• 考研作文预测专区 考研作文预测题目 代沟 手机控 整容热 人口问题 社会公德 资源浪费 性别歧视 压力过大 交通拥堵 低碳生活 地震与爱心 雾霾与环保 网课——网络课程 假冒伪劣——山寨 信任危机 2014考研英语作文预测:梦想和目标的意义 Dreams/ objectives 梦想和目标的意义 The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of our dreams/objectives. Definitely, no one can deny the importance of it. Our dreams/goals/ideals/objectives will prevent us from quitting easily especially when we are in great trouble. They will lead us to the destination we are eager to reach, bring out the best in us and stimulate us to remain firm in our faith. To further illustrate the importance of dreams/objectives, I would like to take Helen Keller as a case in point: how could she, a disabled woman who was born blind and deaf, finally be a world-renowned writer who wrote If I Had Three Days to See without her dreams to overcome physical limitations. Accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of dreams/objectives. furthermore, we must set up proper goals before we start to do anything and stick to it whatever difficulties we meet . “One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve. ” Paul Nitze once said. 1 2015考研英语作文预测之环保 文都教育 2014-11-25 14:48:34 考研辅导 考研资讯 考研英语 APEC结束不久,你对她的印象都有什么?是六天的假期,还是宽敞的街道?是地铁出行更加不便,还是很多旅游景点的封闭,抑或是随着APEC而来的越来越多的利好政策?不过你应该会听到过一个词——APEC蓝,如果你身在北京,那你更有可能切实地感受到它。其实,APCE blue虽然稍纵即逝,但是人们对美好环境的追求确实一直在进行中,考研英语作文一直都是贴合当今热点话题的,那么环保自然就成为了考研英语作文的热点之一,下面KK教授就给大家带来一些与环保有关的单词和句子,大家开背吧! 一、闪光词汇 wastebin 垃圾桶 plastic 塑料制品 environment pollution 环境污染 environmental conservation 环境保护 environmental legislation 环境立法 environmental reform 环境改造 recycl循环 energy saving节能 green house绿色环境 not polluted无污染 advanced technology新科技 二、闪光例句 In major cities, residents are expected to get around by foot, bicycle or use public transportation. 2 在大城市,居民应该尽量步行,或用自行车或公共交通工具出行。 We should continue initiating some constructive initiatives, such as Car Free Day and its like, in promoting green transportation and bringing about cleaner air. 在促进绿色交通和带来更多的干净空气方面,我们应该继续采取(initiate)一些建设性的措施(initiatives),比如无车日活动等等。 三、闪光参考范文 As is vividly depicted by the drawing above, a boy is sleeping soundly and comfortably in the sofa, with the television on, when his mother comes and turns off the television for him, blaming the boy for not having turned off the television again。 This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life. Many people are used to doing everything with the television on, not actually watching it at all. Such a habit can cause waste of much electricity and energy, and result in the emission of carbon. This deviates from the popular concept of “low carbon life” — to reduce the emission of carbon, especially carbon dioxide, to protect our environment and realize sustainable development. According to statistics, if we can decrease the time for havingthe television on by one hour each day, we can deduce the amount of carbon emission by 4. 71 kilogram each month。 3 To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must promote and popularize a low carbon life among the public from every detail in our daily life. We must change the past practice of sacrificing long-term environmental health for short-term rapid economic development, and shift to developing green economy, circular economy and low carbon economy. All these effective measures can help us to reach harmony between development of the society and health of the nature。 【写作点拨】 图片中一个小男孩,早已进入甜蜜的梦乡,电视却依然在播放,这时候妈妈走过来帮他关了电视,还责备他为什么总是忘记关电视。显然,直观看来,这幅图是在告诉我们要节约用电。但是,我们如果从更宏观,更深层次的角度去思考,这幅图正是在告诉我们一个流行的生活理念:低碳生活。所以本文旨在倡导一种低碳的生活方式,倡导环保的生活理念。因此本文的内容和结构可如下: 第一段:描述图画。作文一开始,要把图画中的内容大概描述清楚,快速准确地领会图画所要传达的内容; 第二段:列举现象,分析影响。接着,分析这种现象产生的原因,会带来什么样的危害; 第三段:建议措施,展望未来。最后,提出解决问题的方法,例如低碳生活要采取什么样的措施,我们作为普通人应该如何从一点一滴做起等。 通过今天的学习,相信大家对环保这一话题有了一定了解,其实不管是改革发展带来的阵痛还是复习考研这一段的迷茫,记住里尔克的一句话:Where there is what victory, stand mean everything!哪里有什么胜利可言,挺住意味着一切 ! 4 历年考研英语作文话题预测 2014-09-11 16:25 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 一、考研作文十大重点话题预测: 1. 人口问题 2. 西部大开发 3. 网络和双刃剑(金钱,阳光) 4. 成功,梦想和现实 5. 职业选择和规划/高分低能 6. 洋节和传统节日 7. 神七上天和嫦娥奔月 8. 地震与爱心 9. 奥运举办 10. 抄袭与诚信 补充题目:伪劣商品;食品安全;抄袭与诚信;乱收费(因果:因:法律制度不完善,部分人只顾自己利益,忽视学生利益; 果:为社会,个人带来不良后果和巨大压力)节俭与压力;心理问题;交通阻塞。 二、考研作文预测六大话题: 以下六大话题搜集,是在充分研究2011年全年大事记的前提下,严格遵守以上两大命题思路所作出的预测,具体的范文会陆续在我的元旦押题班中发布,请大家引起足够重视! 1. 漫画“瞎子摸到了真象”—— 影射国际对于中国认识的前后变化。 2. 漫画“相互推卸责任”—— 影射食品安全事件中的社会责任感和道德感缺失。 3. 漫画“股市大跌”—— 影射投机心态不可有,脚踏实地才是出路。 4. 漫画“地震中用自己身躯保护学生的好老师”—— 影射灾难事件中人性的光辉。关于灾难,此命题切入点还有可能为保持乐观心态。 5.漫画“把我整成**明星的样子”—— 影射整容现象以及山寨现象。 三、考研写作六大话题: 考研作文热点:次热门话题 ★健康:考过两次——96年提纲作文、97年图表作文。 ★两代关系:考过3次——92年(代沟问题)、03年(温室花朵经不起风雨)、05年(养老足球赛)。 ★爱心:考过3次——95年(希望工程)、01年(希望是一盏灯)、06年小作文(给希望工5 程写信请求捐款)。 ★环境:考过3次——99年图表作文(保护野生动物)、2000年图画作文(保护海洋资源)、09年小作文(限制使用塑料袋)。 ★青年面对社会:考过4次——03年(温室花朵经不起风雨)、04年(终点又是新起点)、07年(自信)、08年。 ★文化:考过5次 1、流行文化:考过3次——93年(电视广告)、06年(偶像崇拜)、09年(网络)。 2、文化交流、文化融合:考过2次——02年(美国小女孩穿中国服装)、10年(文化火锅)。 预测、素材模板及指导 2014考研英语作文预测话题:“网络的两面性” 核心词组: internet 互联网 wide-open web 开放的网络世界 information 信息 knowledgeexplosion 知识爆炸 search engine 搜索引擎 releaseinformation 发布信息 informationscreening 信息甄别 surf theinternet 网上冲浪 mislead 误导 6 online games 网络游戏 (The picture and the first paragraph are omitted.) The implication implicit in the drawing can be elaborated as follows. On the one hand, the Internet has provided us with great convenience and efficiency. For example, we can get knowledge about nearly all aspects on the Internet with only several keyboard commands and a few clicks of the mouse through search engines. On the other hand, with an explosive amount of information on the Internet it can be difficult to tell good information from bad. For example, teenagers and adolescents may mistake the bad information online as good, the result of which can be rather devastating. In addition, some dirty information such as obscene and violent contents on the net may exert negative impacts on people. Based on what is analyzed above, on the one hand, it is important for us to take full advantage of Internet to enhance our efficiency and save our time. On the other hand, effective steps should be taken to educate people to avoid and elude inappropriate and even wrong data online so as not to be misguided. Only in this way can the net better serve for our life, study and work。 7