abuse academic accelerate accent access accessible accident 2
accommodation accompany accomplish according to account accountant accumulate accurate accuse accustomed achievement … acid
acknowledge acquire acre across act action active activity actor actual 3 adapt adaptation add addicted addition address adequate adjustment admirable admire
admission admit adolescent adopt adore adult advance advantage adventure advertise advertisement advice 4 advise advocate affair affect affection afford afraid afterwards
against age agency agent aggression aggressive agree agreement agriculture ahead aid aim 5 aircraft airline airmail airplane airport airspace
alarm album alcohol alcoholic alike alive allow allowance almost alone along alongside aloud already alphabet already alternative 6 although altitude
altogether always amateur amaze amazing ambassador ambition ambulance among amount ample amuse amusement analyze ancestor ancient anger angle 7 angry
animal ankle anniversary announce annoy annual another answer anxiety anxious anybody anyhow anything anyone anyway anywhere apart apartment apology apologize apparent appeal appear
appearance appetite applaud apple applicant application apply
appoint appointment appreciate appreciation approach appropriate approval approve approximately architect architecture arch area
argue argument arise 9 arm armchair army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrow art article artificial artist ash ashamed aside
ask asleep aspect assess assessment assist 10 assistance assistant associate association assume assumption astonish astronaut astronomer astronomy athlete athletic
atmosphere atom
attach attack attain attempt attend attention attitude attract attraction attractive audience 11 aunt Australia author authority automatic autonomous autumn available avenue average avoid
awake award aware away awesome awful awkward baby bachelor backache background backwards bacterium 12 bad badly badminton bag baggage bake bakery balance
ballet balloon ballpoint bamboo ban banana band bandage bank bar barbecue barber barbershop bare bargain 13 barrier base baseball basement basic basin
basis basket basketball bat bath bathe bathroom bathtub battery battle bay beach beam bean bean curd heard beast 14 beat beautiful beauty because
become bedding bedroom beef beer before beg begin behalf behave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend 15 beneath
beneficial benefit bent
beside besides best best-seller betray between beyond bicycle bid bill
biochemistry biography biology bird birth birthday biscuit bit bite bitter
16 borrow boss botanical botany both bother bottle bottom bound bow bowl bowling boxing brain brake branch brand brave bravery break breakfast
breakthrough 17 breast breath breathe breathless brick bride bridge brief bright brilliant broad broadcast brochure broken broom brown brunch brush budget build
bunch building 18 blackboard blame blank blanket bleed bless blind block blood blouse blow board boil bomb bond bone bonus boom boot
booth border bored boring 19 burden burglar burn burst bury bush business butcher butter butterfly button cab cabbage café cafeteria cage calculate
calm camel 20 camera camp campaign canal cancel cancer candidate candle candy capital capsule captain caption carbon careful careless carpenter carpet carriage
carrier carrot 21 cartoon carve case cash cast castle casual cat catalogue catch cattle cause caution cautious cave ceiling celebrate celebration cell
centigrade centimeter center 22 century ceremony certain certificate chain chairman challenge challenging champion chance change channel chapter character charge chart chat cheap
cheat check cheek cheers 23 cheese chemical chemist chemistry chess chest chewing gum chicken chief childhood chocolate choice choke choose chopsticks church cigar
cigarette cinema circle 24 circulate citizen city civil civilian civilization clap clarify classic classify classmate claw clay cleaner clerk clever click
climate climb clinic clone 25 iy close cloth clothing cloudy clumsy coach coal mine coast cocoa coffee coincidence cold collar
colleague collect collection college comb combine 26 comedy comfortable command comment commercial commit commitment committee common communicate communication communist companion company
compare compass compete competence competition complete composition compromise 27
concentrate concept concern concert conclude conclusion condition conduct conductor conference
confident confidential
confirm conflict confuse congratulate congratulation connect connection consequence 28 consider considerate consideration constant construct construction consult consultant consume contain container content continent
continue contrary contribute control convenient conversation convey 29 convince cook cooker cookie copy corn corner corporation correct correction cost cottage cotton cough count
country countryside couple courage course courtyard 30 cousin crash crazy cream create creature credit crime criminal cross crossing crossroads crowd cruel cube cubic
culture cupboard cure 31 curious currency curtain custom customer customs cut cycle cyclist daily dam damage damp dance danger dangerous dare dark
darkness dash data daughter date 32 dawn dead deadline deaf deal death debate debt decade decide decision declare decline decorate decoration decrease
deed deep deer defeat defence defend degree delay 33 deliberately delicious delight delighted deliver demand dentist department departure depend depth describe description
desert deserve design desire desperate dessert destination destroy detective determination determine develop 34
development devote devotion dial dialogue diamond diary dictation dictionary
die diet differ difference different difficult difficulty dig digital dignity dinner dinosaur dioxide dip 35 direct direction director directory dirty disability
disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappear disappoint disappointed disaster discount discourage discover discovery discussion discuss disease disgusting dish dislike dismiss distance 36 distant
distinction distinguish district disturb disturbing dive diverse divide division divorce dizzy document doll dollar donate door dormitory double doubt down download downstairs
37 downtown dozen drag draw drawback drawer dream dress drill drink drive driver drop drug drum drunk dry duck due dull dumping
during dusk
dust dustbin dusty 38 duty dynasty each eager eagle ear early earn earth earthquake east Easter eastern easy eat ecology edge
edition editor educate education educator effect effort
egg eggplant eight 39 eighteen eighth either elder elect electric electrical electricity electronic elephant eleven embarrass
embassy ambassador emergency emotion emperor employ empty encourage encouragement end ending endless enemy energetic energy 40 engine engineer enjoy enjoyable enlarge enough
enquiry enter enterprise entertainment enthusiastic entire entrance entry envelop environment envy equal equality equip equipment eraser error erupt escape especially essay Europe
41 evaluate even event eventually everyday everybody everything evidence evident everywhere exact exactly examination examine example excellent except exchange excite excuse exercise
exhibition exist 42 existence exit expand expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore export expose express extension extra
extraordinary extreme eye eyesight face facial fact 43 factory fail failure fair faith fall false familiar family famous fan
fantastic fantasy far fare farm farmer fascinating fast fasten fat fault
favor favorite fax 44 fear feast
feather leather fee
feed fed fed feel feeling fellow female fence festival fetch fever few fiction field fierce
fifteen fifth fifty fight
figure file fill 45 film final finance
find found found fine
finger fingernail finish
fire firework firm
fish fisherman fist fit five fix flag flame
flash flashlight flat
flee fled fled flesh flexible flight
float 46
flood floor flour
flow flew flew flower flu
fluency fluent fly flew flown focus fog foggy
fold folded folded folk follow fond food fool foolish foot football forbid force forecast forehead
foreign foreigner 47
foresee foresaw foreseen forest forever
forget forgot forgotten forgetful forgive
fork a knife and fork form formal former fortnight fortune fortunate 48
forty four fourth forward found fountain fox fragile
fragrant smelly
free freedom freeway
freeze froze frozen freezing frequent fresh fridge
friend friendly friendship frighten frog 49
front frontier frost fruit fry fuel full fun function fundamental
funeral fur
furnish furnished furniture future gain gallery game garage garbage
garden garlic gas gate 50 gather gay general generation generous gentle gentleman geography gesture
get gift gifted girl give ‘glad glance glare glass globe glory glove glue go goal goat 51 god
gold golden golf
good goods goose
govern government
grade gradual
graduate graduation grain
gram kilogram grammar grand grandparents grandson grape grasp grass 52 grateful gravity great greedy green greengrocer greet greeting grey
grocer grocery
ground group
grow growth guarantee guard guess guest
guidance guide guilty guitar gun
gym gymnastics 53 habit hair haircut half halves hall
ham hamburger hammer hand handful handbag handkerchief
handle handsome handwriting handy hang happen
happy happiness harbor port hard hardly hardship hard-working harm harmful harmony harmonious 54 harvest hatch hate head headache headline headmaster
heal health healthy
hear hearing heart heat heaven heavy heel height helicopter help helpful 55 herb
hero heroine hesitate
hide hid hidden high highway hill hire history hit
hobby hold hole holiday honest
home homeland hometown homework 56 honey honor hook
hope hopeful hopeless horrible horse hospital host hostess hot hot dog hotel hour
house housewife housework
however howl
hug huge human human being humor humorous hunger hungry 57 hunt hunter hurry hurricane hurt husband ice cream idea identification identity idiom ignore ill illness illegal imagine
immediately immigration import
importance important impossible impress 58 impression improve inch incident include income increase indeed independence indicate industry influence inform information injure injury
ink inn innocent insect insert inside insist inspect inspire 59 instant instead institute
instruct instruction instrument insurance insure intelligence intend intention interest interesting international internet interpreter
interrupt interview
introduce introduction joy
judge judgement juice invent invention invite invitation iron 60 irrigation island jacket jam jar jaw jazz jeans jeep jet jewellery job jog join joke
journey journal journalist
jump 61 jungle junior
just justice kangaroo keep kettle
key keyboard kick kid kill kilometer kind kindness kindergarten king kingdom kiss
kitchen kite knee
knife knock know 62 knowledge lab labor lack lake
lamb lame lamp land language lap laptop large last late latter
laugh laughter laundry law lawyer lay lazy
lead leader 63 leading leaf leaves league
learn (learned) least
leather vs feather leave left left lecture
legal (illegal) lemonade lend lent lent length (long) less lesson letter level liberation liberty
librarian library license
lie lied lied /lay lain 64
life lives lift light lightning like likely limit line link lion liquid list listen literature litre
litter little live lively load loaf loaves local lock
65 lonely long look loose lorry lose loss loud
love lovely low
luck lucky luggage lunch lung machine mad magazine magic
mail mailbox main 66
mainland major majority make male
manage manager 67
mathematics maths matter mature maximum mankind manner many map maple marathon marble march mark market
marriage mask mass master mat match material
marry maybe may meal
mean meaning means meanwhile measure meat medal media
medical medicine medium meet meeting melon member
memorial memory mend mental 68
mention menu merchant mercy merciful merely merry mess messy message metal method
microscope telescope microwave middle midnight might mild mile milk
million millionaire mind
mine mineral minibus 69
minister ministry minority minus minute mirror missile mist
mistake mistaken misunderstand
mix mixture mobile model modern modest moment money monitor 70 monkey month
monument moon mop moral morning mosquito
mother motherland motivation motor motorcycle motto
mountain mountainous mourn mouse moustache mouth
move movement movie 71
mud muddy multiply murder
museum mushroom music musical musician mutton nail name narrow
nation national nationwide nationality native
nature natural navy nearby nearly 72 neat necessary neck necklace need needle neighbour
neighbourhood neither nephew nerve nervous nest net network never new news newspaper next nice niece ninety ninth 73 noble nod
noise noisy none noodle nor
normal north northern nose
note notebook notice novel novelist now nowadays nuclear numb 74 number nurse nursery nut nutrition obey observe object obtain obvious
occupy occupation
occur ocean offence offer office officer official offshore oil 75
oil oilfield once onion oneself open opening opera
operate operation operator opinion oppose opposite
optimistic optional oral orange order ordinary 76
organ organic organise organization origin otherwise ought to
outcome outdoors outer outgoing outing outline output outside outspoken outstanding outwards
overcoat overcome overhead overlook 77 overweight owe own owner ownership oxygen pace pack package packet page
pain painful paint painter painting pair palace pale
pancake panda panic paperwork 78 paragraph parcel pardon parent park parking parrot part participate particular partner part-time party pass passage
passenger passer-by passive passport
past path
patient patience pattern pause 79 pavement pay pea
peace peaceful peach pear penny people pepper
percent percentage perfect perform performance performer perfume perhaps
permission permit 80
person personal personally personnel persuade pest pet petrol phenomenon phone photograph photographer phrase
physical physician physicist physics piano pianist pick picnic picture piece
pile 81
pill pillow pilot pin
pine pineapple pink pioneer pipe pity place plain plan plane planet plastic plate platform playground
pleasant pleased pleasure plenty
82 plot plug plus pocket poem poet point
poison poisonous pole
police policeman policy polish polite political
politician politics
pollute pollution pond pool poor
pop popular popcorn population 83
pork porridge port portable porter positive position
possess possession possibility possible
post postage postcard postcode
poster postman postpone pot potato potential pound pour
powder power powerful
practice practical 84
praise pray prayer precious precise predict
prefer preference pregnant prejudice premier
prepare preparation present presentation preserve president press pressure pretend pretty prevent
preview previous price pride 85
primary primitive
principle print prison private privilege prize probably problem
procedure process product produce production profession professor profit program progress prohibit project promise promote
pronounce pronunciation proper protect
86 protection proud prove provide province psychology pub public publish pull pulse pump punctual
punish punishment pupil purchase pure purple purse purpose push put
puzzle pyramid quake 87
quality qualification quantity quarrel quarter queen
question questionnaire queue quick quiet quilt quit quite quiz rabbit race racial radiation
radio radioactive radium rag
rail railway
rain rainbow raincoat 88
rainfall rainy raise random range rank rapid rare
rat rate rather raw ray razor reach react
read reading ready real reality realize really
reason reasonable rebuild receipt receive 89
receiver reception receptionist recent recite recognize recommend record recorder recover recreation rectangle recycle reduce
refer reference referee reflect reform refresh
refrigerator refuse
regard regardless register regret 90
regular regulation reject
relate relation relationship relative relax relay relevant reliable relief
religion religious rely remain remark remember remind remote
remove rent
repair repeat replace reply
report reporter 91
represent representative republic reputation request
require requirement rescue research resemble
reserve reservation resign resist resource respect
respond responsibility rest restaurant result
retell retire return
review revision revolution 92 reward rewind rhyme rice rich rid riddle ride ridiculous right ring ripe ripen rise risk river road roast rob
robot rock rocket role roll roof 93 room rooster root rope rose rough
round routine row royal rubber rubbish rude rugby ruin
roundabout rule ruler run rush sacred sacrifice sad sadness safe safety sail sailor 94 salad salary
sale salesman salt salty salute same sand sandwich satellite
satisfy satisfaction sausage save say saying scan
rot scar scare scarf
scene scenery season seat second
secret secretary sceptical schedule 95
scholar school
science scientist scissors scold score scratch scream screen sculpture
seagull seal search seashell
scholarship scientific seaside seaweed section 96
secure security see seed seek seem seize seldom select selfish sell semicircle send senior
sense sensitive sentence
separate separation serious
servant serve service session set 97
settle settler settlement several severe sew sex shabby shade shadow shake shallow shame shape share shark
sharp sharpen
shave shaver sheep 98 sheet shelf shelter shine shock shoot shop shopkeeper shopping shore shortcoming shortly shorts shot shoulder shout shower
shrink shut shuttle shy sick w 99
sick sickness side side road sideways sigh
sight sightseeing sign signal signature significance silence silent silk silly silver similar
simple simplify simply
since sincerely sing single sink sister 100 sit situation size
skate skateboard ski
skill skillful skin skip skirt
sky skyscraper slave slavery sleep sleepy sleeve slice slide slight
slim slip slow 101
small smell smart smile smog
smoke smoker smooth snake sneaker sneeze sniff snow snowy so soap sob soccer
social socialism socialist society sock socket sofa
soft software soil 102 solar soldier solid somehow sometimes song soon sorrow sort soul sound soup sour south souvenir sow
space spaceship 103
spade spare sparrow speak speaker spear
special specialist specific speech speed
spell spelling spend
spin spun spun spirit spiritual spit spat spat splendid split
spoil spoilt spoilt spoken spokesman sponsor
spoon spoonful sport spot
104 spread spring spy square squeeze squid squirrel stable stadium staff stage
stain stainless stair stamp
stand standard star stare start
starvation starve state statement statesman
station statistic 105 statue status stay steady steak
steal stole stolen steam steel steep
step step-mother steward stewardess stick still stocking stomach stone stop storage store
storm story stove
straight straightforward strait 106
strange stranger straw strawberry stream street
strength strengthen stress strict strike string strong struggle stubborn studio study stupid style
subject subjective submit substitute succeed success successful 107 suck sudden suffer suffering sugar
suggest suggestion suit suitable suitcase suite summary summer sun sunburnt sunlight sunny super superb superior supermarket supper
supply support 108 suppose supreme sure
surface surgeon surplus surprise
surround surrounding survival survive suspect suspension swallow swap
swear swore sworn sweat sweater sweep sweet
swell swelled swollen swift
swim swam swum swing
switch sword
symbol sympathy tease technical technology 109 system tablet tail tailor tale talent tank tap tape target task
taste tasteless tax taxpayer taxi cab teach teacher team teamwork 110 teapot tear
teenager telegraph telescope temperature temple temporary tend tendency tennis
tense tension tent term tasty terminal terrible terrify terror 111 test
text textbook thankful
theatre theft thief theme
theory theoretical therefore thermos thick thinking
thirst thirsty thorough through thought though thread thrill thriller 112 throat throughout throw
thunder thunderstorm thus
tick ticket tidy tie tiger tight timetable tin tiny tip
tire tired tissue title toast tobacco 113 together toilet tolerate tomb tongue tool
tiresome tooth toothache toothbrush toothpaste top topic tortoise total totally touch tough tour tourism tourist tournament towel 114 tower town toy
track tractor trade
tradition traditional traffic
train training
tram transform translate
translation translator transparent transport trap
travel traveler treasure
treat treatment tremble trend trial 115 triangle trick trip troop
trouble troublesome trousers truck true truly
trunk trust truth tube tune turkey turn turning tutor twice twin twist
type typewriter typhoon typical
tyre (tire) umbrella 116 unable unbearable unbelievable uncertain uncle
uncomfortable unconditional
typist unconscious underground underline understanding undertake underwater unemployment unfair unfit
unfortunate unfortunately uniform unimportant union unique unit unite universe universal university 117 unless unlike unrest untrue
ugly unusual unwilling update upper upset vast vegetable vehicle version vertical upstairs upwards urban urge urgent used
useful useless usual
vacant vacation vague 118 vain valid valley
valuable value variety various vase
vest via vice victim victory
video view villager vinegar violate
violent 119
violin virtue virus visa
visit videophone violence violinist visitor visual user
vital vivid vocabulary voice volcano volleyball voluntary volunteer vote voyage wag wage
waist waistcoat wait waiter waitress waiting room wake 120 wallet wander ward
warm warmth warn
wash washroom waste watch
water watermelon wave wax
weak weakness wealth wealthy wear (wore worn) weather web website wedding 121 weed weekday weekend weekly weep
weigh weight welcome welfare westwards
whale wheat wheel whether’ whisper widespread widow wildlife 122 willing
willingness win
wind windy window wine wing winner winter wipe wire
wisdom wise withdraw
willingly witness
wolf (wolves) wonder wonderful wood wooden wool woolen word 123
work worker world worldwide
worry worried worth worthless worthwhile worthy wound wrinkle wrist wrong yard yawn yogurt
young youth zebra zero zip zipper zoom zone 124
a great/ good deal of a great/ good many of a large amount of a number of a piece of cake a variety of a waste of
abandon oneself to doing sth 125 9. above all
10. above/ over one’s head 11. according to 12.account for
13. accuse sb of doing sth 14. act as
15. act for 126 16. act on
17. adapt oneself to sth 18. add to sth 19. add up 20. add up sth 21. add A to B 22. adjust to doing sth 23. after all 127
24. against one’s will 25.against time 26.agree with sb
27.ahead of schedule/time 28.ahead of 29.aim at sth 30.all along 128
31.all at once 32.all in all
33.all kinds/ sorts of
34.all night long 35.all the night through 36.all of a sudden 37.all over
38.all over the world 129
39. all the best 40.all the time 41.all the way 42.all/just the same 43.along with 44.amount to sth 45.and so on 130
46.answer for sb/sth 47.anything but 48.apart from 49.appeal to sth 50.apply to sb for 51.apply to doing sth 52.argue against 53.argue for
54. argue sb into/ out of doing sth
55.argue with sb about sth 56.arm in arm
57.around/round the corner 58.as a general rule 59.as a matter of fact 60.as a result/ consequence of 132 61.as a rule 62.as a whole 63.as/so far as
64.as far as…be concerned 65.as follows 66.as good as 67.as if/ though 68.as long as 133
69.as regards 70.as soon as 71.as usual
72.as/in consequence 73.as well 74.as well as 75.ask for sb 134
76. ask for help 77.ask for trouble 78.at (the) least 79.at a bargain 80.at a disadvantage 81.at a distance 82.at a loss 83.at a speed of 135 84.at a time 85.at all costs 86.at all events 87.at all times 88.at all 89.at any price 90.at any rate 136
91.at any risk 92.at any time 93.at best 94.at Christmas 95.at church 96.at dawn
97.at first sight/glance 98.at first 137
99.at full length 100.at hand 101.at intervals 102.at length 103.at most 104.at no time 105.at once 138
106.at one time 107.at one’s service 108.at pains/ at the pains 109.at peace 110.at present
111.at random 112.at risk 113.at the age of 139
114. at the beginning of 115.at the cost of 116.at the end of 117.at the entrance to 118.at the expense of 119.at the mercy of sb/ sth 120.at the moment 140
121. at the rate of 122. at the risk of 123. at the same time 124. at the sight of 125. at the thought of 126. at times 127. at will 128. at work 141
129. at one’s convenience
130. at/ on sight 131. attend to sb 132. back and forth 133. back to back 134. badly off
135. ban sb form doing sth 142
136. at the sacrifice of 137. base A on B
138. be about to do sth when
139. be absorbed in 140. be abundant in
141. be accustomed to (doing) 142. be adapted to 143. be addicted to 143
144. be allergic to sth 145. be appropriate to do sth 146. be at war 147. be aware of 148. be bad for
149. be based on 150. be born in/ into 144
151. be bound to do sth 152. be buried in 153. be capable of 154. be caught in 155. be charged with 156. be concerned about 157. be connected with 158. be content with 145
159. be crazy about 160. be crowded with 161. be curious about 162. be devoted to 163. be divided into 164. be engaged to sb 165. be enthusiastic about 146
166. be faced with 167. be famous for
168. be filled with 169. be fond of 170. be good at
171. be grateful to sb for sth 172. be guilty for 173. be honest with sb 147
174. be/ feel honored to do 175. be hungry for 176. be impressed with/ by 177. be in a panic 178. be in condition 179. be in fear of 180. be in prison 148
181. be in want of
182. be in/ have the habit of 183. be in/ out of luck 184. be independent of 185. be known as 186. be known for 187. be late (in) doing
188. be located in 149
189. be lost in 190. be made up of 191. be married to sb/ sth 192. be modeled on sth 193. be named after 194. be nervous about 195. be known to sb 150
196. be nothing to 197. be of service 198. be on/ off duty 199. be on good terms (with) 200. be on vacation 201. be opposed to doing sth 202. be out of repair 203. be particular about 151
204. be patient of sth 205. be patient with sb 206. be popular with/ among
207. be proud of 208. be ready for sth 209. be related to 210. be relevant to 152
211. be satisfied with 212. be skeptical about/ of 213. be seated 214. be sensitive to 215. be short for 216. be short of 217. be starving 218. be strict with 153
219. be subject to 220. be superior to 221. be sure (of/about) 222. be supposed to 223. be tired of 224. be tired from/ with 225. be to blame 154
226. be familiar to 227. be unconscious of 228. be under close watch 229. be under consideration 230. be unique to 231. be up to sb 232. be used to 233. be supposed to 7. 155
234. be weak in 235. be worthy of 236. bear/ keep in mind 237. before long 238. beg one’s pardon 239. beg sth of sb 240. begin/ start with 156 believe in
2. believe it or not 3. belong to
4. bend forward/ back 5. bend over/down 6. benefit from/ by sth 7. beyond all question 8. beyond belief 9. beyond one’s power 10. beyond expression 157
11. beyond the reach of sb 12. bit by bit 13. block up 14. blow away 15. blow down 16. blow up 17. break a promise 18. break away from 19. break down 20. break in 158 21. break off 22. break out 23. break prison
24. break the record 25. break through 26. break up 27. bring about 28. bring down 29. bring out 30. bring up 159
31. bring into action 32. bring to life 33. bring to light 34. build on/ upon 35. build up 36. burn down 37. burn out
38. burn to the ground 39. burst into 40. by all means 160
41. by accident 42. by and by 43. by any chance
44. by chance 45. by day 46. by degree 47. by design 48. by hand 49. by heart 50. by law 161