

2020-02-08 来源:爱go旅游网

1. 那些璀璨的星辰之火,在我遇见你的那一刻점亮。Those glamorous stars, enlightened since I met you.

2. 在漫漫人海中,我遇见了你,我的唯一。In the vast sea of people, I met you, my one and only.

3. 爱,是我内心所有的歌。Love is all the songs in my heart.

4. 如果约定是倾心的暗号,我愿与你白头偕老。If promise is the code of true love, I'd like to grow old with you.

5. 我不需天长地久,只要曾与你真心相爱过。Not eternity but sincerity, is all I need in our love.

6. 我无法描绘爱你的感觉,它比我想象的更加美好。I cannot depict the feeling of loving you, it’s more wonderful than I imagined.

7. 爱在心中悄然绽放,就像春天里最美的花。 Love blossoms silently in heart, like the most beautiful flowers in spring.

8. 爱不是相看两不厌,而是相濡以沫,患难与共。 Love is not only gazing

fondly, but also go through trials and tribulations together.

9. 我宁可用一生去等,也不想轻易放弃对你的爱。I'd rather wait for the lifetime than give up on you easily.

10. 每天清晨,你都是我最美的梦。每天夜晚,你是我最美的眷。Every morning you are my sweetest dream, every night you are my dearest thoughts.

11. 爱你,是我此生最美的错误。Loving you is perhaps the most beautiful mistake in my life.

12. 在你出现以前,我从未体会过心跳的感觉。我始终认为它只是个器官,直到它为你悸动。Before I met you I never knew what a heart-beat felt like. I thought it was just something that lived in my chest. Not until it beat for you.

13. 幸福就是曾与你并肩坐着,遥望山水之间。 Happiness is sitting together with you, gazing the mountains and rivers.

14. 情不知所起,一往而深。The feeling arises without a source, and goes deeper with no end.

15. 爱你时一笑置之岁月,不爱你时一念动心悸。 When I love you, time vanishes in a smile. When I don't, a moment's thought stabs my heart.

16. 曾几何时只是匆匆而过,却因为你而甜蜜每一刻。Once just fleeting, now time's so sweet, all because of you I meet.

17. 我愿将我的左肋献给你,只为 você能更接近我心。I'd give you my left rib, just to have you closer to my heart.

18. 爱无疆,随风而至。Love without borders, comes with the wind.

19. 爱,是我浩瀚宇宙的唯一坐标。Love, is the only coordinate in my vast universe.

20. 你出现的那刻,我的世界华丽起来。从此,云淡风轻。The moment you appeared, my world turned brilliant. Ever since then, life became smooth sail.

21. 我知晓爱的珍贵,是因为我爱你。I cherish love because I love you.

22. 愿有生之年,与你携手并进。相濡以沫,不舍昼夜。May we join hands in this lifetime, and grow old together. Cherishing every moment by each

other's side.

23. 愿诗与远方不离左右,你是我的诗,我的远方。Hope poetry and the distance stay by my side. You're my poem, my distance.

24. 我愿做你平淡岁月里的一盏灯,默默照亮你前行的路。I'd like to be a lamp in your mundane years, lighting up your way in silence.

25. 爱不是告白的勇气,而是日复一日地相濡以沫。Love takes not the courage of confession, but the willingness to be together day after day.

26. 暮然回首,那人却在。灯火阑珊处。Looking back in the sunset glow, you were there all along. Where the lights dimmed.

27. 爱不是期盼,而是日复一日地守护。Love lies not in hope, but guarding each other day after day.

28. 只要你出现,世界在瞬间变成rainbow色。 As long as you appear, the world turns into rainbow in a second.

29. 情不知所起,一往而深。The feeling arises without a source, and goes deeper with no end.
