




hyperlink :超链,此为连接另一些网页的入囗, 含有此连接点的文字通常以蓝字底线显示。
hypertext :超文本,此文件规格含有超文本处理语言, 可以通过链接至其它地方, 用於网页上。
IAC in any case
IAE = in any event 无论如何
IAE in any event
IANAL I am not a lawyer (also IANAxxx, such as IANACPA)
IANALBIPOOTV I am not a lawyer, but I play one on TV
IARTPFWTSIOWIM I am repeating this parrot-fashion with out the slightest idea of what it means.
IBC inadequate, but cute
IBTD I beg to differ.
IC = I see 我明白
ICCL - " I Could Care Less"
ICMP(Internet Control Messages Protocol) : Internet 信报控制协议,如果服务器关闭了该协议服务,那么你将无法" ping" 通它。
IDE(Integrated Drive Electronices interface) :集成驱动器电子接口标准,是硬盘广泛使用的一种接口标准。
IDGAD I don't give a damn.
IDGAS I don't give a shit.
IDK I don't know IDK - " I don't know"
IHTFP - " I have truly found paradise" (or: I hate this f'n place)
IIRC - " If I Recall Correctly"
IIRC If I recall correctly
IITYWIMWYBMAD If I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink?
IITYWTMWYKM If I tell you what this means will you kiss me?
IIWM if it were me (mine)
ILIWTPCT I love it when the plan comes together
ILSHIBAMF I laughed so hard I broke all my furniture!
IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol) 协议: Internet 消息访问协议,这是一种比 POP3 协议更具先进特性的协议。
IMBO in my biased opinion
IMCAO in my completely arrogant opinion (Use for attracting flames!)
IMCO in my considered opinion
IME in my experience
IMHO = in my humble opinion 依本人愚见
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
IMO = in my opinion 在我看来
INPO in no particular order
IO - " Input Output" As in file IO.
IOW = in other words 换句话说
IP Address :网络协定位址,又称网络地址、 IP 地址, 此地址在全球网络上独一无二, 不可重复。
IP(Internet Protocol) :网络协议。
IRC - " Internet Relay Chat"
IRL in real life
ISA(Instrial Standard Architecture) :工业标准结构,是即将淘汰的一种总线结构。
ISO(International Organization for Standardization) :国际标准化组织。
ISP - " Internet Service Provider"
ISP(Internet Setvice Provider) : Internet 服务提供商。
ISTM it seems to me
ISTR I seem to recall
IT(Information Technology) :信息技术。
ITA I totally agree
IYKWIM - " If You Know What I Mean"
IYKWIMAITYD - " If You Know What I Mean And I Think You Do"
IYSWIM If You see what I mean.
JAM Just a minute.
Java :爪哇语言, Java 是 SUN 公司的编程语言, 用于编制面向网络的小应用程序 (Applet) , 墒雇 秤卸 男Ч 霸怂愕哪芰Α?
JavaScript :这是一种在网页中使用的描述语言,可以使网页变得生动活泼。微软版的 JavaScript 被称之为 JScript ,可以在 ASP 中使用。
JM2C - " Just My 2 Cents"
KISS keep it simple, stupid
L & R = later 稍后
LAN - " Local Area Network"
LAN(Local Area Network) :局域网。
LIFO last in first out
LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause!
LMFAO Laughing my *ing ass off.
LOL = laughing out loud 大声笑
LSHMSH laughing so hard my side hurts
LTIP laughing till I puke
1.ATM:Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing的缩写,意为"异步传输模式"。
3.BTOB:Business To Business的缩写,意为"企业对企业"。
4.BTOC:Business To Consumer的缩写,意为"企业对用户"。
5.DDN:Digital Data Net的缩写,意为"数字数据"。
6.GDP:Gross Domestic Proct的缩写,意为"国内生产总值",是一个国家或地区在一定时期内生产的最终产品和提供的劳务总量的货币价值。
7.GPS:Global Position System的缩写,意为"全球定位系统",它由空中卫星、地面跟踪监测站、地面卫星数据注入站、地面数据处理中心和数据通讯网络等部分组成。用户只需购买GPS接收机,就可享受免费的导航、授时和定位服务。
8.GSM:Global System for Mobilecommunications的缩写,意为"全球移动通信系统"。
9.IP:Internet Protocol的缩写,意为"网际协议"。
10.IT:Information Technology的缩写,意为"信息技术"。
11.ITA:Information Technology Agreement的缩写,意为"信息技术协议"。
12.ISO:International Organization for Standardization的缩写,意为"国际标准化组织"。
13.ISP:Internet Service Provider的缩写,意为"互联网服务提供"。
14.LAN:Local Area Network的缩写,意为"局域网"。


