马达加斯加 吓你一跳! Surprise!
艾利克斯, 别在我做白日梦来捣乱! Alex. Do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming.
斑马在家, 闲人免进
When a zebra's in the zone, leave him in there?
Happy birthday!
Aw, hey, thanks, man.
你把这个藏在牙后面了. 没错
You put it in behind the tooth. You all alone.
别这样, 马蒂. 我只是想来祝你生日快乐的
Come on, Marty. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.
Hey, man, thanks.
Hey, I got something stuck in my teeth.
快受不了了. 帮个忙,行吗?
It's driving me crazy. Can you help me? Please?
你来对地方了, 我的朋友
You came to the right place, my friend.
马蒂医生,口腔外科学博士,正巧在家 Dr. Marty, D.D.S., is in the house.
如果可以的话, 请跳到我消过毒的检查台上来
Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may.
- 什么也没有呀 - 在左边
- I don't see anything. - It's on the left.
噢, 对不起 Oh, sorry.
Okay, just don't talk with your mouth full.
Right here. What the heck is this doing
这些东西还没有上市呢 来,仔细瞧一下 These aren't even on the shelf yet. Here. Check it out.
- 看这个. 哦! 看呀 - 瞧,下雪了
- Look at that. Ooh! Look at that. - Look at that. It's snowing.
Ten years old, huh? A decade.
两位数字. 大数字啊1-0
Double digits. The big 1-0.
You don't like it?
-不,不,非常好的礼物 -你讨厌它
- No, no, it's great. - You hate it.
我真应该送你艾利克斯的闹钟 那可是个值钱的东西
I should've gotten you the Alex alarm clock. That's the big seller.
不,不,不 这礼物很好,真的 No, no, no. The present's great, really.
It's just that another year's come and gone
and I'm still doing the same old thing.
“从这出发,小跑到那,吃点草, 然后又回到这里”
\"Stand over here. Trot over there. Eat some grass. Walk back over here.\"
- 我知道你的问题了 - 也许我应该去学校读读法律
- I see your problem. - Maybe I should go to law school.
你只需要打破那些令人厌烦的常规就行了 You just need to break out of that boring
...in ten more minutes.
赶快! Come on!
麦尔曼,麦尔曼,麦尔曼! 麦尔曼,麦尔曼,routine.
-怎么做? -旧的那套全丢掉
- How? - Throw out the old act.
谁知道你要怎么做 看着编吧
Who knows what you'll do. Make it up as you go along.
即兴表演,编些台词,在空中, 砰,砰,砰 Ad lib. Improvise. On the fly. Boom, boom, boom.
- 真的可以? - 要来点新鲜的
- Really? - You know, make it fresh.
新鲜点,是吗?好 我会来
Fresh, huh? Okay. I could do fresh.
对我很奏效 Works for me.
有人来了,马蒂 我喜欢人类
Here come the people, Marty. I love the people.
太开心了该人们高兴的时候了 It's fun people fun time!
我们走,格洛丽亚 快出来. 我们的演出开始了!
Let's go, Gloria! Up and at 'em. We're open!
今天星期几? What day is it?
It's Friday. Field trip day.
对,实习日 快起床,走...
Yes, it's field trip day. Let's get up and go...
Melman, Melman, Melman! Melman, Melman, Melman!
Wake up! Rise and shine! It's another fabulous morning in the Big Apple.
咱们出发吧 Let's go.
-我可不去了. 我要请病假 -什么? - Not for me. I'm calling in sick. - What?
我在肩上又发现了一块晒伤的红斑. 就在这.吓你一跳! I found another brown spot on my shoulder. Right here. See?
Right there. You see?
麦尔曼,你知道吗 那都是你想象出来的,不是吗?
Melman, you know it's all in your head. Hm?
咱们走!赶快! Let's go! Come on!
费尔!快起来,你这只让人恶心的猴子 Phil! Wake up, you filthy monkey.
哦,我要变的和以前不一样 Oh, I'm going to be fresh.
从头开始. 要有新鲜感!新鲜的味道
Straight out the ground. Tasty fresh! Freshalicious.
全新的感觉 Ziploc fresh.
女士们先生们,所有的小朋友们,大家好 Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages,
the Central Park Zoo proudly presents: 瑞可,你现在去稍微巡视一下 我们需要铲子
Rico, you're on litter patrol. We need shovels.
然后再多找些冰糕棍回来 我们可不愿再冒险出现一次塌方事件
Show them the cat. Who's the cat?
The king of New York City.
雄狮艾利克斯 Alex the lion.
表演时间到 It's showtime.
(狮子的咆哮声) Roar!
都到这边来,朋友们 精彩表演马上开始 Gather around, people. Big show about to start.
瞧这只斑马 喜欢做秀. 完全正确
Check out the zebra taking care of biz. That's right.
Just smile and wave, boys.
Smile and wave.
Kowalski, progress report.
We're 500 feet from the main sewer line.
-坏消息呢? -我们折坏了最后一支铲子 - And the bad news? - We've broken our last shovel. 好的 Right.
And find more Popsicle sticks. We don't want to risk another cave-in.
我呢,斯基泊? And me, skipper?
我要你装出一副憨态可拘的样子,普莱韦特 I want you to look cute and cuddly, private.
Today we're going to blow this dump.
过来,来这 快来,企鹅
Come here. Come here. Come on, penguin.
是的,在动物星球是看不到这样的表演的 Yeah! You don't see that on Animal Planet. 哈哈 Ha-ha.
好了,演出到此结束, 光临
Well, show's over, folks. Thanks for coming.
I hope you thought it was fresh.
I'll be here all week.
In fact, I'll be here for my whole life.
Three hundred and sixty-five days a year,
including Christmas, Hanukkah, Halloween, Kwanzaa.
Please don't forget to never spay or neuter your pets.
还有给出租车司机小费,因为他没钱花了 And tip your cabbie, because he's broke.
嘿,你,四足动物 说英语吗?
You, quadruped. Sprechen sie Englisch? 我们要到广袤无垠的南极洲去
We're going to the wide-open spaces of Antarctica.
到野外去 To the wild.
野外? 你们真能去到那里吗?
The wild? You could actually go there?
I sprechen.
- 这是哪个洲? - 曼哈顿区
- What continent is this? - Manhattan.
Hoover Dam! We're still in New York.
Abort. Dive! Dive! Dive.
Hey. You in the tux. Wait a minute.
What are you guys doing?
We're digging to Antarctica.
南哪个极? Ant-who-tica?
Can you keep a secret, my monochromatic friend?
你以前有见过企鹅在纽约市闲逛的吗? Do you ever see any penguins running free around New York City?
当然没有.我们不属于这里 这样是违背自然的 Of course not. We don't belong here. It's just not natural.
This is all some kind of whacked-out conspiracy.
That sounds great.
嘿,等等,这个地方在哪儿? 告诉我在哪里?
Hey, hold up. Where is this place? Tell me where it is.
You didn't see anything.
对吗? Right?
不,看到了,先生 Yes, sir.
对不起,是的,什么也没看到,先生 I'm sorry. No, sir.
For his final appearance of the day,
the king of New York City.
雄师艾利克司 Alex the lion.
(狮吼声) Roar!
Thank you. Thank you very much.
你们很棒,非常配合 也请给自己一些掌声吧 You guys are great. You're a great crowd. Give yourselves a hand. .噢.
Thank you. Oh. Thank you.
Oh! Well. Thank you.
噢,你们太友好了.真是太友好了 Oh, that's too kind. Too kind.
哎呀,裤! Underpants!
Everybody get home safe. Hey! Check out my Web site.
艾力克司24小时视频 看着我入睡
Twenty-four hour Alex Cam. Watch me sleep.
This is the life.
That's the spot.
啊!我的生活\"如此美好\" Oh! I'm in heaven.
-噢,今天是马蒂的生日 -快打开它
- Ooh, it's Marty's birthday. - Just rip it open.
-是什么东西呀? -快点,打开.你得到是什么礼物?
- What is it? - Come on. Open it up. What you got?
一支体温计 A thermometer.
Thanks. I love it, Melman. I love it.
我想告诉你点私人的事情 这是我第一支肛温计 I wanted to give you something personal. That was my first rectal thermometer.
-天那... -我会想念那个坏孩子的
- Mother... - I'll miss that bad boy.
Get the cake. Melman, come on.
Happy birthday to you
你生活在动物园里 You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And you smell like one too 我说 I say.
Aw, well, now, you guys are just embarrassing me.
还有你们自己 And yourselves.
你在说什么?我们可是练了整整一周啦 What? We worked on that all week.
算了吧 让我们来许个愿,小蛋糕
Let's go. Let's make a wish, babycakes.
-你许的什么愿? -不. 不能告诉你 - What'd you wish for? - Nope. Can't tell you that.
Come on. Tell.
不行的,我要是说了就会倒霉的 No siree. I'm telling you, it's bad luck.
你们想倒霉吗 那我就说了 You want some bad luck, I'll blab it out.
不过要是你想平安无事的话, 我一定不会说的
But if you want to be safe, I'll keep my mouth shut.
告诉我们吧 没什么大不了的
Would you just tell us? What could
happen? 好吧 Okay.
I wished I could go to the wild!
野外?! The wild?!
I told you it was bad luck.
The wild? Are you nuts?
That is the worst idea I've ever heard.
那里不卫生的 It's unsanitary.
企鹅们要去那里 为什么我不可以?
The penguins are going. So why can't I?
The penguins are psychotic.
别这样. 想象一下回到大自然的感觉 Come on. Just imagine going back to nature.
回到你出生的地方 清洁的空气,广阔的空间 Back to your roots. Clean air, wide-open spaces!
I hear there's wide-open spaces in Connecticut.
- 康乃狄格洲? - 那你得去大中央车站做车
- Connecticut? - You got to go over to Grand Central.
然后搭乘北上的火车... 往北走?
Then you got to take the Metro-North train... north?
这么说可以坐火车了? 就假想一下吗 So one could take the train? Just hypothetically.
得了吧. 康乃狄格会给我们提供些什么? Come on. What would Connecticut have to offer us?
- 莱姆关节炎 - 多,麦尔曼
- Lyme disease. - Thank you, Melman.
不,我只是想... No, I just want...
There's none of this in the wild.
This is a highly refined type of food thing
that you do not find in the wild.
艾利克司,你不曾经也 期待比牛排更多的食物吗?
You ever thought there might be more to life than steak, Alex?
他可不是那个意思,孩子 不,不,不
He didn't mean that, baby. No, no, no.
你们不觉得不知道 Doesn't it bother you guys that you don't know anything
动物园外的生活很难受吗? about life outside this zoo?
- 恩. 不难受 - 我也是 - Nuh-uh. Nope. - Mm-mm.
好吧,我意思是,算了吧 只是随便问问
Well, I mean, come on. That's just one subject.
你那有点脏 就在你的...
You got a little schmutz right there on your...
啦,伙计们 你们为我开的生日派对. 很不
Thanks, guys. Thanks for the party. It Helicopter.
was great. 真的 Really.
他到底怎么了? What's eating him?
也许你应该和他谈谈 过去给他打打气 Maybe you should talk to him. Go over and give him a little pep talk.
嘿,我已经送给他一个雪晶球了. 不能再给了
Hey, I already gave him a snow globe. I can't top that.
I can see where this is going.
时间不早了 我觉得我该...
It is getting late. I guess I'm going to...
快点. 他可是你最好的朋友
Come on. He's your best friend.
All right, all right. Okay.
- 晚安,马蒂 - 晚安,格洛
- Night, Marty. - Night, Glo.
多有意义的一天啊 What a day.
我意思是,跟你讲噢, 现在的生活最美好,明白吗?
I mean, I tell you, itjust doesn't get any better than this, you know?
噢,是真的. 连天上的星星都那么漂亮 Ooh! Ltjust did. Even the star's out.
在野外根本看不到这样美的星星 Not going to find a star like that in the wild.
Marty. Buddy. Listen.
每个人都有觉得其它地方的草更绿的时候 Everybody has days when they think the grass might be greener somewhere else.
艾利克司 Alex.
Look at me.
我都十岁了 生命已经过半
I'm ten years old. My life is half over.
我甚至都不清楚 自己是黑底上带着白条纹 And I don't even know if I'm black with white stripes...
...or white with black stripes. 马蒂 Marty.
I'm thinking of a song.
艾力刻丝,拜托,现在别唱歌 Alex. Please. Not now.
哦,当然,这是一首非常好听的歌 我想你一定很熟悉
Oh, yes. It's a wonderful song. I think you're familiar with it.
哦,不,哦,不,你别唱 不,不,不要
Oh, no. Oh, no, you don't. No, no, no.
I'm not listening.
Start spreadin' the news
I don't know you.
I'm leaving today
- 我们是其中的重要的角色 - 这歌很有趣,是哪首呢?
- We are a great big part of it - He's funny. Who is that?
快. 你知道,你知道歌词的
Come on. You know you know the words. off to the wild by yourself?
- 不 - 太好了 - No. - Good.
You and me. Let's go.
-什么? -一起去野外 - What? - The wild.
两个很简单的词 Two little words. 纽约
New York. 纽约 New York
别唱了,住嘴,别唱了! 嘿,我在睡觉! Shut up, shut up, shut up! Hey, I'm sleeping here!
We're not all nocturnal, you know!
我要把你练成夜猫子,朋友 I'll knock your \"turnal\" right off, pal.
好,就凭你和你的部下,带条纹的? Yeah, you and what army, stripes?
你找他麻烦 就是找我麻烦,胆小鬼
You mess with him, you mess with me, Howard.
- 你是只大嘴狮子 - 看到了吗?这可是性情暴虐的条纹将军
- You're a bigmouth lion. - See? Mr. Grumpy Stripes.
我们俩是最好的搭档, 就咱们俩
We make a great team, the two of us.
We sure do. No doubt about it.
好吧,你接下来要怎么做? 一个人跑到荒野上去吗?
So, what are you going to do? Go running
Come on. You and me together.
我们可以一直沿着第五大街到大中央车站 It's a straight shot down Fifth Avenue to Grand Central.
We'll grab a train, we'll head north.
明天一早再赶回来 没人会知道的
We can be back by morning. No one will ever know.
你在开玩笑,对吧? You're joking. Right?
对,我是在瞎说着玩的. 当然是在开玩笑. 让我歇会儿
Yeah. I'm joking. Of course I'm joking. Give me a break.
Like we're going to get a train.
可别真那样做 你去那我会很担心的
Don't do that. You really had me worried there.
哦,好的. 我想去睡觉了
Oh, well. I guess I'll hit the sack.
是呀,我也想了 我还得为了明天的演出好好休息休息嗓子
Yeah, me too. I'll need to rest my voice for tomorrow.
明天是退伍军人纪念日 得吼的大点声 It's Seniors' Day, you know. Have to roar extra loud.
给他们来点震撼的. 明白?
Give them a little jolt. You know?
Good night, AllyAI.
They forgot to turn off the ambience again.
别担心. 听起来还挺不错的 Don't worry. It's cool.
没关系,我来搞定它 You know, I got it.
这样就好多了 Much better.
快过来,现在,宝贝 Come on, now, baby.
我可爱的牛排 My little filet.
My little filet mignon with a little fat around the edges.
I like that. I like a little fat on my steak.
美味多汁的牛排 你是难得的美味佳肴 My sweet, juicy steak. You are a rare delicacy.
艾利克司.艾利克司.艾利克斯 Alex. Alex. Alex!
怎么了?出什么事了? What? What?
You suck your thumb?
什么事呀,麦尔曼? What is it, Melman?
You know how I have that bladder infection
and I have to get up every two hours?
刚才我去小便的时候顺便看了一眼马蒂的窝 我以前从不看的 I got up to pee and looked over at Marty's pen, which I usually don't do.
我不知道为什么,可就是看了,我发现... I don't know why, but I did. And...
你发现什么了?到底发生了什么事? What? What's going on?
It's Marty. He's gone.
Gone! What do you mean, \"gone\"?
How long has he been working on this?
马蒂! Marty!
马蒂! Marty!
He wouldn't fit down there.
Marty? Marty! Marty!
这根本讲不通的 他会去哪里呢? This doesn't make any sense. Where would he go?
- 康乃狄格洲! - 不会吧!
- Connecticut! - He wouldn't.
Oh, no! What are we going to do?
I mean, we got to call somebody!
Hello? Get me Missing Animals. And hurry.
有一匹斑马可能在去往康乃狄格洲的 路上走失了,我们需要...
We've got a lost zebra probably on the 这次可不用,这是一次阻止行为 我们都得去
Not now. This is an intervention. We all got to go.
走那条路能最快到大中央车站呢? What's the fastest way to Grand Central? way to Connecticut, and we need...
- 喂?喂? - 等一下
- Hello? Hello? - Wait a second.
-我们不能给人类打 -这是怎...?
- We can't call the people. - What the...?
They'll be really mad.
火车会把马蒂完整无损的送回来的 不要伤害曾经抚养过你的人
It'll get Marty transferred for good. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Mm-hm, I know that's right.
我们得赶快把他追回来 他还没想明白呢 We got to go after him. He's not thinking straight.
Let's stop him from making the biggest mistake of his life.
他也许已经离开这里,迷了路, 感到寒冷和迷茫
He's probably out there lost and cold, confused.
可怜的小家伙 Poor little guy.
快点! Come on.
我们其中一个人得留在这里以防他回来 One of us should wait here in case he comes back.
- 你们应该走莱克星顿大街 - 麦尔曼! - You should take Lexington. - Melman!
- 好吧.“我们” 我们应该走莱克星顿大街 - 那走公园行吗?
- Okay. \"We.\" We should take Lexington. - What about Park?
不行,公园有两条路 等不起红绿灯的
No, Park goes two ways. You can't time the lights.
我听见Tom Wolfe在林肯中心讲话
I heard Tom Wolfe is speaking at Lincoln Center.
Well, of course we're going to throw poo at him.
We should've taken Park.
你确定这是最快的一条路? You sure this is the fastest way to Grand Central Station?
我不知道! 是麦尔曼说的呀
I don't know! That's what Melman said.
嘿,嘿,你们这些家伙 Hey. Hey, you, guys.
那房间里有些精致的小盒子 可以在里面洗手的,看! That room has some nifty little sinks you can wash up in, and look!
免费薄荷糖! Free mints!
This isn't a field trip.
This is an urgent mission to save Marty - 你刚才说“斑马”? - 对呀,一匹斑马 - Did you say \"zebra\"? - That's right. A zebra. from throwing his life away.
Now, where's the train?
Here it comes.
马蒂跟你说什么了? 我让你和他谈过的 What did Marty say to you? I asked you to talk to him.
我谈了!谈了!可是听不懂 他说什么“一起走” I did! I did! I don't understand. He said, \"Let's go.\"
我说“你疯了吗?” 他然后说“我已经十岁了”
I said, \"Are you crazy?\" He says, \"I'm ten years old.\"
还有什么他身上的黑白条纹, 然后我们就一起唱...
And he has black-and-white stripes, and so then we sang and...
What you got to do is go straight back down West 42nd.
It's on your left after Vanderbilt.
要是你到了克莱斯勒大楼, 那就是走过头了 If you hit the Chrysler Building, you've gone too far.
Thanks a lot, officer.
Hey! Wait for the light. 怪物 Freak.
Right in front of me.
- 我可以朝他开枪吗? - 不行 - Can I shoot it? - Negative.
Then I'm going to need some backup.
- 哦不!尼可队又输了 - 你有什么办法? - Aw! Knicks lost again. - What are you going to do.
那上面写的是“大中央车站” 还是“我姑妈的便秘”呀?
Did that say \"Grand Central Station\" or \"my aunt's constipation\"?
我们到了 This is it.
Grand Central Station.
It's grand and it's central.
请往两边让一让, 我们有急事 情况紧急 Move aside. We have an emergency here. This is an emergency situation.
嘿,嘿.冷静点 没那么急的
Hey, hey. Just chill out. It's not that big of an emergency.
Upstairs, downstairs.
How do you like that?
Lady! What is wrong with you?
Ow! Get a grip on yourselves, people.
You're a bad kitty.
Dagnabbit! I missed the express.
看来我就只能做去斯坦福德的慢车了 Looks like I'll have to take the Stamford 那又怎么样? 我还回去的
What's the big deal? I was coming back.
再也不要这样做了 听到没有? Don't ever do this again. Do you hear me?
-听见我说的没有? -伙计们,我们快没时间了
我看到他了!我抓到他了! I got him! I've got him!
他抓到他了! He's got him!
他抓到他了!他抓到他了! 他抓到... He's got him! He's got him! He's got...
I got something for you!
I'm okay. I'm okay.
Whoa! What are you guys doing here?
- 真高兴找到你了 - 我们真是担心死你了 - I am so glad we found you. - We were so worried about you.
放心吧,我很好,没事的 看看我,挺好的吧 Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm fine. Look at me. I'm fine.
You're fine? Oh, he's fine. Oh, great.
你听到了吗?马蒂没出事 这就放心了 You hear that? Marty's fine. That's good to know.
Because I was wondering...
你怎么能这样对待我们? 我以为大家都是朋友!
How could you do this to us? I thought we were your friends!
- Do you hear him? - Guys, we're running out of time.
Oh, Melman, you broke their clock?
...再做一次! 你还敢再这样做吗!
...do this again! Don't you ever, ever do this again!
快来这 Come here.
We've been ratted out, boys.
Hold your fire!
做出一副可爱的样子,孩子们 可爱的样子 Cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly.
如果现在有粪便的话,快把它扔出去 If you have any poo, fling it now.
It's the Man.
Good evening, officers.
No. No. No. You don't talk now. Okay?
You're not good with the \"putting words together
他们说出的好听话 你就悄悄的别做声 and their coming out good\" thing. You keep it \"shh.\"
嘿,你们好吗? 你们知道吗?这里一切正
Hey! How you doing? You know what? Everything's cool.
我们只是发生了点小事情 一点部的小矛盾 We just had a little situation here. Little internal situation.
我的朋友有点头脑发热 每个人都可能发生的
My friend went a little crazy. Happens 我爱你们
I love you guys.
I love you so much.
Last night's dramatic incident in Grand Central
正是一例动物权益保护者 呼吁多年的真实to everybody.
在这个城市里待的太久了 脑子里会有点胡思乱想
The city gets to us all. Went a little cuckoo in the head.
Don't be calling me cuckoo in the head.
Just shush! I will handle this.
噢,我抓到他了! Oh! I got him!
Go, go, go! Right here, please.
Would you give a guy a break?
我们要把这个小朋友送回家 这一切就全当没发生. 好吗?
We'll take my little friend home and forget this ever happened. All right?
没有危险,没有敌人,行吗? No harm, no foul, right?
嘿,没事了,是我, 雄师艾利克斯,动物园的 Hey, it's cool. It's me, Alex the lion. From the zoo.
What's the matter with them?
I feel really, really weird.
写照: 标语:艾力克斯 你最棒
is an example of what animal rights wackos have been shouting for years:
Animals clearly don't belong in captivity.
他们应该被放归大自然 They are to be sent back to their natural habitat,
where they will live their lives in the freedom they desire.
-嘿,要帮忙吗? -他醒了!他醒了!
- Hey. Little help? - He's awake! He's awake!
防备一下! Do something!
噢, 天那 Oh, man.
哎呀,我的脑袋 Oh, my head.
这是怎...? What the...?
等等. 这是在哪里?这是什么呀? Wait. Where? What?
我在一个盒子里!哦,不 不,不!不能待在盒子里 I'm in a box! Oh, no. No, no! Not the box.
哦,不,他们不能把我运走. 不行!
Oh, no, they can't transfer me. Not me!
Oh, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. - Are you okay? - Yeah. No, I'm fine.
I often doze off while I'm getting an
Darkness creeping in.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
Walls closing in around me.
好寂寞,好寂寞呀 So alone. So alone.
- 艾利克斯!,艾利克斯,你在那吗? - 马蒂,是你吗?
- Alex! Alex, are you there? - Marty?
- 是我!说话,哥们 - 哦,马蒂!你在这儿! - Yeah! Talk to me, buddy. - Oh, Marty! You're here!
- 到底怎么回事?你没事吧? - 看起来不太妙
- What's going on? You okay? - This doesn't look good.
- 艾利克斯,马蒂,是你们吗? - 格洛丽亚!
- Alex, Marty, is that you? - Gloria!
- 你也在这儿! - 我爱死你的声音了 - You're here too! - I am loving the sound of your voice.
- 发生什么事了? - 我们都在装货箱里 - What is going on? - We're all in crates.
噢, 不! Oh, no!
- 刚才又睡着了 - 麦尔曼!
- Sleeping just knocks me out. - Melman!
是麦尔曼吗? Is that Melman?
- 你还好吧? - 是,恩,我没事
- 你没在做MRI - 那是在做CAT扫描
- You're not getting an MRI. - CAT scan?
不是CAT扫描, 你是在运送车 是动物园的运送车
No CAT scan. It's a transfer. It's a zoo transfer.
动物园的运送车? 噢,不 不,不.我不能被送走
Zoo transfer?! Oh, no. No, no, I can't be transferred.
我和Goldberg医生都约好了五点见面的 I have an appointment with Dr. Goldberg at 5:00.
There are prescriptions that have to be filled.
No other zoo could afford my medical care.
And I am not going HMO.
别紧,麦尔曼 一切都会好的
Take it easy, Melman. It's going to be okay.
- 我们会没事的 - 不,我们不可能没事 - We are going to be okizay. - No, we're not going to be okizay.
好了,都是因为你,我们才遭得这罪! Now, because of you, we're ruined!
Because of me? I fail to see how this is my fault.
- 你开玩笑吧,马蒂? - 是你,是你踢翻的人群
- You're kidding, right, Marty? - You. You ticked off the people.
你咬的手,马蒂 你咬的手
You bit the hand, Marty. You bit the hand.
“我不知道我是谁. 我得到大自然中寻找自己”哦,请
\"I don't know who I am. I got to go find 是早以前的密码,老大 我解不开 It's an older code, skipper. I can't make it out.
你,高级哺乳动物 You, higher mammal.
能看的懂吗? Can you read?
myself in the wild.\" Oh, please.
I did not ask you to come after me, did I?
He does have a point.
我说过我们应该待在动物园里 但是你们...
I did say we should stay at the zoo, but you guys...
Melman, just shut it.
You suggested this idea to him in the first place.
- 别把麦尔曼扯进来 - ,格洛丽亚
- Leave Melman out of this. - Thank you, Gloria.
Besides, it's not my fault that we were transferred.
麦尔曼,别说了 有人觉得恶心吗? Melman, shut it. Does anybody feel nauseous?
- 我觉得有点难受 - 麦尔曼,你老是觉得恶心
- I feel nauseous. - Melman, you always feel nauseous.
Progress report.
不行,但费尔能看懂. 费尔
No. Phil can read, though. Phil.
开往肯尼亚 Ship to Kenya.
野生自然保护区 Wildlife preserve.
非洲! Africa!
Africa? That ain't going to fly. Rico.
I was the star in the greatest city on Earth.
-伙计们,听着 -一个深受人民爱戴的国王 - Guys, listen. - A king. Loved by my people.
-让我们来当臣民 -你毁了一切!
- Let's be civil. - And you've ruined everything!
“爱戴”? \"Loved\"?
如果人们爱戴你, 那是因为他们不知道你的真相!
If the people loved you, it's only because they didn't know the real you!
别让我上去啊 我会让你俩吃不了兜者走的 Don't make me come up there. I'll whoop both of y'all.
I thought I knew the real you!
你这黑白条家伙,黑白相互抵消. 你什么也不是!
Your black-and-white stripes, they cancel each other out. You're nothing! 马蒂?! Marty?!
艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! Alex!
停下来!别吵了!别吵了! Stop it, stop it, stop it!
You're not helping the situation.
老实待在那 Status.
没用的 我看不懂这些编码
It's no good. I don't know the codes.
别找借口 告诉我结果!开船
Don't give me excuses. Give me results! Navigation.
All right. Let me think.
And shut him up!
- 我成功了! - 咱来让这个铁皮家伙转个方向
- I did it! - Let's get this tin can turned around.
伙计们? Guys?
哦,不 Oh, no.
格洛丽亚! Gloria!
麦尔曼! Melman!
马蒂! Marty!
艾利克斯! Alex!
马蒂?! Marty!
不,等一下. 回来,马蒂!
No, wait. Come back, Marty!
别丢下我 Don't go.
马蒂?! Marty?
麦尔曼! Melman?
格洛丽亚?. Gloria?
马蒂?.! Marty?!
麦尔曼!?.! Melman?!
格洛丽亚?.! Gloria?!
马蒂! Marty!
麦尔曼! 格洛丽亚! Melman! Gloria!
Hey, anyone! Hello! 嘿,有人吗!你好!Hey, anyone! Hello!
马蒂, 麦尔曼, 格洛丽亚. Marty, Melman, Gloria.
格洛丽亚, 麦尔曼, 马蒂. 马蒂, Gelman, 格洛丽亚. 马蒂, 麦尔曼.
Gloria, Melman, Marty. Marty, Gelman, Gloria. Marty, Melman.
Morty, Morty, Gelman. Regis. Kelly.
Morty, Morty, Gelman. Regis. Kelly.
Matt, Katie, 艾利克斯. Matt, Katie, Al.
让我出去 有人吗. 你好?
Get me out of this thing. Somebody. Hello?
Get me out of this thing right now! 让我赶快从这鬼东西里出来!
Get me out of this thing right now!
你好?有人在吗? Hello? Somebody?
麦尔曼! Melman!
爱立刻.是你吗? Alex? Is that you?
麦尔曼,我看见你了.等等! 等一下.我来了 Melman, I got you. Hang on! Hang on. I got you.
Melman! I got you, buddy.
等一下, 在那待着别动
Wait a sec, Melman. Wait right there.
-你要干吗? -我要把你从盒子里弄出来 - What are you doing? - I'm getting you out of the box.
-放松 -艾利克斯? - Relax. - Alex?
Giraffe, corner pocket!
什么也没发生呀! Here goes nothing!
-等,等,等一下 -待着别动!
- Wait, wait, wait, wait. - Hold still!
-等一下,爱 -别动
- Wait, Alex. - Hold still.
-不,别这样 -我来了!
- No, come on. - Here I come!
-快看!快看!快看! Look! Look! Look! Look!
是格洛丽亚,是格洛丽亚! It's Gloria. It's Gloria!
哦,嘿,真的是格洛丽亚 Oh, hey, it is Gloria.
哦,天哪... Oh, my...
格洛丽亚! Gloria!
格洛丽亚! Gloria!
Alrighty, boys, fun's over.
格洛丽亚! Gloria!
艾利克斯! Alex!
- 马蒂?.!
- Marty?! - Marty!
Yeah! All right! That's right!
往左!往左!左. 不对,不对 你的左边,你的左边!是你的左边 Left! Left! Left. No, no, your left! Your left! Your left!
Right here's good.
我现在身上什么也没带 待会再给你们
I don't have anything on me right now. I'll have to get you later.
To you too.
马蒂! Marty!
马蒂! Marty!
艾利克斯! Alex!
马蒂! Marty!
艾利克斯! Alex!
马蒂! Marty!
艾利克斯! Al!
马蒂! Marty!
艾利克斯?. Alex?
马蒂! Marty!
Oh, sugar, honey, ice tea.
Martin! Martin!
-站住! -我要杀了你!
- Hold up! - I'm going to kill you!
-过来!别跑呀! -冷静!
- Come here! Don't run away from me! - Calm down!
If you keep running, I'm going to just kill you more!
Oh, look at us.
我们大家又在一起了 完好无损
We're all here together. Safe and sound.
是呀,我们都在这里 Yeah, here we are.
“这里”到底是什么哪里? Where exactly is \"here\"?
圣地亚哥 San Diego.
圣地亚哥? San Diego?
White sandy beaches,
精致的人工自然景观,超大的占地面积 cleverly simulated natural environment, wide-open enclosures.
I'm telling you, this could be the San Diego Zoo.
Complete with fake rocks.
Wow, that looks real.
圣地亚哥?要是不如比圣地亚哥怎么办? San Diego? What could be worse than San Diego?
不知道 这地方缺少刺激!
I don't know. This place is crackalacking!
哦,我要去看看,去看看 Oh, I could hang here. I could hang here.
- 我要杀了你! - 别激动!
- I'll kill you! - Take it easy!
-我要勒死你 -冷静
- Strangle you! - Calm down.
然后一把火烧了你,把你挖出来克隆 再把你的克隆人杀死
Then bury you, dig you up, clone you and
kill your clones.
-20秒 时间到 -我再也不和你说话了
- 20-second timeout. - I'll never talk to you again.
现在,看. 我们要去找到人类
Now, look. We're just going to find the little bit more und...
-别嘘我 -你们听见了吗?没听见? - Don't you shush me. - Do you hear that? Don't you hear that?
-我听见了 -那儿有音乐,还有人
- I hear it now. - Where there's music, people,
刚来到这里 然后弄清楚这是怎么回事 get checked in and have this mess straightened out.
哦,好 这里棒极了. 圣地亚哥 Oh, great. This is just great. San Diego.
现在我要和Shamu还有 他那诡秘的笑比一比了
Now I'll have to compete with Shamu and his smug little grin.
我嬴不了得. 胜不了他
I can't top that. Can't top it.
我输了!我完蛋了 我彻底没戏了
I'm ruined! I'm done. I'm out of the business.
都是你的错,马蒂! 都是你害的我
It's your fault, Marty! You've ruined me.
好啦,艾利克斯 你真觉得
Come on, Alex. Do you honestly think
I intended all of this to happen?
你想让我说对不起? 是吗? You want me to say that I'm sorry? Is that what you want?
好吧,对... Okay, I'm...
He just shushed me.
Marty, look, you've got to be just a
there's people.
-直接去总部 -走小路比较好
- Go to the head honcho. - A sidewalk would be nice.
对呀,这地方可真脏 Yeah, what a dump.
They should call it the San Di-lame-o Zoo.
首先他们会跟你说,“我们有个伟大而且开放的政策. 动物们可以随意到处奔跑.” First they tell you, \"We got this great open plan thing. Let animals run wild.\"
然后,头上会插满鲜花 大家互相拥抱 Next thing, flowers in your hair, everybody's hugging everybody.
你会渐渐喜欢上这里的 这边来,伙计们!快点! This place kind of grows on you. This way, guys! Come on!
这是...? What the...?
哦,不! Oh, no!
好吧,让我们留给人们个好印象 Okay, let's make a good impression on the people.
微笑,每个人 大家一起来 Smiles, everyone. Let's get it together.
- 这是你最好的表情了? - 哦,我就没笑. 真搞笑
- Is that the best you can do? - Oh, I'm
not smiling. It's gas.
Well, great. Let's make gas look good.
- 哇! - 不是人类.是动物
- Wow! - It's not people. It's animals. 当你摇摆身体时,摇摆的自然些 When ya move your body, ya do
Move it nice and sweet and sassy, all right
那是加利弗尼亚的动物,哥们 California animals. Dude.
看起来象个充满活力的派对 This is like a Puffy party.
我喜欢摇摆,摇摆 我喜欢摇摆,摇摆
I like to move it, move it I like to move it, move it
-你喜欢 -摇摆
- Ya like to - Move it
我喜欢摇摆,摇摆 我喜欢摇摆,摇摆
I like to move it, move it I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
-你喜欢 -摇摆
- Ya like to - Move it
我喜欢摇摆,摇摆 你喜欢摇摆,摇摆
I like to move it, move it You like to move it, move it
She like to move it, move it
-他喜欢摇摆, -摇摆 - He like to - Move it
All girls all over the world
Original King Julien 'pon yer case, man
我喜欢看到所有女孩摇摆身体 I love how all the girls that love to move their body
What kind of zoo is this?
I just saw 26 blatant health code violations.
我爱圣地亚哥! 这地方无拘无束
I'm loving San Diego. This place is off the chizain.
Woman, physically fit, physically fit
身材,身材,身材苗条 身材苗条,身材苗条 Physically, physically, physically fit Physically fit, Physically fit
We should've brought chips and dip.
等一等 Wait.
艾利克斯去哪了?他怎么了? 他就在我们后面呀,不在了吗?
Where's Alex? What happened to him? He was right behind us. Wasn't he?
我不知道他去哪了 但他错过了一次疯狂的派对
I don't know where he's at, but he's missing one heck of a party.
马岛獴! The fossa!
马岛獴! The fossa!
fassa 来了!逃命呀!
The fossa are attacking! Run for your
-fassa饿了 -fassa要吃东西 - Fossa hungry. - Fossa eat.
I hate spiderwebs.
Yeah, thanks a lot, guys.
一直在等我 非常感 Thanks for waiting up. Really appreciate it.
嘿,你好,我们是刚从纽约来的 来找管理员 Hey, hi. We just got in from New York, and we're looking for a supervisor.
因为我们在后面的沙滩上坐了好几个小时 Because we've been sitting on that beach back there for hours,
and nobody's even bothered to show up.
I don't know how things are normally run around here,
只是那里刚才出了点事,不过已经摆平了 but there's been some sort of major screwup, which is cool.
So if you could point us towards the administrative offices, we'll...
Well, howdy-do.
蜘蛛!蜘蛛!蜘蛛!我背上有蜘蛛! Spider! Spider! Spider on my back!
Maurice, did you see that?
He scared the fossa away.
快点,格洛丽亚,捉住他 Come on, Gloria. Get it.
捉住他!捉住他!捉住他! Get it! Get it! Get it!
- 就是他了!弄扁它! - 捉住他!捉住他! - That's it! Smack it! - Get it, get it!
打他!好好的打他! 跑哪儿去了?
Whip it! Whip it good! Where'd it go?
朱莉国王,他们是什么人? 他们到底是什么人?!
King Julien, what are they? What are they?!
他们是外星人.来自蛮荒未来的野蛮外星人 They are aliens. Savage aliens from the savage future.
他们是来消灭我们的,强走我们的女人 和宝贵的金属
They've come to kill us. And take our women. And our precious metals.
站起来,马蒂 请不要接近国王脚,好吗? Get up, Mort. Do not be near the king's feet, okay?
我们在躲藏.大家别出声 包括我在 We're hiding. Be quiet, everyone. Including me.
Who's making that noise?
Oh, it's me again.
在那呢!抓住他!快, 格洛丽亚
There it is! Get it! Come on, Gloria!
-够了!别再用棍子打了 -我想她捉到了 - Enough! Enough with the stick. - I think she got it.
Is it still on me? I hate spiders.
It's okay. It's gone.
他们是群野蛮人 They are savages.
今晚我们死定了 Tonight we die.
我的脚. 我告诉过你... 我告诉过你要... -啊,艾利克斯 -哦,可怜的小宝贝
- Aw, Alex! - Oh, you poor little baby.
那头又大又无情的狮子没吓着你吧? Did that big mean lion scare you?
He did? He's a big, bad old puddy tat, isn't he?
The feet. I told you... I told you to... I told every...
Didn't I tell him about the feet?
He did tell you about the feet.
-等等. 我有个计划 -真的?
- Wait. I have a plan. - Really?
I have devised a cunning test
能判断他们是否是野蛮的杀手 to see whether these are savage killers.
嗨,你好 Hi there.
让我来解决 艾利克斯来做. 马蒂别插手 You let me handle it. Alex handles it. Marty does nothing.
你好呀 Hi there.
哦,天那,对不起 Oh, jeez. Sorry.
哦,艾利克斯,你干了些什么? -停!停!好的,好的
- Oh, Alex, what'd you do? - Stop. Stop. It's okay. It's okay.
我是头愚蠢... 一头愚蠢的狮子 哦,天那!I'm just a silly... Just a silly lion. Oh, jeez!
过来.妈妈来抱你了 哦,看看你
Come on. Mama'll hold you. Awww, look at you.
They are so cute from a reasonable distance.
多么可爱的小家伙 我真想把他放在咖啡里沾一沾
Aren't you the sweetest little thing. I just want to dunk him in my coffee.
They're just a bunch of pansies.
I don't know.
There's something about that one with the crazy hairdo
that I find suspicious.
Nonsense, Maurice.
大家过来 咱们去会会那些娘娘腔们! Come on, everybody. Let's go and meet the pansies!
尊贵的皇室后代 赫赫有名的朱莉八世 Presenting your royal highness, our illustrious King Julien Xlll,
狐猴之王驾到等等等等 大家欢迎
self-proclaimed lord of the lemurs, et cetera. Hooray, everybody.
He's got style.
What is he, like, king of the guinea pigs?
I think it's a squirrel.
欢迎,高大的娘娘腔们 Welcome, giant pansies.
Please feel free to bask in my glow.
-绝对是松鼠 -没错,是松鼠
- Definitely a squirrel. - Yep. Squirrel.
你们驱走了马岛獴,我们为此不胜感激 We thank you with enormous gratitude for chasing away the fossa.
-“马岛魔\" -是马岛獴
- The \"whossa\"? - The fossa.
他们总是非法侵入并扰乱我们的狂欢 They annoy us by trespassing, interrupting our parties
- 然后把我们的四肢都拽下来 - 不错 - and ripping our limbs off. - Good.
We're just trying to find out where the people are, so...
What big teeth you have. Man!
不象话. 你没发现你是在侮辱这怪物吗? Shame on you, Maurice. Can you not see that you have insulted the freak?
你必须告诉我 你们到底是什么人?
You must tell me, who the heck are you?
我是艾利克斯. 安乐学说 这是
I'm Alex. The Alex. And this is Gloria, Marty and Melman.
And just where are you giants from?
We're from New York and...
All hail the New York giants!
纽约巨人们好! New York giants!
这难道是近亲交配活动? Is this some sort of inbreeding program?
我说我们应该问问这群傻瓜人类在哪里 I say we just got to ask these bozos where the people are.
打扰一下,我们这群傻瓜 当然知道人类的情况了
Excuse me. We bozos have the people, of course.
Hey, the bozos have the people.
Oh, well, great. Good. Phew.
They're up there.
你们喜欢人类吗? 他们可不是一帮让人喜欢的家伙
Don't you love the people? Not a very lively bunch, though. 哇 Wow.
So do you have any live people?
没有了. 只剩下尸体了 No. Only dead ones.
我的意思是说,如果在这里有许多活人话 I mean, if we had a lot of live people here,
就不能叫做野外了,不是吗? it wouldn't be called the wild, would it? can't see! I can't see!
野外? The wild?
Whoa. Hold up there a second, fuzzbucket.
你意思是,就像 You mean, like, 那种“住在泥坑里,用树页擦屁股”的野外? the \"live in a mud hut, wipe yourself with a leaf\" type wild?
-擦屁股干嘛? -天哪 - Who wipes? - Oy vey.
- 天哪! - 大家一起来,天哪! - Oy vey! - Oy vey, everybody!
天哪! Oy vey!
Could you excuse me for a moment?
让我离开这里! 我们得离开这里!
Get me out of here! We got to get out of here!
-救命呀! -你在干什么?!
- Help! - What are you doing?!
I'm swimming back to New York.
我知道希望不大 但至少也要试一下!
I know my chances are slim, but I have to try!
-你不会游泳! -我说过成功机会不大的! - You can't swim! - I said my chances are slim!
大自然! 到处都是!! 把它拿掉! 我看不见了! 看不见了!
Nature! It's all over me! Get it off! I
I can see!
Look. There's obviously just been a little mistake.
人类不是故意把我们丢弃在这里的 The people didn't dump us here on purpose.
一旦他们搞清出发生了什么事 就会来救我们的,对吗?
As soon as they realize what happened, they'll come looking for us, right?
Yeah, right.
我不知该怎么说 但是我们天性喜欢自由 I don't know the words But we're born free
你知道吗? 我敢打赌他们已经出发来找我们了
You know something? I bet they're already on their way.
Well, boys, it's going to be ice-cold sushi for breakfast.
瑞可. Rico.
Well, since I'm doomed to die on this forsaken island,
我,麦尔曼 曼凯维奇, I, Melman Mankiewicz,
being of sound mind and unsound body,
将我的遗物平均分给你们三个 have divided my estate equally among the three of you.
对不起,艾利克斯 Sorry, Alex.
嘿!一个厕所.不错呀,马尔曼 还是室外冲水型的
Hey! A latrine. Nice work, Melman. Outdoor plumbing.
No, it's not a latrine.
是个坟墓,你把卖而浪漫送进了坟墓 这下高兴了?
It's a grave. You sent Melman to his grave. Are you happy?
哈,算了吧 Aw, come on.
这可不是人生的终点 而是一个全新的开始 This isn't the end. This is a whole new beginning.
This could be the best that's happened.
不,不,不,不 No. No. No. No.
不,不,不,不, 这可不是我们遇到的最好的事情
No. No. No. No. No. No. This is not the best thing that's happened to us.
你滥用生日许愿的魔力把霉运都带给了我们 You abused the power of the birthday wish and brought bad luck on all of us.
为什么要说出你的愿望? 你就不该说的 Why'd you tell your wish? You're not supposed to.
我本来就不想告诉你们的. 记得吗?
I didn't want to tell you. Remember?
- 是你们逼我说的噢 - 哦,好吧
- You guys made me tell you. - Oh, okay.
再说啦, 这根本不是霉运 而是好运
Besides, this isn't bad luck. This is
good luck.
看看周围,没有围墙 没有作息时间表 Look around. There's no fences, no schedules.
这是个美丽的地方... 宝贝,我们生在... This place is beautiful. Baby, we were born...
好了, 好了, 我听够了
Okay. Okay. I've had enough of this.
这边是你的岛 这边是我们的岛 This is your side of the island, and this is our side of the island.
That is the bad side, where you can prance and skip
就像个着了魔的马精 你想干什么就干什么吧
like a magical pixie horse and do whatever the heck you want.
这边是好运区, 这的人们都爱纽约都想回家
This is the good side for those who love New York and care about going home.
- 别这样呀 - 不行,不行,往后退!后退! - Come on. - No, no. Back! Back!
你知道吗? 这样可不好的
You know what? This isn't good.
好吧! 你们在那边 我在这边
Okay! You all have your side, and I'll have mine.
And if you need me, I'll be over here,
我要在快乐区这边 享受好的日子了
on the fun side of the island, having a good old time.
This is the fun side,
我们要幸福的活下来直到他们接我们回去 where we'll have a great time surviving until we go home.
- 一段美好的时光! - 这边最快乐了
- A yabbadabbado old time! - This side's the best.
那边真臭! 就像泽西种牛粪坑区一样!
That side stinks! You're on the Jersey and be rescued from this awful nightmare!
你觉得如何? 很酷吧?
What do you think? Pretty cool, huh?
- 麦尔曼,自由之火钻的怎么样了? - 好极了.你这个傻瓜
- How's the liberty fire going, Melman? - Great. Idiot. side of this cesspool!
- 威尔玛! - 现在我们干什么? - Wilma! - Now what do we do?
别担心 我有个能让我们获救的办法
Don't worry. I have a plan to get us rescued.
真想看看 马蒂看到这一切时是什么表情 Can't wait to see the look on Marty's face when he sees this.
看看他 没有我们的帮助他是多么的无助呀 Just look at him. He's helpless without us.
别说话, 你这个草包! Shut up, Spalding.
哥们, 我在这儿都站了好几个小时了
I've been standing here for hours, man.
How long do I have to pose like this?
快大工告成了 She is finito.
我觉得一百万英里没有任何一只救生艇 I defy any rescue boat within a million miles
to miss this baby.
时机一到 我们就点燃这自由火炬
When the moment is right, we will ignite the beacon of liberty
I heard that.
Why can't we just borrow some of Marty's fire?
那市野火, 我们可不能用野火点燃自由女神小姐
That's wild fire. We're not using wild fire on Lady Liberty.
-麦尔曼,磨呀,快 -我一直在磨...
- Now, rub, Melman. - I've been doing...
不行了, 磨不出来 我磨不出火花,就...就是磨不出来
I can't. I can't. I can't do it. I ju... I can't do it! 火 Fire. 火 Fire.
火! 火! Fire! Fire!
哦,我的天那! Oh, my 火! Fire!
先不要! 不,不,不要! Not yet! No, no! No! 火! Fire!
Melman, hold still!
快跳! 艾利克斯,跳! Jump! Alex, jump!
别担心 猫科动物总会落在他们的... Don't worry, cats always land on their...
脸上? 天那,你是哪类猫科动物?
Face? Man, what kind of cat are you?
你这个疯子! You maniac!
你把它全给烧毁了! You burned it up!
你这个混蛋! Darn you!
Darn you all to heck!
Can we go to the fun side now?
大家都冷静一下 赶快, 都坐下来 Everybody, calm down. Come on. Into your chairs.
大家都冷静一下 放开他的尾巴 Everybody, calm down. Let go of his tail.
Separate those two, would you, please?
你到这来, 你到那去. 大伙们... You here, you there. Everyone...
都安静一下, 好吗?
Calm down, people, okay?
现在,有请尊贵的皇室后代 赫赫有名的....... Now, presenting your royal highness, the illustrious blah, blah, blah.
你们知道的, 等等, 等等 鼓掌, 好开始
You know, et cetera, et cetera. Hooray. Let's go.
Now, everybody,
我们每个人都很好奇我们的客人 那些纽约来的巨人
we all have great curiosity about our guests, the New York giants.
- 好的,willie? - 我喜欢他们 - Yes, Willie? - I like them.
我喜欢他们,在我第一次 见他们之前我就喜欢他们
I like them. I liked them first. Before I even met them I liked them.
我一下子就喜欢上他们了. 你们讨厌他们是因为我是多么的爱他们
I liked them right away. You hate them compared to how much I like them.
哦, 别说了. 你真烦人!
Oh, shut up. You're so annoying!
好了, 从我们记事以来
Now, for as long as we can remember,
就一直受到可怕的马岛獴的侵袭和猎杀 we have been attacked and eaten by the dreaded fossa.
马岛獴! 马岛獴来了!
The fossa! The fossa are attacking!
是一本烹饪书! 只是一本烹饪书! It's a cookbook! It's a cookbook!
请, 莫里斯
Please. Maurice.
安静! Quiet!
别一惊一咋的, 伙计们. 他们不可能这么快就来得 Come on, y'all. They're not attacking us this very instant.
So my genius plan is this:
We will make the New York giants
our friends and keep them close.
这样,ailikesi 先生就可以保护我们 Then, with Mr. Alex protecting us,
we will be safe and never have to worry
那些可恶的马岛獴了, 永远也不会了 about the dreaded fossa ever again.
我以前就是这么想的 我以前就是这么想的.没错,是我,我想过 I thought of that. I thought of that. Yes. Me. I did.
等一等,大伙们,等等 让我再想想
Hold on, everybody. Hold on. I'm just thinking now.
我的意思是, 有人想知道为什么马岛獴 I mean, does anyone wonder why the fossa
were so scared of Mr. Alex?
I mean, maybe we should be scared too.
要是艾利克斯先生比马岛獴更厉害怎么办? What if Mr. Alex is even worse than the fossa?
跟你说吧,我一看见那个家伙就全身发抖 I tell you, that dude just gives me the heebiedabajeebies.
莫里斯, 你没有举手发言
Maurice, you did not raise your hand.
所以, 对你的评价将会用 历史上最邪恶的字眼
Therefore, your heinous comment will be stricken from the record.
还有别的什么人也对此感到害怕吗? Does anyone else have the heebie-jeebies?
没有? 好的, 那你就住嘴吧 No? Good. So shut up.
When the New York giants wake up,
我们一定要让他们感觉像在天堂里一样 we will make sure that they wake up in paradise.
Now, who would like a cookie?
嗨, 艾利克斯. 麦尔曼和格洛丽亚 在那边开心呢
Yo, Al. Melman and Gloria are over there having a good time.
There's room on the fun side for one more.
不, 了
No, thanks.
看, 我一直在想 也许,如果你给这个地方一个机会话
Look, I've been thinking. Maybe if you gave this place a chance,
我不确定 但也许它会另你开心的
I don't know, you might even enjoy yourself.
马蒂, 我累了.我饿了
Marty, I'm tired. I'm hungry.
I just want to go home.
你能不能给它个机会? 考虑一下
Could you just give it a chance? Think about it.
那里要是缺了你就不算是快乐区了 It really isn't the fun side without you.
我知道. 然后... I know. And then...
-是他 -谁呀?
- It's him. - Who is it?
送比萨饼的 你以为会是谁?
It's the pizza man. Who the heck do you 嘿, 你看起来很饿
Hey, y'all look hungry.
How would you like some of nature's goodness?
You have food? think it is?
是的? 我能帮你什么吗? Yes? Can I help you?
Can I come to the fun side?
Beg your pardon?
你知道, 我是个混蛋
You know, I've been kind of a jerk.
但我一直在想你说的话, 我很抱歉
But I've been thinking about what you said, and I'm sorry.
欢迎来到Casa del野生世界 放松一下 Welcome to Casa del Wild. Take a load off.
嘿,嘿, 蹭蹭脚
Hey, hey, wipe your feet.
- 艾利克斯! -我家就是你家 - Alex! - Mi casa is su casa.
布置的不错呀 Very impressive.
嘿,来杯酒吧. 从房上取得
Hey, have a drink. It's on the house.
This is seawater.
哦,别咽了. 这只是暂时的 等管道修好了就行了
Oh, you don't swallow it. It's just temporary till the plumbing's done.
The Fun Side Special, coming up.
Seaweed on a stick.
海带? Seaweed?
穿在棍上 尝一下你才知道它的鲜美
On a stick. Don't love it till you try it.
That's unbelievable.
-味道真不错 -好,
- So good. - Well, thanks.
正和口味,对吗? It does kind of hit the spot, doesn't it?
Well, maybe it could use a little lemon.
不,这就很好. 真的不错 还有比这更好的吗
No, it's great. It's really great. Doesn't get any better than this.
哦, 真的很好 Oh, but it does.
Check this out.
哇噻, 你们看那
Wow. Would you look at that.
It's like billions and billions of
瞧,一颗流星 赶快许个愿! It's a shooting star. Make a wish. Quick! 很显然他是一个温柔而且有很善心的动物 He is clearly a tender, loving thing.
噢, 一块肥厚多汁的牛排如何?
Ooh! How about a thick, juicy steak?
你知道吗,艾利克斯? You know what, Alex?
我向你保证如果我明天还活着 我就一定帮你找一块牛排
I promise you I'm going to find you a steak tomorrow if it kills me.
, 马蒂
Thanks, Marty.
天不早了 我想我得去...
It is getting late. I guess I'm going to...
I think I'm going to hit the sack too.
Sweet dreams, everyone.
艾利克斯. Alex.
What are you doing?
27,28,29 30条黑的,只有29条白的
Twenty-seven, 28, 29. Thirty black and only 29 white.
Looks like you're black with white stripes after all.
难题解决了. 晚安
Dilemma solved. Good night.
你看到了吧, 艾利克斯 先生在梳理同伴的毛发
You see, Maurice, Mr. Alex was grooming his friend.
How can you have the heebie-jeebies for Mr. Alex?
看他 多么可爱呀毛茸茸的
Look at him. He's so cute and plushy.
I don't think he was grooming him.
Look more like he was tasting him to me.
随你怎么说吧,无所谓 我不在乎
Suit yourself, no matter. I don't care.
Soon we will put my excellent plan to action.
All we have to do is wait
until they are deep in their sleep.
How long is this going to take?!
哎呀,这可真糟糕! Well, this sucks!
快醒醒,艾利克斯先生 Wake up, Mr. Alex.
快醒醒,艾利克斯先生 Wake up, Mr. Alex.
太阳都照到屁股了 Rise and shining.
Wakey-waking, Mr. Alex!
醒醒,先生! Wake up! Alex!
You suck your thumb?
我们这是在哪里? 到底发生了什么事?
Where are we? What the heck is going on?
海滩去哪了? 别急
Where's the beach? Take it easy.
-谁造的这个森林? -别这么惊慌,大怪物 - Who built a forest? - Don't be alarmed, 让我们兴奋起来 深呼吸这里的新鲜空气 Let's get our blood pumping, lungs breathing this fresh air.
Who's with me?!
呃,我可不行... 你输了!
Naw. I don't think I could... You're it!
giant freaks.
While you were asleep,
我们轻松的把你们带到了这个小小的天堂 we simply took you to our little corner of heaven.
欢迎来到马达加斯加 Welcome to Madagascar.
-马达加谁呀? -什么? - Mada-who-ah? - What?
不,不是谁呀, 是斯加 No, not whooha. Ascar.
马蒂,这里... Marty. It's...
Just like my mural back at the zoo.
哦, 不, 朋友们, 那可全是真的
Oh, no, fella, that is the real deal right there.
瞧那儿, 景色真不错
Look at that, that's not a bad view.
那可是你一直梦寐以求的呀, 现在它就在那里
That's the thing that you were always looking at, but it's actually there.
-那可是真正的... -游览一下整个公园如何?
- That's the real version of... - How about once around the park?
嘿, 想去周围玩玩吗?
Hey! Want to play around?
Got you there!
来这边! Come here!
你输了 You're it.
嘿, 不比了! 嘿, 你疯了!
Hey, stop that! Hey, you're crazy!
好的, 马蒂, 我不行了 Okay, Marty, I'm it.
我不行了, 受不了了. 你赢了 I'm it. I'm it. You win.
快点, 艾利克斯, 打起精神来
Come on, Alex, get in the groove.
I haven't eaten in two days.
我的血糖太低了 快没劲了
My blood sugar's real low. I just don't have the energy.
I don't think that's your problem.
首先, 这可不是在草原上奔跑的状态
First of all, that's not how you run in the wild.
我们走. 开足马力准备上路了!
Let's go. Put the rubber to the road!
你就是要把狮子的本色发挥出来 You just have to let out that inner lion.
- 现在, 那头狮子是谁? - 马蒂, 我真的...
- Now, who's the cat? - Marty, I really don't...
你行的, 那是谁 快点! 我们走! You are, that's who. Come on! Here we go! 哥们! 我感觉不一样了 Man! I feel different.
跳啊,跳啊,跳啊 跳啊,跳啊,跳啊!
Noogie, noogie, noogie. Noogie, noogie, noogie!
Kind of charged up or something.
就是那样. 咱们再跑的快点! 你狮子 That's it. Let's build up some steam! You the cat.
- 那只狮子是谁? -就是你
- Who's the cat? - You the cat.
那只狮子是谁? -就是你
- Who's the cat? - You the cat.
那只狮子是谁? 就是你 那只狮子是谁? 就是你
Who's the cat? Who's the cat? Who's the cat? Who's the cat?
那只狮子是谁? 就是你 那只狮子是谁? 就是你
Who's the cat? Who's the cat? Who's the cat? Who's the cat?
我是狮子! I'm the cat!
天那! Surprise!
你赢了. 你赢了!
You're it. You're it!
追不上狮子, 跑的太快了
Can'tjuke the cat. Cat's too quick.
我感觉好象有一英里长的熏牛肉 在眼前飞舞一直飞上天!
I feel like a mile-high pastrami on rye on the fly from the deli in the sky!
-让我们去撒野吧! -我正想说呢!
- Let's go wild! - Now you're talking!
-就像你说的,宝贝,这里... -缺少刺激 - Like you said, baby, it's... - Crackalacking.
- 这样对吗? -哦,对,哦,是的
- Ain't that right, Melman? - Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
I'm in heaven.
你看,艾利克斯现在成了我们的朋友 而且马岛獴不见了
You see, Maurice, Alex is now our friend and the fossas are nowhere to be seen.
It could be said that my plan is working
in a very good working kind of way.
Alex. You got to try some of this.
我感觉很好 感觉又像个国王了
I feel good. Feel like a king again.
国王? King?
You should see his act.
快点,艾利克斯,为什么 不给他露两手你威风的样子呢?
Come on, Alex, why don't you show him some of your act.
哦,不, 我真觉得我... 好吧
Oh. No, I really don't think I could...
女士们先生们 所有的动物们
Ladies and gentlemen. Primates of all -不,我没有呀 -你咬了
- No, I'm not. - Yes, you are.
-你干什么呀? -你咬我了!
野生世界自豪地向你们介绍: The wild proudly presents: 国王
The king.
雄师艾利克斯! Alex the lion!
E flat, fellas.
耶! 国王掌管一切!
Yeah! The king is in the house!
看, 如果他是国王,那他的王冠在哪里? 我这里有一个 See, if he is the king, then where is his crown? I've got a crown.
有一个非常漂亮的 就在我头上
Got a very nice one. And it's here on my head.
你看一下, 我戴了没?
Look at it. Have I got it on?
Do the roar, man. Do the roar.
哇. 我从来没听过这样的吼叫声
Wow. I've never heard that one before.
好耶! 再疯狂点,哥们!加油! Yeah! Go wild, man! Come on!
Break out the wave!
打扰一下 Excuse me.
You're biting my butt.
- What did you do? - You just bit me!
不, 我没有,有吗? No. I didn't. Did I?
You kind of did.
What the heck is wrong with you?
Why'd you bite me?
- 伙计, 因为你是他的大餐 -什么?!
- Man, it's because you are his dinner. - What?!
-对不起? -真不会说话
- Excuse me? - That's dumb.
过来,来, 朋友之间简单地咬臀部是什么感觉?
Come, come, Maurice. What is a simple bite on the buttocks among friends?
Here, give me a nibble.
派对结束了,朱莉 你绝妙的计划失败了 The party is over, Julien. Your brilliant plan has failed.
What are you talking about?
Your friend here is what we call
a deluxe-model hunting and eating machine.
And he eats steak...
...which is you.
-你给我滚出去 -好好好, 我承认 - Get out of here. - Okey-dokey, Maurice, 哦,是的! Oh, yeah!
-他变的野蛮了 -快逃命吧
I admit it.
The plan failed.
所有东西都没了! 我们糟厄运了 All is lost! We're all doomed.
马岛獴又会回来的 还会用嘴一口一口的把我们吃掉,因为...
The fossas will come back and gobble us with their mouths because...
...we are all steak.
我是牛排! 我,我,我是! I'm steak! Me, me, me!
艾利克斯先生不能待在这里 Mr. Alex cannot stay here.
在岛上他属于 马岛獴 那种类型的动物 He belongs with his own kind on the fossa side of the island.
By the power vested in me,
依照丛林的法律 等等等等.......
by the law of the jungle, blah, blah, blah, blah...
快跑! Be gone!
什么? 怎么了,在你看来我像牛排吗?
What? Come on, do I look like a steak to you?
对呀! Yeah!
看,我告诉过你我不喜欢...等 你觉得呢? See, I told you I don't look like a... Wait. What you say?
- He's going savage. - Run for your lives.
马蒂,快跑! Marty, run!
公牛的眼力 精确定位, 莫里斯
A bull's eye. Excellent shot, Maurice.
Thank you.
马蒂? Marty?
I'm so sorry, Marty.
What is wrong with me? 哦 Ow.
哦,不 Oh, no.
我都干了些什么? What have I done?
It's true. I'm a monster.
I got to get out of here.
我干了些什么? 真是一场噩梦
What have I done? This is a nightmare.
And it's all my fault.
都是因为我 才失去了艾利克斯
Now, because of me, we've lost Alex.
Well, what are we going to do?
我们要想个办法帮助他 这就是我们要做的 We'll find a way to help him. That's what 救命呀!救命呀!救命呀! Help! Help! Help!
we'll do. 好的 Okay.
好啦, 我们是纽约人, 对吗?
Come on, we are New Yorkers, right?
我们坚强 我们勇敢
We're tough. We're gritty.
我们有很强的适应性! We're adaptable!
而且我们不会像 一群麦尔曼一样躺在那里 And we are not going to lay down like a bunch of Melmans.
是的, 我们不会 No, we're not.
哦, 格洛丽亚 Oh. Gloria.
我可没有放... 是那支船干的 That was not me, okay? That was the boat.
-船! -船?
- The boat! - The boat?
船来救我们了! 赶快,伙计们,我们得赶快招手让它过来
The boat's come back for us! Come on, guys, we got to flag it down.
There it is!
-嘿,过来! -到这来!
- Hey, over here! - Over here!
Over here! Yo!
麦尔曼,抬我一下 赶快!把我抬起来!
Melman, give me a lift. Hurry up! Lift me up!
-哦,我的脖子.脖子.哥们 -过这儿来!
- Oh, my neck. My neck. You guys. - Over here!
-麦尔曼,稳着点,往这边! -你根本不知道这有多疼
- Melman! Steady. This way! - You have no idea how much this hurts.
嘿,轮船! 我们在这!
Hey, boat! We're over here!
看! 它转了! 它转过来了! 转过来了! Look! It's turning! It's coming back! It's coming back!
Come on! Come on, baby!
是的! 伙计们 Yes! You guys.
你们继续挥手 我去找艾利克斯
You flag down that boat. I'll get Alex.
喔! 待在那别走了 Whoa! Hold on there.
You cannot go back there by yourself.
别担心,我了解艾利克斯 Aw, come on. I know Alex.
他听到我们得救了 他就会马上从里面出来的 He hears we're rescued, he'll snap right out of it.
人马上就来了 他们会帮助我们的
The people are coming. They can help us.
买而满说的对. 人们知道该怎么做的 Melman's right. The people will know what to do.
Now, we got to flag down that boat.
哦. 这里更像南极了
Now, this is more like it.
是你们呀?! 哦, 天那... 人类哪去了? You?! Oh, ma... Where are the people? 日,我们需要特殊的战术上的设备 Rico. We'll need special tactical equipment.
We're going to face extreme peril.
We killed them and ate their livers.
Got you, didn't I?
开玩笑的, 洋娃娃 人类没出事啦 Just kidding, doll, the people are fine.
They're on a slow lifeboat to China.
嘿, 我认识你们俩 Hey, I know you two.
那头神经病狮子 和我们的黑白两色朋友呢?
Where's that psychotic lion and our monochromatic friend?
马蒂?他就...他去哪了? 他刚才还在我们后面的
Marty? He's righ... Where did he go? He was right behind us.
他跑回去找艾利克斯了 他那是去找死! He went back for Alex. He's going to get himself killed!
Well, boys, our monochromatic friend's in danger.
Looks like we have a job to do.
Captain's log: Embarking into hostile environment.
克沃斯基,我们要赢得当地人的信任和尊敬 Kowalski. We'll need to win the hearts and the minds of the natives.
Private probably won't survive.
艾利克斯!.出来,艾利克斯! Alex! Come out, Alex!
The boat's here! We can go home!
艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! 艾利克斯!
Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!
艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! 艾利克斯!
Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!
艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! Alex! Alex! Alex!
艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! 艾利克斯! Alex! Alex! Alex!
艾利克斯! Alex!
艾利克斯! Alex!
马蒂?. Marty?
快出来吧,艾利克斯 船回来了 我们可以离开这里了 Snap out of it, Alex. The boat came back. We can get out of here.
我们可以回到文明的社会里了 而且一切又会像原来一样
We can go back to civilization, and everything will be like it used to be.
快回去吧! Stay back.
别这样啊 Please.
我是只怪物 I'm a monster.
艾利克斯, 你不是怪物 你是我的朋友 Alex, you're no monster. You're my friend.
咱们是搭档 你和我,还记得吗?
We're a team. You and me, remember?
I don't want to hurt you.
艾利克斯 Alex.
I ain't leaving without you.
艾利克斯? 我想起了一首歌
Alex? I'm thinking of a song.
一首非常好听的歌 你一定熟悉的
It's a wonderful song. I'm sure you're familiar with it.
Start spreadin' the news
I'm leaving today
We are a great big part of it
快点啦, 你知道歌词的 两个很简单的词 Come on, you know the words. Two little words.
请不要让我一个人独唱 Please don't make me sing this by myself.
You really don't want to hear me sing this by myself.
艾利克斯? 你能出来一下吗?
Uh, Alex? Could you come out here for a minute?
艾利克斯, 嘿,帮点忙吧 Hey, Alex, a little help.
救我! Help me!
艾利克斯! 救命呀! Alex! Help!
救我! 有人吗.救命呀! 有人在吗!
Help me! Anybody, help me! Somebody!
救命! Help!
- 麦尔曼?. -没事了,宝贝
- Melman? - That's right, baby.
快跑! Run!
- 怎么跑? - 就这么跑
- What's the plan? - This is the plan.
-马岛獴 饿了 -马岛獴要吃东西 - Fossa hungry. - Fossa eat.
This is the plan?
马岛獴 停下来了 Fossa halt.
马岛獴 喔喔. Fossa ooh.
马岛獴 啊啊. Fossa aaahh.
马岛獴 喔喔. Fossa ooh.
马岛獴 啊啊. Fossa aaahh.
过来, 吃它
Come and get it.
马岛獴. Fossa.
- 马岛獴! - 来点这个 - Take that. - Fossa ow!
There's too many of them, skipper.
It's been a real pleasure serving with Mine.
我的猎物 My kill.
They're all mine.
这是野兽之王! 哦,不!
It's the king of the beasts! Oh, no!
you boys.
艾利克斯?. Alex?
那是我的猎物 That's my kill.
是我的 Mine.
艾利克斯 饿了 Alex hungry.
艾利克斯 要吃东西 Alex eat.
该上演好戏了 It's showtime.
Thanks for not giving up on me.
伙计, 你差点把我吓出心脏病 你不要这样蹑手蹑脚地就过来呀
Man, you almost gave me a heart attack. You can'tjust come sneak up on me.
就是因为你是一头狮子... 让我走.让我走 Just because you're a lion... Let go of me. Let go of me.
我们要离开这里了 伙计们,跟着我走这里 We're getting out of here. Guys, just go with me on this.
就像我说的,该表演的时候了 Like I said, it's showtime. 我的
-别吃我! -他又壮又可怕!
- Don't eat me! - He's big and scary!
吓死我了, 野蛮程度远远超出我的想象 Fear me! Savagery beyond comprehension.
- 我还年轻,不想死! -你是只怪物! 怪物, 我说!
- I am far too young to die! - You're a monster! A monster, I say!
-还有,你! -我? - And, you! - Me?
哦, 你们想来点吗? 哦! 最好去逃命吧 Oh, you want some of this? Ooh! You better run for your lives.
-快报警! -他是个疯子!
- Somebody call a cop! - He's psychotic!
这是我的地盘 明白?
This is my territory. Understand?
我再也不希望看到你出现在我的地盘上 I never, ever want to see you on my turf again.
(嘘声) Boo.
好啊! 狮子!
Yeah! You the cat!
我的孩子又回来了! Got my boy back!
我成功了! I did it!
给我点爱! 计划成功了! 计划成功了! 我真是聪明!
Give me some love! The plan worked! The - And? - Well?
相当不错, 对吗? plan worked! I'm very clever!
我就是那个聪明人, 宝贝! 快点 该表演机器人的时候了
I'm the one, baby! Come on. Time to robot.
I am very clever king.
我是个超级天才 I am super genius.
我是机器人国王, 控制猴子的世界
I am robot king of the monkey things.
-计算机,计算机 -中午吃什么?
- Compute, compute. - So, what's for lunch?
-闭上眼睛 -为什么非得闭呢?
- Close those eyes. - Why do I have to?
-照着做 -闭上了
- Do it. - They're closed.
-再紧点 -是,先生
- Tighter. - Yes, sir.
-不许偷看 -闭上了
- No peeking. - They're closed. 瑞可 Rico. 嗨 Hai.
Open that hatch.
洞里着了火. 现在嚼吧
Fire in the hole. Now chew.
认真的咀嚼 慢慢享用吧
Chew like you mean it. Savor it.
-然后? -好的?
Pretty good, right?
There's always Plan B.
This is better than steak.
I love it. I love it!
The kitty loves the fishy.
好了, 我提议大家举杯 Well, I propose a toast.
现在, 也许有时他屁股还会疼...
Now, he may be a pain in the butt at times...
但是相信我, 我知道 And trust me, I know.
这只猫毫无疑问地想我证明了 But this cat proved to me without a doubt
that his heart is bigger than his stomach.
-敬艾利克斯 -敬艾利克斯 - To Alex. - To Alex.
够了! 停一下吧! Enough! Stop it!
你觉得如何? 我们还要回到纽约去吗?
What do you think? Should we head back to New York?
我不知道,我是说 这是你的梦想 I don't know. I mean, this is your dream.
You sure you want to leave?
I don't care where we are.
只要我们在一起 在哪都行
As long as we're together, it doesn't matter to me.
Well, in that case...
你, 瑞可 我要定300个再走
Yo. Rico. I'll take 300 orders to go.
-再见,小毛绒桶! -你们为我们做的一切! - Bye, little fuzzbuckets! - Thanks for everything!
-再见 -再见了
- So long! - Bye-bye, now.
-再来啊 -再见
- Arrivederci. - Bye-bye.
嗨 Hai.
但是在你们走之前 我有个事情要宣布 But before you leave, I have an announcement to make.
所以请大家安静一下 So shut up, everyone, please. Thank you.
After much deep and profound brain things inside my head,
I have decided to thank you
for bringing peace to our home.
还有, 为了让你们不难受 And to make you feel good,
我要给你们这件可爱的告别礼物 I'm going to give you this lovely parting gift.
不, 我不能,真的 我不能拿你的王冠 No, I couldn't. Really, I can't take your crown.
没关系 我还有个更大的
That's okay, I've got a bigger crown.
It's got a gecko on it.
看他发抖的 走, 走!
Look at him shake. Go, Stevie, go!
-再见! -回见,鳄鱼 - Toodle-oo! - See you later, crocodile.
莫里斯, 我胳膊累了 你帮我挥 Maurice, my arm is tired. Wave it for me.
快点, 你这淘气的小猴子
Faster, you naughty little monkey.
等我们回到纽约 就正直寒冬时节 By the time we get back to New York, it'll be the middle of winter.
所以我就在想,为什么要着急回呢? So I was just thinking, why rush?
也许我们可以在回去的路上小停几站 Maybe we could make a few side stops along the way.
-也许去趟巴黎 -我也这么想的
- Maybe Paris. - You just read my mind.
-我还想去西班牙 -和公牛赛跑
- I was thinking Spain. - Run with the bulls.
-斐济如何? -可不可以去趟,加拿大
- What about Fiji? - Canada. Can we?
药很便宜 Cheap meds.
I wouldn't even mind coming back here sometime.
- 我也会的 - 我举双手赞同
- I could do that. - You could say that again.
-老大... -我一直想去澳大利亚
- Skipper? - I always wanted to go to Australia.
Don't you think we should tell them that the boat's out of gas? 不要 Nah.
就保持微笑, 挥手, 孩子们 挥手微笑 Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.
马达加斯加 -=结束=-