followers are interested in any data that can reveal the native speaker’ s taeit knowledge. They seldom use what native speakers say; they rely on their own intuition. Fourthly, Chomsky’ s methodology is hypothesis-deduetive, which operates at two levels: (1) the linguist formulates a hypothesis about language stmemre---a general linguistic theory; this is tested by grammars for particular languages, and (2) each such grammar is a hypothesis on the general linguistic theory. Finally, Chomsky follows rationalism in philosophy and mentalism inpsyehology.

Structural grammar and TG grammar have different views on the nature of language. First, Bloomfield de~med language as a set of utterances and aset of “lexieal and grammatical habits”, while Chomsky defined language as a set of rules and principles, Secondly, the two grammars have different aims in linguistics. For structural grammar, the aim of linguistics is to describe one or a set of languages; such a description is often evaluated in terms of the use to which it is going to be put. For Chomsky, the aim of linguistics is to produce a generative grammar which captures the tacit knowledge of the native speaker of his language. This concerns the question of learning theory and the question of linguistic universals. Thirdly, the two grammars make use of different types of data in their analysis. The stmcturalists only make use of naturally occurring utterances, observable and observed. Chomsky and his followers are interested in any. data that can reveal the native speaker’s tacit knowledge. Fourthly, the two grammars employ different methods. The stmctumlists’ methodology is essentially inductive, whereas Chomsky’s is hypothesis-deductive. Finally, the two



grammars view language learning differently. The stmcmmlists follow empiricism in philosophy and behaviourisrn in psychology. Chomsky follows rationalism in philosophy and mental/sm in psychology. 8. ﻩWhat is Functional Sentence Perspective?

Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP) is a theory of linguistic analysis which refers to an analysis of utterances (or texts) in terms of the information they contain. It deals particularly with the effect of the distribution of known (or given) information and new infrmation in discourse. The known information refers to information that ~s not new to the reader or hearer, and the new information is what to be transmitted to the reader or hearer. Besides, the subjeet-preclieate distinction is not always the same as the Theme and Rheme contrast. For example,

(1) ﻩSally ﻩ stands on the table ﻩ (2) ﻩOn the table stands ﻩSally

Subject ﻩPredicate ﻩ Predicate ﻩ Subject Theme ﻩRheme ﻩﻩTheme Rheme Sally is the grammatical subject in both sentences, but the Theme in (1) and the Rheme in (2).

9. ﻩCan you make a brief introduction to the Copenhagen School?

The Copenhagen school is a stmeturalist and formalist group of linguists founded by the Danish linguists Louis Hjelmslev (1899 ~ 1966) and Viggo Brondal (1887- 1953). Roman Jakobson (1896 ~ 1982) was asseciated with this group from 1939 to 1949. Influenced by Saussure, its most distinctive contribution was a concern with “gloss ematies”.

Glossemanties emphasizes the mane and status of linguistic theory and its relation to description. It has also developed a distinction between system and process. One of the principal features of gloss ematies is the emphasis of the study of relations and not of things.

10. ﻩHow many stages of development has London School undergone?

Briefly, the London School can be classified into two stages of development:

(1) The establishment and development period represented by Malinowski and Firth;

(2) The prime period represented by Halliday.

11. ﻩWhat did Firth inherit from Malinowski’ s and Saussure’ s views?

Influenced by Malinowski, Firth regarded language as a social process, as a means of social life, rather than simply as a set of agreed-upon semiotics and signals. He held that in order to live, human beings have to learn, and learning language is a means of pa



rticipation in social activities. Language is a means of doing things and of making others do things. It is a means of acting and living.

Following Saussure, Firth held that language consists of two elements:system and structure. While structure is the syntagmatic ordering of elements, system is a set of paradigmatic units, each of which can be substituted by others in certain places. Thus, structure is horizontal and system is longitudinal.

However, Firth did not fuly gree with Saussure on the disinction of langue and parole, nor did Firth agree to the statement that the object of linguistic study is langue. Besides, Firth did not see language as something wholly inborn or totally acquired. He seemed to adopt a riding-on-the –wall attitude, seeing language assomething both inborn and acquired.

12. ﻩCan you state briefly about Halliday’ s seven functions i

n children’s model of language?

Halliday views language development in children as “the mastery of linguistic functions”, and “learning a language is learning how to mean”. So he proposes seven functions in children’ s model of language:

(1) The instmmental function: the function that the child uses to meet his material needs, getting goods and services. For example, “I want it.”

(2) The regulatory tunction: the function that the child uses to control others’ behavior, For example, “Give me some milk.”

(3) The interaotional funcion: the function that the child uses to communicate with other people. For example, “How do you do?”

(4) The personal function: the function that the child uses to express his own feelings, interests, interests, likes and dishkes, etc. For example, “I don’t like it.”

(5) The coon: the function that the child uses to know about his surroundings and the world. For example, “What’s this?”

(6) The imagingative function: the function that the child uses to create his own su-rroundings. For example, “Is he going to leave mealone?”

(7) The informative lunction: the function that the child, over eighteen months old, uses to provide information to others. For example, “Mama is out.”

13. Can you state briefly about Halliday’ s three metafunctions in adults’ language?

Since the adult’s language is more complex and has to serve many functions, the original functional range of the child's language is gradually reduced to a set of highly ceded and abstract functions, which are metafimctions, that is, the ideational, the interpersonal, and



the textual functions:

(1) The ideational function is to convey new information to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer.

(2) The interpersonal function embodies all uses of language to express social and personal relations.

(3) The textual function refers to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and tmified.text and make a hivigg.message different bom a random list of sentences 第三部分






第四部分 语言学全真试题

复核总分 复核人

总 分 题 号 题 分 得 分 I.

I 10 II 25 III 15 IV 20 V 30 2006年(下)江苏省高等教育自学考试


合分人 得分 评卷人 复查人 Fill in the following blanks with appropriate words and expressions. (10%, one point for each blank)

1. Symbols can be divided into two types: ______ symbols and ______ symbols. 2. ﻩThe goal of ______ linguistics is to establish a model that describes

the rules of one particular language.

3.ﻩ______ plosives appear before or after front vowels while ______ plosi

ves occur in other situations.



3. The term “natural classes of sounds” has one advantages: phonolo

gical rules constructed can be of higher ______.

4. The morphemes that can stand alone as individual words are called


5. People can study sentences in two different ways. If we make structural

descriptions of sentences to illustrate the parts of sentences and the relationships among them, it is called ______ study.

6. According to Chomsky’s TG Grammar, in the process of generating se

ntences, we start with ______ structures and then transform them into ______ structures. 得分 评卷人 复查人 II.

Choose the right answer that fits each blank in the sentences from the four choices given. Write the letter marking the answer in the brackets. (25%, one point for each)

7. ______ is the science that deals with the sound system. ﻩ

ﻩﻩ ( ) A. Phonetics B. MorphologyﻩC. Phonology ﻩD. Semantics

8. The oral consonants are different from the nasal consonants in te

rms of ________. ( ) A. the position of the velum B. the place of articulation

C. the presence or absence of vocal-cord vibration D. the manner of articulation

9. ______ is generally regarded as the founder of modern linguistics. ﻩﻩ

( )

A. Fillmore B. Saussure C. Chomsky ﻩD. Lyons

10. A native speaker usually possesses four types of knowledge about

his own language. ______ knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about the sounds and sound patterns of his language.ﻩ ﻩ ﻩﻩ ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩ ( )

A. Semantic ﻩﻩ ﻩﻩB. Syntactic

C. Morphological ﻩ ﻩ ﻩD. Phonological

11. Phonetics has three sub-branches. ______ phonetics is concerned with how

a sound is produced by the vocal organs. A. Articulatory B. Acoustic C. AuditoryﻩﻩD. Visual



12. Dentals are sounds ______. ﻩ ﻩﻩ ﻩ ﻩ ( )

A. produced by both lips

B. produced by the contact between the upper teeth and the lower


C. made with the tip of the tongue behind the upper front tee

th or with the tongue tip between the upper and lower teeth

D. articulated by raising the tip or the blade of the tongue t

o the alveolar ridge

13. A phoneme is defined as ______. ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩ ( )

A. a minimal meaningful unit in the grammatical system of a lang


B. a minimal distinctive unit in the grammatical system of a language C. a minimal distinctive unit in the sound system of a lang


D. a minimal meaningful unit in the lexical system of a language

14. Distinctive features are used describe ______, while phonetic features

are used to describe their ______.ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩ ﻩ ﻩ( ) A. phonemes … allophones B. morphemes … allomorphs C. allophones … phonesﻩD. allomorphs … morphs

15. If ______, then they are said to be in contrastive distribution.

ﻩﻩﻩﻩ( )

A. two sounds can occur in the same environment and the substi

tution of one sound for the other does not cause a change of meaning

B. two sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution

of one sound for the other causes a change of meaning C. two sounds can never occur in the same environment D. two sounds can occur in contrastive environments

16. The root morphemes are ______. ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩ( )

A. lexically dependent on roots and do not convey the fun

damental meanings of words

B. the most important parts of words that carry the principal


C. those that can stand by themselves as individual words

D. never found alone as words, but are always joined with other mor


17. If two sounds are ________, they are said to be allophones of t

he same phoneme. ( )



A. B. C. D.

in contrastive distribution and also phonetically similar sometimes in free variation

in contrastive distribution

phonetically similar and also in complementary distribution

18. If two or more morphs are semantically identical and also in ___

___, they are said to be allomorphs of the same morpheme.ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ ﻩ( )

A. complementary distribution B. contrastive distribution C. free variationﻩD. contradictory distribution

19. Clipping refers to the process in which ______.ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩ ( )

A. a compound is made by blending parts of two words

B. words are formed by putting the initial letters of several wo

rds together

C. a word is shortened without a change in the meaning or in the

part of speech

D. new words are created simply by changing their parts of sp


20. The ______ relation is a kind of relation between linguistic forms

in a sentence and linguistic forms outside the sentence. ﻩ ﻩ ﻩﻩ ﻩ( )

A. syntagmaticﻩB. sequentialﻩC. hierarchical ﻩD. paradigmatic

21. In a hierarchical structure diagram of a sentence, ______ are the

ultimate constituents of the sentence.ﻩ( )

A. the forms which are always present on the right side of a phra

se structure rule

B. the forms at the word-level

C. the forms at the word-level and the phrase-level

D. the forms connected by the two lines that are branching from the

same point

22. According to TG Grammar, in the deep structure, verbs always take the _

_____ form. ( ) A. base B. presentﻩC. past D. present participle

23. The sound ______ is a voiced post-alveolar affricate. ﻩ( )

A. [tr]ﻩﻩﻩB. [

] ﻩﻩC. [

]ﻩ ﻩD. [dr]

24. The same phrase or sentence may have two or more interpre



tations depending on the hierarchical arrangement of its constituents. Such a case is called ______. ( ) A. lexical ﻩ B. grammaticalﻩC. structural ﻩ D. syntactic

25. According to Chomsky’s TG Grammar, the static study of sentences

______, but the dynamic study of sentences ______. ( ) A. deals with two levels of structure: both surface structure and

deep structure … is only concerned with one level of structure, i.e. deep structure

B. is only concerned with one level of structure, i.e. surface structure … d

eals with two levels of structure: both surface structure and deep structure

C. is only concerned with one level of structure, i.e. deep s

tructure … deals with two levels of structure: both surface structure and deep structure

D. deals with two levels of structure: both surface structure and

deep structure … is only concerned with one level of structure, i.e. surface structure

26. A surface structure is different from a deep structure in that __

____.ﻩ( )

A. a deep structure is pronounceable but a surface structure is not B. a surface structure is relatively abstract but a deep structure is con


C. a surface structure gives the meaning of a sentence but a deep

structure gives the form of a sentence

D. a surface structure corresponds most closely to the linear arrange

ment of words as they are pronounced while a deep structure corresponds most closely to the meaningful grouping of words

27. To generate the deep structure of an English sentence, we

always start with the rule: ______.

( )

A. S  NP VP ﻩB. S  NP AUX VP C. NP  Det AP Nﻩ ﻩ D. VP  V NP

28. ______ is an obligatory T-rule. ( )

A. T-Passive ﻩB. T-Negation C. T-Imperative D. T-Affix

29. The sound [v] is ________.ﻩ( )

A. a voiced labio-dental fricative ﻩB. a voiceless dental fricative C. a voiced alveolar fricative ﻩﻩD. a voiceless alveo-palatal fricative



30. The front vowels are different from the back vowels in terms of

________.ﻩ ( )

A. the shape of the lipsﻩﻩﻩﻩB. the tongue position

C. the state of the soft palateﻩﻩ D. the tension of the muscles of pharynx ﻩ

31. The sound [e] is ______ vowel. ( )

A. a nasal front low unrounded B. a nasal mid back unrounded C. an oral high back roundedﻩﻩﻩD. an oral front mid unrounded III. Judge whether each of the following statements is

得分 评卷人 复查人 true or false. Write T for true or F for false in the

blank offered after each statement. (15%, one

point for each) 32. Chinese linguistics is a kind of general linguistics. ______

33. All sounds produced by human speech organs are linguistic sy

mbols. ______

34. The sound [u] may be marked with [+high], [-low], [-front], [+back], [+roun

ded] and [-tense]. ______

35. Bilabials are different from alveolars in terms of place of articulat

ion. ______ 36. Only short vowels /i/, //, // and /

/ can precede final /



37. Phones are the realizations of a specific phoneme. ______

38. A morpheme is a minimal distinctive unit in the sound system of a

language. ______

39. IC analysis is arbitrary segmentation. ______

40. If the words or phrases in a sentence can be replaced by word

s and phrases outside the sentence and the resulting sentence is still grammatical, then we say the replacing forms and replaced forms have paradigmatic relations. ______

41. Statically, we examine the process by which sentences are generated by sy

ntactic rules. ______

42. The substitutional relation refers to the linear ordering of the wo

rds and the phrases within a sentence. ______

43. To generate the deep structure of an English sentence, we always s

tart with the rule: S  NP AUX VP. ______

44. The constituent which may be present or absent on the right side of the

arrow in a PS rule is called a compulsory constituent. ______ 45. In the transformational rule T-Affix, the term “affix” refers to the

affixes of main verbs. ______

46. T-Passive must be applied before T-Yes/No question. ______



得分 评卷人 复查人 IV. Answer the following questions. (20%)

47. What are the five sub-branches of linguistics? Define them

respectively. (7%)

得分 48. What is the difference between segmental features and suprasegmental

features? And what are the suprasegmental features in English? (6%)

得分 49. Explain the term Labeled IC Analysis. (7%)

得分 得分 评卷人 复查人 V.

Practical work. (30%)

50. Write the symbol that corresponds to each of the following ph

onetic descriptions: (6%) 1) a voiceless palatal plosive ﻩ ______



2) 3) 4)


51. Change the following phonemic transcriptions into phonetic transcripti

ons: (8%)

1) /wi:k/ﻩ ﻩ____________

2) /`kkteil/

3) /milt/ ﻩﻩﻩ ____________

4) /`k


52. Divide the following words into separate morphemes by placing a

“+” between each morpheme and the next: (7%) Example: bookshelf = book + shelf


tbl/ﻩ ﻩ____________


a low back rounded lax vowelﻩ ﻩ______ a central liquidﻩ


a high back rounded tense vowelﻩ ______



1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)


53. Draw the deep structure phrase marker and apply necessary tran

sformational rules to generate the following sentence: (9%) Has the car been repaired?

得分 ﻩ

endearment = ____________ basically = ____________ phoneme = ____________ unhappily = ____________ television = ____________ sputnik = ____________

unsuccessfully = ____________





I. (每空1分,共10分)本项为填空题,拼写错误、大小写错误、单复数错误均不得分! 1. visual … auditory(本题每空1分,两空顺序不限) 2. descriptive

3. Palatal … velar(本题每空1分,两空顺序不可颠倒) 4. generality

5. free morphemes 6. static

7. deep … surface(本题每空1分,两空顺序不可颠倒,若两空写成同一个词,两空均


II. (每题1分,共25分)

8 – 10: CAB

11 – 15: DACCA 16 – 20:ﻩBBDAC 21 – 25: DBADC 26 – 30:ﻩBDBDA 31 – 32: BD III. (每题1分,共15分)

33 – 35: FFT 36 – 40:ﻩTTFTF 41 – 45:ﻩTFFTF 46 – 47: FT IV. (共20分)

48. Linguistics has five sub-branches: phonetics, phonology, mo

rphology, syntax and semantics. (2分) Phonetics is the study of speech sounds of all human languages. (1分)Phonology is the science that deals with the sound system of a language. (1分) Morphology examines word formation and the internal structure of words. (1分) Syntax is concerned with how words are combined to form phrases and how phrases are combined by rules to form sentences. (1分) Semantics is the study of the meaning or words and sentences. (1分)

49. The distinctive features which can only have an effect on one sound se

gment are called segmental features. (2分) The distinctive features that can affect more than one sound segment and can also contrast meaning are called suprasegmental features. (2分) There are three kinds of them in English: stress, intonation, and juncture. (2分)

50. By IC Analysis, we mean that we divide the morphemes of a word or the words of a sentence into two groups and then divide each group into subgroups, and so on, until we reach single morphemes of



the word or single words of the sentence. (4分) Some linguists have modified IC Analysis by labeling each constituent with a syntactic category. The revised method is called Labeled IC Analysis. (3分)



1) [c]

2) []

3) [r] 4) [u:] 52. (共8分)

1) [wi:c] or [wi:c﹁]

2) [`kh

﹁tei l ]

3) [mi l t] or [mi l t﹁] 4) [`ch ftb l ]

53. (共7分)

1) endearment = en + dear + ment

2) basically = bas + ical + ly 3) phoneme = phon + eme

4) unhappily = un + happi + ly 5) television = tele + vis + ion 6) sputnik = sputnik

7) unsuccessfully = un + success + ful + ly

54. (共9分)

ﻩ ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩS

ﻩ NP ﻩﻩ AUXﻩﻩ ﻩ VP

N Tenseﻩ ﻩ Perfﻩﻩ ﻩVﻩﻩ NPﻩﻩ

ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩ ﻩDet N Someoneﻩ Presentﻩﻩ have-ENﻩ ﻩrepairﻩthe car (3分)

i. The car ﻩPresent have-EN + be-EN ﻩﻩrepair bsomeone (1分) ii. ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩ ﻩ ﻩØ (1分)

iii. Present have the car EN be-EN repair ﻩﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩ(1分) iv. Have Presentﻩ be EN repair EN ﻩHas ﻩbeen ﻩrepaired ﻩﻩ (1分)




i. ii. iii. iv.

T-Passive; (0.5分) T-Agent-deletion; ﻩ(0.5分) T-Yes/No question;ﻩ ﻩ(0.5分) T-Affix ﻩ (0.5分)


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附录I: 英语语言学主要专业术语汉英对照表

白板假说tabula rasa hypothesis 半闭元音semi-close vowels 半开元音semi-open vowels 半元音semivowels 爆破音plosive 背景/环境setting

本地话;本国语vernacular 鼻腔nasal cavity 鼻腔闭止音nasal stops 鼻腔辅音nasal consonant 鼻腔元音nasal vowel 鼻音nasal sound 鼻音化nasality 鼻音化nasalize

闭元音close vowels 变项variable

变音符号/附加符号diacritical mark 变音符号/附加符号diacritics

标记法直接成分分析labeled IC analysis 标准变体standard variety 标准方言standard dialect 标准化standardization 标准语言standard language 表层结构surface structure

表层结构歧义surface structural ambiguity 表达/呈现representation 表达类expressives

表情意义emotive meaning 表述句constatives 表态类behabitives

表现功能representational function 宾语obiect

并列句转类法conversion. 并列下义词co-hyponyms 补语complement

不带音的,清音的voiceless 不可分离性non-detachability 不确定性indeterminacy

不受时空限制的特性/移位displacement 不送气unaspirated



布拉格学派Prague School


部分整体关系part / whole relationship 裁决类/评判行为类verdictives 阐述类representatives 长元音long vowels

场独立field independence 场依存field dependence

超切分特征suprasegmental feature 成分constituent

成分分析法componential analysis 成分关系constituency

成分结构constituent structure

成员和集体的关系member-collection 承诺类commissives 齿音dental

齿龈alveolar ridge 齿龈teeth ridge

齿龈后音/后齿龈音post-alveolars 齿龈音(的)alveolar

齿龈硬腭音alveo-palatal 充分性adequacy

传统语法traditional grammar 创造新词coining 唇音labial 词干stem

词根语素root morpheme 词汇lexicon

词汇范畴lexical category 词汇关系lexical relation 词汇结构lexical structure 词汇模式lexical patterning 词汇歧义lexical ambiguity 词汇衔接lexical cohesion 词汇学lexicology

词汇意义lexical meaning 词汇语素lexical morpheme 词汇语义学lexical semantics 词基base

词素/语素morpheme 词缀affix


词缀语素affixational morpheme 刺激stimulus



错误分析 error Analysis 搭配collocation

搭配意义collocative meaning

大脑左右半球的侧化brain lateralization 代码/语码code

带音化/浊音化voicing 单元音monophthong 单元音pure vowel

单元音simple vowel

等级关系hierarchical relation

等级结构/层次结构hierarchical structure 等级性反义词gradable antonyms

等级性反义词gradable opposites 低层次变体low variety 低元音low vowels

地理方言geographical dialect 地区方言regional dialects

第二语言习得second language acquisition 第二语言习得Second language acquisition 第一语言习得first language acquisition 调节功能regulatory function 动机motivation

短语标记法phrase markers

短语范畴phrase (phrasal) category 短语结构规则phrase structure rule 短语结构规则Phrase Structure rule 短元音short vowel

对比分布contrastive distribution 对比分析Contrastive Analysis

对比语言学contrastive linguistics 多义词polyseme

多义性;多义现象polysemy 多语现象multilingualism

发音部位place of articulation 发音方式manner of articulation 发音器官speech organ 发音系统vocal tract

发音语音学articulatory phonetics 发音语音学articulatory phonetics 反常的anomalous 反义词antonym

反义词opposite (word) 反义关系antonymy

反应意义reflected meaning



方括标记法labeled bracketing 方式准则maxim of manner 方言dialect

非词汇范畴non-lexical category 非规约性non-conventionality

非规约性间接言语行为non-conventional indirect speech acts 非同化词aliens

非言语交际non-verbal communication

非语言语境/超语言语境extralinguistic context 非圆唇元音unrounded vowel 分叉点branching node

封闭类词closed class word 符号symbol


符号三角semiotic triangle 辅音consonant 辅音的consonantal

负面强化negative reinforcement. 负迁移negative transfer 复合词compound words 复合法compounding 复合句complex sentence

复合元音complex vowels 复现reiteration

改变状态的动词change-of-state verbs 概括过度overgeneralization 概念concept

概念功能ideational function 概念意义conceptual meaning 干扰interference

高层次变体high variety 高元音high vowels

哥本哈根学派Copenhagen School 格case

个人言语特点,个人习语idiolect 个性personality

工具功能instrumental function

工具性学习动机instrumental motivation 功能语素functional morpheme

功能语言教学Functional Language Teaching 功能语言学functional linguistics 功能转移functional shift 共时的synchronic

共时语言学synchronic linguistics



构词法Word-formation processes 古英语old English 关键期critical period

关键期假说critical period hypothesis

关联交际原则communicative principle of relevace 关联理论relevance theory

关联认知原则cognitive principle of relevance 关联准则maxim of relation 关系反义词relational opposites

规定(语法)prescriptive (grammar)

规约性间接言语行为conventional indirect speech actsﻩ 国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet 汉藏语系Sino-Tibetan language family 合适条件felicity conditions

合作原则cooperative principle 核心词head 黑话argot

横组合关系syntagmatic relation

宏观社会语言学macro-sociolinguistics 宏观语言学macrolinguistics 喉larynx

后元音back vowel 后指/下指cataphora 后缀suffix 后缀法suffixation

互补反义词complementary antonyms 互补分布complementary distribution 互动功能interactional function 互换性interchangeability 滑音glide

话轮转换turn-taking 话语/语篇discourse

话语/语篇分析discourse analysis 话语utterance

话语标记discourse marking 话语标记语discourse markers 话语意义utterance meaning 话语指称discourse deixis

会话分析conversation analysis

会话含义conversational implicature

会话语码切换conversational code-switching 会厌epiglottis

积极话语分析positive discourse analysis 计算语言学computational linguistics



加标记(不加标记)的树形labeled (unlabelled) tree diagram 简单句simple sentence 简洁性simplicity

交际动力communicative dynamism (CD) 交际语lingua franca

交际语言教学communicative language teaching 交际语言能力Communicative Competence 接触语言contact language 结构construction

结构成分性structural constituency 结构二重性/结构双重性duality of structure 结构歧义structural ambiguity 结构主义Structuralism

结构主义语言学structural linguistics 介人性学习动机integrative motivation 借义词semantic borrowing 紧元音tense vowel 禁忌词taboo word

禁忌语linguistic taboo 禁忌语taboo 句法syntax

句法功能观functional sentence perspective/FSP 句法规则syntactic rule

句法类型/句法范畴syntactic category 句法歧义syntactic ambiguity 句子语义学sentence semantics 句子语义学sentential semantics 具体语言学specific linguistics 卷舌音retroflex

开元音open vowels

可取消性cancellability (or defeasibility) 可推导性calculability 克里奥尔语creole

克里奥尔语后期连续体post-creole continuum 空间指称spatial deixis 空语子empty morph 口腔oral cavity

口腔闭止音oral stops

口腔辅音oral consonant 口腔音oral sound 口腔元音oral vowel 口音accent

宽式音标broad transcription 扩展过度overextension




礼貌原则politeness principle 俚语slang

理论语言学theoretical linguistics 历时语言学diachronic linguistics

历史比较语言学comparative historical linguistics

历史比较语言学historical comparativelinguistics 历史语言学historical linguistics 连词conjunction 连贯coherence 连位transition

连续音的continuant 连音/音渡juncture

联想意义associative meaning 零语子zero morph 流音liquid


伦敦学派London School 论元/题元argument

美国结构主义American Structuralism 描写语言学descriptive linguistics

明示–推理交际Ostensive-Inferential Communication 命题proposition 摩擦音fricative

母语mother tongue

母语干扰mother tongue interference 目标语target language 内涵intension

内涵意义connotative meaning 内在化internalized 内指endophora 能产性productivity 能指signifier

逆序造词法/逆生法back-formation 派生词derivative

派生词缀derivational affixes

派生法派生语素derivational morpheme 判断类动词verbs of judging 旁流音lateral liquid

批评性语篇(话语)分析critical discourse analysis 批评性语篇/话语分析critical discourse analysis ﻩ 毗邻对adjacency pairs

毗邻条件Adjacency Condition 拼缀词blends




评价理论evaluative theory

评价意义evaluative meaning 普遍语法Universal Grammar

普通语言学general linguistics 启发功能heuristic function 前部音的anterior 前提prerequisite

前元音front vowel 前指/回指anaphora 前置语列pre-sequence 前缀prefix



切分特征segmental feature 清辅音voiceless consonants 情感意义affective meaning

情景教学大纲situational syllabus 情景语境context of situation

情景语码切换situational code-switching 情景语言教学situational language teaching 穷尽性exhaustiveness

区别性特征design feature 区别性特征distinctive feature 屈折变化inflection

屈折词缀inflectional affixes

屈折语素inflectional morpheme 人称指称person deixis

人际功能interpersonal function 人文主义方法humanistic approach 认知代码法cognitive code approach 认知心理学cognitive psychology 认知因素cognitive factors 任意性arbitrariness 软腭soft palate 软腭velum 软腭音velar

萨丕尔—沃尔夫假设Sapir-Whorfian hypothesis 塞擦音/破擦音affricate 塞音/闭止音stop 三元音triphthong

删除规则deletion rule 上唇upper lip

上义词general lexical items



上义词higher terms

上义词hyperonyms / hypernym 上义词superordinate 舌齿音interdentals 舌根back of tongue 舌尖tip of tongue 舌面blade of tongue 舌面音coronal

社会方言social dialect 社会方言sociolect

社会意义social meaning

社会语言学sociolinguistics 社会指称social deixis 深层结构deep structure

深层结构歧义underlying structural ambiguity 生成语法generative Grammar 声带vocal cord

声调语言tone language 声门glottis


声学语音学acoustic phonetics 省略ellipsis 失语症aphasia 失语症患者aphasic 施为句performatives 时间指称temporal deixis 实词content word

实际语言行为actual linguistic behavior 实体entity

实体关系(所指对象之间的关系)object relation 使役动词causative verb 首字母拼音词acronym 首字母拼音词acrophone 首字母缩略词initialism 首字母缩略法acronymy 输入input 述位rheme


述谓结构分析predication analysis 树形图tree (branch) diagram 数量准则maxim of quantity 双唇音bilabial

双位述谓结构two-place predication 双言现象diglossia



双语现象bilingualism 双元音/复合元音diphthong 松元音lax vowel 送气aspiration 所指reference 所指signified

所指名词referring expression 所指物referent

所指衔接phoric cohesion

特殊性含义particularized implicatures 替代substitution

听觉语音学auditory phonetics 听说法audio-lingual method 同化assimilation 同化词denizen

同化规则assimilation rule 同形异义词homograph

同形异义关系homography 同形异音异义关系heteronymy 同义词synonym 同义的synonymous 同义反复tautology

同义现象/同义关系synonymy 同音(同形)异义词homonym 同音(同形)异义关系homonymy

同音同形异义词absolute homonym 同音异义词homophone 同音异义关系homophony 投射projection

外来词borrowed words 外来词borrowings 外来词loan word 外延denotation 外延extension

外延说denotational theory

外延意义denotative meaning 外指exophora

微观社会语言学micro-sociolinguistics 微观语言学microlinguistics 委婉语euphemism 谓语/谓词predicate

谓语性形容词predicative adjectives 文化传递性cultural transmission 文体意义stylistic meaning



习得acquisition 系统system

系统功能语法Systemic Functional Grammar 系统功能语言学Systemic-Functional linguistics 下层社会方言basilect 下唇lower lip 下义词hyponym 下义词hyponyms

下义词specific lexical items 下义词subordinate 下义关系hyponymy

先天主义假说innateness hypothesis 衔接cohesion

线性结构linear structure 线性顺序linear ordering 限定词determiner 响音sonorant

想象功能imaginative function 小舌uvula

协同发音coarticulation 心理语言学psycholinguistics

心理主义/心灵主义mentalism 心灵说mentalistic theory

新格莱斯主义Post-Gricean Theory 行话/黑话cant 行话jargon 行使类exerctives

行为反应说behaviourist theory 行为主义behaviorism


形态学规则/词法规则morphological rule 形体关系form relation 性gender

性别歧视语sexist language

性别性特征理论distinctive feature theory 虚词function word

序列规则sequential rule 叙实动词factive verbs 宣告类declarations 循环性recursiveness 咽pharynx

咽腔pharyngeal cavity

严式音标narrow transcription 言后行为perlocutionary act



言内行为locutionary act 言外行为illocutionary act 言语parole

言语变体speech variety

言语交际verbal communication 言语类型genre

言语社团speech community 言语行为speech act

言语行为理论Speech Act Theory 验证说verificationist theory 洋泾浜语pidgin

一般性含义generalized implicatures 一致性consistency 依存关系dependency

译借词translation-loan 意含动词implicative verbs

意念功能法notional-functional approach 意念说ideational theory 意义meaning 意义sense

意义成分compound (word) components of meaning 意义关系sense relation 音调/声调tone 音位phoneme


音位对立phonological oppositions 音位规则phonological rule 音位学/音系学phonology

音位音标phonemic transcription 音子phone

印欧语系Indo-European language family 应用语言学applied linguistics 硬腭hard palate 硬腭音palatal 幼儿话语babytalk

语场field of discourse 语调intonation

语法翻译法grammar translation method 语法性grammaticality

语法意义grammatical meaning

语际语/过渡语/中介语interlanguage 语境context

语境论contextualism 语码混用code-mixing



语码切换code-switching 语篇text

语篇功能textual function 语篇性texture

语式mode of discourse 语素变体allomorph 语系language family 语言langue 语言变体variety

语言变异language variation 语言侧化linguistic lateralization 语言产出language production 语言风格styles of speaking 语言干扰language interference 语言感知language perception 语言规划language planning

语言决定论linguistic determinism 语言理解language comprehension 语言能力/语言知识competence 语言能力linguistic competence 语言迁移language transfer 语言切换language-switching

语言社会学sociology of language 语言文化移入acculturation 语言习得language acquisition

语言习得机制language acquisition device 语言相对论linguistic relativism

语言行为潜势linguistic behaviour potential 语言语境co-text

语言语境linguistic context

语言运用;语言行为linguistic performance 语言运用performance 语义场semantic field

语义反常semantic anomaly 语义关系semantic relation 语义结构semantic structure 语义三角semantic triangle 语义学semantics

语音特征phonetic feature 语音学phonetics

语音音标phonetic transcription 语用学pragmatics 语域register

语旨tenor of discourse





预设触发机制presupposition trigger 元功能metafunction 元音vowel 元音的vocalic


圆唇元音rounded vowel 韵律语音特征prosody 蕴涵entailment

粘着语素bound morpheme

真值条件说truth-conditional theory 正规教育formal instruction 正面强化positive reinforcement. 正迁移positive transfer

直接成分immediate constituents 直接成分分析IC Analysis

直接成分分析Immediate Constituent Analysisﻩ 指称/指示语deixis

指称说referential theory 指令类directives 制定模式patterning 制约constraint

质量准则maxim of quality 中层社会方言mesolect 中流音central liquid

中世纪英语Middle English 中元音central vowel 中元音mid vowels 中缀infix


重复与附加语iteratives and adjunts 重写规则rewrite rule 重音stress

主题意义thematic meaning 主位theme


转换规则transformational rules 转换规则T-rules

转换生成语法Transformational-Generative Grammarﻩ 转移/迁移transfer

浊辅音voiced consonants 浊音化的voiced

自我交际intrapersonal communication



自由变异free variation 自由语素free morpheme

自指性功能personal function 纵聚合关系paradigmatic relation 阻塞音obstruant

组成部分和整体的关系meronymy 最佳关联optimal relevance 最佳学习年龄optimum age

最佳应答preferred second parts 最小对立集minimal set 最小对立体minimal pair

最终成分ultimate constituents










本课程共分为本书共分四编,计十三章。第一编(一至二章)介绍了语言和语言学;第二编(三至八章)介绍了语言学的主要分支 — 语音学、音位学、形态学、句法学、语义学和语用学;第三编(九至十二章)为跨学科领域与应用 — 话语分析、社会语言学、心理语言学,以及语言学理论与外语教学;第四编(十三章)介绍了现代语言学流派。通过对本书的学习,要求应考者对英语语言学有一个全面和正确的了解。具体应达到以下要求:


2、掌握语言系统内部语言学各分支之间的关系和各分支的重要概念和基本理论; 3、了解语言学在其它学科领域的应用;

4、熟悉现代语言学重要的流派及其代表人物。 (三)本课程与相关课程的联系






第一章 语言


本章简要介绍了语言的定义、性质和功能。 (二)学习要求

了解语言的定义、性质和功能。 (三)考核知识点和考核要求 1、领会:语言的功能;


第二章 语言学








第三章 语音学






1、领会:发音器官的名称和位置、协同发音与国际语音表。 2、掌握:语音学及其分支的定义。




第四章 音位学









第五章 形态学





(三)考核知识点和考核要求 1、领会:形态学的研究范围。



第六章 句法学








1、领会:句法学的定义、成分关系与依存关系的区别、以及结构歧义现象。 2、熟练掌握:语法与词法和句法之间的联系、三种句法关系(横组合关系、纵聚合关系、等级关系)、分析句法关系的几种方法(直接成分分析、标记法直接成分分析、短语标记法、方括标记法)、表层结构与深层结构的区别、生成句子深层结构的短语结构规则、以及将深层结构转化为表层结构的转化规则。

第七章 语义学


本章介绍了语义学的定义、语义学的分支、有关意义的理论、语义学的一些重要概念(reference, denotation, referent, sense, extension, intension, concept)、意义的类型、意义的要素、成分分析理论、语义场理论、词汇关系、决定句子意义的基本因素、句子之间的意义关系以及述位结构理论。


通过本章的学习,了解并掌握语义学的定义、语义学的分支、有关意义的理论、语义学的一些重要概念(reference, denotation, referent, sense, extension, intension, concept)、意义的类型、意义的要素、成分分析理论、语义场理论、词汇关系、决定句子意义的基本因素、句子之间的意义关系以及述位结构理论。


1、领会:语义学的定义、语义学的分支、有关意义的理论、语义学的一些重要概念(reference, denotation, referent, sense, extension, intension, concept)以及述位结构理论。


(第八章 —— 第十二章内容不做考核要求)

第十三章 现代语言学流派









1、领会:各个语言学流派的特点。 2、掌握:每个流派的代表人物。
































附录 题型举例


Fill in the following blanks with appropriate words and expressions.

For example: Deep structures are generated by ______ rules, and surface structures are derived from their deep structures by ______ rules.

答案:phrase structure … transformational

II.ﻩChoose the right answer that fits each blank in the sentences from

the four choices given. Write the letter marking the answer in the brackets. For example: The sound [h] is ________. ﻩ ﻩ ( )

A. a voiceless glottal fricative ﻩ B. a voiceless dental plosive C. a voiced alveolar plosiveﻩ D. a voiced velar fricative 答案:A

III.ﻩAnswer the following questions.

For example: How does a surface structure differ from a deep structure?

答案:A surface structure corresponds most closely to the linear arr



angement of words as they are pronounced; a deep structure corresponds most closely to the meaningful grouping of words. A surface structure is relatively concrete, but a deep structure is abstract. A surface structure gives the form of a sentence as it is used in communication, but a deep structure gives the meaning of a sentence. A surface structure is pronounceable, but a deep structure is not pronounceable.

IV.ﻩPractical work.

For example: Draw the deep structure phrase marker for the following sentence and then apply necessary transformational rules to transform the deep structure into the surface structure: Has the car been repaired?






