Normally we will set the hostname of a system during the installation process. Many peoples don’t care about this, and don’t change the hostname even if for
example this was set to something really stupid by the datacenter that installed the system (most likely they will set this to “debian” on any debian installation, etc).For me, it is important to see on each one of the ssh screens I will have open at any time a different hostname that is relevant and will give me quickly theinformation on what system I am logged in.
Change the hostname on a running system
On any Linux system you can change its hostname with the command ‘hostname‘ (surprised?)… Here are some quick usages of the command line hostname:
without any parameter it will output the current hostname of the system.
hostname --fqd
it will output the fully qualified domain name (or FQDN) of the system.
hostname NEW_NAME
will set the hostname of the system to NEW_NAME. This is active right away and will remain like that until the system will be rebooted (because at system boot itwill set this from some particular file configurations – see bellow how to set this permanently). You will most probably need to exit the current shell in order to seethe change in your shell prompt.
Permanent hostname change on Debian based systems
Debian based systems use the file /etc/hostname to read the hostname of the system at boot time and set it up using the init script /etc/init.d/hostname.sh
So on a Debian based system we can edit the file /etc/hostname and change the name of the system and then run:
/etc/init.d/hostname.sh start
to make the change active. The hostname saved in this file (/etc/hostname) will be preserved on system reboot (and will be set using the same script we usedhostname.sh).
Permanent hostname change on RedHat based systems
RedHat based system use the file /etc/sysconfig/network to read the saved hostname at system boot. This is set using the init script /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
So in order to preserve your change on system reboot edit this file and enter the appropriate name using the HOSTNAME variable.
Use sysctl to change the hostname
Why would someone need a different method of doing the same thing as above? No idea, but here is anyway: use sysctl to change the variable kernel.hostname:Use:
sysctl kernel.hostname
to read the current hostname, and
sysctl kernel.hostname=NEW_HOSTNAME
to change it.⼆、改密码
密码本来没有忘,⼀直ssh登录不上,想到改密码,改完才发现是系统没有启动。悲剧。 清空密码后,ssh⽆法登录,系统可以估计是安全考虑。shadow中的密码可以从已知的⽂件复制,⽐如你有⼀个已知密码的系统,把相应的字段复制过来即可。主要参考了:http://www.chinaunix.net 作者:bjchenxu 发表于:2009-01-1914:13:03中的以下部分:
⼆. grub
1. 在出现grub画⾯时,⽤上下键选中你平时启动linux的那⼀项(别选dos哟),然后按e键
2. 再次⽤上下键选中你平时启动linux的那⼀项(类似于kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 ro root=LABEL=/),然后按e键 3. 修改你现在见到的命令⾏,加⼊single,结果如下: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 single ro root=LABEL=/ 4. 回车返回,然后按b键启动,即可直接进⼊linux命令⾏ 5. #vi /etc/shadow
将第⼀⾏,即以root开头的⼀⾏中root:后和下⼀个:前的内容删除, 第⼀⾏将类似于
root::...... 保存
6. #reboot重启,root密码为空
⽹友 snail429 回复于:2002-11-15 14:48:36进⼊单⽤记模式
直接# passwd 就⾏了三、改开机画⾯
在ubuntu 10.10要修改为直接启动到⽂本模式,我完全参考的下⾯内容:修改/etc/default/grub
把GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash”改成GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash text”(即在GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT项的后⾯加上” text”),然后再运⾏”sudo update-grub”即可。ubuntu 10.04可以在各个模式间切换,按ctrl+alt+f2或着f6 f7
只是我去掉了splash换成text。开机进⼊tty1, 查看gdm服务没有运⾏,想切到X画⾯要开启gdm服务。四、查看进程、服务
使⽤root⽤户执⾏如下命令:service XXXX status
[root@svr28-69 ~]# service vsftpd statusvsftpd (pid 12520 12518 3545) is running...[root@svr28-69 ~]#
⾸先查看进程是否存在,如服务名为serv,使⽤以下命令:ps -ef|grep serv
如果你知道服务端⼝号的话,如8885,可以使⽤以下命令:netstat -an|grep 8885
后记: 许多东西随着我年龄的增加⽽变的⽆⾜轻重,懂了舍弃,懂了冷眼相看,还是不懂世故,还是那么幼稚,单纯,希望这个世界也像我⼀样就好了。好像写在这⾥有点不搭调,这确实是我的感受。继续努⼒吧!