造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、The weather is very changeable at the moment.(现时天气变化无常。)
2、The weather of this island country is so changeable that the weather report is rarely correct.(这个岛国的天气变化无常,天气预报很少有准确的时候。)
3、Most parts of the country enjoy ample sunshine and rainfall, although the weather is rather changeable.(尽管气候变化较大,但全国大部分地区阳光充足,雨量充沛。)
4、The weather here is quite changeable.(这儿的天气变化无常。)
5、Only some settings are changeable at run time.(在运行时,只有某些设置是可更改的。)
6、Specifications are changeable and are understood as the current state of our understanding.(规格说明是可以更改的,而且可以理解为我们现阶段对项目的认识状态。)
7、"We usually think of the shapes of your bones as things that shouldn't be changeable with time," Piazza said.(Piazza说:“我们常常人认为我们骨骼的形状是不会随着时间的推移而改变的。”)
8、The weather is very changeable at this time of year.(年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。)
9、Set the name members, make sure only changeable and containment are selected, and set the upper bound to -1.(在其中将名字设置为members,确保仅仅选择了changeable和containment,然后将上限设为-1。)
10、For features, select only changeable and set the bounds from 0 to 1.(对于属性的特性,只选择changeable,并将范围设为从0到1。)
11、In recent years, there have been more wildfires because of dry, hot weather, and changeable weather patterns because of global warming.(近年来,由于干旱、炎热的天气,以及全球变暖导致的多变天气模式,导致了更多的森林火灾。)
12、detection is, nevertheless, important, because the climate seems particularly changeable at the moment.(然而,进行探测观察依旧很重要,特别是现在,气候如此变化无常。)
13、Is this ticket refundable or changeable?(这张机票可以退换吗?)
14、Q: Are you planning to make that a changeable option?(你会让这成为一个可自定义的选项吗?)
15、B: Oh, we need an umbrella.The weather is so changeable in that area.(对了,我们还要带把雨伞,那地方的天气变化无常。)
16、Gemini is fickle, flighty, superficial, lighthearted, changeable.(双子是易变、轻狂、肤浅、无忧无虑、无常的。)
17、The forecast is for changeable weather.(未来一段时间天气多变。)
18、Do bear in mind, though, that at this time of year the weather is very changeable and if the cloud suddenly descends, it's all too easy to wander off the track.(但是要记住,每年的这个时候天气变化无常,如果乌云突然降落,就很容易偏离轨道。)
19、Scientists suggest that larger brains make birds more adaptable to the changeable conditions of city living.(科学家认为大脑袋有助于鸟类适应城市生活易变的环境。)
20、The weather in England is changeable.(英国的天气是多变的。)
21、These changeable characters contain a potential for emotional shifts beyond the page.(这些性格易变的人物蕴含了一种可能,即其中的情感出入于现实与书本之间。)
22、Human beings are prone to catching colds under the changeable weather in early spring, so are chimps.(初春天气忽冷忽热,人容易感冒,黑猩猩也一样。)
23、These feelings are changeable, they said.(他们说,这些感觉是可以改变的。)
24、Then define a new attribute of Topic called category with type TopicCategory as changeable with bounds 0-1.(然后,为Topic定义一个新属性,叫做category,类型为Topiccategory,changeable,范围0-1。)
25、In England, the changeable weather is a topic which is much talked about.(在英国的变化无常的天气是一个谈论得很多的话题。)
26、The categories are now grayed out and not changeable by the user.(类别现在变成了灰色并且不能由用户修改。)
27、Though the weather in Britain is so changeable and unpredictable, the climate is in fact a favorable one.(虽然英国的天气总是如此变化无常,无法预测,但实际上英国的天气相当宜人。)
28、The Gnumeric spreadsheet accommodates changeable information and stores the data in XML.(Gnumeric电子表格适应多变的信息并以XML格式存储数据。)
29、Once it has been allocated, its size will not be changeable.(一旦它被分配,它的大小不能被改变。)
30、A global variable is a representation of a changeable value which can be accessed and modified using SQL statements.(全局变量表示一个可以使用sql语句访问和修改的可变值。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。