

2022-09-20 来源:爱go旅游网

镀前处理和镀后处理 1 镀前处理 preplating 2 镀后处理 postplating 3 化学抛光 chemical polishing 4 化学除油 alkaline degreasing 5 电抛光 electropolishing 6 电解除油 electrolytic degreasing 7 电解浸蚀 electrolytic pickling

8 浸亮 bright dipping 9 机械抛光 mechanical polishing 10 有机溶剂除油 solvent degreasing

11 光亮浸蚀 bright pickling

12 粗化 roughening 13 敏化 sensitization

14 汞齐化 amalgamation (blue dip)

15 刷光 brushing

16 乳化除油 emulsion degreasing

17 除氢 removal of hydrogen (de-embrittlement )

18 退火 annealing

19 逆流漂洗 countercurrent rinsing

20 封闭 sealing 21 着色能力 dyeing power

22 退镀 stripping

23 热扩散 thermal diffusion

24 热熔 hot melting 25 着色 colouring 26 脱色 decolorization 27 喷丸 shot blasting 28 喷砂 sand blasting 29 喷射清洗 spray rinsing 30 超声波清洗 ultrasonic cleaning

31 弱浸蚀 acid dipping 32 强浸蚀 pickling 33 缎面加212 satin finish 34 滚光 barrel burnishing

35 磨光 grinding 电镀常用名词术语 1 化学腐蚀 chemical corrosion 2 双电层 electric double layer 3 双极性电极 bipolar electrode 4 分散能力 throwing power 5 分解电压 decomposition voltage 6 不溶性阳极(惰性阳极) inert anode

7 电化学 electrochemistry

8 电化学极化(活化极化) activation polarization 9 电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 10 电化当量 electrochemical equivalent

11 电导率(比电导) conductivity 12 电泳 electrophoresis 13 电动势 electromotive force 14 钝化电势 passivation potential 15 腐蚀电势 corrosion potential 16 电流密度 current density 17 电流效率 current efficiency

18 腐蚀速率corrosion rate(vcor),腐蚀电流corrosion current(Icor)

19 电极 electrode 20 电极电势electrode potential

21 电解质electrolyte 22 电解液electrolytic solution 23 电离度degree of ionization 24 去极化depolarization

25 平衡电极电势equilibrium electrode potential

26 正极positive electrode 27 负极negative electrode

28 阴极cathode

29 阴极极化cathodic polarization 30 阴极性镀层cathodic coating

31 阳极anode 32 阳极泥anode slime 33 阳极极化anodic polarization 34 阳极性镀层anodic coating

35 迁移数transport number 36 超电势overpotential 37 扩散层diffusion layer 38 杂散电流stray current 39 导电盐conducting salt

40 体积电流密度volume current density

41 沉积速率deposition rate

42 初次电流分布primary current distribution

43 局部腐蚀local corrosion

44 极化polarization 45 极化度polarizability 46 极化曲线polarization curve 47 极间距Interelectrode distance

48 乳化 emulsification 49 应力腐蚀stress corrosion

50 析气gassing 51 活化activation 52 活度activity

53 标准电极电势standard electrode potential 54 浓差极化concentration polarization

55 钝化passivation 56 点腐蚀spot corrosion 57 配位化合物complex compound

58 复盐double salt

59 氢脆 hydrogen embrittlement 60 渗氢seepage hydrogen 61 界面张力interracial tension 62 临界电流密度critical current density

63 半电池half-cell 64 原电池galvanic cell 65 盐桥salt bridge 66 pH值 pH value

67 基体材料basis material(substrate)

68 辅助阳极auxiliary anode 69 辅助阴极auxiliary cathode 70 接触电势contact potential 71 晶间腐蚀intercrystalline corrosion

72 溶度积solubility product

73 溶解度solubility

74 微观覆盖能力microcovering power

75 槽电压tank voltage

76 静态电极电势static electrode potential

77 螯合物chelate compound 78 整平作用1eveling action 79 覆盖能力covering power 80 主要表面signiflcant surface 81 冲击电流striking current


1 化学气相沉积 chemical vapor deposition 2 物理气才目沉积 physical vapor deposition

3 化学钝化 chemical passivation 4 化学氧化 chemical oxidation

5 阳极氧化 anodizing

6 化学镀(自催化镀) autocalytic plating 7 激光电镀 1aser electroplating

8 闪镀 flash(flash plate) 9 电镀 electroplating 10 机械镀 mechanical plating 11 浸镀 immersion plate 12 电铸 electroforming

13 叠力口电流电镀 superimposed current electroplating

14 光亮电镀 bright plating 15 合金电镀 alloy plating 16 多层电镀 multiplayer plating

17 冲击镀 strike plating

18 金属电沉积 metal electrodeposition

19 刷镀 brush plating

20 周期转向电镀 periodic reverse plating

21 转化膜 conversion coating

22 挂镀 rack plating

23 复合电镀(弥散电镀) composite plating

24 脉冲电镀 pulse plating

25 钢铁发蓝(钢铁化学氧化) blueing (chemical oxide)

26 高速电镀 high speed electrodeposion

27 滚镀 barrel plating 28 塑料电镀 plating on plastics

29 磷化 phosphating


1 水的软化softening of water

2 汇流排busbar 3 阳极袋anode bag

4 光亮剂brightening agent (brightener)

5 助滤剂filteraid 6 阻化剂inhibitor

7 表面活性剂surface active agent(surfactant)

8 乳化剂emulsifying agent(emulsifier)

9 配位剂complexant 10 绝缘层insulated layer(resist) 11 挂具(夹具) plating rack 12 润湿剂wetting agent 13 离心干燥机centrifuge 14 添加剂addition agent(additive)

15 缓冲剂buffer 16 移动阴极swept cathode

17 隔膜diaphragm 18 整合剂chelating agent

19 整平剂leveling agent 20 整流器rectifier


1 大气暴露试验atmospheric corrosion test

2 中性盐雾试验(NSS试验) neutral salt spray test(NSS-test)

3 不连续水膜water break

4 pH计 pH meter 5 孔隙率 porosity 6 内应力 internal stress 7 电导仪 conductivity gauge 8 库仑计(电量计) coulomb meter 9 旋转圆盘电极 rotating disk electrode 10 旋转环盘电极 rotating ring disk electrode

11 针孔 pores

12 铜加速盐雾试验(CASS试验) copper accelerated salt spray (CASS test ).

13 参比电极 reference electrode 14 甘汞电极 calomel electrode

15 可焊性 solder ability 16 硬度 hardness 17 金属变色 tarnish

18 点滴腐蚀试验 dropping corrosion test

19 玻璃电极glass electode

20 结合力 adhesion 21 哈林槽 Haring cell

22 恒电势法 potentiostatic method 23 恒电流法 galvanostatic method

24 交流电流法 a.c method 25 树枝状结晶 trees 26 脆性 brittleness 27 起皮 peeling 28 起泡 blister 29 剥离 spalling 30 桔皮 orange peel
