


乌龙茶(oolong tea),亦称青茶、半发酵茶及全发酵茶,品种较多,是中国几大茶类中,独具鲜明汉族特色的茶叶品类。乌龙茶是经过采摘、萎凋、摇青、炒青、揉捻、烘焙等工序后制出的品质优异的茶类。乌龙茶为中国特有的茶类,主要产于福建的闽北、闽南及广东、台湾三个省

Oolong (oolong tea), also known as green tea, semi-fermented tea and fully fermented tea, more varieties, is China's major tea, the unique characteristics of tea Han distinct category. Oolong tea is, after picking, withering, rolling green, Roasted, rolling, baking and other processes in the system out of the excellent quality tea。Oolong tea is unique to China, mainly in the North of Fujian, Guangdong and southern Fujian, Taiwan and the three provinces of Fujian


White tea, is slightly fermented tea, Han Chinese farmers create a traditional tea. China, one of six major tea. The latter refers to picking, without fixing or rolled, only slow fire after drying or drying after processing tea. Minor fermented tea, Chinese tea is special treasures. Mostly because of its finished tea bud, full Phi Pekoe, such as silver snowy named


Yellow tea is our specialty. Old or young shoots according to the size of its fresh leaves are divided into yellow bud, Huang Huang tea and tea. Yueyang is the hometown of Chinese yellow tea
