Communicasdfsting with others is asdfs big problem in dasdfsily life. Some people asdfsre easdfssy to tasdfslk to oters, but some others not. When you wasdfsnt to tasdfslk to someone, firstly you should find some topics to tasdfslk asdfsbout, but the topics should not included the privasdfste,such asdfss asdfsge, masdfsrriasdfsge or wasdfsge. Secondly, pasdfsy asdfsttention to your asdfsttitude thasdfst do not masdfske others feel uncomfortasdfsble. Comfort is the basdfssic
communicasdfstion. to
pasdfsy Body
asdfsttention lasdfsnguasdfsge.
lasdfsnguasdfsge casdfsn trasdfsnsmit much informasdfstion, such asdfss your asdfsttitude, masdfsnners or something you do not reasdfslize. Finasdfslly, focus on your pasdfscing. Don't tasdfslk too fasdfsst or too slow.
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