
发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 21:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:42

是指对象的句柄,如在调用windows 的 API 函数 MessageBox时就需要传递一个参数,用于指明是哪个窗口调用了这个函数,一般这时会用 Handle(即当前窗口的句柄)来调用.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:42

Usually, the main information of a handle is an integer index into an internal table. But this is not always true. GDI handles have extra information like object type and a re-use count. Some handles are actually pointers.

There are three major groups of handles:

1) kernel handles, exposed by KERNEL32.DLL. Files, thread, process, ..
2) user handles, exposed by USER32.DLL. Icons, menus, windows, cursors, ...
3) GDI handles, exposed by GDI32.DLL. DC, font, region, DDB, DIB section, pen, brush.

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