




一 大盘鸡的原料(主料和辅料)材料: 鲜光鸡(1只,500克)、土豆(4只)、青辣椒(2个)、红辣椒(2个)、大葱(1根)、姜(5片)、蒜(5瓣)、花椒(1汤匙)、干辣椒(15只)、指天椒(10只) 油(6汤匙)、盐(1汤匙)、白糖(2汤匙)、酱油(2汤匙)
:1 Xinjiang Da Panji of raw materials (main materials and accessories) Material: Fresh chicken (1, 500 grams), potatoes (4), green peppers (2), red pepper (2), onion (1) , ginger (5 films), garlic (5), pepper (1 tablespoon), dried pepper (15), Zhi Tianjiao (10) Oil (6 tablespoons), salt (1 tablespoon), sugar (2 tablespoons) , soy sauce (2 tablespoons)
二 大盘鸡的制作步骤 具体的制作方法: 光鸡洗净拭干水,斩成块状,加入2汤匙油和1/2汤匙盐拌匀,腌制15分钟土豆去皮切成滚刀块;洗净青红辣椒和指天椒,去掉蒂部,全都斜切成块。大葱去头尾,切成段后再切半;蒜头剥去衣,姜切成片待用。烧热锅内4汤匙油,放入2汤匙白糖炒至糖浆起泡,倒入鸡肉不停翻炒,为其上色。倒入15只干辣椒、指天椒、青红辣椒与鸡肉一同翻炒2分钟,注入5碗清水加盖大火煮15分钟。将土豆块、1汤匙花椒、大葱、蒜头和姜片倒下锅炒匀,加盖大火煮沸改小火焖煮30分钟。洒入1/3汤匙盐和2汤匙酱油调味,便可装盘!:Two steps in the proction of Xinjiang Da Panji
The specific proction methods:

Wash chicken drying of water, Zhancheng block, add 2 tablespoons oil and 1 / 2 tablespoon salt, mix well, preserved for 15 minutes

Peel and cut potatoes go into the hob block; Zhi Tianjiao washed green and red chili peppers, remove the pedicle, all oblique cut into pieces.

Green onions to the head and tail, cut into paragraphs and then cut a half; garlic stripped of clothing, ginger cut into pieces stand-by.

Heat pan 4 tablespoons oil, add 2 tablespoons of sugar syrup, stir-fry until foaming, pour chicken stir fry kept its color.

Pour 15 dried hot pepper, Zhi Tianjiao, green with red peppers and chicken, stir fry 2 minutes into the five large bowl of water seal Simmer for 15 minutes. The potato pieces, 1 tablespoon pepper, green onions, garlic, and ginger pot stir well collapsed, stamped with the fire to boil stew cook for 30 minutes Gaixiao fire.

Sprinkle into 1 / 3 tablespoon salt and 2 tablespoons soy sauce can be a plate!


Xinjiang once checks chicken's raw material (betoken material and subsidiary material) material greatly: Fresh glossy (1 chicken, 500 overcomes) , (4 white potatoes , green (2 Tabasco , (2 pimientoes , (1 green Chinese onion , ginger (5 pieces) , garlic (5 pieces) , Chinese prickly ash (1 soup spoon) , dry (15 Tabasco , (10 finger day hot spice plant paint (6 soup spoons) , salt (1 soup spoon) , white sugar (2 soup spoons) , soy sauce (2 soup spoons) concrete fabrication of fabrication of two big Xinjiang set chicken step method: Form of block glorifying the chicken washing wiping away dry water , cutting Cheng, add 2 soup spoon oil and 1/2 soup spoon salt mix 15 minutes evenly , pickle The white potato gets rid of the able Piqie hob piece; Wash the green pimiento and finger day hot spice plant clean , do away with a pedicel part, cut ready-made a piece all askew. Green Chinese onion gets rid of the head and tail , cuts half again after being sure to ready-made Duan; The head of garlic stripping dresses , the ginger is sure to become the movie stand-by. 4 soup spoons are oily within hot boiler of fever , introction 2 soup spoons white sugar stir-fries till syrup beads, pour into chicken not staying turn over stir-fry, be the person best-quality. The pour into dry 15 Tabasco , point to day hot spice plant , green pimiento is turned over together with chicken stir-frying 2 minutes, influxion 5 bowls Shimizu surcharge a conflagration cooking 15 minutes. The white potato piece , 1 soup spoon Chinese prickly ash , green Chinese onion , the head of garlic and ginger is sliced falling down boiler stir-fry even , surcharge conflagration coction switching over to get angry for a short time braising to cook 30 minutes. Spill entering 1/3 soup spoon salt and 2 soup spoon soy sauce flavoring, convenience but dress checks!
