Meaning pertaining to 属于,关于 pertaining to pertaining to
-ism -ist -itis -(i)um -ive
-let -ment
cardiac: pertaining to the heart 心脏(病)的
medical: pertaining to medicine molecular: pertaining to a molecule 分子的
pertaining to ciliary: pertaining to the cilia belonging to 睫毛的,纤毛的,毛状的
amylase: any enzyme that converts starch enzyme 酶
to sugar 淀粉酶
smallness follicle: a small bodily cavity or sac 小,少,贫乏,小气 小囊,(头发的)毛囊
auriscope: an instrument for examining the an instrument 仪器
ear (检查耳朵用的)耳镜
pertaining to laryngeal: pertaining to the larynx
喉的, 喉音的
condition; quality phobia: abnormal fear 恐惧,害怕 pertaining to toxic: pertaining to toxin
study of; name of a science paediatrics: study of children, their
development and diseases 儿科学
substance 物质 insulin:substance (hormone) produced by
the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas 胰岛素
process or condition alcoholism: excessive drinking of alcohol
which becomes addictive 酒精中毒
one who specializes in pharmacologist: a doctor who specializes in 精通于……的人 the study of drugs 药理专家
inflammation refers to a part in rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal passages ……部位的炎症 鼻炎,鼻粘膜炎
relation to a whole; related to endometrium: inner lining of the uter子宫与……相关 内膜 characterizes by antitussive: a drug that suppresses
coughing 止咳药
tiny; small droplet: a tiny drop 小滴 the result or product of an action development: thing which develops or is
being developed; action of becoming mature
resembling; like mucoid: resembling mucus
-ole centriole: the small dense structure in the
middle of the centrosome 细胞中心粒;中心体
-oma tumor; swelling refers to a doer dermatofibroma: fibrous tumor of the skin
-or/-er either a person or thing receptor: a sensory nerve ending that
responds to various stimuli感受器,受体
-ory characterized by; pertaining to suspensory: which is hanging down
-ose sugar fructose: fruits sugar found in honey and
some fruit 果糖
-osis abnormal condition onychocryptosis: abnormal condition of a
hidden nail 嵌甲
-ous pertaining to poisonous: pertaining to poison; also
containing poison 有毒的,分泌毒素的
-somes bodies ribosome: the body of nucleic acid核糖体 -um structure; thing; substance magnesium: a white metallic chemical
结构,物质 substance 镁(金属元素)
-y condition; act; process dystrophy: disorder caused by defective
nutrition or metabolism 营养不良
The following is a list of the most commonly used compound suffixes Suffix Meaning Example -algia pain; painful; condition arthralgia: pain in a joint 关节痛 --ase enzyme protease: digestive enzyme 蛋白酶 -blast embryo胚,胚胎,人类胚胎 hemocytoblast: blast cell 血胚细胞,原始
-carcinoma malignant tumor developing adenocarcinoma: malignant tumor
from connective tissue 相关developing from glandular tissue 腺癌 组织的恶性肿瘤
-cele protrusion; distention突出;膨esophagocele: abnormal distention of the
胀,延伸 esophagus 食管突出
-centesis surgical puncture 手术穿孔 paracentesis: surgical puncture of a cavity
for the aspiration of fluid 穿刺术
-capnia carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 acapnia: absence of carbon dioxide 血液二
-cide kill germicide: (substance) which can kill germs
-clast cell phagocyte:cell, especially a white blood
cell, which can surround and destroy other cells 噬菌细胞
-dynia pain glossodynia: pain in the tongue 舌痛 -ectasia/ expansion; dilation(膨胀,扩atelectasis: incomplete expansion of the -ectasis 张) lungs at birth 肺不张
little; small
-edema -emia -emesis -gen -genesis -globin -gnosis -gram -graph(y)-iasis -iatry/ -iatrics -lith -logy -logist -lysis -malacia -mania surgical excision or removal of gastrectomy: surgical removal of the
excessive accumulation of myxoedema: condition caused when the
serous fluid 水肿
thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone 粘液腺瘤病,粘液水肿
blood condition leukemia: any of several malignant diseases
where an abnormal number of leucocytes form in the blood 白血病
vomiting 呕吐 hematemesis: the vomiting of blood 咯血;
something that produced or pathogen: a microorganism or agent
prouduces capable of producing disease 病菌,病原体
production 生产 spermatogenesis: formation and
development of spermatozoa in the testes精子发生
hemoglobin: an iron-containing protein produced by erythrocytes 血红素
knowledge diagnosis: the process of identifying the
nature or presence of a disease through knowledge and examination
image; picture electrocardiogram: a graphic record of the
electrical activity of heart muscle or heartbeat used in the diagnosis of heart disease.
Abbr. ECG and EKG. Syn. cardiogram 心电图
process of recording electocardiography: the process of making
or recording electrocardiograms. Syn. cardiography 心电图记录
condition; state cholelithiasis: the formation of gallstones
情况,状况 胆石症
healing, frequently refers to a podiatry: treatment of foot disorders branch of medicine 康复,常足部医疗
stone cholelith: a gallstone; a stone formed in the
gallbladder 胆结石
the study of cytology: the science study of cells 细胞学 one who studies and treats urologist: a physician who specializes in the
practice of urology 泌尿科医生
breakdown, destruction hemolysis: the destruction or breakdown of
red blood cells with release of hemoglobin溶血
softening osteomalacia: softening of bone 骨软化 extreme compulsion or kleptomania: a morbid, uncontrollable
compulsion to steal 盗窃癖
-megaly acromegaly: a condition in which there is
an enlargement of the facial bones as well as those of the lungs 肢端肥大症
-metry/ measurement spirometry: measurement of the volume of -meter air inhaled and exhaled or the air capacity
of the lungs肺(活)量测定(法),呼吸量测定(法)
-odynia pain cardiodynia: pain in the heart region 心
-one parathormone: which regulates calcium hormone荷尔蒙,激素
balance among the blood, bones, and teeth甲状旁腺激素
-opia a defect in the eye眼睛的毛病 myopia: being short-sighted 近视 -opsy to view biopsy: excision of live tissue for
microscopic diagnosis活检
-osis morbid condition病态的 sclerosis: abnormal hardening 硬化症 -osmia smell anosmia: loss of the sense of smell嗅觉丧
-ostomy process of making an opening gastrostomy: surgical construction of an
into or a connection between opening from the surface of the abdomen 造瘘 into the stomach胃造口术
-oxia hypoxia: a low oxygen level or a lack of level of oxygen氧水平
oxygen in body tissues组织缺氧
-pathy disease; diseased condition ophthalmopathy: any eye disease眼病 -penia deficiency leukopenia: deficiency of leukocytes in the
blood. Syn. leukocytopenia白细胞减少症
-pepsia digestion eupepsia: good digestion 消化良好 --pexy a fixing or setting firmly in hepatopexy: surgical fixation of a displace
place by suturing 缝合固定 liver肝固定术
-phagia/phaeating; swallowing 吃,吞咽 dysphagia: difficulty in swallowing吞咽困gy 难 -phil attraction吸引,具有吸引力basophil: type of leucocyte or white blood
的事物 cell which contains granules嗜碱性粒细胞
-phobia fear xenophobia: irrational fear of strangers对
-plasia formation; development hyperplasia: overdevelopment or
enlargement of an organ or tissue增生,数量型肥大
-phonia voice dysphonia: difficulty in speaking发声困难 -plasm formation; growth or cytoplasm: jelly substance in the cell细胞
substance of formation 浆
-plasty surgical repair osteoplasty: surgical repair of the bone骨
preoccupation强迫症 giant
--plegia -pnea
thermoplegia: heat or sunsrtoke热射病 eupnea: normal breathing呼吸正常,平静呼吸
--ptosis a falling, the dropping or hepatoptosis: abnormally low position of
sagging of an organ器官下移 the liver肝下垂
-ptysis spitting分散 melanoptysis: spitting of the spleen黑色痰
-poiesis production hemopoiesis: production of blood cells 造
-rrhage/ bursting forth of blood 出血 menorrhagia: very heavy bleeding during -rrhagia menstruation 月经过多 -rrhaphy surgical sewing or suturing splenorrhaphy: suture of the spleen脾修补
-rrhea overflow hydrorrhea: watery discharge液溢
-(o)rrhexis splitting or rupture 撕裂,破amniorrhexis: rupture of the amniotic ac
裂,疝气 羊膜破裂
-sarcoma malignant tumor developing liposarcoma: malignant tumor containing
from connective tissue fat
-schesis a holding back; suppression of uroschesis: suppression of urine闭尿,尿潴
discharge阻碍;抑制排放 留
-sclerosis a hardening dermatosclerosis: hardening of the skin硬
-scope instrument for viewing stethoscope: an instrument for performing
medicate ausculation听诊器
-scopy process of examining visually hepatoscopy: examination of the liver 肝
-spasm involuntary contraction angiospasm: sudden contraction of the
muscles in a blood vessel血管痉挛
-stasis suppression; stoppage; hemostasis: the arrest of bleeding
control; arrest抑制,中止 止血,止血法
-stenosis abnormal narrowing of a duct laryngostenosis: abnormal narrowing of the
or canal管、道德异常狭窄 larynx 喉狭窄
-stomy surgical opening to the outside colostomy: surgical operation to make an
of the body造口 opening from the colon结肠造口术
-tention pressure hypertention: high blood pressure 高血压 -therapy treatment physiotherapy: treatment of disease by
physical means物理疗法
--tion process hospitalization: the process of being
-tocia labor; birth 生产 embryotocia: abortion 流产 -tome tool for incision arthrotome: instrument for cutting a joint
-tomy process of cutting into gastrotomy: incision of the stomach 胃切
stroke; paralysis 中风
-tropia turning 转弯,变向 esotropia: turning inward of the eye内斜视 -trophy nourishment or development dystrophy: disorder caused by defective
of an organ器官的营养、发育nutrition or metabolism 营养不良
-uria a condition of the urine(小便)dysuria: difficultly in passing urine 排尿困
-version turning eversion: a turning outward外翻,翻转 Here is a table of the most commonly used prefixes Prefix a-/an- ab- ad- acro- alb- amb-/ ambi- amphi-/ ampho- ana- Angio- ante- anti- audi- auto- bi- bio- brady- carcin- cata- Meaning without; not away from to; toward; near a point or tip white both both; both sides up; back again a blood vessel before against hearing; sound self two; twice living organisms生命体 slow carcinoma or cancer癌;瘤downwards; under; against; Example aphasia: the inability to understand written
or spoken words or to speak meaningfully失语症
abortion: expulsion from the uterus流产 adnasal: near the nose 近鼻的 acronyx: growing into the flesh嵌甲 albino: a person lacking normal
ambisexual、bisexual: (person) who is sexually attracted to both males and
famales 双性恋
amphicentric: beginning and ending in the same vessel起止同源的血管 anabolism: process of building up complex
chemical substances on the basis of simpler ones 合成代谢
angioma: benign tumor formed of blood
antenatal: during the period between
conception and childbirth 出生前的,怀孕期的
antidepressant: (drug) used to treat
audiometry: science of testing hearing听力
autoantibody: antibody formed to attack
the body’s own cells自身抗体
bicellular: two cells两室的 biochemistry: chemistry living tissues生物
bradycardia: slow rate of heart contraction,
shown by a slow pulse rate心动过缓
carcinogen: a cancer-causing substance致
cataract: condition where the lens of the
centi- co(n)- contra- de- deca- deci- di- dia-
dis- dys- echo- ect-/ ecto- en- endo- epi- ery- eso- eu- ex-/ exo-extra- hemi- hydro- hyper- hypo-
along with
one hundredth百分之一 with or together against removal or loss ten tenth
through; between; apart; across
reversal or separate bad; difficult; disordered sound
outside or outer in; within inside on; over red
inward; within(向内) good out of outside half water
higher or too much less or too little
eye gradually becomes hard and opaque白内障
centimeter: unit of measurement of length(=one hundredth of a meter)厘米 consanguineous: blood relationship血亲的,血缘的,密切的
contraception: prevention of pregnancy by using devices or drugs 避孕法,节育法 decaffeinated: (coffee) with the caffeine removed 脱去咖啡因的 decagram: ten grams 十克
deciliter: unit of measurement of liquid(=one tenth of a little)1/10公升 diglossia: a double tongue使用两种语言 diathermy: process of (treating) through heat
disintegrate: to come to pieces分解,破裂dysarthrosis: deformity or malformation of a joint关节变形
echocardiography: ultrasonography of the heart心回波描记,超声心动描记术
ecchondroma: benign tumor on the surface of cartilage or bone外生软骨瘤
enostosis: benign growth inside a bone内生骨疣
endocardium: membrane which lines the heart心内膜
epidermis: outer layer of skin表皮 erythrocyte: mature non-nucleated red blood cell红细胞
esotropia: turning inward of the eye内斜视eugenics: study of how to improve the human race by genetic selection优生学 exhale: to breath out 呼出
extracapsular: outside a capsule囊外的 hemiplegia: severe paralysis affecting one side of the body 偏瘫,半身麻痹,半身不遂 hydrocele: collection of watery liquid found in a cavity such as the scrotum阴囊积水 hyperglycaemia: excess of glucose in the blood高血糖症
hypokalaemia: deficiency of potassium in the blood 低血钾
in- in- infra- inter- intra- in or into
inbreeding: breeding between a closely related male and female 近亲交配
not incoherent: not able to speak in a way
which makes sense语无伦次
below or beneath infrapatellar: below or beneath the patella
between interlobular: between lobules小叶间的 inside intramedullary: inside the bone marrow or
spinal cord 髓内
into mal- bad or abnormal meta-
changes micro- very small mid- middle milli- one thousandth mis- error or wrong multi-
many noct- at night nona- nine or the nineth octa- eight odont- teeth onco- tumours oro- mouth pachy-
thickening pali-/ against; pathologic repetitionpalin-
病态的重复 introvert: person who thinks only about
himself and his own mental state性格内向的人
malfunction: abnormal working of an argan
metaplasia: change of one tissue to
microcyte: abnormally small red blood cell
midcarpal: between the two rows of carpal
milligram: unit of measurement of weight
miscarriage: spontaneous abortion流产 multigravida: a woman who is pregnant
and has been pregnant at least twice before 经产孕妇
nocturia: passing abnormally large quantity
of urine when asleep in bed at night夜尿症
nonagon: flat shape which has nine sides九
octan: every eight days八日热;每隔八日
odontology: study of teeth and associated
structures, and their disorders
oncology: scientific study of new gowths肿
orolingual: pertaining to the mouth and
pachysomia: condition where soft tissues of
the body become abnormally thick躯体肥厚
palindromic: (disease) which recurs 复发的,再发的
pan-/pant-/ all panto-
pancytopenia: abnormal depression of all the cellular elements of the blodd全血细胞减少症
para- similar to or near; changed or paralyse or paralyze: to weaken (muscles)
beyond so that they cannot function使麻痹,使瘫
pen-/ five pentosuria: excretion of pentoses in the penta- urine
per- through percutaneous: done or administered
through the skin经皮的,由皮的
peri- around pericystitis: inflammation of tissue around
the bladder膀胱周炎
pero- deformed or defective畸形有peromelia: congenital deformity of the
limbs 缺陷的
pharmaco- drugs pharmacology: study of drugs or medicines,
and their action, properties and characteristics药理学,药物学
pleo-/ too many pleokaryocyte: condition where a greater pleio- than normal number of cells in
cerebrospinal fluid多核细胞
pluri- more pluriglandular: pertaining to or affecting
several glands多线性的
pneum-/ air or the lungs; breathing pneumonia: inflammation of a lung pneunmo- 肺炎 poly- touching many organs polyphagia: condition where a patient eats
too much; morbid desire for every king of food 多食症,杂食症
post- after or later postprandial: after a meal 餐后的 pre- before of in front of premature: early or before the normal time
presby- old age presbyopia: an old person’s sight fails
pro-/ before or in front of prognosis: prediction of the outcome of a supin-/ lying on the back disease预测;预后 pron- bend forward quadri-/ four quadruplet or quad: one of four babies quint- five/fifth born to a mother at the same time四胞胎 radio- ray or radiation radiotherapy: treating a disease by
exposing the affected part to radioactive 放射疗法
semi- half semiptosis: the downward sagging of half
or part of an organ 轻度睑下垂
sub- super- syn- supra- tachy- tetra- trans- tri- ultra- uni- xen(o)-
above; extremely with; joint above; over fast four
across; through; beyondthree beyond; excess one
strange; foreign
submucous: under the mucous membrane粘膜下层的;粘膜下的
superalbuminosis: abnormal increase of albumin白蛋白过多
syndesmosis: joint where the ones are tightly linked by ligaments 韧带联合
suprarenal: (situated) above a kidney 肾上腺
tachycardia: rapid beating of the heart 心动过速
tetracycline: antibiotic used to treat a wide range of bacterial diseases 四环素
transmission: the transfer, as of a disease, from one person to another 传染
tricephalus: a fetus with three heads 三头畸胎
ultrasonics: the science dealing with ultrasonic sound waves 超声波学
uniglandular: affecting only one gland 单腺的
xenograft: a graft of tissue transplant
between animals of different species 异种移植物