REACH 法规管控的范围相当广泛,它覆盖了几乎所有行业中化学物质的生产和使用,不仅包括工业中的化学物质,也包括我们日常生活中使用化学物质生产得到的产品,如清洁剂,油漆、服装、家具、电子电气产品等。因此对全球各个行业包括电子电气行业将产生巨大影响。
REACH 管控的物质范围包括除少数物质外的其它所有化学物质。不在REACH 管控范围内的化学物质包括:放射性物质,不可分离中间体,废物,受海关监督的物质,运输过程中的危险物质,以及某些应国防需要豁免的物质。
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has today published proposals to identify eleven chemicals as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) and possible candidates for authorization. The detailed proposals are available on the ECHA website using the link at the end of this press release. Interested parties are invited to comment on the eleven proposals by 14 October 2010.
欧洲化学品管理局 2010 年 8 月 30 日公布了确定新 11 种高度关注物质及可能列入候选物质清单的建议。详细的建议内容可通过本文引用的链接访问欧洲化学品管理局官方网页。有兴趣的相关人员或机构可于 2010.10.14 前提交相关的建议议案。Three EU Member States - Austria, Germany and the Netherlands - have put forward proposals to identify eleven chemical substances as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). Anyone can comment on these proposals within the next 45 days. Comments should focus primarily on the hazardous properties that qualify the chemicals as SVHCs. In addition, interested parties can provide comments and further information on the uses, exposures and availability of safer alternative substances or techniques. They should be aware that these aspects will mainly be considered at the next stage of the process (i.e. selection of substances for authorization), which includes a new round of public consultation. The Member State Committee will review these comments when seeking agreement on the identification of the substances as SVHC before ECHA includes them in the Candidate List, from which substances are selected for authorization. Substances on the Authorization List (Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation) can, after a transition period, only be used if a specific authorization is granted. 欧盟成员国-奥地利,德国,荷兰已经提出建议确定新的 11 类化学物质为高度关注物质。任何人都可以在随后的 45 日内对这些建议发表评论。评论应着眼于这些物质被确定为高度关注的有害特性。此外,有兴趣的团体或人士可就用途、暴露风险以及更安全的替代物质或技术提出进一步的信息。他们应该知道这些方面将在下一过程(如选择合适的物质进行授权使用等)得到主要关注,包括新一轮的公众咨询。该成员国委员会在欧洲化学品管理局将这些物质列入候选物质清单(在候选物质清单中将会挑选某些物质列入授权物质清单中)之前征求将这些物质列入授权物质时将会审查这些评论意见。授权的高度关注物质在正式列入 REACH 法案附件 XIV 之后,在过渡期之后,仅可用于被授权的特定领域中。
There are already 38 substances on the Candidate List. Inclusion in that list means new information requirements for suppliers of procts (mixtures and articles) containing the substances. The substances have been proposed because of their potentially serious effects on human health or the environment. Eight are carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or toxic for reproction (CMR substances). The other three are proposed as being of equivalent concern than PBT substances (persistent, liable to bio-accumulate and toxic). The names of the substances, the reasons for their proposal as SVHC and their potential uses are provided below.
在候选清单中已经存在 38 种/类物质。一旦被列入该清单,意味着销售包含该类物质的产品(混合物或物品)需要提供新的信息要求。这些物质之所以被建议列入清单是因为他们潜在的严重对人类健康或环境的影响。其中八类为致癌、致畸、生殖毒性类 物质(CMR 物质),其他三类为相当于持久性、生物蓄积性、生殖毒性化学物质。这些物质的名称、被建议列入 SVHC 的类别