3. 1) 废话连篇的人毕竟是个例, 不是惯例, 我们姑且不谈他们。 可是还有
2) 他们急于证明自己的观点, 不知什麽时候该打住。 他们似乎以为听众如此低能,以至于听不懂最简单的事,每件事都要多次重复才能灌输到头脑里去。
3) 那些有口才的人总是讨人喜欢,随时随地受欢迎他们是聚会和社交场合的中心人物。
4) 我想自己掏钱补上差额再简单不过了,肯定事后他还会给我的。所以,我没有回去向他要钱。 但是,我很快发现我是大错特错了 5) 辩白使我酿成大错, 而沉默使我不可救药。
6) 我被施予局部麻醉,好像麻醉没有完全发挥作用,于是我对给我做麻醉的护士诉说,但她不容分说, 她说她知道该怎麽做,叫我不要过分挑剔。
7) 医生提醒我说会有点疼,因为再打一针麻药是不可能的。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text
1. 1) obvious 2) fares 3) administer 4) to summon 5) revived 6) dose 7) trivial 8) is associated with 9) elaborate 10) repetition
2. 1) A) to add to an amount required 补足 B) to invent (a story) 编造
C) to end a quarrel and become friends again 和好 D) to form or constitute 构成
2) A) the outside limit of an area (床)边 B) nervous 紧张不安
C) a slight advantage 微弱的优势
D) to move slowly and carefully in a particular direction 挤(过) 3) A) (obtained) from 靠从事„„.. B) from a particular number 从„„..中 C) without 失去 D) because of 出于
3. 1) Teenage readers felt he was on their side against their parents and teachers. Older readers felt he was on their side against their bosses at work.
2) Many people are uneasy in the company of strangers.
3) If you follow these instructions to the letter you will succeed in this task.
4) He tends to get a bit carried away when he’s dancing and he starts
spinning and leaping all over the place.
5) That’s out of the question: Mary is much too busy to look after her children.
6) I had a lot of quarrels with my parents when I was a teenager. Lesson 2
2. 1) 他意识到,仅仅阅读那些信件就得用去他一天的大部分时间,何况每天早
2) 如果(他阅读的)主要内容读着费力,仔细阅读是理所当然的。 如果不费力,他就该快速阅览了。
3) 阅读很慢的人,疲惫地把本该工作时间阅读完的材料料塞满公文包带回家去。
4) 阅读加速器按预定的阅读速度放下屏障遮住书页,迫使学生加快阅读速度,赶在屏障放下之前把那页读完。
5) 为了让你改掉用手指跟着字走的习惯,用说手紧紧抓住你正在阅读的东西。
6) 沿报纸栏目中央划一条线,把你的目光聚焦在中心线上,当你从上往下读这一页时, 试着抓住中心线两侧词语的意思。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. 1) aware 2) underlined 3) scanned 4) advanced 5) enroll 6) diagnosed 7) handy 8) constant 9) increasingly
2. 1) g. 2) e. 3) i. 4) a. 5) h. 6) j. 7) b. 8) d. 9) c. 10) f. Lesson 3
Learning to use phrases and expression from the text.
1. 1) overturned 2) a pile of 3) torn 4) precaution 5) carriers
6) cans 7) clue 8) in that case 9) spread 10) has something to do
2. 1) life 2) turned 3) moved 4) college 5) waitress 6) like 7) assured 8) undergraduate 9) support 10) depends 11) staying 12) wants 13) income 14) feel 15) what 16) should 17) once 18) approaching 19) themselves 20) her Unit 2 Lesson 4
3.1)因此,事情就是这样,我在12月20日向艾格尼丝求婚了,她也答应嫁给我,可是我 的母亲还一点不知道我的幸福即将来临。
2)说真的,作为一个45岁的女人,经过了一段短暂而坎坷的婚姻生活和25年的孀居, 她看起
4)我从来没意识到我母亲还有女性的魅力,还可能有男人为她倾倒,我也从没有意识到她有权向生活索取的不只是在这所房子里幽居独处,这种为人子女所特有的自私自利之心让我惭愧不已。 1.1)expectation 2)to intrude on 3)was broken to 4)delicate 5)scene 6)to attend to 7)preoccupied 8)tremendous
2.1)Tom told me the news confidentially. He expected that I would not pass the information to anyone else.
2)Humans still hold on to the absurd notion that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe.
3)“You need not beat about the bush; come to the point at once ,”he said impatiently.
4) He was determined not to complain in the presence of his girlfriend.
5) And the compliments of the season to your parents. Lesson 5
2)这里建有七座城市,层层相叠,最底层是一个石器时代的村庄。 3)实际上,谢里曼错过了荷马史诗中那个真正的特洛伊城。他挖得太深,穿过了他正在寻觅的城市——找到的城墙属于一座更古老的城市。
4)特洛伊的财宝确实是在忙乱之中收拾掩埋起来的。这些新发现的财宝跟一位伟大的国王及其家族葬在一起,显示出他们不朽的荣耀。 5)谢里曼掀起那精美的面罩后,看到了古代国王本人的脸——他的眼睛,他的嘴,他完好的牙齿,甚至他脸上的皮肤。凝视这张完好无损的面庞大概算是谢里曼一生最伟大的时刻了。
1 .1) hollow 2) crept 3) was dragged 4) had amassed 5) handle 6) lasting 7) instant
8)decide on 9)are carrying out 10)by accident
2. 1) result 2) said 3) many 4) published 5) takes 6)down 7) out 8)unnecessary
9) sound 10) list 11)spent 12) it 13)once 14) idea 15) with Lesson 6
5)要演奏好,乐师不仅要记住他的声部节拍,还得即兴发挥,奏出新的变换的旋律。 1.1)popularity 5)spontaneous
6)brash 7)In contrast to 8)to bubble 9)to convert 10)tempo 2.1)of 2)to 3)like 4)as 5)to 6)across 7)down 8)about 9)like 10)with 11)over Unit 3 Lesson 7
Comprehension of the text
1. 1) F 2) F 3) T 4) T 5) F 6) F 7) F 8) F 2. 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) D 5) C 6) B
3. 1) 有些学生容易找到学好代数课本第一章的方法,另一些学生则能够更容易地掌握叙述的全部内容。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text
1. 1) incentive 2) time-consuming 3)credits 4) budget 5) to skim through
6) was marking 7) set aside 8) summed up 9) guarantee
2. 1) keeps 2)if 3) written 4) helps 5) than 6)lines 7) with 8 )relaxation 9) rich 10) answer 11) of 12) filled Lesson 8
Comprehension of the text
1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) F 2. 1) B 2) A 3) D 4) D 5) A 6) B 7) C 8) A 3. 1) 这个博物馆展出众多的产品,以纪念在飞行及太空探索的事业中做出贡献的男女先驱们。来此参观的人数连年高居全美纪念馆或博
2)她声称,用她的方法,可以计算出任何事情发生的概率。 3)我还记得头一天看见他的情形。他不过是个清瘦、焦急不安的小伙子。但他好像有点 特别,看样子很神秘。
4) 他动情地描述她:“她个子小,皮肤较黑,19岁,脸上的表情生动活泼。我是说她会发脾气,但是过一阵就好了。她有意见棕色的柔皮短外套,可也许她没穿。”
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text
1.1) exhibit 2) to take over 3) to descend on 4) by sight 5) eerie
6) incredulously 7) has been calculated 8) souvenir 9) desperate 10) hanging around
2. 1) The Summer Palace is the most visited of all parks in Beijing. 2) After working there for a week, he came to the conclusion that the boss was mean to his employees.
3) He is no more than a kid of 15, but he has got a job as an accountant with this company.
4) None of them ever spoke of the girl any more, and they dropped the subject of marriage.
5) When this semester is over, I should be able to get around to reading this novel.
6) What a wonderful drama had unfolded before my eyes. Lesson 9
Comprehension of the text
1. 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5)F 6)T 2. 1) B 2) A 3) C 4)D 5)D
3. 1) 它们(这些研究)所揭示的东西只是支持下述结论:人们拥有并能使用除了视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉之外的另一种感觉。 2)当她的孩子面临危险时,那种无法用逻辑解释的感觉似乎便会以某种方式警告她。
4)总有一天我们会理解这种存在于母子之间的交流,并在理解它的基础上把它扩展成为一种更好的人际交流方式。 Learning to use phrase and expressions from the text
1. 1) alert 2) utter 3) swear by 4) illustration 5) forbidden
6) secure 7) chores 8) check on
2. 1) An unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for a series of bombings.
2) He hurt his leg during the basketball match, but this mishap didn’t stop him playing basketball.
3) The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere and is the perfect setting for a romantic dinner.
4) Babies cry by instinct when they are hungry.
5) It was these considerations that prompted the UN to hold a conference aimed at tackling the problem of population growth in cities.
6) He professed to be unhappy with the price he’d got for his computer, though secretly he was very satisfied. Unit 4 Lesson 10
Comprehension of the text. 3.
1) 从前他俩开开心心,温情脉脉,可从未谈及爱情。
2) 纽特用漫不经心的语调掩饰自己的羞涩,像个秘密侦探正在执行任务,在既优美、又遥远、且险恶的地点之间作短暂停留。 3) 她说:“呃,纽特,——你这是在拿开小差哄我吧?” 4) 她转过身去背对纽特,注视着远处无边无际的树林。
5) 凯瑟琳目送着他在一望无际的树与树影之间越走越远,她心里明
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. adore; caught glimpses of; mission; count on; distress; drowsy; rage; responded 2.
1) Hang the dress up in case it would be rumpled.
2) She tried to cover her nervousness as she waited to make her speech.
3) He lost his wallet in the restaurant and had to hitchhike home. 4) He hasn’t got the remotest idea of how to please his boss. 5) We have to part company here. We have no choice. 6) There is a well on the edge of the village. Lesson 11
Comprehension of the text. 3.
1) 有一次,我几乎得退出电话亭才能看清投币盒子上的电话号码。 2)我觉得我的服装都越穿越小,尤其腰围或者裤子的横档部位越来越紧,而且眼下的鞋带也越来越难够着。
4)“乔治,想当年你可是个花花公子,”我说。“如今你还跳黑臀舞吗?” Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. draught; would define; would shrink; to revolve; fair-sized; tottering; senility; bundle; got to; to make out.
2. are; were; is made; is; are better educated; have; to spend; enjoy; grow up; are; think; do not blindly accept; remember; are; is; is very marked Lesson 12
Comprehension of the text. 3.
1) 看不见尽头的车流堵在那里,等着红灯变成绿灯。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. reserved; bulging; weed; to check; more unreliable; in vain; plainer; anything but
2. before; linked; as; to; up; appearance; are; exposure; light; when 3.
1) If you don’t make the best use of your time reviewing the lesson, you may well fail the examination.
2) Tom was absorbed in the dream of going on a round-the –world trip. 3) He is of average height, and his hair is as curly as that of a black. 4) The Negro slaves had been packed into a small ship and transported to the American continent.
5) Every time he went to Paris, he lived in a five-star luxury hotel. Unit 5 Lesson 13
Comprehension of the text
3. 1)在一个孩子面前从未展现过这么多诱人的美味糖果。 2)只有你把钱放到柜台上之后,纸袋的口才被拧紧,这以后就没有改变主意的余地了。
4)“还多了点,”不知怎么,我喉咙哽咽,勉强说出话来。 5)“我还能闻到胶姆糖的香味,”我叹了一口气说道。当我清洗最后一个鱼缸时,我确信听见了魏格登老先生在我肩头发出了轻轻的笑
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text
1. 1) are displaying 2) errand 3) caution 4) expectantly 5) submerge 6) to insulate
7) legacy 8) savored 9) exotic 10) impact
2. 1) He passed the College Entrance Examination at the age of twelve, which was unheard-of in his hometown. 2) Only after we pay can we enter the theater. 3) The car industry of our country is still in its infancy.
4) In order to meet the challenge of the 21st century we should study computer science well.
5) The sun came out from behind the clouds and it became warmer and warmer.
6) He married and established his own family soon after he graduated from the university.
7) The President visited the museum accompanied by his officials. Lesson 14
Comprehension of the text
3. 1) 她过去总是笑声不断,她的活力、微笑及愉悦的声音使整个小店充满阳光。人们都在谈论,并说由这个女孩服务真是一件快乐的事。
2) 可怜的妈妈大动恻隐之心,根本没意识到已经上了人家的圈套,她很快答应说我们可以安排这个女孩在店里工作。
3) 他在我们这呆了一段时间后,我们便注意到父亲的化学并没有太大的长进,母亲在餐桌上也没有翻出什么惊人的新花样。 4) 等到我们大家都在的时候,他才告诉我们(是什么事),也只有她才会这么做。
5) 她困惑地、眼泪汪汪地又看了我们一会儿,然后转过身去走开了,双肩因啜泣而不停地抖动。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text
1. 1) find fault 2) far from 3) brisk 4) blink 5) overworked 6) compassion
7) burden 8) passed away 9) brought…around 10) ridiculous 2. 1) A. considering B. considerate C. considered 2) A. impressed B. impressive C. impression…impression 3) A. sympathetic B. sympathy C. sympathize 4) A. innovative B. innovation C. innovate 5) A. irritation B. irritated C. irritating 6) A. break B. broken C. brokenly Lesson 15
Comprehension of the text
3. 1) 相反,纽约州扬克斯市纳撒尼尔?霍桑初级中学那些考试不及
5)这不仅能告知你的心脏是否健康,而且还说明你的心脏能够安全承受的运动量以及对你安全的最快心率。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text
1. 1) conversely 2) counterpart 3) prescribe 4) tolerate 5) enhance 6) flavor
7) intensity 8) maximum 9) tranquilizing 10) vigorously 2. 1) out 2) on 3) up 4) in 5) out of 6) on
3. 1) A sound body and a sound mind are what every one of us dreams of.
2) High blood pressure is another risk factor in heart attacks. 3) Animal fat is unquestionably associated with many diseases. 4) Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins. 5) Lack of exercise increases one’s susceptibility to heart attacks.
Unit Six Lesson 16
Comprehension of the text. 3
1) 然而,实际情况是,我们正在培养的一代人对历史的无知已到了令人担忧的地步。这一问题由来已久,就像疾病一样,吞噬着国人的记忆力。
2) 事实上,在我们顶尖的50所高校中,一个学生即使从未修过任何一门历史课,也照样可以作为各校引以为荣的产品输出到当今的世界,只有为数不多的几所高校例外。
3) 历史是——或者说应该是——爱国主义的基石,倒不是那种捶胸顿足的爱国主义,而是那种实实在在的对国家的爱。
4) 2001年的9.11事件后,历史可以成为一种力量的源泉,一种让我们振作起来为理想献身的动力。当初,这些理想正是建立这个国家的基础。
5) 我们如果不让孩子们得到那种乐趣,不让孩子们知道占据人类大部分经历并占据人类很长时间的历险事业,那我们就是在欺骗他们,不让他们有一个经历丰富的人生。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1.
1) reinforced 2) era 3) handfuls 4) core 5) embraced
6)inherent 7) intensifies 8) heaps 9) seminar 2.
1) A. alarmingly B. alarming C. alarmed 2) A. indifferent B. indifferently C. indifference
3) A. illustrating B. illustration C. illustrated (with pictures, etc.)
4) A. ignoring B. ignorance
5) A. supposed B. Supposedly C. was supposed 3.
1) He points out in all seriousness that while many university students in China are spending much of their time learning English, their poor command of Chinese is alarming.
2) A survey on the seniors of some top universities shows that more than half of them are not content with the present curriculum and hope that the authorities concerned will take steps to improve it. 3) I passionately feel that history is like a mirror, making us have a clear idea of how to avoid similar mistakes and how to take a right course. 4) The company’s success this year would not have been possible without the commitment and dedication of the staff. 5) Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. Lesson 17
Comprehension of the text. 3
1) 我有几天同他们一起,走过许多死亡的城市,跨过一度肥沃、如今变成了不毛之地的乡野,所到之处无不触目惊心。
2) 你有没有见到过一个人——一个辛勤劳动、“遵纪守法”、于人无犯的诚实的好人——有一个多月没有吃饭了?
3) 在灾情最严重的时候,赈灾委员会决定(用美国经费)修一条大渠,灌溉长年干旱而烤焦了的土地。
4) 他们为什么不汇成一股大军,对那些向他们征收苛捐杂税却不能让他们吃饱肚子、强占他们的土地却不能修复灌溉渠的恶棍坏蛋发起攻击?
5) 在上述背景下,我们得悉共产党人在西北特别受人民欢迎,这就不足为怪。因为在那里大多数农民的情况同中国其他地方一样糟糕。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1.
1)revolted 2) Cowards 3) is inclined to 4) conservative 5) raged 6) to salvage 7) flocks 8) descended upon 9) fertile 10) shallower 2.
1) A. cooperation B. are cooperating C. cooperative 2) A. accurate B. accurately C. accuracy 3) A. financial B. finances
4) A. profound B. profoundly 5) A. compensated B. compensation 6) A. relief B. relieved C. relieve Lesson 18
Comprehension of the text. 3
1) 731部队无序扩展的总部位于哈尔滨郊外的小镇平房,那里备有机场、火车站和地牢。
2) 然而,使平房镇出名的不只是可怕的武器,还有人体实验。 3) 其实,日本主要的医学院都向731部队派出了医生。他们回国后成了战后医疗机构的顶梁柱、医学院的院长、以及制药公司的主管。 4) 一份已不复存在的日本南满铁路公司的秘密报告详细披露了南京大屠杀的一些后果。
5) 实际上,最近的历史研究表明,天皇在直接插手操纵战争以及推迟和平方面所起的作用大大超过了人们的预料。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1.
1)A. assistant B. assist C. assistance 2) A. courtesy B. courteous 3) A. minimize B. minimum 4) A. stabilize B. stable C. stability
5) A. transmitting B. transmissions 6) A. infection B. infected 2.
1) A. 保护(免受) B. 防护物,护罩 2)A.品种,种类 B. 饲养 C. 酿成,产生 3)A. 区别 B. 使„杰出,使„著名 C. 看清 4)A. 注射 B. 注入,使„充满 5)A. 柱子 B. 台柱,栋梁 6)A. 提炼,提取 B. 设法得到 3.
1)In the 1960s the United States went through a social revolution referred to as the women’s liberation movement.
2) In the interests of the nation the United States made a deal with Japan. America shielded some of the war’s worst criminals in exchange for their research findings on biological weapons.
3) Some people complain of work, but as for me, rather than a punishment or a burden, work is the opportunity to realize one’s potential.
4) He is fully aware that carelessness contributes to a traffic accident and therefore often advises his son to drive carefully for the sake of himself and the whole family.
5) Although the United States helped to cover up the atrocities, the fact
that the Japanese employed biological warfare in China during the Second World War has now come to light. Unit 7 Lesson 19
Comprehension of the text
3.1) 宫殿悬于岩石最陡峭之处,孤零零的却很安全。它分三层, 仿佛镶嵌在岩 石峭壁上。
5)他们敬慕这些城堡守卫者们表现出的坚强性格和对自由的热爱,想目睹一下 事件发生的原地。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. 1) extend 2) steep 3) dreadful 4) exploring 5) restoring 6) fort 7) ruins 8) nowadays 9) forbidding 10) determined 2. 1) A.vt.to spoil or destroy completely 毁坏,破坏
B.n. complete loss of all one’s money, resources or prospects 毁灭,(前途) 断送
2)A.n. giving up something 牺牲 B.vt.to give up something 牺牲
3)A.n.someone who opposes or fights against people in authority 叛乱者,叛 逆者
B.vi.(~ against) to oppose or fight against someone in authority 反叛,叛逆
4)A.vi. to stop resisting 投降,屈服
B.n. surrendering or being surrendered 投降,屈服
5)A.n. someone who does a job willingly without being paid 志愿者
B.vt. to offer to do something without expecting any reward 自愿去做
3.1) The moon emerged from behind the cloud, hanging over the mulberry in the yard.
2) Crazy rioters smashed up the cars on the road and set fire to a whole row of stores.
3) China has witnessed a rapid growth in short message service in recent years.
Cell phone short messages sent broke through 220 billion in 2003. 4) Whether you are a new or returning student, I want to extend a warm welcome
and invite you to see Boston University as your home.
5) Although he has tried his best, he has no hope of getting the job that he has dreamed of. Lesson 20
Comprehension of the text
3.1) 在去主日学校的路上,我用手压着信封摸里面的硬币,一直摸到我能说
看到广告中的圣诞老人和冬青枝条花环。 3)我等待了一整天,痛苦不安,困惑不解。
8)黑暗中,我伸开四肢,僵直地躺在那里,双手紧握空拳。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1.
1) in bewilderment 2)ebb 3) cleared my throat 4) queer 5)
have the office all to myself
6) arrogant, ill-tempered 7)get it over with 8) dressed herself up 9) nightmare
2. 1) A.n.ebb and flow 潮起潮落,兴衰,起伏 B.n. at a low ebb 处于低潮 2)A.vt. 折磨,使受苦刑
B.vt.折磨,使苦恼 C.n.折磨,痛苦 3)A.vt.生产,产出
B.vt. yield up 泄露(秘密) C.n.产量
4)A.vt. press„against„ 按,压,挤 B.vt. press sb. to do sth. 敦促,催逼 C.n. the press 新闻界 5)A.vi. 接近,靠近 B.n. 接近,靠近 C.n. 方法,途经 6)A.vi. 夸耀,自夸 B.n. 夸耀,感到自豪的事 C.vt. (自豪地)拥有,自恃有
3.1) Now that he has bought a new car, he no longer has to ride his bike to work.
2) These apples will be distributed to each of the classes.
3) My memory does not reveal in what season the event took place.. 4) His face took on a sad look.
5) As the pain in my body ebbed, the pain in my mind began. Lesson 21
Comprehension of the text
3.1) 当我驾车在崎岖不平的公路上行驶时,我开始思考一直以来我对自己
及家人的所作所为。在不知不觉中,我们大家好像在操办一场葬礼— —我的葬礼——而这葬礼,还不到要办的时候。
不管一个家庭如何对待癌症问题,所有家庭成员都必定会受到某种程度的影 响。
力找出解决的办法,让我们尽可能像正常人一样生活。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. 1)silent as the grave 2) steer 3) strain 4) in all probability 5) is bound to
6) it occurred to me that 7)counts 8) publicity 9) sullen 10) it’s largely up to you
2. 1) live with 2) lit up 3) deprived of 4) submitted to 5) work out 6) arranged for 7) cleaned up 8) deal with 9) working on 10) pay for UNIT8
Lesson 22: Richard Nixon’s Childhood Comprehension of the text: 3.
1) 理查德.尼克松早年才智的培养主要归功于他的母亲。
2) 除了拓展理查德智力方面的好奇和能力,使它们远远超出一般的五岁孩子的兴趣外,汉娜还向他灌输要想出人头地就必须勤奋的重要性。
之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水”用在他身上是非常恰当的。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text: 1. 1) gifted
2) insights
3) spot
4) ensure 8) heritage
5) apparent 2. 1) A. privacy
6) blessed
7) passion
B. private
C. privately
2) A. proficiency B. proficient
3) A. concentration B. concentrate 4) A. capable 5) A. inspired 6) A. applicable
B. capability B. inspiration B. applied
C. application
3. 1)That incident had a great impact on him and he has mostly kept to himself ever since then.
2) The first prize winner of the English speech contest said that he owed his success to his mother because it was she who had started him off in English at an early age.
3) Helen often tells her son not to waste anything, above all, but he simply brushes such advice aside.
4) Although he knew that his parents had made great sacrifices in order that he could get the best possible education, when he found that what he was majoring in was not at all suited to his interests, he decided to cut short his college study.
Lesson 23. Picnic in the Dining Room Comprehension of the text:
3. 1) 还有好多东西得由我自己带回来,看来只要我能设法摇摇晃晃的搬回家,第二天下午就不会有挨饿的危险。
3)接下来的两个小时里,我们的车沿着一条主干道缓慢行驶,车一辆紧挨着一辆,排成了长队,整个交通几乎停滞不前。 4)布朗先生虽然掌握着方向盘,但得接受布朗太太的指挥。 5)我们都异常地沉默,可尽管满腹牢骚,还得没妨碍我们大吃了一顿。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text 1. 1) staggered variety 6) drawback
7) terrified 8) prophesied 9) indignantly 10) forecast
2) squeeze 3) comments 4) conspicuous
2. 1) makes sense 2) to make room for 3) made a fuss 4) have made preparations
5) make do with 6) make sure 7) make a fortune 8)make a nuisance of yourself
9) make the most of/ make full use of his/a living
3. 1) If he were to trespass on my garden again, I would sue him in
10)make fun of 11) make
2) Although you have a mountain of work to do, you should fit in a physical examination. After all, it will do you good.
3) In the survey, as many as 50-60 percent of university graduates choose professional occupations, while in reality only15-18 percent of the workforce is engaged in professional work. 4) No sooner had we cleared up than rain poured down.
5) When I entered the classroom, I found the teacher sitting in the midst of the children and asking them questions in turn.
Lesson 24. Mr. Worker and Mr. Guest Comprehension of the text:
3. 1) 根据侵权法,如果一个人在事故中受伤,而这一事故又是某人疏忽的结果(法律上称作玩忽职守),那么受伤的人可以起诉造成伤害的人。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) enforcing 5) pursuit
2) furnishes
3) dispute
4) sufficient
6) utilize 7)monopoly 8) alternative 9) legal
2. 1) A. 不太大的,过得去的 B.谦虚,谦逊 2) A. 不让,不准
3) A. 迅速的,立即的 B. 促使,引起 4) A. 制定,表达 B.框架,构架 5) A. 特征,特色 B. 以„为特色 6) A. 解决
B. 决定,决意
3. 1)It does not matter whether the employer, the employee or no one was at fault for the injury.
2) The manager missed the 4 o’clock fight for Shanghai as a result of his secretary’s carelessness.
3) He has decided to sue the bus company for his injury because when a fire suddenly broke out in the bus, the passengers couldn’t find any extinguisher to put out the fire.
4) Obviously the driver was at fault for the accident, so he should compensate Mr. Li for his injury.
5) It is China’s position that a new interpretation political and economic
order should be established on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Unit Nine Lesson 25
Comprehension of the text.
3.1) 这是合乎道德规范的科学研究,是以我们的名义依照该学科的传统做法,为了合理的目的—促进人类知识的发展—而进行的,但是这令我感到不安。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1.1)
has evolved 2) investigated 3) qualified 4) destruction 5)
securing 6) integral
7) hypothesis 8) conducted 9) motives 10) tendency
2. 1) Not all the scientific experiments that benefit the advancement of human knowledge are justified.
2) Should I tell a lie to please my friend or tell the truth to maintain my integrity? I find it difficult to choose between the two alternatives. 3) It is difficult to have a tradeoff between environmental protection and industrialization
4) An excellent command of English is the biggest asset she possesses. 5) It is time that the whole society began to take action to save our environment from destruction. Lesson 26
Comprehension of the text.
3.1) 如今人们可以回顾这个国家的历史以及那些多姿多彩的早期人物,他们从某种意义上来说代表了那个地区的特性。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1.1)
rumor 2) At any rate 3) fabulous 4) prospective 5) extravagant 6)
in need of
7) In their heyday 8) persistent 9) to their liking 10) preserve
2. 1) He often looks back upon his colorful life in the university, especially the school swimming team, known as “The Dream Team”, which he once belonged to.
2) The newly-built National Opera House is located in Chang’an Avenue. Quite a number of old buildings were torn down a few years ago to make room for it.
3) While he was in hospital, he kept track of his reflections on life with the paper and pencil supplied to him by the nurses.
4) For many Chinese, the car, as a means of transport, has taken the place of the bicycle.
5) All these years he has hung on to the letters which his father wrote to him. As it turns out, now he has his own son, he finds that all the advice in the letters is also very useful to his son. Lesson 27
Comprehension of the text.
3. 1)他不但讨女人欢心,也受到男人的喜爱。他具有一切优秀品德,可就是不会赚钱。
3)可是,在他进一步了解休吉后,他同样喜欢上了休吉那快乐开朗、慷慨大方、无忧无虑的性格,并请他在高兴的时候随时过来。 4)那天他和劳拉一起度过,因为把一英镑送了人不得不走回家,为此他受到了疼爱的嗔怪。
5) “我觉得你本该高诉我的,艾伦,”休吉气急败坏地说,“你不该让我出了这么大的洋相。”
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. 1) faint 2) generous 3) splendid 4) artistic 5) roar 6) clear-out 7) manual
8) percentage 9) qualities
2. 1) The kids were all tired, and to make matters worse, it began to rain.
2) The old man hummed to himself as he went about his job in the garden.
3) She was an experienced player and knew very well how to take advantage of the weakness of the rivals.
4) I’ve offered to pay Simon for fixing my car, but he wouldn’t hear of it.
5) Receiving the prize in honor of her dead father, she was overcome with emotion
Unit 10 Lesson 28
3. 1) 令人惊讶的是,他的嗓音中带着一份尊敬,好像他不是在跟一帮年轻人说话,而是在向最高法院讲话。
2) 我们在课堂上很少拘谨,他也从来不必拿纪律来约束我们。因为他对我们总是以礼相待,我们除了以礼回敬,不好做出其他举动来。 3) 他用吊胃口的办法,对我们只讲某个故事的章节, 某个文学作品人物或内容的片段,调动我们的求知欲,让我们迫不及待地想知道更多。
4) 一个读书的人走过许多次人生,而一个不读书的人则是糊里糊涂的在这个世界走了一趟。
5) 我们一直在学习的那些大作家之所以伟大,就在于他们完全、坦诚地献出了自己的时间和精力。 我们是伟大还是渺小, 接看我们为别人做了多少。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. 1) address 2) peered 3) supreme 4) spell 5) register 6) enthusiasm
7) venture 8) participate 9) vividly 10) expectantly
2. 1) It never occurred to me that the unimpressive-looking
mikkle-aged man who treated us with such courtesy would turn out to be the dean of the School of Jouralism.
2) He cudgeled his brains tryingto improve the book review which he had written the week before.
3) He suggested that we not only peek into many books but also carefully read those that suit our needs.
4) Throughout the interview the film start spoke without condescension and at the end he shook hands with each of us in turn and said good-bye.
5) Mr. Stone awakened our passion for learning by his unique way of teaching. Among all the teachers who had ever taught us, I venture to say, very few could lead us to and appreciation of the beauty of language and literature as he did. Lesson 29
2. 1) 这一景象总是让这位老铁路工人感到安慰,然后他走回家,就能入睡了。
2) 他对这种状况很不理解,于是决定对这一问题进行严密的统计研究, 并且把他的观察延长到了白天。
3) 绝望之下,他打电话给距离最近的那个城市的火车站, 了解是否有部分西行列车改走别的路线了。可事实并非如此。
4) 如果东行列车的可能性是西行列车的三倍,从数学角度看不就说明一定有更所的东行列车吗?
5) 因此,虽然第一列车为东行列车的可能性是西行列车的三倍,可你等他的时间也是等西行列车的三倍,这样两个倍数相互抵消。 6) 考虑到是相等数量的火车对开,在较长的一段时间内你的观察结果只能是这样。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.
1. 1) arbitrary 2) undertook 3) rigourous 4) interval 5) rational 6) consult 7) concerning 8) amateur 9) essentially 10) punctually 2. 1) In such cases 2) A case in point 3) just in case 4) In that case
5) in the case of 6) in case of 7) is …the case 8) in any case 3. 1) In the dead of the night, he was wandering alone in the deserted street, stopping at times to take a look at the billboards.
2) If this kind of disease spreads through the air, it follows logically that everyone here is exposed to the danger of being infected . 3) Given his young age, I think his performance is remarkable. 4) If you apply for this position, the chances are 6 to 4 that you’ll get it.
5) After a few minutes of reflection, the amateur violinist began to play a Chinese violin concerto.
Lesson 30
3. 1) 听人说当父亲的总想让儿子成为他们感觉自己做不成的那种人,但是我想 说,反之亦然。
2) 我很纳闷他们居然愿意让人看到他们与这样一个空话连篇的人混在一
起。 我对他就是这么看的。
3) 他把这一切编造的像真的一样,假如我不知道他出生于俄亥俄州南部的话,我都会相信。
4) 他们喝了几口酒,随后他便拿酒瓶向树上摔去,因为它不像眼看着格兰特将军醉醺醺的出现在完美无缺的李将军面前。 5) 为了保护我的母亲,我会编出一个秘密婚姻的故事,这桩婚事因为某种奇怪的原因而不为人知。
6) 仿佛我突然被惊醒,离开了自我离开了我这个小学生的世界,离开了我为父亲感到耻辱的那个世界。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text
1. 1) dignity 2) sympathize 3) smashed 4) absurd 5) loafing 6) golw 7) clings 8) credit 9) dripped 10) comic
2. 1) Seeing him come home a little lit up, I was filled with bitterness and wished that he were not my father.
2) Ever since Tom took over his father’s business, he has been fooling around. I bet the business will go broke sooner or later.
3) He hasn’t shown up the whole day. I have no idea what he has been up to.
4) When he heard the news that his daughter had won a gold medal at the Olympic Games, he couldn’t help feeling a glow of pride and his illness was also miraculously crured.
5) She is very intimate with her roommates. Whenever something wonderful happens to her, she will share her happiness with them right away.