发明人:TOMLINSON, Martin,BRAMWELL, John申请号:EP85902618.0申请日:19850607公开号:EP0183765A1公开日:19860611
摘要: A data stream is printed on a carrier by forming, from the data stream, asequence of binary symbols words controlling the level of modulation of the carrierduring respective modulation time intervals of. To produce the words symbols from thedata stream, it is first divided into a base bit stream (14) and one or more streams ofsecond bits (15). These secondary flows (15) are then subjected to an error controlcoding before being used to determine the least significant bits of the words symbols;the most significant bits are provided by the basic bitstream. Therefore, although theleast significant bits of the symbols transmitted words (IV, III, II, I) are more prone tospoilage caused by spurious signals that the most significant bits, this trend is offset bythe encoding of Error unused. The overall effect is to minimize the power requirementswhile maintaining a good bandwidth efficiency.
申请人:Devon County Council,TOMLINSON, Martin,BRAMWELL, John
地址:County Hall Topsham Road Exeter Devon EX2 4QW GB,The Coach HouseTristford, Harberton Totnes Devon TQ9 7RZ GB,27 Keaton Road Ivybridge Devon PL219DH GB
代理机构:Blatchford, William Michael, et al