专利名称:Refrigerant distribution device and method发明人:Younglib Bae,Michael E. Heidenreich,William
G. Abbatt
摘要:A refrigerant distribution device situated in an inlet header of a multiple tubeheat exchanger of a refrigeration system . The device includes an inlet passage that is incommunication with an expansion device. Small diameter conduits are disposed within the
inlet header and are in fluid communication with the inlet passage . A two-phase
refrigerant fluid in the inlet passage has a refrigerant liquid-vapor interface . The conduitshave inlet ports that lie below the refrigerant liquid-vapor interface . Vapor emergingfrom the nozzles create a homogeneous refrigerant that is uniformly delivered to themultiple tubes. The invention also includes a method for delivering a uniform distributionof a homogeneous liquid mixture of liquid and vaporous refrigerant through the heatexchanger tubes.
申请人:Younglib Bae,Michael E. Heidenreich,William G. Abbatt
地址:Sicklerville NJ US,Olive Branch MS US,Dearborn MI US
代理机构:Hodgson Russ LLP