

2024-04-24 来源:爱go旅游网


Middle Term Examination of Combustion (A)

考试时间(Date): 2010年4月26日 学号(Student No.):


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3 试卷共有8题,你要在120分钟内完成这次考试,先检查一下你的卷子,题目

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been translated in English. If there are any difference between Chinese and English, Chinese is for your choice.)




试 题

1. 己烷(C6H14)在干空气中燃烧,对于燃烧产物分析各组分干基组成的体积百分比为CO2为8.5%、 CO为5.2%、O2为3%,其余为氮气,试确定上述燃烧过程的空燃比A/F和当量比Φ?[13分]

Considering hexane combustion in dry air, the dry-basis compositions of the species in product are CO2 with 8.5%, CO with 5.2%, O2 with 3%, and the rest are N2. Please determine the air-fuel ratio A/F and the equivalence ratio Φ. [13 points]

2. 液态的丙烷在25℃下,用25℃的空气进行燃烧,假设燃烧完全,反应物和燃烧产物为理想气体,试求下述两种情况下理想燃烧温度:[14分] (1) 当丙烷在当量比条件下燃烧; (2) 当量比Φ=0.4的条件下燃烧。

The liquid Propane burns with air at 25℃. Assuming complete combustion and ideal gas, please determine adiabatic flame temperature under conditions below, [14 points]

(1) with equivalence ratio Φ=1.0 (2) with equivalence ratio Φ=0.4

3. 计算以下三个反应的化学反应速率,并对各反应速率的大小进行比较,假设反应温度1800K,压力101325Pa:[16分]

CO + OH → CO2 + H (1) H + H + M → H2 + M (2) O2 + M → O + O + M (3) 其中反应(1)和(2)的正反应速率常数为

k1f4.76107T1.23exp(70/T) cm3/mol-s k2f11018T1 cm6/mol2-s


k3r1.21017T1 cm6/mol2-s

混合物中具体摩尔分数为 χOH=4.0×10-3; χCO=2.0×10-2

χH=7.0×10-4; χH2=2.0×10-7;

χO2=3.0×10-2; χO=1.0×10-7; χN2=0.70; χCO2=0.10;



Calculate the values of reaction rate of three elementary reactions below, and compare them. The temperature is 1800K, and pressure is 101325Pa:[16分] CO + OH → CO2 + H (1) H + H + M → H2 + M (2) O2 + M → O + O + M (3) The rate coefficients of forward reactions of (1), (2) are given as,

k1f4.76107T1.23exp(70/T) cm3/mol-s

k2f11018T1 cm6/mol2-s

Meanwhile, the rate coefficient of reverse reaction (3) are given,

k3r1.21017T1 cm6/mol2-s

The molar fraction of the mixture in product are given as below, χOH=4.0×10-3; χCO=2.0×10-2

χH=7.0×10-4; χH2=2.0×10-7; χO2=3.0×10-2; χO=1.0×10-7; χN2=0.70; χCO2=0.10;


4. 如下图一个柱锥型的敞口杯中,液面始终维持不变,即x=0处半径r0=1cm,开口高度L=5cm,倾斜角度45o, 液体为苯(性质ρl=879kg/m3; MW=78.10kg/kmol; hfg=393kJ/kg;Tboil=353K),空气在管口掠过,系统的环境温度310K,质量扩散系数DC6O6-air为0.93×10-5 m2/s, 假设系统密度取液面处和开口端的平均,试确定: (1) 苯的质量蒸发速率;[9分]

(2) 与半径r0=1cm的等直径量筒相比,二者蒸发速率的比较。[6分]

Air, 310K x x=L r0 x=0 In a broad-opening cylindrical/conical jar like a figure above, the interface of liquid


benzene is kept at a position of x=0, where the radius at the interface are held at r0=1cm. The height from the interface to the top of jar are L=5cm,and the inclination is 45o. The properties of benzene include ρl=879kg/m3, MW=78.10kg/kmol, hfg=393kJ/kg and Tboil=353K. The air flows across the jar with a system temperature of 310K, the mass diffusivity (DC6O6-air) is 0.93×10-5 m2/s. The mean density of system is obtained by averaging the value at the interface and that at jar top surface. (1) determine the mass evoration rate (kg/s) of benzene [9分]

(2) compare the evaporation rate with a 1-cm-radius (r0=1cm) tube [6分]

5.假设一个微型燃气轮机为理想的全混流反应器,进行的是甲烷-空气混和物在当量比Φ=0.8条件下的燃烧,假设反应器系统内温度为1573K,如果系统压力为5atm(即5个大气压),反应器体积为268cm3, 甲烷的流率为0.005kg/s, 试计算全混流反应器内混合物的停留时间。[10分]

Assuming a micro-scale gas turbine as a well-stirred reactor, methane burns with air at Φ=0.8. The system temperature is 1573K, and the pressure are 5atm (i.e., 0.5066Mpa). The volume of the well-stirred reactor is 268cm3. The flow rate of methane is 0.005kg/s. Please determine the residence time of mixture in this well-stirred reactor. [10分]

6. 对于多组分扩散,其物理基础来自组分i的动量变化率的方程,

NDvpiZijmij(vj,diffvi,diff)Yifi YiDtj1(1) 试说明方程中每项的表达物理意义,并解释所有符号的含义。[7分]

(2) 表征浓度扩散的Stefan-Maxwell公式


N,  i 1,2,N......,


As for the multi-component diffusion, its physical bass are built on the momentum changing rate of species i as below,

NDv YipiZijmij(vj,diffvi,diff)Yifi

Dtj1(1) please explain the physical meaning of each term or symbol in the above

equation [7 points]

(2) the Stefan-Maxwell equation representing the diffusion due to concentration


difference (as below)

iijvj,diff,vi,diff, i1,2,......,Nj1Dij

Nare just derived from the momentum equation in (1), please clarify what does Dij

in the Stefan-Maxwell represent among binary diffusivity or multi-component diffusivity. [3 points]

7. 根据燃烧理论课程所学知识,尝试搭建一个标准的柱塞流(Plug-flow)反应器系

统,假设某一关键组分的质量扩散系数为8×10-5 m2/s, 同时假定反应主要发生在2mm的狭窄区内,尝试分析该反应器的气流流速在什么样的条件下,才能保证系统满足柱塞流反应器的假设。[10分]


The knowledge during combustion study is helpful to build a standard plug-flow reactor. Assuming the mass diffusivity of the key species is 8×10-5 m2/s. It is assumed that the reaction mainly occurs within a narrow zone with a length of 2mm. Please determine the proper condition for mixture velocity to ensure the basic assumption of plug flow reactor. [10 points]

Clue:the maximum gradient of the species concentration exists in thin reaction zone

8. 在火箭燃烧室产物中含有H原子和OH游基, 其浓度均为4×10-6mol/cm3,温度为3000K,总气体浓度为4×10-4mol/cm3。若这些气体是在1000K的温度下从燃烧室排出(此时H2O基本上不再离解), 此时气体密度是燃烧室内气体密度的1/20,若排气以3000m/s的速度流动,试计算在下游中多远的地方能测出H和OH已有99.9%再化合。假设除H+OH+MH2O+M外(k=1016cm6/mol2s, 且与温度无关), 不考虑其他任何的再化合反应。[12分]

(There are H radicals and OH radicals in the combustor of rocket. The concentrations of H and OH are same as 4×10-6mol/cm3. The temperature of the combustor is 3000K. The total gas concentration is 4×10-4mol/cm3. The gas exits the combustor at the temperature of 1000K, where the formed H2O does not dissociate. The density of the exit gas is about 1/20 of the density of the gas in combustor. Please determine the distance of the gas flow from the exit to the point of the downstream where H and OH recombined to 99.9%. The velocity of exit gas is about 3000m/s. Assume that only the recombine reaction takes place: H+OH+MH2O+M and k=1016cm6/mol2s and k is independent of temperature.) [12分]

