

2024-05-01 来源:爱go旅游网
7资讯 行业观察 ● 1 6 纺织企业绩效评价体系构建初探 Construction of Performance Evaluation System for Textile Enterpr i ses 20 生命周期成本分析在涤纶纺织品中的应用 Life—cycle Cost Analysis on the Appl ication of Polyester Texti Ies 24 中国纺织品服装在东盟市场的竞争力分析 Analysis on COmDetitiVeness of China S Texti les and Apparel in ASEAN 本期特稿 37 织造技术 :WI.I●翻‘:{州¨l【●¨●I● 61 喷气织机常见织疵的成因及解决措施 Analysis on the Causes of G0mmOm Fabric Defects on Air— Jet Loom 64 HMLS聚酯轮胎帘子布的织造生产实践 Weaving Practice of HMLS PET Cord Fabric 66 K-3000环保浆料取代PVA的实践 Appl ication of the K-3000 Size Substituting PVA Size 染整及纺织化学 口口 a 68 含氟多功能织物整理剂及其生态问题 Fluorine—contained Multifunctional Textile Finishing Agents andtheir Ecological Problem 
