TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999DPower-On Reset GeneratorDAutomatic Reset Generation AfterDDDDDDDDDD, JG, P OR PW PACKAGE(TOP VIEW) Voltage DropPrecision Voltage SensorTemperature-Compensated VoltageReferenceProgrammable Delay Time by ExternalCapacitorSupply Voltage Range...2Vto6VDefined RESET Output from VDD ≥1 VPower-Down Control Support for StaticRAM With Battery BackupMaximum Supply Current of 16 µAPower Saving Totem-Pole OutputsTemperature Range...–40°C to 125°CCONTROLRESINCTGND12348765VDDSENSERESETRESETU PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)NCCONTROLRESINCTGND12345109876NCVDDSENSERESETRESETdescriptionNCCONTROLNCVDDNCNCRESINNCCTNC4567832120191817161514910111213The TLC77xx family of micropower supply voltagesupervisors provide reset control, primarily inmicrocomputer and microprocessor systems.During power-on, RESET is asserted when VDDreaches 1 V. After minimum VDD (≥2 V) isestablished, the circuit monitors SENSE voltageand keeps the reset outputs active as long asSENSE voltage (VI(SENSE)) remains below thethreshold voltage. An internal timer delays returnof the output to the inactive state to ensure propersystem reset. The delay time, td, is determined byan external capacitor:td = 2.1 × 104 × CTWhereCT is in faradstd is in secondsFK PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)NCSENSENCRESETNCExcept for the TLC7701, which can be customized with two external resistors, each supervisor has a fixedSENSE threshold voltage set by an internal voltage divider. When SENSE voltage drops below the thresholdvoltage, the outputs become active and stay in that state until SENSE voltage returns above threshold voltageand the delay time, td, has expired.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications ofTexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.Copyright © 1999, Texas Instruments IncorporatedPRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instrumentsstandard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily includetesting of all parameters.POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•RESETNCNCGNDNC1SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS description (continued) In addition to the power-on-reset and undervoltage-supervisor function, the TLC77xx adds power-down controlsupport for static RAM. When CONTROL is tied to GND, RESET will act as active high. The voltage monitorcontains additional logic intended for control of static memories with battery backup during power failure. Bydriving the chip select (CS) of the memory circuit with the RESET output of the TLC77xx and with the CONTROLdriven by the memory bank select signal (CSH1) of the microprocessor (see Figure 10), the memory circuit isautomatically disabled during a power loss. (In this application the TLC77xx power has to be supplied by thebattery.)The TLC77xxI is characterized for operation over a temperature range of –40°C to 85°C; the TLC77xxQ ischaracterized for operation over a temperature range of –40°C to 125°C; and the TLC77xxM is characterizedfor operation over the full Military temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.AVAILABLE OPTIONSPACKAGED DEVICESTATHRESHOLDVOLTAGE(V)1.1–40°Cto85°C2.252.632.934.551.1–40°Cto125°C2.252.632.934.55–55°Cto125°C2.934.55SMALLOUTLINE (D)†TLC7701IDTLC7725IDTLC7703IDTLC7733IDTLC7705IDTLC7701QDTLC7725QDTLC7703QDTLC7733QDTLC7705QD——CHIPCARRIER (FK)——————————TLC7733MFKTLC7705MFKCERAMIC DIP(JG)——————————TLC7733MJGTLC7705MJGCERAMICDUALFLATPACK(U)———————————TLC7705MUPLASTIC DIP(P)TLC7701IPTLC7725IPTLC7703IPTLC7733IPTLC7705IPTLC7701QPTLC7725QPTLC7703QPTLC7733QPTLC7705QP——THIN SHRINKSMALLOUTLINE(PW)‡TLC7701IPWTLC7725IPWTLC7703IPWTLC7733IPWTLC7705IPWTLC7701QPWTLC7725QPWTLC7703QPWTLC7733QPWTLC7705QPW——†The D package is available taped and reeled. Add the suffix R to the device type when ordering (e.g., TLC7705QDR).‡The PW package is only available left-end taped and reeled (indicated by the LE suffix on the device type; e.g., TLC7705QPWLE).FUNCTION TABLECONTROLLLLLHHHHRESINLLHHLLHHVI(SENSE)>VIT+FalseTrueFalseTrueFalseTrueFalseTrueRESETHHHL§HHHHRESETLLLH§LLLH§1SENSERESINCT723Slogic symbol¶COMPS
td.¶This symbol is in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 91–1984 andIEC Publication 617-12.2POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999functional block diagram8CONTROL150 µA5RESIN26VDDRESET†RESET†SENSE7R1‡R2‡1 MΩ1.1 V3CT4GND†Outputs are totem-pole configuration. External pullup or pulldown resistors are not required.‡Nominal values:R1 (Typ)TLC7701TLC7725TLC7703TLC7733TLC77050600 kΩ698 kΩ750 kΩ910 kΩR2 (Typ)∞600 kΩ502 kΩ450 kΩ290 kΩtiming diagramVDD and VI(SENSE)VIT+Threshold VoltagesVIT–VrestRESETOutputOutputUndefinedtVIT+tdtdPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•3SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)† Supply voltage, VDD (see Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 VInput voltage range, CONTROL, RESIN, SENSE (see Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –0.3 V to 7 VMaximum low output current, IOL 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mAMaximum high output current, IOH –10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mAInput clamp current, IIK (VI < 0 or VI > VDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±10 mA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±10 mAOutput clamp current, IOK (VO < 0 or VO > VDD) Continuous total power dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Dissipation Rating TableOperating free-air temperature range, TA: TL77xxI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –40°C to 85°CTL77xxQ –40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C to 125°CTL77xxM –55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C to 125°CStorage temperature range, Tstg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to 150°C†Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfunctional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is notimplied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.NOTE 1:All voltage values are with respect to GND.DISSIPATION RATING TABLEPACKAGEDFKJGPPWUTA ≤ 25°CPOWER RATING725 mW1375 mW1050 mW1000 mW525 mW700 mWDERATING FACTORABOVE TA = 25°C5.8 mW/°C11.0 mW/°C8.4 mW/°C8.0 mW/°C4.2 mW/°C5.5 mW/°CTA = 85°CPOWER RATING377 mW715 mW546 mW520 mW273 mW370 mWTA = 125°CPOWER RATING145 mW275 mW210 mW200 mW105 mW150 mWrecommended operating conditions at specified temperature rangeMINSupply voltage, VDDInput voltage, VIHigh-level input voltage at RESIN and CONTROL‡, VIHLow-level input voltage at RESIN and CONTROL‡, VILHigh-level output current, IOHLow-level output current, IOLVDD ≥22.7 V7V200.7×VDD0.2×VDD–22100–40–40–5585125125MAX6VDDUNITVVVVmAmAns/V°C°CInput transition rise and fall rate at RESIN and CONTROL, ∆t/∆VOperating free-air temperature range, TOperatingfreeairtemperaturerangeTATLC77xxITLC77xxQOperating free-air temperature range, TATLC77xxM‡To ensure a low supply current, VIL should be kept <0.3 V and VIH > VDD –0.3 V.4POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999electrical characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 2) (unless otherwisenoted)PARAMETERTESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSVDD = 2 VVDD = 2.7 VVDD = 4.5 VVDD = 4.5 VVDD = 2 VVDD = 2.7 VVDD = 4.5 VVDD = 4.5 VTLC7701TLC7725VIT–Negative-going input threshold voltage,NtiiitthhldltSENSE (see Note 3)SENSE(seeNote3)TLC7703TLC7733TLC7705TLC7701TLC7725VhysyHysteresis voltage, SENSETLC7703,TLC7733,TLC7705VresPower-up reset voltage‡RESINIIInputcurrentInput currentCONTROLSENSESENSE, TLC7701 onlyIDDSupply currentIOL = 20 µAVI = 0 V to VDDVI = VDDVI = 5 VVI = 5 VRESIN = VRESIN VDD,SENSE = VDD ≥ VITmax + 0.2 VCONTROL = 0 V,Outputs openVDD = 5 V,RESIN = VDD,CONTROL = 0 V,VCT = 0 ,SENSE = VDD,Outputs open975121510216µAµAVVDD = 2 V to 6 V=2Vto6V70mVVDD = 2 V to 6 VVDD = 2 V to 6 V1.042.182.562.864.471.12.252.632.934.5530TLC77xxMIN1.†MAXUNITVOHHighleveloutputvoltageHigh-level output voltageIOH = –20 µAIOH = –2 mAIOL = 20 µAIOL = 2 mAVOLLowleveloutputvoltageLow-level output voltageIDD(d)Supply current during td120150µACIInput capacitance, SENSEVI = 0 V to VDD50pF†Typical values apply at TA = 25°C.‡The lowest supply voltage at which RESET becomes active. The symbol Vres is not currently listed within EIA or JEDEC standards forsemiconductor symbology. Rise time of VDD ≥ 15 µs/V.NOTES:2.All characteristics are measured with CT = 0.1 µF.3.To ensure best stability of the threshold voltage, a bypass capacitor (ceramic, 0.1 µF) should be connected near the supply terminals.POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•5SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS electrical characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 2) (unless otherwisenoted)PARAMETERTESTCONDITIONSTEST CONDITIONSVDD = 2 V,=2VIOH = –=20 20µAVDD = 2.7 V=27VVDD = 4.5 V=45V=2 mA2mAIOH = –=45VVDD = 4.5 VVDD = 2 V=2VIOL = 20 =20µAVDD = 2.7 V=27VVDD = 4.5 V=45VIOL = 2 mA=2mAVIT–VhysVresNegative-going input thresholdgggvoltage, SENSE (see Note 3)Hysteresis voltage, SENSEPower-up reset voltage‡RESINIIInputcurrentInput currentCONTROLSENSESENSE, TLC7701 onlyIDDSupply currentTLC7733TLC7705VDD = 4.5 V=45V=2Vto6VVDD = 2 V to 6 VVDD = 2 V to 6 VIOL = 20 µAVI = 0 V to VDDVI = VDDVI = 5 VVI = 5 VRESIN = VDD,SENSE = VDD ≥ VITmax + 0.2 VCONTROL0VOCONTROL = 0 V, Outputs openTLC7733IDD(d)SupplycurrentduringtdSupply current during tTLC7705VCT = 0 ,RESIN = VDD,CONTROL=0VCONTROL = 0 V,SENSE = VDD,Outputs openVDD = 3.3 VVDD = 5 V120975VDD = 2 V to 6 VTA = 25°CTA = –55°C to 125°CTA = 25°CTA = –55°C to 125°CTA = 25°CTA = –55°C to 125°CTA = 25°CTA = –55°C to 125°CTA = 25°CTA = –55°C to 125°CTA = 25°CTA = –55°C to 125°CTA = 25°CTA = –55°C to 125°CTA = 25°CTA = –55°C to 125°C2.864.32.934.570121510216µAµATLC77xxMMIN1.†MAXUNITVOHHigh-level outputgvoltageVOLLow-level outputvoltage250µA150CIInput capacitance, SENSEVI = 0 V to VDD50pF†Typical values apply at TA = 25°C.‡The lowest supply voltage at which RESET becomes active. The symbol Vres is not currently listed within EIA or JEDEC standards forsemiconductor symbology. Rise time of VDD ≥ 15 µs/V.NOTES:2.All characteristics are measured with CT = 0.1 µF.3.To ensure best stability of the threshold voltage, a bypass capacitor (ceramic, 0.1 µF) should be placed near the supply terminals.6POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999switching characteristics at VDD = 5 V, RL = 2 kΩ, CL = 50 pF, TA = 25°CMEASUREDPARAMETERFROM(INPUT)TO(OUTPUT)RESETandRESETTEST CONDITIONSRESIN = 0.7 × VDD,CONTROL = 0.2 × VDD,CT = 100 nF,See timing diagramMINTLC77xxTYPMAXUNITtdDelay timeVI(SENSE) ≥ VIT+ delay time,low-to-high-level outputPropagation delay time,high-to-low-level outputPropagation delay time,low-to-high-level outputPropagation delay time,high-to-low-level outputPropagation delay time,low-to-high-level outputPropagation delay time,high-to-low-level outputPropagation delay time,low-to-high-level outputPropagation delay time,high-to-low-level outputPropagation delay time,low-to-high-level outputCONTROL20RESETSENSERESET=VIT+02VVIH = Vmax + 0.2 V,IT+maxVIL = VIT–min – 0.2 V,RESIN = 0.7 RESIN=07× VVDD,CONTROL = 0.2 × VDD,CT=NC†CT = NC5µs52020RESETRESINRESET=07× VVDD,VIH = 0.7 VIL = 0.2 × VDD,SENSE=VIT+SENSE = Vmax+02VITmax + 0.2 V,CONTROL = 0.2 × VDD,CT=NC†CT = NC40ns4520VIH = 0.7 × VDD,VIL = 0.2 × VDD,SENSE=VIT+SENSE = Vmax+02VITmax + 0.2 V,RESIN = 0.7 × VDD,CT = NC†VIH = VIT+max + 0.2 V,VIL = VIT–min – 0.2 V,VIL = 0.2 × VDD,VIH = 0.7 × VDDRESETandRESET10% to 90%90% to 10%3µs18ns/V438µsnsµsRESETtPHLPropagation delay time,high-to-low-level outputLow-level minimum pulseduration to switch RESET durationtoswitchRESETand RESETSENSERESIN38nstrtfRise timeFall time†NC = No capacitor, and includes up to 100-pF probe and jig capacitance.POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•7SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS switching characteristics at VDD = 5 V, RL = 2 kΩ, CL = 50 pFMEASUREDPARAMETERFROM(INPUT)TO(OUTPUT)RESETandRESETTEST CONDITIONSRESIN = 2.7 V,CONTROL = 0.4 V,CT = 100 nF,See timing diagramVIH = VIT+max + 0.2 V,VIL = VIT–min – 0.2 V,RESIN = 2.7 V,RESIN=27VCONTROL = 0.4 V,CONTROL 0.4 V,CT = NC†TATLC77xxMMINTYPMAXUNIT tdDelay timeVI(SENSE) ≥ VIT+25°C1.12.14.2ms25°CPropagation delaytime, low-to-high-leveltimelow-to-high-leveloutputoututRESETSENSERESETFullrange25°CFullrange25°CPropagation delaytimehigh-to-low-leveltime, high-to-low-leveloutputoututRESETSENSERESETVIH = VIT+max + 0.2 V,VIL = VIT–min – 0.2 V,RESIN=27VRESIN = 2.7 V,CONTROL = 0.4 V,CONTROL 0.4 V,†CT = NCFullrange25°CFullrange25°CPropagation delaytime, low-to-high-leveltimelow-to-high-leveloutputoututRESETRESINRESETVIH = 2.7 V,VIL = 0.4 V,SENSE = Vmax + 0.2 V,SENSE=VIT++02VITmaxCONTROL = 0.4 V,CONTROL 0.4 V,CT = NC†Fullrange25°CFullrange25°CPropagation delaytimehigh-to-low-leveltime, high-to-low-leveloutputoututRESETRESINRESETPropagation delaygytime, low-to-high-leveloutputCONTROLtPHLPropagation delaygytime, high-to-low-leveloutputLow-level minimumpulse durationtrRise timeSENSERESINRESETandRESETRESETVIH = 2.7 V,VIL = 0.4 V,SENSE=VIT+SENSE = Vmax + 0.2 V,+02VITmaxCONTROL = 0.4 V,CONTROL 0.4 V,†CT = NCFullrange25°CFullrange25°CVIH = 2.7 V,VIL = 0.4 V,SENSE = Vmax + 0.2 V,SENSE=VIT++02VITmaxRESIN = 2.7 V,RESIN 2.7 V,CT = NC†VIH = VIT+max + 0.2 V,VIL = VIT–min – 0.2 V,VIL = 0.4 V,VIH = 2.7 V10% to 90%Fullrange25°CFullrangeFullrange3202457572024202445654060202438583858nsnsµsnsnsµsµsµsµsµstPLHtPHLtPLHtPHLtPLHµs18ns/V4tfFall time90% to 10%†NC = No capacitor, and includes up to 100-pF probe and jig capacitance.Fullrange8POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION5 VDUTRL(see Note A)CL(see Note B)NOTES:A.For switching characteristics, RL = 2 kΩ.B.CL = 50 pF includes jig and probe capacitance.Figure 1. RESET AND RESET Output ConfigurationsI, Q, and Y suffixed devicestw(L)0.7 × VDD0.5 × VDD0.2 × VDDM suffixed devicestw(L)2.7 V1.5 V0.4 V(a) RESINVIT–(b) SENSEtw(L)VIT+max + 200 mVVIT+VIT–min – 200 mVFigure 2. Input Pulse Definition WaveformsPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•9SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSNORMALIZED INPUT THRESHOLD VOLTAGEvsTEMPERATURE1.0051.0041.0031.0021.00110.9990.9980.997–40IDD– Supply Current –µA109876543210–20020406080100120–1– = VDD = –1 V to 6.5 VSENSE = GNDCONTROL = GNDCT = Open = 100 pFTA = 25°C2. Normalized Input Threshold Voltage –VIT–(TA)/VIT–(25°C)SUPPLY CURRENTvsSUPPLY VOLTAGETA – Temperature – °CVDD – Supply Voltage – VFigure 3HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGEvsHIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT54.5VOH– High-Level Output Voltage – V0°C125°C85°C25°C–40°CVDD = 4.5 VRESIN = 4.5 VSENSE = 0.5 VCONTROL = 0 VCT = Open = 100 pF0–5–10–15–20–25–30–35–40–55°CVOL– Low-Level Output Voltage – V43.532.521.510.50–0.5–155436Figure 4LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGEvsLOW-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENTVDD = 4.5 VRESIN = 4.5 VSENSE = 5 VCONTROL = 0 VCT = Open = 100 pF125°C85°C25°C0°C–40°C1–55°C0–1–52051015202530IOH – High-Level Output Current – mAIOL – Low-Level Output Current – mAFigure 5Figure 610POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSINPUT CURRENTvsINPUT VOLTAGE AT SENSE864II– Input Current –µA–55°C20–2125°C–4–6–8–10–1–55°CVDD = 4.5 VCT = Open = 100 pF125°C0123456VI – Input Voltage at SENSE – VFigure 7MINIMUM PULSE DURATION AT SENSEvsSENSE THRESHOLD OVERDRIVE7tw– Minimum Pulse Duration at SENSE –µs6543210050100150200250300350400Sense Threshold Overdrive – mVVDD = 2 VControl = 0.4 VRESIN = 1.4 VCT = Open = 100 pFFigure 8POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•11SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS APPLICATION INFORMATIONVDD100 kΩ0.1 µFVDDTLC77xxRESINRESETSENSERESETCTRESETCONTROLGNDGNDNCVDDRESETTMS70C200.1 µF Figure 9. Reset Controller in a Microcomputer SystemVDD0.1 µFVDDTLC77xxRESIN0.1 µFSENSERESETCONTROLRESETCSH1TMS370ADD0–15DATA0–7R/WGND168A0–A15D0–D7R/WGNDCTRESETGNDCS32K 8CMOS RAMVDD0.1 µFFigure 10. Data Retention During Power Down Using Static CMOS RAMs12POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999MECHANICAL DATAD (R-PDSO-G**) 14 PIN SHOWNPLASTIC SMALL-OUTLINE PACKAGE0.050 (1,27)0.020 (0,51)0.014 (0,35)1480.008 (0,20) NOM0.244 (6,20)0.228 (5,80)0.157 (4,00)0.150 (3,81)0.010 (0,25)MGage Plane0.010 (0,25)1A70°–8°0.044 (1,12)0.016 (0,40)Seating Plane0.069 (1,75) MAX0.010 (0,25)0.004 (0,10)0.004 (0,10)PINS **DIMA MAX80.197(5,00)0.189(4,80)140.344(8,75)0.337(8,55)160.394(10,00)0.386(9,80)4040047/D 10/96A MINNOTES:A.B.C.D.All linear dimensions are in inches (millimeters).This drawing is subject to change without notice.Body dimensions do not include mold flash or protrusion, not to exceed 0.006 (0,15).Falls within JEDEC MS-012POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•13SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS MECHANICAL DATAFK (S-CQCC-N**) 28 TERMINAL SHOWNNO. OFTERMINALS**11102821B SQ22A SQ232425766858426272812340.080 (2,03)0.064 (1,63)0.020 (0,51)0.010 (0,25)52894420AMIN0.342(8,69)0.442(11,23)0.640(16,26)0.739(18,78)0.938(23,83)1.141(28,99)MAX0.358(9,09)0.458(11,63)0.660(16,76)0.761(19,32)0.962(24,43)1.165(29,59)MIN0.307(7,80)0.406(10,31)0.495(12,58)0.495(12,58)0.850(21,6)1.047(26,6)BMAX0.358(9,09)0.458(11,63)0.560(14,22)0.560(14,22)0.858(21,8)1.063(27,0) LEADLESS CERAMIC CHIP CARRIER1817161514131219200.020 (0,51)0.010 (0,25)0.055 (1,40)0.045 (1,14)0.045 (1,14)0.035 (0,89)0.028 (0,71)0.022 (0,54)0.050 (1,27)0.045 (1,14)0.035 (0,89)4040140/D 10/96NOTES:A.B.C.D.E.All linear dimensions are in inches (millimeters).This drawing is subject to change without notice.This package can be hermetically sealed with a metal lid.The terminals are gold plated.Falls within JEDEC MS-00414POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999MECHANICAL DATAJG (R-GDIP-T8) 0.400 (10,20)0.355 (9,00)85CERAMIC DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE0.280 (7,11)0.245 (6,22)140.065 (1,65)0.045 (1,14)0.020 (0,51) MIN0.310 (7,87)0.290 (7,37)0.200 (5,08) MAXSeating Plane0.130 (3,30) MIN0.063 (1,60)0.015 (0,38)0.100 (2,54)0.023 (0,58)0.015 (0,38)0°–15°0.014 (0,36)0.008 (0,20)4040107/C 08/96NOTES:A.B.C.D.E.All linear dimensions are in inches (millimeters).This drawing is subject to change without notice.This package can be hermetically sealed with a ceramic lid using glass frit.Index point is provided on cap for terminal identification only on press ceramic glass frit seal only.Falls within MIL-STD-1835 GDIP1-T8POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•15SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS MECHANICAL DATAP (R-PDIP-T8) 0.400 (10,60)0.355 (9,02)85 PLASTIC DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE0.260 (6,60)0.240 (6,10)140.070 (1,78) MAX0.020 (0,51) MIN0.310 (7,87)0.290 (7,37)0.200 (5,08) MAXSeating Plane0.125 (3,18) MIN0.100 (2,54)0.021 (0,53)0.015 (0,38)0.010 (0,25)M0°–15°0.010 (0,25) NOM4040082/B 03/95NOTES:A.All linear dimensions are in inches (millimeters).B.This drawing is subject to change without notice.C.Falls within JEDEC MS-00116POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265• TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999MECHANICAL DATAPW (R-PDSO-G**) 14 PIN SHOWN0,300,19148PLASTIC SMALL-OUTLINE PACKAGE0,650,10M0,15 NOM4,504,306,606,20Gage Plane0,251A70°–8°0,750,50Seating Plane1,20 MAX0,150,050,10PINS **DIMA MAX83,10145,10165,10206,60247,90289,80A MIN2,904,904,906,407,709,604040064/E 08/96NOTES:A.B.C.D.All linear dimensions are in millimeters.This drawing is subject to change without notice.Body dimensions do not include mold flash or protrusion not to exceed 0,15.Falls within JEDEC MO-153POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•17SLVS087K – DECEMBER 1994 – REVISED JULY 1999TLC7701, TLC7725, TLC7703, TLC7733, TLC7705MICROPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISORS MECHANICAL DATAU (S-GDFP-F10) CERAMIC DUAL FLATPACK0.250 (6,35)0.246 (6,10)0.080 (2,03)0.050 (1,27)0.006 (0,15)0.004 (0,10)0.045 (1,14)0.026 (0,66)0.350 (8,89)0.250 (6,35)10.300 (7,62)0.350 (8,89)0.250 (6,35)100.019 (0,48)0.015 (0,38)0.050 (1,27)0.250 (6,35)560.025 (0,64)0.005 (0,13)1.000 (25,40)0.750 (19,05)4040179/B 03/95NOTES:A.B.C.D.E.All linear dimensions are in inches (millimeters).This drawing is subject to change without notice.This package can be hermetically sealed with a ceramic lid using glass frit.Index point is provided on cap for terminal identification only.Falls within MIL STD 1835 GDFP1-F10 and JEDEC MO-092AA18POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinueany product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant informationto verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are soldsubject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including thosepertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability.
TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale inaccordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extentTI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarilyperformed, except those mandated by government requirements.
In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operatingsafeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.
TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or representthat any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or otherintellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which suchsemiconductor products or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any thirdparty’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof.
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