
Automated optical detection of tissue perfusion by

2022-12-05 来源:爱go旅游网

专利名称:Automated optical detection of tissue

perfusion by microspheres

发明人:Clyde H. Barlow,Jeffrey J. Kelly申请号:US08/421799申请日:19950413公开号:US05682244A公开日:19971028

摘要:A method and apparatus for optical detection and imaging of regionalcirculatory flow in biological tissues for research purposes. An animal or plant organ isperfused with a saline suspension of colored and/or fluorescent microspheres. The organis excised and fixed in the form of a specimen block for mounting in a microtome or othersuitable apparatus. Under automatic control of a microcomputer equipped with a framegrabber, a surface layer of the block is removed, the resulting new exposed surface ofthe block receives a flash of illumination from a light source, and light reflected bycolored microspheres or, alternatively, light emitted by fluorescent microspheres, isdetected by a CCD video camera aimed at the block. Also under microcomputer control,light filters having suitable light bandpasses are interposed between the light sourcesand the block, and between the block and the camera. Video signals are converted by themicrocomputer into position coordinates with associated optical intensities from whichregional circulatory flow is computed and displayed on a monitor. The microspheres maybe segregated into batches each having a different permutation of a set of distinctcolors, such that an extended sequence of interventions may be conducted using alimited number of different colors.


代理人:Bennet K. Langlotz

