

第五章 Synonym(y):

1) two words or expressions with identical meanings

2) a word which has the same, or nearly the same meaning as another word E.g. He (a)hid/ (b)concealed the money under the bed.


1) words or expressions that are opposite in some component of their meanings (e.g., hot and cold).

2) a word which is opposite in meaning to another word


A relationship between two words, in which the meaning of one includes the meaning of the other word. (Eg The specific term, dog, is called a hyponym, and the general term, animal, is called a superordinate. Polysemy:

1) a phenomenon in which a word has two or more meanings that are at least vaguely related to

each other (e.g., a diamond is a 'jewel' or a 'baseball field') 2) (of a word) having two or more meanings

e.g., foot in: (a) He hurt his foot. (b) She stood at the foot of the stairs. Homophones(-phony)

1) words which sound alike but are written differently and often have different meanings (同音异


2) Two words that have an identical phonetic form but are each associated with an entirely different meaning (e.g., sail/sale) Eg :In English “soul” and “sole” Metonymy:

the use of a word to designate an object or a property occurring in an existential relationship with

the habitual reference of this same word. Eg :1. Which of you is the big mac? = 'the man/woman who ordered a big mac' Synecdoche(提喻法):

The use of a word in a broadened sense that includes the ordinary meaning as one aspect .(部分

代整体;整体代部分 ) Eg. The army were all excited.= the soldiers Analytic sentences

Sentences which are necessary true because of the meaning relationship between two words E.g. 1. My mother is woman. 2. The tiger is an animal. Synthetic sentences

Sentences the truth of which is based on what is happening in the world, not on what is

happening in the language. E.g. 1. My mother is a doctor. 2. The tiger is unhappy. Presupposition

1) the assumption or belief implied by the use of a particular word or structure

. 2) If X presupposes Y , Y is a prerequisite of X.  X: The queen of England is old.  Y: England has a queen.

What is utterance?

When a sentence is taken as something a speaker utters in a particular situation for

a certain purpose, it is utterance. E. g.

 “It is cold here.” 第六章 Deixis

Deixis is the phenomenon of using elements of the subject’s situatedness.  e.g.

 a. Look at that construes distance.  b. Look at this construes proximity. Deictic expressions: Person deixis: you & I Time deixis: here & there Space deixis: now & then

Three acts are performed in language use Locutionary act (发话行为,以言指事)

Illocutionary act (行事行为,以言行事) Perlocutionary act (取效行为,以言成事) e.g. “My bag is heavy.” Locutionary act

“telling the hearer that he is carrying a heavy bag.” Illocutionary act

“an idrect, polite request, asking the hearer to help her carry the bag.” Perlocutionary act

“a declining of one’s request for a help”

Maxim of Quality

Try to make your contribution one that is true. Do not say what you believe to be false.

Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. Maxim of Relation

Try to make your contribution one that is relevant. Maxin of Manner

Avoid obscurity of expression. Avoid ambiquity.

Be brief (avoid prolixity). Be orderly.

conversational implicature

When both speaker and hearer are aware of the violation, utterance/speech

becomes indirect and has resultant implcatures.
