


Nurse: The operation starts at 10 o'clock. But

you'll get an injection of anaesthesia about

30 to 45 minutes in advance. If your family

comes to see you before the operation, they

should come before 8: 30

Steven: Oh, I see. I will tell my wife. Thank

you for telling me so much

Nurse: It's nothing. Did your doctor explain

to you about what operation you are going to


Steven: Yes, of course. I am going to have

my appendix removed

Nurse: OK. Have you signed the consent?

Steven: Yes. Here it is











Do I need to have an operation on my right leg?我的有腿需要做手术吗?

According to the X-ray,your right leg has broken.从x光片来行来看,你的腿骨


The condition is serious; you need surgery.情況重,你要上动手术

She needs to do open- heart surgery.也要做个开心手术

Your father will have to be operated for his tumors.你父亲的脚得开力

Cancer usually requires surgery.癌症通常需要动手术治疗

I hope the doctors won't have recourse to surgery.我希望医生不要动手术治疗

We must operate on her at once.我们必知马上给她做手术

9 Will I need to have an operation?我需要动手术吗

o We will have to operate on her eyes.我们得给她的眼睛动手术

We have arranged for her to be operated on by the best doctor.我们已经安排最好的医生给她做手术


The doctors decided to operate on my daughter immediately.医生決定上给我女儿动手术

The surgeon will operate on my daughter for appendicitis.外科医生将为我女儿做阑尾切除手术

Please tell him to prepare the patient for surgery.请告诉他给病人做术前准备。

You must know you've been scheduled to have an operation the day after tomorrow.您一定知道,您的手术安排在后天进行

The operation starts at10o'clock.手术10点开始

But you'll get an injection of anaesthesia about 30 to4 0 minutes in advance.但是你得


If your family comes to see you bofore the operation, they should come by before you

get injections.如果您的家人手术前要来看您,就应该在注射以前来

Did your doctor explain to you about what operation you are going to have?您的医生


Have you signed the consent?你在手术同意书上答字」了吗?

I am going to have my appendix removed.我要做切除尾的手术

How long am I going to be in the operating room?我要在手术室里待多久

It will depend on operation procedures and your recovery from the anesthesia.


You're going to have general anesthesia.我们对您使用全身麻醉。

During the operation you will be senseless with the work of anesthesia.由于麻醉剂的


Youll find yourself back in your room after the operation.手术后你会发现自己已回到病房了

Your doctor has prescribed medicine to relieve pain.医生已经经给你开了止痛药

An anesthesiologist will visit you soon.麻醉师很快会来行您的


The nurse assisted the doctor in the operating room:护士在手木室协助医生动手术

The doctor left a sponge inside me when he did my operation.医生做手木时把纱布忘在我肚子里了

The doctor who is performing the operation is the director of this hospital.正在做手术的医生是这家医院的院长

Great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic.一定要注意保持手术室的无菌状态

The patient was sent to the operating room.这个病人被送进了手术室

She was in the operating theatre for two hours.她在手术室里经两个小时了

He was sweating blood while his wife was in the operating room.在手术内动手


The doctor perfoms operations with sterilized surgical instruments.医生用消过的外


She bent over the patient to start the operation,她俯身开始给病人做手术。

The gown a surgeon wears during an operation is usually green.外科医生在做手术时


The scalpels act a big role in the operation手术刀在手术中扮演着重要的角色

The patient died on the operating table.病人死在了手术台上

They will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is avallable.



Emy husband had his appendix removed last month because of appendicitis.上:个月我


I heard you went to the hospital for a few days to undergo surgery.听说你什院动手术了

Did the surgery go smoothly?F都利吧

I was really very, very nervous just before I had the operation, but the doctor gave me

an anesthetic and the next thing I remembered was waking up after the

operation. F: f


How do you feel after the surgery?手术后越觉怎么样?

My son regained his health after the operation.手术后我儿子恢复了健味

The girl is still recuperating from her operation.这个女孩动手术后仍在复中

The doctors operated on the patient but failed to save her life生给这位病人做了手


You can get a private doctor to operate on her.你可以找一个私人医生给她做于术

As anesthesia was unknown, the patient was rendered uncoerlous by means of a

blow on the head with a mallet.在麻术还没イ出现之前.医生给病人做手术,要用提体


A surgeon performed the intricate surgery that saved her hand.外科医生给她做


The doctor operated on her at once, and Susan was saved.医生立即给苏珊做了手


Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays.现在激光可以用来做手术

His father underwent a major operation last week.他父亲上周动了一次大手术

She underwent a three- hour heart operation.她接受了3个小时的心脏手术

Complications can happen dunng an operation or after.并发症可在手术中或之后发生

She still needed the second surgery and more physical therapy.她仍然需要第一次外

