


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、One point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides.(集中的一点是气管和支气管分叉的地方。)

2、Objective:To provide the applied anatomic basis for CT demonstration in left lower lobar bronchus.(目的:为左肺下叶支气管的CT显示提供应用解剖学基础。)

3、The artificial bronchus was made up of biological material strengthened by a stent.(这个人造支气管是用移植片固定模加固的生物材料制成的。)

4、It was easy to confuse with hilar lung cancer, polyp of bronchus and asthma.(易与中心型肺癌、支气管息肉、哮喘等混淆。)

5、In the hilum is a small yellow tan granuloma in a hilar lymph node next to a bronchus.(在肺门淋巴结靠近支气管处有一个小块黄褐色肉芽肿。)

6、Methods The clinical material of 18 cases of traumatic rupture of bronchus after chest trauma was analyzed retrospectively.(方法回顾性分析18例创伤性气管、主支气管断裂病人的临床资料。)

7、Lung and bronchus pouring methods were adopted.(肺支气管灌流法进行试验。)

8、Objective To understand status quo of family nursing of child bronchus asthma.(目的了解支气管哮喘患儿家庭护理现状。)

9、Here is an Aspergillus fungus ball in a dilated bronchus.(可见扩张支气管内的曲霉菌真菌球。)

10、Because of the anatomical difference, the foreign bodies usually saw in right lower lobar bronchus.(由于存在着解剖上的差异,右下叶支气管异物较左侧的多。)

11、Objective To evaluate the clinical application of MSCT in bronchus foreign body aspiration.(目的探讨多层螺旋CT诊断气管、支气管异物的临床应用价值。)

12、Objective to study histopathological characteristics of epithelial - myoepithelial tumor of the bronchus and its differential diagnosis.(目的探讨支气管上皮-肌上皮瘤的病理组织学特点、诊断及鉴别诊断。)

13、Objective To study the effects of natural moxibustion therapy in bronchus asthma.(目的研究天灸疗法治疗支气管哮喘的疗效。)

14、They then took samples of Ms Castillo's other bronchus and also her bone marrow and grew them as cell cultures.(他们在Castillo的其他气管取了一些样本,并从她的骨髓中取了一些样品作为细胞培养物。)

15、Results:19 cases of primary syndrome 32 cases of bronchus lymphoid tuberculosis, 7 cases have not the typical model.(结果:原发综合征19例,支气管淋巴结核32例,其它不典型征象7例。)

16、Bronchiole — Small branch of the bronchus that carries air to and from the alveoli.(细支气管——支气管的细小分支,输送空气进出肺泡。)

17、Results:Trachea and bronchus laceration were caused by injury.(目的:提高对气管、支气管裂伤的认识。)

18、While the bronchus asthma has been medicated, some medicine could aggravate the myocardial cell damage, such as the adrenaline.(某些支气管哮喘治疗药物的使用可加重心肌细胞的损害,如肾上腺素的使用。)

19、Objective To review the experience in surgical treatment for tumors of trachea, carina and main bronchus.(目的总结气管、隆凸主支气管肿瘤手术治疗经验,探讨合理的手术方法及治疗措施。)

20、by loosening the muscles of the bronchus' air passages to the lungs, theobromine may also help alleviate the symptoms of asthma.(可可碱还能放松连接肺部的支气管道上进气通道的肌肉,或许帮助减轻哮喘病症。)

21、Objective to evaluate diagnostic value of ct coronal scan to foreign body in bronchus of children.(目的探讨ct冠状位扫描对小儿支气管异物的诊断价值。)

22、Bronchoscopy revealed that there were nodules in the bronchus.(支气管镜检查示支气管内多发结节。)

23、Results Multi-slice helical CT show all 14 foreign bodies, included 8 in trachea, 4 in left main bronchus, 2 in right main bronchus.(结果14例患者中,多层螺旋ct均直接显示气道异物。其中:气管异物8例,左主支气管异物4例,右主支气管2例。)

24、A medical team at Bobigny hospital in Paris removed a patient's cancerous growth, and then gave him an artificial airway, or bronchus.(巴黎博比尼医院的一个医学研究小组切除了一个病人癌变组织,随后给予病人人工气道及支气管。)

25、Purpose:To discuss the treatments for lung cancer which involved carina of the bronchus and its complications.(前言:目的:探讨支气管肺癌侵犯叶支气管以上及隆凸的手术适应证和并发症。)

26、The bronchi were supplied by the branch of bronchus coming from the common carotid artery.(分布于肺外支气管的动脉有由颈总动脉发出的支气管支。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


