




  Independence Day

  July 2, officials could surprisingly see there are more than 10 UFOs on radar that were 375kms away from the earth.After a little time all the satellites began not to work properly.When the circle-shaped battleship were getting in sight,some people started moving to other safer areas,but the others didn’t,in oppsite,they were all trying to welcome the brutal aliens! 6 hours after the first appearing of the battleships.The aliens were all getting ready to attack!Then,New York,Washington DC and many other important cities had suddenly been destroyed by their advanced weapon—the powerful beam.Tens of thousands of people died.
  July 3, counterattack of our brave human beings began!Hundred of airplanes took off,their targets,of course,were the big battleships!But unfortunately,the ship had a shield,our bumbs didn’t work a little!Therefore,most of our hero polits died.Luckily,there was still a big man alive,the captain Hill.He did not only survived but also took the captive of an alien!So we had our first look on it,the alien had a big head which meant high IQ,and also many long ugly tentacles.When we were doing research on that strange creature,it suddenly woke up!The psychic alien was able to control human beings by brain waves.The doctor died also nearly our president.But then we knew they wanted our planet,wanted all of us die!There was no peace between those aliens and us.
  July 4,god helped us,our intelligent repairman David invented a virus by studying their communicate system.Then David and Hill got into a small battleship which was crashed on the earth 50 years ago and Hill drove it to the outer space to get into the huge mothership for David to upload the virus.Successfully David made it!So all the ships lost their shields,we could fight against them in a fair way!After a time,they had continually been destroyed including the magnificent mothership!We got the victory over those brutal aliens!We won the right to live! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!
  --you’ll see there is nothing to be scared of!

  或者: 未来某年的7月2日,美国各地的监视站发现一艘直达数百英里的巨大飞船接近了地球。飞船发出的无线电信号干扰了地球的通信卫星信号。飞船放出了36艘直径达15英里的子飞船飞抵地球上各大城市的上空。世界上的人们感到了迷惑和恐惧,但也有人想要欢迎外星友好使者的来临。 电脑工程师戴维发现,外星人发出的信号其实是攻击的倒计时信号。戴维设法把这个信息通知了他的妻子康妮:她是总统的助理,为了工作她与戴维的关系已经破裂。 *试图与外星人联络,但毫无反应,总统为此忧心忡忡。在得知戴维带来的讯息后,他急忙下令撤离,但为时已晚。
  7月3日,外星人的飞船开始攻击地球。在一瞬间,人类就遭到了巨大的打击和灾难。 总统在千钧一发之际和戴维等人离开了首都。美国空军向外星人飞船发动了进攻,却有如以卵击石,毫无作用,唯有飞行员史蒂文设法诱使一架外星人战斗飞艇坠毁。在攻击中幸存的人们开始设法逃生。总统和戴维博士一行来到了代号为51区的罗斯韦尔基地。在那里,科学家们一直在研究一艘于50多年前坠毁的外星人飞艇。但由于国防*个人的*野心,总统却对此一无所知,从而未能极早预防惨剧发生。 史蒂文抓住了一名外星人俘虏,并将它带到了罗斯韦尔基地。通过脑波交流,总统明白了外星人的企图,并下定决心进行了一次核打击,但却由于外星人飞船有保护力场而仍未成功。人类的最后希望似乎也已经破灭。史蒂文将一些幸存者带回了基地。里面有史蒂文的女友和她的儿子,也有重伤的第一夫人。第一夫人伤重去世,总统无限悲痛。此时,戴维却想出了利用电脑病毒使外星人的保护力场失效的方法。在修复了那架50多年前的飞艇之后,史蒂文要驾驶飞艇和戴维一起混进外星人的母舰。与此同时,美国也向世界各国的残存军队发出了总*的信号。
  7月4日,史蒂文和戴维成功地闯入了外星人的母舰并输入病毒,解除了外星人的保护力场。总统亲自驾驶飞机与外星人作战。史蒂文和戴维将一颗核弹射入了外星人母舰的中心,并在千钧一发之际逃出了外星人的母舰。 外星人被打败了,戴维和史蒂文安然归来。人类终于大难不亡,在最后的关头消灭了外星侵略者。在一片废墟上,人类将开始重建家园。
  本片除了运用计算机特效制造惊人的视觉奇观,缔造出影史上最大范围的轰炸记录,以向票房记录挑战外,在演员上也都是一时之选。因《绝地战警》一片创下极高票房,而备受注目的威尔史密斯,在本片挑大梁饰演为全体人类而战的史蒂芬希尔上尉。为了更称职的演出,威尔史密斯还特地向一位中尉学习如何操纵F-18战斗机。高大俊挺的他,原是饶舌合唱团的高手,曾于1988年获葛莱美音乐奖。外型出色的他后来跨足演戏,包括NBA的电视影集、与虎碧戈柏合作的精子也疯狂。现在又接演一定卖座的《ID4星际终结者 》,威尔史密斯肯定是明日之星了!另一位主角,也是行情看俏的小生:比尔普曼,研读戏剧与表演艺术的他在《 二见钟情》和《 鬼马小精灵》卖座后,逐渐迈向一线演员。形象温文端正的比尔普曼饰演这位面临空前挑战的美国总统,应该有很大的发挥空间。在《 变蝇人》《 侏罗纪公园》都是饰演科学家的杰夫高布伦,在本片中也是科学家,与威尔史密斯并肩作战对抗外星人入侵者!


Independence Day (Independence Day) is one of the main statutory holiday, the date of July 4th each year to commemorate the July 4, 1776 Continental Congress formally adopted in Philadelphia, "the Declaration of Independence."



