

2022-02-23 来源:爱go旅游网

[我的听写] Sript [01:00.0-01:45.1]

Right, if everyone is here,let's begin.I'd like to start by welcoming you all to this first meeting of Bay Project

Management Group.As you all know,the purpose of this meeting is to dicuss the initial feasibility report which was completed last week. At the end of the meeting we should have a clear idea of how to proceed, But i'd like to hear what you all think befor we make any decisions decussions

As you'll see from the agenda,there are four items for us discuss.Inter In terms of timing i know you are all busy with other projets too,so i would like to finish by 3:30.

OK this first item on the agenda is overview the project plan, Alain, would you like to start?


Extract one

Welcome to ATM,here is Colorads and to what I am sure will be the begining of the major new alliance. Today our purpose is to deal with reamining obstacles to our collaboration, and we 've drawn up an agenda consisting of three outstanding issues

Extrat six

Right, Let’s get down to the business, this mouth, besides the usual reports we've got the important additional items on the agenda a new assessment policy assiment ? for the department. I suggest we take that at the end and try to keep mouthly reports as brief as possible. 2.3

Fred Conner is the project manager of Bay Project Management Group, He is now holding a staff meeting, Tim, Clock, and Teresa , all members of the project and they are presnet at the meeting.

Fred: Why don't you take a seat and get started. Are we all here?

Tim: I think Bill will be arriving a littler late.

Fred:Ok, there are a few items that we need to touch on at. If you have any questions and comments ,please ask as we go along and be go alone. Before we get started, I've like to introduce Teresa Cummings Teresan's coming to everyone. She'll be joining in ishould njoy in our company as a financial consultant fanancial constotant. Tersa: Hello.

Fred:Tersa, you 'll be able to talk with everyone during the a coffee break, right now i think we should find out how each of your projects is going. Tim, why don't we start with you? Tim: Well, we broke ground on the condominium project last week.. break grand and count milion project last week.

D. Listen and check Informal meeting:

Ok, why don't we take a seat and get started? I'd like to

wellcome you all to this meeting. As you know, we will here today to decide on a new appraisal system for the division the new persennel system for the devesion. I suggest we go around the table first to get some ideas,then we can discuss them

afterwards. And I'd liket to finish by 4 o'clock,if that's ok for you. So, marina, perhaps you'd like to start.

Formal meeting:

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like us to have a seat and begin. Ok, let's get down to business. It's pleasure to wellcome all of

you here today. The purpose perpous of this meeting is to discuss the possiblity of a joint venture John adventure between our two companies. As you will'll see from the agenda that you were will sent, there are 7 items that we need to discuss briefly. This meeting is due to finish at approximately do finished and ? by 5:00. So, I'd like to limit to each item to 30 minutes. So the first of the items on the agenda is Backgroud.

Sarah: Right then, Alex. Let's get down to business. On the

agenda today for our a public relations meeting are the research project, they reach the projext, the launch lanch of website, the timeline for press releases the timeline for ? and year award. Are you quite happy with those points?

Alex: Yeah, that's fine.If you could go through them in on order, that'd be great that will be good.

Alex: Ok everybody, thanks for coming. Let's keep this meeting fairly brief. Really Realy just a couple of things on the agenda. First of all, as you can see, the news on the book

re-launch relanch, and secondly, the office move, and finaly, we'll have a little bit of ? time for any other ? business. 3.2

Extract one

Connor: So there are four items on the agenda today, and unless you have any objections, any of you objections I suggest we take them to take them in order.

Suzanna: Um... If you don't mind, could we take personnel the personel first? You see, i've got to leave early today. And I

particularly want to be here to discuss dicuss the new promotion. Connor: Ok, Suzanna. I don't think that should would be any problem. Any other recommens about this agenda?

Tim: Well, There is one actually. I was woundering if there will be

a chance to discuss end of year bonuses bounces. You know,especially as specially what had happend last year?

Connor: Quite, Don't worry, It will come up under policy review. Tim: Good, I think it's important.

Connor: Let's get started with then. So, Let's start with personnel personel. Suzanna, would you like to kick off?

Extract Two

Connor: Right, I think that would covers promotion issues,unless anybody wants to add something. Anything else on personnel? No. So, Let's move on the second item, which is Finance. Righ Suzanna, you get off if you need to. Christine, have you got your usual monthly report.

Extract Three

Conner: So if that's everything on Finance, Let's leave it there and turn to the review of current policies. Let 's go to there and review policy. As Tim mentioned earier there is one issue which needs urgent attention. And that is end-of-year bonuses. Tim, would like to start to this one?

Extract Four

Tim: So, write up new policy and cirulated. So I'll write up a new policy and circulate it. Conner: Thank you Tim. Well, that's taken a bit longer than I expected aspect.So We can either continue one or two other policy issues, or carry on with the last item on the agenda.

Tim: Personally, I'd like to hear what Mario has got to say about new software.

Conner: Right, So is everybody in favor of moving favorit to move on the final item, information technology techology. 4.1


Sean:First of all, the book re-launch. I just wanted to remind everybody that we will be relaunching the fairy-tales range with new modern covers that we'll be relaunching the fair range with new model's covers And this will be and that this is going to

happen at the beginning of next month. It's important that's we get we've got this right. And there have been quite a few.... John: Actually, Sean, can I just ask you, sorry to hold the

meeting up. Can I ask you about those dates. Because I thought that this was that this's going to be on published the month after next ,and I understand that everybody has got their dates, but I do feel quite strongly that we're bringing this out too soon. that will bring this out too soon

Sean: Well, any other thoughts before I comment on them. Carrie: I don't think we've got any choice at all about it. If the radio programs are going out at the begining of the next month. We've got relaunch of this the book at the same time. If we're going to have any sales impact. sells on aspacted.


Marc: Anne, you know what you said about the Hillfields as a possible conference venue. Anne: Yes, I remember.

Marc: Well, it doesn't seem too cheap to me. The delegate rate is well over$100 the ? is over 100 pond.

Anne: Yes, I see what you mean. But I like to point out the overall package they're all offering. There are a lot of things included free of charge.

Marc: Yes, That's a good point. But it still seems rather expensive. I mean..

David: Can I say something here? There is alway the grange. I've been there several times and....

Marc: David, May I just finish? I was going to say that the overall cost per delegate at Hillfields is ten per cent higher than what we paid last year. was over cost ??at Hillfields at 10% higher than that we paid last year. David: Well, I still think the grange is worth considering. Anne: Yes, That's right, It's always a good idea to get some comparative quotes compatied quailits, but I don't think we'll about anything will do better anyelse. 4.3

1) I'm not sure I agree. Ok, It was a lovely location, but it wasn't very particale, I mean there wasn't really enough space for all of us.

2) I was going to say that it was just right sort of atmosphere saw automerfair, but one or two people perple complain about the long drive.

3) That's a very good point. And I think I've got just the a place for us. It calls Parview Part view. 4) Yes, That sounds very convenient. Now should we move on the question of rooms and facilities ? You said there that wasn't really enough bedroom accommodation con? last time.

5) Right, as I was saying as our see, we must have single or double rooms.

6) Look, let's leave it there for the time being. David, can you get it all down in on writhing and circulate it, and then we can make a decission at the next meeting. Right, let's move on.

4.3 B

Marc:So what do people think?

Anne:We go to the same place at last year. It was a beautifull space,

David:Just a moments, I'm not sure I agree. OK. it was a lovely location,but it wasn't praticale. I mean there was'nt enough space for all of us.

Anne: David, let's just finish the location it self before we come on the facilities. I was going to say that is just a sort of

atmospere. But one or two people complain about the long drive. And this year, We've got a lot of Eurpean colleague coming.

David: That's a very good point. And I think just the place for us, It called Parview.
