
安全管理补充规定 (2)

2023-01-28 来源:爱go旅游网
Title: The Additional Regulations Of Safety Management 标题: 安全管理补充规定 Procedure No.: AIC/TR/MS/00/025 文件号:AIC/TR/MS/00/025 Date: 14/06/2012 日期:2012/6/14 Issue: 01 发行号:01 Rev.:00 修订号:00

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Position 职务 Signature 签字 Date 日期

Prepared By

编制 QHSE Head. QHSE主管

Reviewed By


Management Representative


Approved By


Managing Director


No. Of Modification 修订号 Section & Clause Modification 修正章节和条款 Date 日期 1 2 3 4 5

Title: The Additional Regulations Of Safety Management

Procedure no.: AIC//TR/MS/00/025 Issue: 01 Rev.: 00 Date: 14/06/2012 Page of

1. 目的:为了保障全体员工的身体健康,减少工伤事故的发生频率,对劳保用品佩戴的详细要求,规定中重点明确“谁生产,谁管理,谁负责”的安全生产理念,规范管理人员的管理职能,做到长治久安,确保公司稳定中求发展,特制订本补充规定。

Purpose: Ensure the body health of our staffs. Decrease the happening of injured. Define the details request of safety protection. Ruled safety production concept as “who take charge for production, who manage and take responsibility\". Standardize the management responsibility of management staff. Keep safety for long time. And ensure our company can develop in stable and good situation. Thus, this additional regulation is made.

2. 适用范围:公司范围内所有人员及需要佩戴劳保用品的场所。

Scope: It is valid for all the staffs of AIC that need to wear protection appliance in the workshop. 3. 定义:(无)definition (no) 4. 权责:responsibility

4.1公司所有部门严格遵守各项安全管理规章制度。 All the dept in AIC should follow this regulations strictly. 4.2材料部负责发放劳保用品。

Storage dept take charge of issuing the protection appliance


Wearing of safety protection appliance should follow the local management regulation. 4.4采购部和行政部负责按公司相关要求和规定,提前购置劳保用品。

Purchase and administration dept take charge of purchasing protection appliance according to related regulations and rules in advance.

4.5 QHES部负责安全文件的编制,劳保用品及安全事项执行的监督并奖惩提报。

QHSE dept take charge of the preparation of safety files, supervising&punishment&rewarding of safety appliance and safety issues.

5. 劳保用品:safety protection appliance 5.1佩戴劳保用品的工种与场所

Place and kind of staffs that need to wear safety appliance


Staffs that need wear goggles: grinder, drilling machine operator, lathe operator, miller, planer. Welder wear radiation protection goggles.


Staffs that need wear anti-acid and alkali gloves: galva pickling operator, flux filter cleaner. 5.1.3需要佩戴活性碳口罩的工种:焊工、打磨工、刨工、镀锌酸洗工。

Staffs that need wear activated carbon mask: welder, grinder, planer, pickling operator.


Staffs that need wear safety shoes: CNC plate line staffs, CNC angle line staffs, special process staffs,

Title: The Additional Regulations Of Safety Management

Procedure no.: AIC//TR/MS/00/025 Issue: 01 Rev.: 00 Date: 14/06/2012 Page of

galva staffs.


Staffs that need wear insulation shoes: electrician.

5.1.7需要佩戴耳塞的场所:打磨区域、木工加工区域;操作气动工具3米范围内区域。 Place to wear earplug: Grinding area, carpenter area, 3m area of operating pneumatic appliance. 5.2劳保用品的佩戴要求 request of wearing safety protection appliance 5.2.1公司每一位员工必须按规定正确佩戴劳保用品。

All the staffs in AIC should wear safety appliance in right way.


After receiving safety appliances, keep it in good situation and do not throw and scrap freely. 5.3劳保用品的发放与保管 storage and issue of safety appliance

5.3.1材料部按要求定期发放劳保用品。Storage dept issue the safety protection appliances regularly. 5.3.2劳保用品的领用,按“以旧换新”的原则进行。

The new appliances will be given by receiving the old ones.

6. 安全管理奖惩: rewards and punishment regulation of safety management


The punishment for breaking the regulations see below sheet. Direct management staff will be fined 50% of the penalty. Indirect management staff will also be fined 50% of the penalty. If the accident was reduced obviously and can avoid the happening of accident, also can manage well and follow the safety regulations strictly, the annual reward or various bonuses will be given. 6.2处罚细则 punishment sheet 第一项 第二项 第三项 第四项 序 stndrdth1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 行为描述号备注审诫 警告 小过 大过 remark description no 30元 50元 100元 300元 违反安全规定和安 1 全操作规范,月次数2-3次。Break safety regulations, monthly 2~3 times 未遂事件发生accident not happen 造成影响公司经营损失的,给予开除处理并赔偿损失 result bad effect and loss to company. Staff will be fired and 造成员工轻重伤事故,伤事故slight injured 情节较重heavy injured 重伤以上,情节严重extremely injured Title: The Additional Regulations Of Safety Management Procedure no.: AIC//TR/MS/00/025 Issue: 01 Rev.: 00 Date: 14/06/2012 Page of compensate for loss 随意挪动消防器材,或使用后未及时报告安全部门 Move firefighting 2 facilities without permission, or do not report to safety dept after using firefighting facilities. 灾害发生时,防止不力,处理不当3 when accident happens, reaction is not right and do not make all effort. 指挥违章作业4 guide work against safety regulations 不按公司规定使用各种劳保用品,违章冒险作业 5 Use any safety appliance or perform any work against regulations 发生happened 造成轻伤事故slightly injured 后果严重case is serious 发生happened 造成工伤injured 发生happened 情节严重case is serious 同上same as above 发生happened 二次以上more than 2 times 情节严重case is serious 造成公司严重损失的给予开除处理 Staff will be fired if any loss occurs. 经教育后仍不悔改的,给予开除处理after criticizing and no regret, staff will be fired. Title: The Additional Regulations Of Safety Management Procedure no.: AIC//TR/MS/00/025 Issue: 01 Rev.: 00 Date: 14/06/2012 Page of 已出现事故隐患,不采取任何措施,又不及时报告而发生事故 6 Find any accident potential and do not give reaction or report to company. Thus accident occurs, 发生happened 造成员工轻伤事故slightly injured 后果严重case is serious 经教育后仍不悔改的,给予开除处理after criticizing and no regret, staff will be fired. 7. 相关文件:reference

7.1《员工安全守则》 staff safety regulations

7.2《安全生产责任制度》safety production responsible regulations 7.3《安全操作规程》 safety operation regulation

7.4《防火安全管理办法》Fire prevention management regulations. 7.5《消防安全管理制度》Fire safety management regulations 7.6《灭火、疏散预案》fire extinction and escaping scheme

8.发行范围:营运部、技术部、技术QC部、技术QA部、行政部、财务部、IT部、镀锌车间、 计划部、销售部、采购部、设备维修部等。

Issue scope: operation dept, technology QC dept, QA dept, administration dept, financial department, IT

dep, galva shop.

9.附件:(无)appendix: no 10.流程图:(无)flow chart : no
