




摘要:对绿草履虫进行检测。绿草履虫细胞在莴苣介质在23 °C与LD条件下进行培养,莴苣介质补充添加了各种污泥悬浮液的浓聚物。其结果示出了绿草履虫甚至在1.5%浓度工业污泥悬浮液时还能正常繁殖。然而,二号1.5x10G %工业污泥悬浮液却示出对绿草履虫剧烈的毒性。另一方面,二号1.5x10G %工业污泥悬浮液的pH值在繁殖之前从7.3提高至8,工业污泥悬浮液没有发现致命效应。为了弄清楚污泥悬浮液的毒性成分,将绿草履虫置于两种悬浮液进行试验,一是工业污泥悬浮液,二是超漂浮溶液。结果表明绿草履虫对前者特别敏感,但这只是不到七天时间里的繁殖过程。这些结果已经示出二号1.5x10G %工业污泥悬浮液是由微颗粒(可溶部分)悬浮出现。目前,还需要最更多的研究来解释对绿草履虫微颗粒中剧毒。


The effect of instrial sludge toxicity on the cell growth of a green paramecium
Paramecium bursaria was examined. P. bursaria cells were cultured in a lettuce medium supplemented with various concentrations of sludge suspension at 23 °C under LD (light and dark cycle) condition. Results suggested that P. bursaria proliferates normally even at 1.5% sludge suspension. However, 1.5x10G % sludge suspension showed acute toxicity to P. bursaria. On the other hand, with 1.5x10G % sludge suspension pH was raised up from 7.3 to 8.8 before the incubation, no lethal effect was found in the sludge suspension. To investigate the lethal ingredient in the sludge, P. bursaria was treated in both sludge suspension and sludge supernatant solution. The result indicated that P. bursaria was very sensitive to the former, but not the later even after 7days of incubation. These results suggested that the lethal toxicity of 1.5x10G % sludge suspension is derived from suspended fine particles (insoluble parts). More research studies are required to elucidate the lethal toxicity in those fine particles to P. bursaria
对草履虫进行了检查。 把P.草履虫细胞培养在生菜中, 在23°C辅以不同浓度的污泥悬浮的测试条件(光与黑交替周期)。结果表明,P.草履虫遍布通常在1.5%的污泥悬浮。然而,在1.5x10G%污泥悬浮时则显示对P.草履虫的急性毒性。另一方面,潜伏期前在1.5x10G%污泥悬浮液的pH值从7.3上升到8.8,但在污泥悬浮液裹没有发现致命的影响。为探讨污泥中的致命成分,P.草履虫分别由污泥悬浮液处理和污泥上清液处理。结果表明,P.草履虫对前者是非常敏感,但对后者(甚至孵化后7天)不敏感。这些结果表明1.5x10G%的污泥悬浮的致命毒性,是从悬浮细颗粒物(不溶部分)派生。要澄清在这些细颗粒对P.草履虫的致命毒性需要更多的研究.


The effect of instrial sludge toxicity on the cell growth of a green paramecium, Parameciumbursaria was examined. P. bursaria cells were cultured in a lettuce medium supplemented with variousconcentrations of sludge suspension at 23 °C under LD (ligh and dark cycle) condition. Results suggested thatP. bursaria proliferates normally even at 1.5% sludge suspension. However, 1.5x10G % sludge suspension2showed acute toxicity to P. bursaria. On the other hand, with 1.5x10G % sludge suspension pHwas raised up2from 7.3 to 8.8 before the incubation, no lethal effect was found in the sludge suspension. To investigate thelethal ingredient in the sludge, P. bursaria was treated in both sludge suspension and sludge supernatantsolution. The result indicated that P. bursaria was very sensitive to the former, but not the later even after 7days of incubation. These results suggested that the lethal toxicity of 1.5x10G % sludge suspension is derived2from suspended fine particles (insoluble parts). More research studies are required to elucidate the lethaltoxicity in those fine particles to P. bursaria


审查对细胞生长的绿草履虫 Parameciumbursaria 工业污泥毒性的影响了体育
绿细胞辅以污泥悬浮液在 LD (轻和暗循环) 条件下 23 ° C variousconcentrations 生菜介质中。
结果建议的 thatP。
绿遍布通常甚至在 1.5%污泥悬浮液。
然而,1.5x10g%的污泥 suspension2showed 对体育的急性毒性绿。
另一方面,与 1.5x10g%污泥悬浮 pHwas 提出 up2from 7.3 和 8.8 孵化前,在污泥悬浮液中发现没有致命的影响。
调查 thelethal 成分的污泥、 体育绿是前者,非常敏感,但不是晚甚至后 7 天的潜伏期。
这些结果表明 1.5x10g%污泥悬浮液的致命毒性也 derived2from 悬浮微粒 (不溶性的部件)。
澄清这些细颗粒对体育在 lethaltoxicity 需要更多研究研究


工业污泥的毒性影响到了绿色草履虫细胞的生长,绿水螅曾经被这样检验,草履虫细胞被人工培养在一个被不同浓度的污泥磁悬液对比实验的生菜媒介物中,室温23 °C,在明暗周期的循环的环境下进行.结果表明草履虫细胞即使在只有1.5%浓度的污泥磁悬液中都能正常增殖.然而,1.5x10G %浓度的污泥磁悬液却对草履虫细胞有着剧烈的毒性,另一方面,在1.5x10G %浓度下的污泥磁悬液的PH值在培育前从7.3增至8.8,涨了几乎2.可是却没在污泥磁悬液中发现致命的影响.为了好好调查污泥中的致命组成部分,草履虫同时被放入污泥磁悬液和污泥悬浮溶液中对比观察.结果显示草履虫对污泥磁悬液非常的敏感,而对污泥悬浮溶液,即使将其在培育期的7天后做实验也无济于事.这样的结果表明1.5x10G %浓度的污泥磁悬液的致命毒性是由悬浮颗粒间(不溶于水的部分)所衍生而来的.为了阐明这些悬浮颗粒间对草履虫的致命毒性,还必须有更多的实验研究..
