

2021-04-12 来源:爱go旅游网
中国医学装备2020年1月第17卷第1期 China Medical Equipment 2020 January Vol.17 No.1


分离胶采血管对化学发光分析技术测定血清孕酮的影响王丹丹① 胡 灿① 刘 岩① 刘 勇①*

[文章编号] 1672-8270(2020)01-0017-04 [中图分类号] R446.1 [文献标识码] A

[摘要] 目的:探讨分离胶采血管对孕酮检测的影响程度,分析孕酮含量在普通血清采血管和分离胶采血管内随时间变化的趋势。方法:采集患者静脉血标本,分别置于普通血清采血管和分离胶采血管内,离心后采用免疫分析系统检测两种采血管内的血清孕酮含量,并根据孕酮含量的不同将其分为低值组(<10 ng/ml)、中值组(10~20 ng/ml)和高值组(>20 ng/ml)后保存在2~8 ℃条件下,并在第24 h、48 h和72 h重新进行检测。比较两种采血管对孕酮检测的影响。结果:两种真空采血管内孕酮含量在72 h内随时间变化无明显差异。两种管间孕酮含量在低值组(<10 ng/ml)中无差异,而中值组(10~20 ng/ml)和高值组(>20 ng/ml)分离胶采血管中孕酮检测结果低于普通采血管,其差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.580,Z=-2.667;P<0.05)。结论:孕酮含量在两种真空采血管内2~8 ℃保存条件下,72 h内可以均保持稳定,但使用分离胶采血管采集血液可使血清孕酮测定值偏低,不含分离胶的普通采血管中血清检测孕酮含量普遍高于分离胶采血管。[关键词] 普通采血管;分离胶采血管;孕酮;化学发光;分析技术DOI: 10.3969/J.ISSN.1672-8270.2020.01.005

The influence of blood collection tube with separation gel on detecting serum progesterone by chemiluminescence analysis technique/WANG Dan-dan, HU Can, LIU Yan, et al//China Medical Equipment,2020,17(1):17-20.

[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the effect of blood collection tube with separation gel on progesterone detection, and analyze the trend of progesterone content in two tubes with the change of time. Methods: Venous blood samples of patients were collected and were divided into common serum blood collection tube and blood collection tube with separation gel. After centrifugation, the serum progesterone content was detected by using immunoassay system. All of tubes were divided into 3 groups as progesterone content: low-level group (<10 ng/ml), median group (10~20 ng/ml) and high-level group (>20 ng/ml). And stored temperature of them were 2~8℃, and then they were retested at 24th h, 48th h and 72th h since the first detection. The effects of two blood collection tubes on progesterone detection were compared. Results: There was no significant difference in progesterone content with the change of time between three time point in each kind of blood tube. There was no significant difference in the progesterone content of low-level group (<10 ng/ml) between the two kinds of tubes, while the progesterone content of median group (10~20 ng/ml) and high-level group (>20 ng/ml) of blood collection tube with separation gel were significantly lower than these of common blood collection tube (Z=-2.580, Z=-2.667, P<0.05). Conclusion: Progesterone content is kept in stability in both tubes within 72h at 2~8℃, but the blood collection tube with separation gel can reduce the measured value of progesterone. And the serum progesterone content of common blood collection tube without separation gel is generally higher than that of blood collection tube with separation gel.

[Key words] Common blood collection tube; Blood collection tube with separation gel; Progesterone; Chemiluminescence; Analysis technique

[First-author’s address] Clinical Laboratory, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110004, China.




①中国医科大学附属盛京医院检验科 辽宁 沈阳 110004 *通信作者:liuy@sj-hospital.org

作者简介:王丹丹,女,(1980- ),博士,主管技师,从事临床生物化学及免疫学检验工作。



中国医学装备2020年1月第17卷第1期 分离胶采血管对化学发光分析技术测定血清孕酮的影响-王丹丹 等

适用性。为此,本研究通过比较不同类型采血管孕酮检测结果的差异,以及孕酮含量在普通血清采血管和分离胶采血管内随时间的变化趋势,探究BD367983型血清分离胶采血管对化学发光分析技术测定血清孕酮的影响。1 材料与方法1.1 临床资料

随机选取2019年2月在中国医科大学盛京医院妇科就诊的31例女性患者,年龄20~50岁,平均年龄(35±2.8)岁。采集患者静脉血标本进行血清孕酮检测。所有患者均签署知情同意书。1.2 纳入与排除标准


(2)排除标准:出现溶血、脂血或黄疸等可能干扰检测的标本。1.3 仪器设备

BD 367983型含分离胶血清采血管,含SST分离胶、促凝剂(美国BD公司);BD 367812型不含分离胶的普通血清采血管,含促凝剂(美国BD公司);贝克曼库尔特UniCel DxI 800型免疫分析仪及配套试剂检测血清孕酮(美国贝克曼库尔特公司)。1.4 研究方法


(2)孕酮测定:采集血液后静置凝集20 min,两管同时以3500 r/min,离心5 min,分离血清。使用免疫分析仪及配套试剂检测血清孕酮的含量,每个样本重复检测3次。随后立即置于2~8 ℃冰箱内封口避光保存,并在第24 h、48 h和72 h再次同时进行检测,每个时间点每个样本重复检测3次。

(3)分组情况:所有标本根据孕酮检测结果分为低值组(血清孕酮<10 ng/ml)、中值组(血清孕酮10~20 ng/ml)和高值组(血清孕酮>20 ng/ml)。1.5 统计学方法

所有数据分析均使用SPSS22.0软件进行统计学分析。对于孕酮在BD普通血清采血管和BD血清分离胶管中的含量差异,采用Wilcoxon符号秩和检验,对于孕酮在两种采血管中的含量随时间变化的趋势,采用重复测量数据方差分析,以P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。2 结果

2.1 两种采血管即时检测孕酮含量的比较


图1 普通血清采血管与分离胶采血管即时检测孕酮含量的比较

2.2 普通血清采血管中血清孕酮检测时间变化趋势

普通血清采血管内血清在2~8 ℃保存,72 h内孕酮检测结果无明显改变,检测结果显示,在2~8 ℃条件下,血清在普通血清采血管中保存72 h,低值组、中值组和高值组孕酮含量随时间变化均无明显改变,差异无统计学意义,见图2。

2.3 分离胶采血管中血清孕酮检测时间变化趋势

分离胶血清采血管内血清在2~8 ℃保存,72 h内


图2 普通血清采血管中血清孕酮检测结果随时间变化趋势


注:①图中A为低值组,B为中值组,C为为高值组;②于2~8 ℃保存72 h


中国医学装备2020年1月第17卷第1期 分离胶采血管对化学发光分析技术测定血清孕酮的影响-王丹丹 等



图3 分离胶采血管中血清孕酮检测结果随时间变化趋势


注:①图中A为低值组,B为中值组,C为为高值组;②于2~8 ℃保存72 h

孕酮检测结果无明显改变,检测结果显示,在2~8 ℃条件下,血清在含分离胶血清采血管中保存72 h,低值组、中值组和高值组孕酮含量随时间变化均无明显改变,差异无统计学意义,见图3。3 讨论

本实验采用UniCel DxI 800型免疫分析系统检测血清中孕酮的含量。在分析孕酮在BD367812型血清采血管和BD367983型血清分离胶管中的含量差异时发现,不同组之间实验结果不一致。在低值组,孕酮含量在两种采血管之间差异无统计学意义;而在中值组和高值组差异有统计学意义。低值组两管间孕酮含量差异无统计学意义,推测其原因可能为低值组样本本身孕酮含量低,BD367983型分离胶采血管中分离胶对其孕酮的吸收量也较低,导致孕酮在两种管间的含量差异无统计学意义。而在中值组和高值组中,BD367983型血清分离胶采血管中的分离胶对孕酮的吸收量高,使BD367983型血清分离胶采血管中孕酮的含量明显降低,导致孕酮在两种管间的含量差异有统计学意义。

而在比较BD367812型血清采血管或BD367983型血清分离胶采血管中孕酮含量随时间变化而产生的差异和变化时则发现,与说明书中提示的不一致,在两种血清采血管中,低、中、高值三组的孕酮含量在72 h内均无明显的差异和变化,表明在2~8 ℃温度下,孕酮含量至少能在普通血清采血管和分离胶采血管中保持72 h稳定,并未发现存在延迟吸收现象。但72 h后孕酮含量还能否保持稳定,还需要进一步实验来证明。4 结论

本研究实验结果显示,在2~8 ℃保存72 h,孕酮含量在BD367812型血清采血管和BD367983型血清分离胶采血管均保持稳定,但同一样本的孕酮含量在两种管之间差异有统计学意义。在临床的实际应用中,对于不孕、原发闭经等患者,其孕酮检测含量大多位于低值组,即<10 ng/ml,而在该浓度区间内两种管间孕酮含量差异无统计学意义,因此对于这类患者,


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中国医学装备2020年1月第17卷第1期 China Medical Equipment 2020 January Vol.17 No.1

一种酶液智能配比装置的研制黄向东① 洪范宗① 陈 浩①*

*[文章编号] 1672-8270(2020)01-0020-04 [中图分类号] R318.6 [文献标识码] A

[摘要] 目的:研制一种酶液智能配比装置,以控制酶液配比精准度,有效避免清洗医疗器械时产生污染。方法:采用STC15F104E单片机模块,实现一键全自动配比。传感器接收信号后通过单片机控制蠕动泵通断实现酶液智能配比,蠕动泵直接蠕动液管抽取适量酶液进入清洗槽,使整个配比过程简洁和高效。结果:酶液通过流量控制单元与蠕动泵的配合实现精准控制抽取,避免了酶液的浪费。手工加酶液的量与智能配比装置加酶液的量的平均值的对比,智能配比装置酶液的控制精准度高于手工配比10%。结论:酶液智能配比装置改变以往酶洗液医疗器械清洗消毒的工作流程,实现安全高效清洗,避免污染。

[关键词] 酶洗液;智能配比装置;污染;医疗器械清洗DOI: 10.3969/J.ISSN.1672-8270.2020.01.006

Development of an intelligent proportioning device of enzyme solution/HUANG Xiang-dong, HONG Fan-zong, CHEN Hao//China Medical Equipment,2020,17(1):20-23.

[Abstract] Objective: To develop an intelligent proportioning device of enzyme solution so as to control precise degree of proportioning enzyme solution and effectively avoid pollution that was generated in cleaning medical apparatus and instruments. Methods: Adopted STC15F104E single-chip module to realize full-automatic proportioning enzyme solution by one-key. After sensor received signals, the on-off of peristaltic pump was controlled by single-chip so as to realize intelligent proportion for enzyme solution. And proper amount of enzyme solution was extracted directly by the peristaltic pump and they entered into the cleaning tank through peristaltic liquid tube. The whole proportioning process was concise and efficient. Results: The enzyme solution could be precisely controlled to be exacted by the cooperation of flow control unit and peristaltic pump, and it avoided waste of enzyme solution. In the comparison of mean value of the amount of enzyme solution between manual operation and intelligent proportioning device, the precise degree of controlling enzyme solution by intelligent proportioning device was higher 10% that that by manual operation. Conclusion: The intelligent proportioning device for enzyme solution changes the previous working process of cleaning and disinfecting medical device by using enzyme solution, and it realizes safe and efficient cleaning, and it avoids pollution.

[Key words] Enzyme solution; Intelligent proportioning device; Pollution; Medical device cleaning

[First-author’s address] Department of Medical Equipment, The 909th Hospital of People’s Liberation Army Joint Service Support Force, Zhangzhou 363000, China.




①解放军联勤保障部队第909医院医学工程科 福建 漳州 363000*通信作者:553205283@qq.com

作者简介:黄向东,男,(1980- ),本科学历,工程师,从事设备维护与维修工作。

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