I was beyond excited when I found out that my essay had won first place in the Ferry Boat Reading Essay Competition. 我得知我的文章在摆渡船阅读征文比赛中获得了第一名,我无比兴奋。
Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I poured my heart and soul into the essay I submitted. 写作一直是我的热情所在,我全心全意地投入到了我提交的文章中。
The theme of the competition was \"The Power of Words,\" and I chose to write about the impact that books have had on my life. 这次比赛的主题是“字的力量”,我选择写我生活中书籍对我的影响。
Books have been my constant companions since I was a young child, opening doors to new worlds and expanding my imagination. 书籍自我还是个小孩的时候就一直是我的忠实伴侣,打开了通往新世界的大门,拓展了我的想象力。
In my essay, I shared how reading has helped me through difficult times and how it has shaped me into the person I am today. 在我的文
Winning this competition not only validates my love for writing but also gives me a platform to share my story with a larger audience. 赢得这次比赛不仅证实了我对写作的热爱,还给了我一个机会与更广泛的听众分享我的故事。
I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a prestigious competition and to have my voice heard. 我感激能有机会参加如此权威的比赛,并让我的声音被听到。